Mr. Gulsah CELIK GUL joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 14th October 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 14th October 2015, Mr. Gulsah CELIK GUL has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Chemical Sciences. Mr. Gulsah CELIK GUL working as Project Expert, Project Coordination Office, Balikesir University, Turkey. The appointment of Mr. Gulsah CELIK GUL as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Mr.Mohammedreza Babaei joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 2nd February 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 2nd February 2015, Mr.Mohammedreza Babaei has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Human Resource Management. Mr.Mohammedreza Babaei currently working as Assistant Professor, Islamic azad University of Shahre, Rey Branch, Iran. The appointment of Mr.Mohammedreza Babaei as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal.
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Production and characterization of bioethanol from cassava peel: alternative energy source
This study is focus on the conversion and optimization of cassava peel to bioethanol. Classical optimization technique was employed in studying the process variables effect of temperature, acid concentration, cassava peel concentration and time of hydrolysis of cassava peel to glucose. Optimum glucose yield of 78mg/ml was obtained at the temperature of 100oC, acid concentration of 0.40mole, cassava peel concentration of 2g/L and hydrolysis time of 45 minutes. After which the glucose obtained from hydrolysis of cassava peel was fermented to produce bioethanol using a classical optimization technique for the effects of pH, temperature, yeast concentration, glucose concentration and fermentation time on bioethanol yield. Results obtained revealed that the optimum yield of 45.50% of bioethanol was obtained at the pH of 5, fermentation temperature of 35oC, yeast concentration of 10%, glucose concentration of 100g/L and fermentation time of 6 days. The bioethanol produced from cassava peel was characterized to determine the kinematic viscosity, specific gravity, flash point, refractive index, distillation property, sulphur content, octane number and water content. Results obtained on the properties of the bioethanol produced revealed that that the bioethanol produced shows corresponding fuel properties recommended by ASTM, thus providing a good alternative fuel of clean and renewable resource and establishing the potential for bioethanol commercialisation.
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The Investigation of the Relation between Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Commitment
The present study aims to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment of high school teachers in Bushehr province this cross-sectional study using a questionnaire survey among secondary school teachers in the school year 2010-2011 was a Bushehr province. The study population of 1,753 secondary teachers out of Bushehr province which 156 (90 female and 66 male) of them classified as intermittent sampling with volume and Cochran were selected based on a formula. Emotional Intelligence questionnaire meets the standards of Meyer and Allen and Meyer Salve and organizational commitment. Emotional intelligence questionnaire reliability 0/81 organizational commitment questionnaire reliability 0/89, respectively and they both scale alpha of 0/7, so they both had a sufficient reliability of the questionnaire. To analyze the data, as SPSS and also test and analysis of variance and t-test for comparison of different uses and results indicated this was the only variable affecting the significance of differences between groups sex sample was different, this means that women have higher emotional intelligence and organizational commitment than men, and this difference was significant. The other significant differences in demographic variables between the groups.
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The Line between Traditional Dances and Bongo Fleva: a Case Study of Youth Participation in Dance Groups in Tanzania
This paper development of traditional dances in Tanzania by using the lens of youth involved in performance activities. The paper uses firsthand information from four dance groups; Livangala, Lumumba, UMATI and Bongo fleva artists to argue against less participation of youth in dance. The paper revealed that culture; economic and administrative factors undermine the motivation of youth to participate in traditional dances and, thus, increased their enthusiasm in Bongo fleva. The paper offers a critical analysis of challenges that youth faced in traditional dances and how such challenges forced them to turn their interests to Bongo fleva. Following the shift of interests from traditional dances to Bongo fleva, the paper suggests for social, economic and political transformation to increase the participation of youth in dance.
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The remediation of lead from lead-contaminated soil using Brassica juncea: Implications for phytoremediation
Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil has been a major problem in all over the world and recently use of plants to clean such soils has been on the investigation. In this work, the ability of Brassica juncea to accumulate lead metal as well as its potential application for phytoremediation was assessed. Brassica juncea is an easily cultivated and high-biomass crop which could accumulate high concentrations of lead (Pb) from polluted soil. Lead is an environmental and food chain contaminant because of its potentially deleterious effect on living organisms. This research study was conducted in pot experiment with different concentration of lead treated soils. After 60 days of growing period, plants were harvested and divided into root, stem and leaves. The Pb accumulates in all parts of plants (roots, stems and leaves). It was found that accumulating efficiency increased with the increase in the concentration of applied lead metal solution. The maximum concentration of lead metal was accumulated in the roots than those in the stems and leaves. The research indicates that Brassica juncea is a promising species for the metal tolerance and hyperaccumulation.
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Thermodynamic of Adsorption: Studying the effect of temperature on adsorption of the metal ions from aqueous Solutions using Non-conventional adsorbents
Early studies on the adsorption and ion exchange potential of coconut coir dust (Cocos nucifera L.) has great proficiency for removal of trace metal ions from waste water and industrial effluents. Several factors influence the process of waste water detoxification by agricultural biomass. In this paper the effect of temperature on the extent of adsorption of this metals by unconventional adsorbent is being monitored for Cu(II), Pb(II), Zn(II) and Ni(II) in aqueous solutions. The results show increase percentage adsorption with increase in temperature for all the metal ions indicating an endothermic reaction. It was also observed that the average enthalpy adsorption 0 and K0 increased with increase in temperature for all the adsorption of metal ions on the adsorbents indicating an endothermic process. The values of 0 were greater than +20kj/g/mols for most of the adsorption which supports chemisorption reaction. It was observed that the effect of temperature was more pronounced on the adsorption of the metal ions on the modified coir extract viz; CTR and STR, than the unmodified coir dust. This shows that the CTR, and STR adsorbents were more efficient at higher temperatures than the coir dust.
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Urbanization volume and trend: An analysis in the context of India
Urbanization is an index of transformation from traditional rural economies to modern industrial one. It is a long term process. This paper endeavors to illuminate on the process of urbanization in India over a century with emphasis on level, tempo of urbanization and urban morphology using Indian Census data during 1901-2001. It will try to trace urban problems and related policy issues. At the moment, India is among the countries of low level of urbanization. Number of urban agglomeration /town has grown from 1827 in 1901 to 5161 in 2001. Number of population residing in urban areas has increased from 2.58 crores in 1901 to 28.53 crores in 2001. Only28% of population was living in urban areas as per 2001 census. Over the years there has been continuous concentration of population in class I towns. On the contrary the concentration of population in medium and small towns either fluctuated or declined. The graduation of number of urban centers from lower population size categories to class I cities has resulted top heavy structure of urban population in India. India’s urbanization is often termed as over- urbanizationpseudo- urbanization. The big cities attained inordinately large population size leading to virtual collapse in the urban services and followed by basic problems in the field of housing, slum, water, infrastructure, quality of life etc. Urbanization is a product of demographic explosion and poverty induced rural-urban migration. Urbanisation is occurring not due to urban pull but due to rural push. Globalization, liberalization, privatization are addressing negative process for urbanization in India. Policy relates to proper urban planning where city planning will consist of operational, developmental and restorative planning. Redirection of investment is recommended to develop strong economic base for small and medium city neglected so far so that migration flows are redirected to small and medium cities.
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Virtual Modeling of Miner Track System
Deep-sea mining system technology is complex, expensive and difficult to develop due to high cost and risks of physical models constructions. The development of deep-sea mining simulation test system is the early concept of design innovation and it is an effective tool to accelerate the maturity of the technology to ensure stable and reliable performance. RecurDyn is fully integrated linear and non-linear FEA capability software which allows the creation of detailed realistic models for design studies and product's performance improvement. In this paper a miner track system was modeled based on an optimized design in order to check for its feasibility.
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A conceptual study on issues and challenges of green marketing in Indian scenario
Environment is the sum of all social, economical, biological, physical (or) chemical factors which constitute the surroundings of Organisms. Due to global warming, green house gas emissions, pollution, and energy crisis, world is facing a severe threat of being a very difficult place to live in. Therefore, the marketers need to include a green approach in framing the marketing programs/ strategies. With regards to this the marketers now have to go green. It means that due care must be taken while framing the marketing plans, strategies and policies so as to prevent the environment and nature from any harm caused due to its operations not only today but also in future. Few business firms have also started turning ‘green’ and embracing green marketing practices to comply with green pressures and environmental legislation. According to Kangis (1992), green marketing must be more than either a green way of marketing, or the marketing of so-called green products. Green has to refer both to the method and to the product. This is why the very idea of green marketing needs considerable development and analysis, with rules and integrity in economic, scientific, academic and ethical terms. Consumers too have become more ecologically conscious and have started demanding green products, giving rise to a movement which has been dubbed as ‘green consumerism’. The outcome of this paper may trigger the minds of readers and marketer to give a thought current market Scenario and explores the challenges and opportunities businesses have with green marketing.
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