Econometric Analysis of the performance of SSI sector in India during 1980-81-2014-15
In this paper, author attempts to establish relationship among output, employment, average productivity of labour and export of SSI sector in India and GDP in India during 1980-81-2014-15 through Simple regression analysis, causality test, cointegration and vector error correction models. The paper concludes that output of SSI sector has been increasing at the rate of 10.12% per year and exponentially at the rate of 0.554% per year during 1980-81-2014-15.The series is stationary, stable and divergent as indicated by ARIMA and AR models. Average productivity, employment and export of SSI sector have been rising at the rates of 1.68%, 8.43%,and 13.34% per year respectively during the same period. One per cent increase in export led to 0.48% increase in GDP per year during the specified period. Production, employment, average productivity and export of SSI showed two cointegrating vectors whose vector error correction model is stable, divergent and insignificant error correction process. India’s GDP,SSI sector’s output, employment, average productivity and export have two cointegrating vectors but its vector error correction model is stable, divergent and insignificant error correction having problem of autocorrelations. New policy recommendations of RBI and new government policy on MSME are likely to accelerate the performance of SSI and its contribution to the national economy.
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Economic Indicators of the Arab Countries Fish Inter-trade
The fish subsector is considered one of the most important sectors in many Arab countries and due to the challenges facing the sector, this research aimed at investigating the inter-trade and the economic indicators in the Arab countries. Data from the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development was computed to estimate the relative importance, coverage rate, trade exchange rate, exports share, commodity concentration coefficient, economic exposure and propensity to import and export. The comparative advantage is shown to be high only in Yemen and Mauritania based on the locations on coasts. Egypt has shown a good have high comparative advantages while Egypt has shown a higher production from aquacultures than all the rest of the countries. In general, Mauritania, Bahrain, Oman and Morocco have shown higher marginal propensity to export and other export-related indicators. Meanwhile, Bahrain, Kuwait and UAE have shown tendency to import. A great potential for economic integration between the Arab countries have been determined and it’s highly recommended that the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development develop and lead a strategy for fish value chain improvement and integration.
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Effect of a Typical Organo-Mineral Fertilization and of the Green Carpet Cropping System with Acacia Auriculoformis Cunn Ex Benth and Pennisetum Purpureum K. Schum on the Growth and Yield of Zea mays L. in the Hinterlands of Kisangani, Tshopo (DRC)
Faced with soil impoverishment due to the population explosion, a study was undertaken on maize cultivation at kilometer point 12 in the hinterlands of the city of Kisangani. The objective was to test, on degraded soil, the effect of a small amount of pig manure, integrated with the compost of hedge trimmings from the green carpet and enriched with increasing microdoses of NPK, on the growth and yield of maize grown in the Plates under Green Carpet (ATV) system. The experimental design was a split-plot, with the first factor being the production systems (ATV and CIB) and the second, the fertilisers. The results showed that organo-mineral fertilisation under ATV influenced the duration of the vegetative and reproductive phases in addition to yield. The organo-mineral fertilisers under ATV with composts resulted in a yield that was 1.2 times higher than that obtained with the control and the CIB. Also, the organo-mineral manures under ATV tended to shorten the crop cycle and promote better plant growth and development. The use of these fertilizers in maize cultivation could constitute an alternative to the drastic consequences of soil degradation.
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Effect of Biotene mouth wash on prevention of alveolar Osteitis after extraction of permanent Mandibular first molar Teeth
Objective: Biotene mouthwash is an antimicrobial agent used in prevention of periodontal disease, xerostomia and halitosis. it seems that no study has been conducted to evaluate its effect on prevention of alveolar osteitis(AO) .So the purpose of the study is to evaluate effective of biotene mouthwash on prevention of alveolar osteitis after extraction of permanent mandibular teeth and to investigate association of risk factors of AO with incidence of AO. Methods and materials: This randomized double blind clinical trial was conducted in oral and maxillofacial surgery department of Tabriz dental faculty. In case group (n=192), the patients received Biotene mouthwash and used it, three times a day for one week. Control group (n=197) received 0.09% sterile saline solution and used it similar to case group. The patients with the symptoms of AO were recalled for the diagnosis of alveolar osetitis on the third postoperative day. Results: In the experimental group 6 ( 3.1%) of AO incidence was found. While in the control group, 17 (8.6%) of AO was observed. The reduction in the incidence of AO in case group was statistically significant in comparison with control group p=0.03, p<0.05 for fisher`s exact test (Chi-square test). smoking was a variables that has significant relation to increased rate of AO. p=0.235, p<0.05. Conclusion: It was concluded that the use of Biotene mouthwash can be effective in reducing the incidence of dry socket after extraction of mandibular teeth. Smoking was significantly associated with the increased incidence of alveolar osteitis.
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Effect of different curing methods on the compressive strength of concrete
Normal concrete was prepared with a water-cement ratio of 0.50. cube specimens were cast for testing the compressive strength at 7 and 28 days of curing respectively using three curing methods namely immersion, sprinkling and Plastic sheeting, curing to cure the cube specimens until the day of testing. Test results indicates that water curing (WAC) as well as sprinkling (spraying) curing provided much better results than membrane (Plastic Sheeting) method of curing. The rate of drying was significant when the specimens were subjected to membrane (Plastic sheeting) method of curing. This thus hampered the hydration process and thus affected the compressive strength property of the hardened concrete. The overall finding of this study suggests that concrete should be cured by water curing to achieve a better compressive strength.
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Effect of Students Discipline on Safety Measures in Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya
Education is bound to be affected if safety and security concerns of students are not addressed fully. With the emergence of the need to present ideas, views and opinions, students usually engage in unruly behavior aimed at seeking attention from the management to listen to them. The objective of the study was to determine how Students discipline affect safety measures in public boarding secondary schools in Trans- Nzoia County, Kenya. The study used descriptive survey research design. The study targeted 40 principals, 754 teachers, 22,562 students and 84 security officers in 40 public boarding secondary schools in Trans-Nzoia County. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling procedure were used to select boarding secondary schools. The total sample was 403 respondents which comprised of 20 principals, 143 teachers, 220 students and 20 security officers. Questionnaires, interview schedule, document analysis, observation checklist and focus groups were used as data collection instruments. Data was analysed using descriptive statistical techniques that were frequencies and percentages. Data was presented in tables and charts. The student indiscipline was a safety threat to other students. The common indiscipline cases were theft, sneaking, drug abuse and fires. Drugs and substance abuse played a major role in influencing indiscipline in secondary schools. This study recommends that teachers under the supervision of the principals should conduct regular impromptu search of the students’ items and the school facilities in order to discover security gaps that need to be sealed in the schools. The students, teachers, security officers and any other stakeholders should be sensitized on the safety rules.
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Effects of flyash addition on the mechanical and other properties of ceramic tiles
The effect of fly ash additions on the mechanical properties of ceramic tile composition has been investigated. Fly ash addition in the range of 0-30wt% (Class-A) and 0-30wt% (Class-B) have been added into the tile body composition, wet milled, spray dried,shaped and fired at different temperatures (900, 1000,1050 and 1100 C). The MOR strength improved with increasing fly ash content and reached maximum when 30wt% (Class-A) and 20wt% (Class-B) fly ash used, and with greater additions it decreased. A linear correlation between strength development and Mullite formation was found. The tile with 30wt% fly ash (Class-A) and 20wt% (Class-B) have improved bending strength and have lowest porosities. The effects of fly ash incorporation on the mechanical properties of ceramic tiles and found that a small amount of fly ash addition improves the strength of the ceramic tiles.
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Energy Aware Load Balancing With False Temporal Pattern Identification for Wireless Sensor Networks
Load balancing using clustering can increase network scalability. This paper attempting to apply efficient techniques of load, energy and security such that network life can be increased with security and also its reliability. Continuous aggregation is required in sensor applications to obtain the temporal variation information of aggregates. It helps the users to understand how the environment changes over time and track real time measurements for trend analysis. Due to the high frequency and the long period of a continuous aggregation in every epoch, the false temporal variation pattern would incur a great communication cost. In this paper, we propose a clustering technique which will balance the load among the cluster by using some backup nodes. In the continuous aggregation, the attacker could manipulate a series of aggregation results through compromised nodes to fabricate false temporal variation patterns of the aggregates .We detect and verify a false temporal variations pattern by checking only a small part of aggregation results to reduces a verification cost. A sampling based approach is used to check the aggregation results and we also proposed a security mechanisms to protect the sampling process.
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Energy Management Strategy for Multi-Source Electric Vehicles
This project proposes a real time fuzzy assisted particle swarm optimization (PSO) based energy management strategy for the multi-source electric vehicles (EVs). In pure EVs the major on-board energy source is the battery which is generally accompanied with other sources such as fuel cell (FC), ultra capacitor (UC) to improve its life time. The energy management algorithm which is formulated as an optimization problem in this project provides optimum sharing of energy sources to meet the vehicle load requirement at every instant without any prior knowledge about the driving profile. The proposed algorithm is simple, efficient and can be easily implemented in a low cost embedded system.
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Epidemiological state of cassava brown streak diseases in North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Researches on cassava brown streak diseasis (CBSD) were conducted in North Kivu province. The study aimed to determine incidence and severity of cassava brown streak diseasis, evaluate whitefly abundance and infection origin. Incidence was evaluated using the proportion of damaged cassava plants by the disease and the severity was determined on leaves and stems using score ranging from 1 to 5. Whiteflies counting were done on the five first apical leaves. Infection origin was determined considering symptom appearence apical leaves (origin from whitefly) and on lower leaves (origin from infected cutting). Results show that cassava brown streak diseas is in really present in north Kivu province with incidence reaching 26% and a severity of score 2 from the entire surveyed district. Incidence ranged from 2% with a severity of score 2 in Nyiragongo district up to 39% with a score of 2 in both Beni and Rutshuru district. Observed symptom proportions on stems were higher in Rutshuru (39%) but lower in Nyiragongo (2%). Whitefly population was high in Nyiragongo (37 whiteflies/cassava plant) but lower in Beni (5 whiteflies/cassava plant). Infection proportion due to whiteflies was of 1% in Rutshuru and 13 % in Masisi, while those from infected cutting as planting materials were of 4 % in Rutshuru and 47 % in Lubero
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