Factors influencing the partitioning of metal residues (lead) in Nokoué Lake (Benin)
The impacts on habitat and living species (fish, shrimp) related to the disposal of untreated sewage by municipalities and discharges of solid waste was studied by assessing the whole organic matter of the sediments (OM), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Suspended Materials (SM), nitrogen pollution indicators (nitrate-NO3-, nitrite-NO2-, ammonium-NH4-), phosphated (ortho-phosphate ions- PO43-), sulphide (sulphate-SO42-, sulphite SO32-, sulphides S2-) of water and total Pb contents of water and sediments of Lake Nokoué. The organic matter content of sediments (19600 to 17164 mg / kg) and COD (130 to 1880 mg/L) of water are very high and indicate an increase in organic pollution of the lake compared to in previous years (Youssao, 2011, Mama et al., 2011). The strong variations in pH are dependent on the contributions of marine origin (basic to neutral) and the mineralization of the organic matter (pH < 7) in the areas of human occupation resulting in a greater or less mobility of the residues of metals in making sulphur available in its reduced form (sulphide and sulphite). The assessment of pollution indicators in the central part of the lake shows that it is heterogeneous in terms of source and impact of pollution. The sediment Pb concentration (Pbsed) / concentration of Pb in water (Pbw) ratio, represented by Pbsed/Pbw ratio shows that lead is 200 to nearly 1000 tiSM more concentrated in sediments than in the water showing a predominance of the organic form of Pb in the ecosystem of Nokoué lake. Indeed, organic lead residues are massively released into this ecosystem by oil traffickers who use OMorized canoes to transport their products from Nigeria.
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Formulation and quality evaluation of cereal-legume composite flour prepared from underutilized crops
This research was carried out to study of variation of composite flour prepared from underutilized staple food (Foxtail Millet, Naked Barley) and Legumes (Beans). Sensory, nutritional and physical properties of these products were analyzed. These variations were compared with composite flour prepared from commercially available cereal(wheat, maize) and legumes(Beans). Four formulations were prepared using foxtail millet, naked barley and legumes. The proportion of staple food and legumes were chosen in such a way that the resulting formulations contained crude protein not less than 14%. The formulations were coded as control A (wheat, maize and soybean in the ratio of 7:7:6), B1 (Foxtail Millet and Beans in the ratio of 3:2), B2 (Naked barley and beans in the ratio of 3:2), B3(Foxtail Millet and Bean in the ratio of 1:1), B4(Naked Barley and Bean in the ratio of 1:1). Crude protein in formulations ranged from 15.13±0.75 to 15.87±0.67, crude fat from 2.63±0.14 to 4.41±0.11, total ash from 2.49±0.06 to 3.36±0.36, carbohydrate from 70.71±0.45 to 73.2±0.75 and energy per 100gm from 369.99±0.78 to 386±0.65. Formulations B2 had highest Water Holding Capacity (1.77±50), Water Solubility of B1 was highest 12.86±0.24. Bulk Density of all the formulations including control A ranged from 0.49±0.07 to 0.53±0.067. Sensory evaluation of the formulations also scored high as compared with the control in taste, aroma and consistency.
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Fuzzy Generalized Super Closed Sets
In this paper we introduced the concept of fuzzy g- super closed and explore various properties fuzzy topological space.
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Geotechnical Interattraction of Granites from Ouaddai Region (East-Chad) For Use in Civil Engineering
Achklun and Amgala are located in the North and South of Abéché, region of Ouaddaï (Eastern Chad). In Achklun and Amgala crop out, granites which are cross cut by diaclases and veins. Petrographic investigation of rocks shows that granites are of two types: (1) fine grains biotite granites constituted of quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase biotite andopaque minerals and (2) coarse grains amphibole biotite-granites made up of quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase biotite amphibole and opaque minerals. Structural feature investigated are diaclases and veins. Diaclases are observed in biotite granite and amplibole biotite-granite. They display NE-SW trend direction. Veins are observed in amplibole biotite-granite. They have granitic composition and pegmatitic texture. Veins display NE-SW dominant trend direction. The NE-SW trend direction suggests that their emplacement benefited from diaclase network. Geotechnical studies indicate that fine grains biotite granite is more resistant than amphibole biotite-granite. The resistant may vary from one station to another in the same rock type. This variation is due to mineral composition grain sizes and the intensity of fractures (diaclases). Base on field observations laboratory investigation the present work permitted to select the granite more adapted for various building.
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Green Tax and Environment
Taxes as a reliable revenue source have always been taken in to consideration by governments. Tax imposition creates many disorders in economics but "green taxes" do not have such quality. Since the green tax is applied based on the cost and expense, they have a large scope and bring about good income for the government. Therefore, they can be replaced to other tax bases. On one hand, it reduces the effect of creating disorder by the other taxes; on the other hand, it increases the benefits of the society because of the reduction of the pollution. In this study, the effect of the green tax along with other influential variables on environment such as the index related to technology and GDP per capita, Population and degree of trade freedom on the amount of the pollutant, carbon dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and also the influence of these taxes on epi (Environmental Performace Index) was examined in 34 countries which were the members of OECD countries during the period (1995 to 2006) have been studied. The findings show that the imposition of such tax has caused the reduction of air pollution and the improvement of environment in the selected countries.
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Groundwater quality and hydrogeochemistry of aquifers in the kwahu South District of Ghana
Chemical properties of groundwater resources were studied in the Kwahu South District of Ghana. The study used hydrochemical data employing a series of comprehensive data interpretation e.g. Bivariate plots, Schoeller and Piper diagram to obtain a better understanding of the system functioning. The physico-chemical parameters suggest that the groundwaters in the Kwahu South District are generally good for domestic use per World Health Organization (W.H.O) standards with the exception of boreholes from Nkyenenkyene (NKY and NKY 3) which have hydrogen sulphide problems. Stiff diagrams were superimposed on the map of the study area to display the area differences in water quality across the district. The following main hydrochemical processes were identified as factors controlling the chemistry of the groundwater system: dissolution, ion exchange, and reverse ion exchange. Three main hydrochemical facies were identified from the Piper diagram: Facies (I); Ca –HCO3, Facies (II); Na –HCO3 and Facies (III); Na–Cl. Three main hydrochemical groups were also identified by the Schoeller diagram: Group I, II, III. The groups identified by the Schoeller diagrams corresponded with the hydrochemical facies identified in the Piper Diagram respectively.
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Growth, chlorophyll and carotenoids contents of tea (Camellia sinensis (L) O. Kuntze) under varied light intensity in Southwest Nigeria
The nutritive and anti-oxidative properties of tea have made it the most widely consumed beverage in many parts of the world. Warm climatic conditions arising from high light intensity however, constitutes a major constraint to tea cultivation in South-Western Nigeria. Reduction in the Light Intensity (LI) is therefore, fundamental to the possible expansion of tea production in this zone. A pot experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of different light intensities on growth, leaf chlorophyll and carotenoids contents of two tea cultivars at two locations (Ibadan and Owena). The experiment was a factorial of eight treatments; Two tea cultivars (143 and 318), Four levels of light intensity-(25%=2.40x104lux, 45%=4.57x104lux, 65%=6.75x104lux and 100%=1.04x105lux: control). These were achieved by using sheds of 4, 2, 1 and 0 palm fronds layers, respectively. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design with four replications. Data were collected on Number of Leaves (NL), Leaf Area (LA, cm2), Plant Height (PH, cm), leaf abscission as well as chlorophyll and carotenoids contents (mg/g). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA at ?0.05. The result revealed that Cultivar 143 performed significantly better than 318 with 25.23±9.74NL, 665.93±297.54LA in Ibadan and 25.38±9.82NL, 898.23±670.34LA in Owena. Tea plants under 45 and 65% LI had higher NL, LA and PH compared to those grown under 25 and 100% LI in Ibadan and Owena. Highest leaf abscission (15.44±3.89 and 23.13±7.22 dropped leaves in Ibadan and Owena, respectively) was obtained in C143 under 100% LI; while the least (6.84±3.89 and 4.78±7.22 dropped leaves in Ibadan and Owena, respectively) was obtained in C318 under 45% LI. In Ibadan, chlorophyll and carotenoids increased from 1.11±0.83 and 0.30±0.15, respectively in C318 under 100% LI to 3.15±0.83 in C143 under 25% LI and 0.6±0.15 in C318 under 45% LI; while in Owena, chlorophyll and carotenoids increased from 1.05±0.87 and 0.29±0.30, respectively in C143 under 100% LI to 2.97±0.87 and 0.83±0.30 in C318 under 25% LI. Conclusively, light intensities of 45% (4.57x104lux ) - 65% (6.75x104lux) enhanced optimal vegetative growth, reduced leaf abscission, increased chlorophyll and carotenoids accumulation of tea cultivar 143 which was more adaptable to Ibadan and Owena, Southwest Nigeria.
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Hamiltonian Mechanics systems with Three Para- Complex Structures on paracomplex Geometry
In this paper we presented an analysis of Hamilton formulas. with Three Almost Complex Structures. We have reached important results in differential geometry that can be applied in theoretical physics
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Handwritten digit recognition using neural network
Handwritten digit recognition is challenging problem researchers had been research into this area for so long especially in the recent years. There are many fields concern with numbers e.g. checks in banks or recognizing numbers in car plates, the subject of digit recognition appears. The main objective is to recognize digits in different applications. E.g. different users had their own handwriting styles where the main challenge falls to let computer system understand these different styles and recognize them as standard writing. Neural network can be proving as an effective tool to solve such problem. Neural network uses various algorithms for learning and classification; such as Back Propagation Algorithm, feed forward etc.
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Histological and ultrastructural studies on bone of mice intoxicated with nickel salts
Bone is essentially a heterogeneous system consisting of water, mineral and collagen which determine the physical properties of bone composite material. The decrease in bone weight was dose dependent after treatment with all the two salts of metal i.e. NiNO3 and NiSO4. Bone provides essential framework and rigidity to the body. The toxic substances affect the development of bone by impairing the availability of essential nutrients resulting in abnormal bone development and toxicity. The impact of nickel toxicity on bone of mice has been studied histochemically (under light and electron microscope) by using two nickel salts . Histopathologically, the necrosis to layers of decalcified bone i.e. periosteum, matrix and endosteum was observed with all two salts. The bone forming cells, lamellae and Haversian canals were also affected. The cortical width of bone section decreased as the dose of salts increased. These changes were also observed on samples of powdered dried bone of all groups with SEM. These changes were dose dependent and of the same order as mentioned above. The toxicity of nickel salts was in the order of NiSO4 > NiNO3 .
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