Prof. Deepankar Kumar Ashish joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 15th September 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 15th September 2015, Prof. Deepankar Kumar Ashish has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He/She will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Civil Engineering. Prof. Deepankar Kumar Ashish working as an Associate Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Maharaja Agrasen University, Atal Shiksha Kunj, Kalujhanda, Barotiwala, Baddi, Distt. Solan, Hp- 174 103, India. The appointment of Prof. Deepankar Kumar Ashish as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal. Please send any expressions of interest to
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Prof.S.Balamurugan joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board from 16th February 2015
We are very happy to announce that from 16th February 2015, Prof.S.Balamurugan has joined the team of Elixir Editorial Advisory Board. He will carry a special responsibility for dealing with manuscripts based on Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures and Algorithms. Prof.S.Balamurugan currently working as Department of IT, Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. The appointment of Prof.S.Balamurugan as member Editorial Advisory Board strengthens the links and will make it easier for prospective authors to establish contact with the journal.
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Role of Sobane Words in Oral Heritage Literature
Songs, narrative songs as they enter the tribal group from the village, "Sobane words sung by Siriajji, talikattva, agricultural ritual, birthing cradle in the act of weighing Sobane songs songs, narrative songs as they enter the tribal group from the village," Sobane words sung by Siriajji, talikattva, agricultural ritual, cradle to receive children. Sobane songs can be seen being used in weighing ceremonies.As the songs and narrative songs have entered the tribal group from the village, "Sobane words sung by Siriajji can be seen being used in Talikattu, farming rituals, weighing cradles to get children. In the folk tradition where beliefs are important, God is first. Vachanasahitya Bhaktipanth these philosophies have given knowledge about life to common people
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Square wave anodic stripping voltammetric determination of Mebeverin hydrochloride in tablet and urine at carbon paste electrode
A simple and reliable square wave anodic stripping (SWAS) voltammetric method at carbon paste electrode (CPE) of Mebeverin hydrochloride (MEB) in pharmaceutical dosage forms (tablet) and in biological fluids (spiked and real urine samples) has been developed and evaluated. Different parameters such as medium, supporting electrolyte, pH, accumulation potential, scan rate and accumulation time, were tested to optimize the conditions for the determination of MEB. The adsorbed form is oxidized irreversibly under optimal conditions, viz., 0.1 M Phosphate buffer (pH~8), 0.1M KCl, a linear concentration ranges from 0.233 to 42.406 µg/mL of MEB, at accumulation times 60, 150 s, can be determined successfully. The standard addition method was used to determine the MEB in pure solutions, tablets and in biological fluids with satisfactory results. The data obtained are compared with the standard official method.
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The Effect of Problem Solving Method on Improving Primary Students Mathematics achievement and Creativity
Problem solving method is a student-centered learning model which develops active learning and creative thinking. Using this method has very importance to the discipline of mathematics and it is the nature of mathematical thinking. The purpose of this research is the study of effectiveness of using problem solving method on improving mathematics achievement and creativity of 5th grade primary school students. The sample of the research was consisted of 60 5th grade female primary school students in shahr-Rey, Iran. These students were selected using simple random assignment. In this study quasi-experimental design was implemented which had pre-test/post-test and control group. Experimental group (30 students) was taught problem solving method but control group (30 students) was instructed same science content as traditional teaching methods for same length of time. The Torrance's test of creative thinking (TTCT) and mathematical achievement test were administered to both groups before and after the instruction as a pre and post test. Results of the study reveal that experimental group students have higher mean scores than control group students in post achievement test and post TTCT test while there is no significant difference between experimental and control groups students’ pre achievement test and pre TTCT test scores.
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The effect of teaching problem solving skills and locus of control on the academic achievement of mathematics students
This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of teaching problem solving skills and Locus of Control on the academic achievement of mathematics students. The research method was quasi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test control group design. The study’s population comprised of students studying in the third year of Guidance school during the academic year of 89-90 in the town of Lordegan from which 30 students were selected via multi-stage cluster sampling. The subjects were then randomly divided into the experimental group who were taught problem solving skills and locus of control and the control group. To measure the reliabilities of the academic achievement tests and the open- trial test the researchers used Cranach Alpha which showed reliability coefficient .88 and .84, respectively. The data were analyzed through covariance analysis. The results showed that the teaching of problem solving skills and Locus of Control had significantly affected the academic performance of the mathematics students (p<0/001). The results of Turkey's post-hoc test revealed that there was no significant difference between the effects of teaching problem solving skills and the teaching of Locus of Control on the academic performance of the experimental group’s students (p>0/001).
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The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment among the staffs of the youth and the sport department in Charmahal & Bakhtiari
In order to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction and its relation with organizational commitment of the staffs of the youth and sport office in Charmahal & Bakhtiari, 150 staffs in this office were selected as the samples. To collect data, there were used the job satisfaction questionnaires (Brown and Pierson, 1993) and the organizational commitment questionnaires (Allen and Mayer, 1991) by a descriptive- correlation survey. To analyze data, there were used descriptive- deduction statistics of the factor analysis(Pierson correlation coefficient). Due to survey results, all components of the job satisfaction such as supervision 0.774, work 0.896, salary 0.753, upgrades 0.826and general satisfaction 0.848 affect on the organizational commitment. There is some meaningful and direct relation between job satisfaction and its aspects with the organizational commitment. These results of this study, as other surveys, showed thatthe lack of the job satisfaction in every office causes forming non commitment toward the organization. The managers should be ensured about the job satisfaction among staffs in order to prevent some internal problems in the organizations.
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A study on FDI policies and objective analysis in developing and developed countries -India
The objective of this study was to analyze the country-specific attributes that either motivate or determines foreign direct investment (FDI) in a nation. A review of the literature on foreign direct investment revealed specific location attributes that tend to motivate direct investment in a particular location. In order to measure the impact of each of these attributes on foreign direct investment I created a database including each key attribute as a variable and measuring it across countries over a period of five years (2009-2013). The database contains all countries; the primary regions include USA, INDIA as well as a group of “Other” developed and developing nations. Analysis of the countries and variables and their affect on FDI flows. Unfortunately, I found GDP to be the only significant pull factor for U.S. foreign direct investment which indicates that large market size is a major investment determinant for multinational corporations. Other research on an industry-specific basis is necessary to gain a more in-depth analysis of specific variables. Foreign direct investment (FDI) in all over the world in general and in India in particular after the opening up of our market with the adoption of the policies namely globalization, privatization and liberalization has no doubt emerged as one of the most significant source and contributor of external inflow of resources and is one of the most crucial contributors to the capital formation despite their share in the world arena still catching up. When we talk about the term FDI we are talking about a bundle of resources that usually flow into a country including besides capital, production technology, global managerial skills, innovative marketing strategies and access to new markets. A cumulative and an exhaustive study of the overall scenario of FDI in India, FDI in USA in perspective of India investments of FDI in the country, share of top investing countries, sectors attracting highest FDI flows, sector wise technology transfer and approvals. We will also look at the determinants for attracting FDI in the country and also the causes for low flow of FDI and the mechanisms that can be undertaken to make our country attractive enough for investors and vice versa (for USA). This study entirely relies on secondary data collected after a thorough and exhaustive study of various websites, text books, journals, newspapers, magazines and great inputs form various professors and professionals specializing in this area.
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Cluster Based Route Discovery Technique for Routing Protocol in Manet
Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) as the name signifies is a network formed by collection of mobile adhoc devices (nodes). MANET is an autonomous decentralized wireless network where each node is free to move anytime anywhere. Routing always being the most researched topic in the cases of networks. Routing in MANETs is mainly of two types proactive and reactive. This paper presents a route discovery technique used in the reactive routing protocol i.e. AODV. Simulation results using NS2 are also shown which proves that this route discovery technique works better than the original route discovery used earlier.
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Degradation of some illicit compounds in sewage sludge batch tests
The batch tests enabled determination of the degradation of the compounds at different temperatures and times, using various sludge types after characterization. Removal rates of cocaine (91.0%), benzoylecgonine (90.6%), heroin (97.9%), morphine (99.7%), 6 monoacetylmorphine (93.3%) and diazepam (99.7%) were measured after 3 hours equilibration; partition coefficients (Kd) for these six substances ranged from 1.2 – 68.1 Kg L-1. The degradation of compounds at 19 ± 0.5o C was relatively greater but it still occurred slowly at 4 ± 0.5o C, at between 5 and 10%. Work encompassed in this study directly measures illicit drug removal rates in laboratory studies for the first time. The application of batch studies in calculating removal rates in sewage works is an improvement over prior studies where assumptions on removal rates at STW were made.
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