Essentials of Classroom management at Pre-Primary Level
Class room management is a tool to set learning environment. Well managed class rooms make instruction easy and learning must occur. Study was designed to investigate the essentials of classroom management at pre- primary level by using stratified random sampling technique thirty teachers were selected as sample of the study. Results indicate classroom management is a complicated activity which needs a lot of effort it never happens by chance. Physical material need to be set in such a way that traffic in class room will not be effected. Conflicts and misbehavior should also address. Effective teaching strategies enable teacher to become learning facilitator at per-primary level.
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Estimation of Overpressure magnitudes and equivalent mud weights in Niger delta formations using dc-exponent versus depth plots.
This paper estimated the Overpressure magnitudes as well as the resulting “required mud weights” for safe drilling in three Niger Delta Wells (PNW1, WSW2, and WSE1) .PNW1 revealed maximum overpressure magnitude at the depth of 16,000ft with pressure value of 13,120psig. WSW2 showed maximum overpressure magnitude at the depth of 11,600ft with pressure value of 14,500psig while WSE1 revealed an overpressure value of 12,050psig at the depth of 10,700ft considered as depth of maximum pressure. These were all derived based on plots of dc-exponent versus depth; the required mud weight for safe drilling especially at the maximum overpressure were as well computed. PNW1 is located at about 77.2km, N31.6oW of Port Harcourt, WSW2 is located at about 65.2km, S61oW of Warri, while WSE1 is located around 30.3km, S14.6oE of Warri; these towns are all in Nigeria. This method can stand alone as an Overpressure prediction and estimation tool since the parameters it requires are obtained while drilling.
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Evaluating neural network modeling seasonal rainfall in several different climates in Khoozestan Province (Case Study: Selected Stations of (Iran) Khoozestan Province)
Accurate rainfall prediction is of great interest for water management and flood control. In reality, physical processes influencing the occurrence of rainfall are highly complex, uncertain and nonlinear. In this paper, we present tool for modeling and predicting the behavioral pattern in rainfall phenomena based on past observations. The aim of this paper is to predict the seasonal rainfall of (Iran) khozestan using artificial neural network (ANN) model. In order to evaluate the prediction efficiency, we made use of 33 years of seasonal rainfall data from year 1983 to 2015 of Khozestan Province (Iran). The model were trained with 28 years of seasonal rainfall data. The ANN approache is applied to the data to derive the weights and the regression coefficients respectively. The performance of the model was evaluated by using remaining 5 years of data. The study reveals that ANN model can be used as an appropriate forecasting tool to predict the rainfall.
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Evaluation of Cheese Quality from Three Coagulants
Soft cheese, often referred to as “Wagashi” in Ghana and parts of West Africa, was produced from cow milk using sodom apple, lime juice and rennet as coagulants. The effects of these coagulants on the yield, physicochemical properties and sensory properties were evaluated. With 3000 ml of milk, the percentage of cheese yield was 23.58%, 21.8% and 19.8% for sodom apple, lime and rennet, respectively. The volume of whey obtained using sodom apple extract was 2100 millilitres, while lime juice and rennet produced 2000 ml and 2200 ml of whey, respectively. The average pH of sodom apple cheese was 5.02, while that of lime juice and rennet was 5.10 and 5.35, respectively. Total titratable acidity values recorded were low, ranging from 0.0072% to 0.00965%, with no significant difference between all the treatments. The moisture content was high in rennet cheese (62.18%), while that of lime and sodom apple were 59.45% and 52.33%, respectively. For free fatty acids, rennet cheese was highest at 12.95%, and lime samples recorded the lowest at 4.65%. Sensory acceptance of samples revealed an acceptance for lime as a coagulant, with the least mean rank of 43.9 over rennet (63.3). The implication of lime acceptance is the readily commercial use and production of soft cheese.
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Evaluation of determinants of effective control of major accidents in the port of Mombasa
The port of Mombasa is one of the busiest ports along the East African coast because it serves the landlocked countries in the neighbourhood. With the increase in growth of trade in East and Central African countries, the volume of goods, with varying complexities of hazards and awkward weights requiring specialized handling equipment, passing through the port of Mombasa will increase. This presents high probability of occurrence of major accidents. Major accident may include explosion, fire, toxic chemical spill or even lifting equipment failure. This study focused on four key determinants of effective control to occurrence of major accidents namely: Safe systems of work, cargo handling equipment maintenance, training and risk assessment. The study was done adopting a stratified random sampling technique with a target population of 650 and a sample population of 248 determined using Slovin’s formula. The target population consisted of dockworkers majority of whom are ship clerks, tally clerks, lifters, signalers, crane operators, maintenance technicians and truck drivers. There was also middle level management like engineers, technologists, safety and environment officers. The questionnaires, interviews and observation checklist were used to collect data. Results showed 58.2% of the respondents had worked for the organization for more than ten years. The port was found to be a multi-stakeholder operations site with 20% of employees being contractors. A high percentage of 94.2% of respondents held the view that safe operations procedures would not help in control of major accidents in the port when jobs needed to be completed faster, showing the underlying poor safety culture levels in the organization.This could also mean that sometimes the procedures would be disregarded to get the job done. Cargo handling equipment seen in use at the port included: Cranes, container handlers, forklifts, bulk handling equipment. 89.8% of the respondents held the view that cargo handling equipment had potential to lead to occurrence of major accidents.Interview with respondents confirmed that there had been recent and past fatality and dangerous occurrences and incidents related to use of equipment. For the review period of Oct to Dec 2017, over 63% of (88 of 139) the accidents had occurred at the container terminal as compared to the conventional terminal probably because of less equipment used and less traffic compared to the container terminal. Most of the accidents were related to equipment failure and private trucks operated by contractors. Training gaps existed and in various contexts where 53.1% of respondents said they had not undergone any training or awareness on prevention of accidents or hazards despite operating in a potentially risky environment. There were no inclusion of major accidents prevention and awareness topics in the training curriculum reviewed and 82.5% of respondents felt that the training they had received had not given them the confidence required in terms of responding to or handling major accidents if they did occur in their workplaces. The extent of implementing actions and recommendations arising from risk assessment would take long due to delays or bureaucratic approval process, hence increasing risk exposure. It is recommended that a major accident control policy is developed and implemented and that topics in prevention of occurrence of major accident are included in the training curriculum.
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Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of Beck Personality Beliefs Questionnaire
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the psychometric questionnaire of Beck et al. (1990) personality beliefs. This tool is a 65-item self-report questionnaire to assess beliefs related to personality disorders. In the study of psychometric properties of this instrument the mean internal scale reliabilities (Cronbach's alpha) for both clinical and non-clinical populations (n=630) was 0.791 and for the clinical population (N=115) was 0.790. The mean test-retest reliability (two-week) of this instrument was 0.795. There was a good convergent validity between these tools and short form of the Coolidge Axis II Inventory. In addition, the results of structural validity showed that this tool has a suitable structural validity. This tool has good reliability and validity for both clinical and non-clinical samples.
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Evaluation of the microbiological quality of smoked fish taken at Lake Ahémé of Benin
The present study aims to evaluate the microbiological quality of smoked fish from some lake villages near Lake Ahémé. To do this, samples of smoked fish were taken at different sites, followed by microbiological analyzes. The results obtained after the surveys showed, two technological variants of smoking that the fish is lean or fat. Those resulting from the evaluation of the microbiological quality of the fish reveal the presence of several microorganisms including total mesophilic aerobic flora, total coliforms, staphylococci with maximum values of 320.102 cfu / g for coliforms and 280.102 cfu / g for Staphylococci exceeding the normative criteria. It also showed the presence of the fungal flora, the complete absence of fecal coliforms and sulphite-reducing anaerobes in all the samples studied.
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Examination on insomnia levels and health anxiety of healthcare technician students during Cov?d-19 pandemic period
Sleep in all periods is a biological need for all living things. This study was planned to examine the insomnia levels and health anxiety of the students during the Covid-19 pandemic period. The research is a descriptive study. The universe of the study consisted of 800 students studying at Dokuz Eylül University Vocational School of Health Services in the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. When evaluating the study data, descriptive findings were expressed as percentage, mean, standard deviation and median. 67.0% of the students are between the ages of 18-20, 28.1% are between the ages of 21-23 and 4.9% are between the ages of 24 and above. The 73.6% of the students are females and 26.4% are males. While total insomnia mean score of the students is 15.0 ± 5.4, the mean score for health anxiety is 19.6 ± 11.2.A moderate, positive, statistically significant difference was found between the insomnia level of the students and their health anxiety (r=.570; p=.000<.001). As a result, it has been determined that the health technician students have experienced moderate insomnia and high levels of anxiety during the COVID 19 pandemic. In addition, there is a significant relationship between insomnia and health anxiety. It has been found that as the level of insomnia increases, health anxiety also increases.
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Exploring the Influence of Local Politics on Cross Border Conflict between Turkana and Pokot Communities of Northern Kenya
For many decades conflict resolution between Turkana and Pokot communities in Northern Kenya has been very elusive. Understanding the local politics and their influence towards continuous cross border conflicts informs this study. The study examined major political factor influencing cross border conflict between Turkana and Pokot with the aim of determining the extent to which local politics influence conflict and potential interventions for durable conflict resolution. Cross border conflict has been evolving taking many forms currently manifested through regular cattle raids, highway banditry, and conflict over resources such as land, pasture and water. The study was conducted in two divisions; Kainuk in Turkana County and Sigor in West Pokot County. Data collection instruments used was questionnaires and focus group discussions. Data analysis was done with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences tool. Correlation and regression techniques were used in data analysis and based on the results of the data analysis, the study findings show that local politics influence conflict at the cross border. Respondents pointed out to local leaders’ interference with peace building by incitements, disregard of the traditional governance systems, and lack of local communities to participate in development activities and implementation thus cross border conflict. The study concludes that tribal politics and unethical politician and entrepreneur are the main influencers of cross border conflict in Northern Kenya. Bad politics affects growth and development thus the study recommends that the Government should enforce laws that prohibit tribal politics and local politicians from interfering in peace building efforts.
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Factors Influencing the Intention of Regular Health Examinations Among Older People
The purpose of this study was to examine the current state of intentions regarding regular health examinations among older adults and to identify the factors influencing these intentions. The study participants were individuals over 65 years old in Keelung City. Data were collected through self-designed structured questionnaires and individual interviews conducted by questionnaire interviewers. T-tests, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation were used to analyze the current state and influencing factors of the intention to undergo periodic health examinations. The study subjects were individuals over 65 years old in Keelung City. The analysis revealed a statistically significant difference in the intention to undergo regular health examinations based on sex (t=2.32, P<.02). Education level also showed a significant effect (F = 4.150, P < .001), with higher education levels associated with a greater intention to undergo periodic health examinations compared to those who were illiterate. Marital status significantly influenced the intention for periodic health check-ups (F=3.22, P< .05). Additionally, there was a statistically significant difference related to economic status. The study found that greater access to health information was associated with a stronger intention to undergo regular health examinations among the subjects. Therefore, promoting health information about regular health examinations is crucial for the elderly in the community.
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