Relationship between Participative Management and Mental Health
Different management styles are in vogue in the management world and are practiced by educational managers to enhance individual and collective efficiency of employees Participative management is a practice that managers use as an attempt to satisfy employees and increase productivity. This review looks at the research on participative management and the effects on mental health of Bushehr have been a high school teacher. research methods, descriptive correlative The populations of this study consisting of all secondary school teachers in the province The school 2010-2011year and have been working as number 950 out of the total of 250 people were selected. Through participatory management information questionnaires reliability 0/85 mental health reliability 0/89 were collected. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics were used The level of inferential statistics Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data, The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between participative management and mental health.
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Socio-economic determinants of supply and demand for convenience foods (Okpa, Moimoi and meat pie) in lafia urban of Nasarawa state
The study specifically described the socio-economic status of the people involved in the production, distribution and consumption of convenience foods in Lafia urban of Nasarawa state. It identified the factors that influence the entry into convenience food enterprise, factors necessitating the demand and supply of the products and examined the costs and returns of three convenience foods. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, inferential statistics (multiple regression analysis), the four points likert scale and the enterprise gross margin. The major findings indicated that female producers of convenience foods were more than male producers, the multiple regression result on the effects of socio-economic characteristics of consumers on the amount of money spent on consumer foods revealed that R2 value is 0.697. This implied that 67.7% of the total variation in output (Y) is explained by the combined influences of the independent variables in the model. The gross margin enterprise revealed that the sale of convenience foods in Lafia metropolis is profitable. The study concluded by advocating for provision of credit facilities amongst others to producers and distributors of convenience foods with limited income.
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The significance of temperature and geothermal gradient to hydrocarbon occurrence: case study of Bara oilfield, western Niger delta, Nigeria
The significance of temperature and geothermal gradient in relation to hydrocarbon occurrence in the BARA Field, western Niger Delta was studied using bottom hole temperature logs. The average depth to the floor of the oil generative window (7182.3m) shows that commercial hydrocarbon accumulation still lies below the final drilled depth in the field. The average geothermal gradient of 1.74 oC /100m shows that the field is thermally mature for commercial accumulation of hydrocarbon. This is evidenced in the occurrence of hydrocarbon in the wells drilled within the field. The geothermal gradient decreases radially from the centre of the field to the edges based on the position of the five wells in the field, this is confirmed by the average thermal conductivity which tends to increase radially from the centre to the edges. Areas with high shale percentage show high geothermal gradient values while areas with high sand percentage show low geothermal gradient values. Significant hydrocarbon occurrence lies below the top of the calculated depth of oil ceiling (3508.89m) and within the oil generative window of the worldwide catagenesis range (50oC to 200oC). Rapid change in geothermal gradient occurs in intervals where there are hydrocarbon accumulation showing that, changes in geothermal gradient can be used to enhance exploration activities. The occurrence of hydrocarbon within the oil generative window in terms of temperature and depth, suggests that adjacent shales of the Agbada Formation are possible source rock.
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Water quality assessment of river ngadda, northeastern Nigeria
Water is arguably one of the most priceless gift of nature that is regarded as the life line on earth, both aquatic and terrestrial organisms depends on it. The general desire to protect fresh water fisheries has led to an expansion of research into their water quality requirements, in terms of their physicochemical parameters such pH, temperature, dissolve oxygen, transparency, total alkalinity, total hardness, electrical conductivity, total dissolved matter, e.t.c. (Ibrahim et. al., 2009). The limnochemical status of River Ngadda was investigated within a twelve month period at three different sampling stations (Monday market bridge, Lagos bridge and Gwange bridge) which has varying degree of anthropogenic activities. All data gotten were compared with World Health Organization (WHO) standards. The comparison of estimated values of different parameters with W.H.O. standards indicated that the river water is polluted with reference to most parameters studied with Monday Market Bridge being most culpable, followed by Gwange and Lagos Bridges respectively, however some parameters such as temperature, pH, and TSS still within allowable permit. There is therefore an urgent need for improved water quality management within the study area with emphasis on the Monday market area more so because of the use of this water body by some inhabitants around it for household activities like cooking, washing and even drinking for both human and livestock.
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Chigot techniques for Achilles tendon rupture. Review of 20 patients
Several surgical methods have been described for the treatment of fresh ruptures of the Achilles tendon. We operated 20 patients for a ruptured Achilles tendon. This study concerns 14 men and 6 women with a mean age of 32 years, all operated by the technique Chigot. We regretted having 12 minor complications advanced favorably. One patient broke a second time his tendon two months after surgery. In 75% of patients, previous sports activity was found. Several studies confirm the low complication rate of this technique particularly recurrent rupture compared to conservative treatment. The technique allows Chigot strengthening the Achilles tendon ruptured without resorting to the fascia of the triceps with a low morbidity.
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Cycle related mean graphs
Mean labeling of graphs was discussed in [24-28].Different kinds of mean labeling were discussed in [17]. In this paper, we have proved the Cycle related mean graphs.
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Design & development of human energized oil expeller machine
The human energized flywheel motor has been adopted for many designs of rural applications in the last two decades. In the recent past a human powered process machine has been developed for brick making, chaff cutter, water pump, blender, wood turning, clothes washing and drying and earthen pot making etc [1]. The machine consist of human powered flywheel motor using a bicycle drive mechanism with speed increasing gearing and a flywheel, which drive the process unit through a spiral jaw clutch and torque increasing gearing [2]. The operator puts energy is stored, pedaling is stopped and the energy in the flywheel is made available to the process unit. Pedal power is the transfer of energy from a human source through the use of a foot pedal and crank system. This technology is most commonly used for transportation and has been used to propel bicycles. Less commonly pedal power is used to power agricultural and hand tools and even to generate electricity. The paper discuss about the application for pedal power technology. The machine is economically viable, can be used by unskilled workers, save time otherwise spent in traditional mixing and can be adopted for human powered process units which could have intermittent operation without affecting the end product.
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Development of Forehead Probe for Brain Oximeter
Measurements of brain hemoglobin oxygen saturation have undergone continuous evolution. Traditional methods for its determination which includes jugular bulb oximetry requires the invasive procurement of blood samples. Besides inherent patient discomfort, inconvenience and processing time requirements of such procedures constitute the primary drawbacks of existing technology. This in turn inhibits continuous real-time monitoring. With the new non-invasive method, such limitations can not only be amended, but also opens new possibilities for patient care. Brain oximetry based on Near Infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) provides a continuous, non-invasive and real time monitoring of brain tissue oxygen saturation. The present work briefly describes the physics behind the brain oximetry and focuses on the designing of a reusable flexible Printed Circuit Board (PCB) which acts as a forehead probe for brain oximeter.
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Dr. Barin Kumar Pramanik joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 23rd March 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 23rd March 2015, Dr. Barin Kumar Pramanik has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Economics. Dr. Barin Kumar Pramanik currently working as Asst. Professor, Department of Economics, Government College, Lebong Cart Road, Darjeeling. The appointment of Dr. Barin Kumar Pramanik as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal.
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Dr. Supriyo Patra joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 31st March 2016
We are very happy to announce that from 31st March 2016, Dr. Supriyo Patra has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Management. Dr. Supriyo Patra working as Assistant Professor in Management (Marketing), Department of Business Administration, ST. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, India. The appointment of Dr. Supriyo Patra as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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