Iconographic review of normal and pathological imaging of the hippocampus in geriatrics
The objective of this work was to provide an iconographic and narrative review of the normal and pathological aspects of the hippocampus of the elderly subject in imaging. Know how to perform a routine 1.5 Tesla MRI hippocampal study. Recognize the main hippocampal anomalies during degenerative, infectious, vascular, inflammatory, tumor, toxic and metabolic Take home message: interest of MRI in the study of the tonsil-hippocampal regions. Know the basics of the Anatomy of the Hippocampus and the Limbic System. Recognize the main hippocampal anomalies, during degenerative, infectious, vascular, inflammatory, tumor, toxic and metabolic summary The hippocampus is a small brain structure, internal temporal, playing a primary role in the mechanisms of memory. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the imaging modality of choice for the analysis of this structure. At the elderly, dementias represent the majority of causes of hippocampal abnormalities, especially atrophic, but other specific pathologies constitute differential diagnoses to be known in this population.
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ICT development and usage: managing change in organizations
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has now been used in all walks of lives and the introduction of this technology outside of Malaysia, especially in the developed countries has matured far more. Leaping towards this gap has made Malaysian leaders in the past saw the potential of ICT and the MSC project was the stepping stone to ensure that Malaysia will not be left out in this area with potential possibilities of changing the country’s economy. This viewpoint paper will discuss mostly on the human behavior and acceptance towards change to fulfill human capital. The importance of change is to ensure the organizational development is coping to business goal and competition. Challenges of human resource acceptance or rejections toward technology in general is somehow related to business goal, thus this paper will discuss the views from many research and articles related to the subject matter.
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Identification and classification of commonly prevalent errors in operational shipping practices: A study based on literature review
Modern shipping, with increased number of vessels, faster, more sophisticated, expensive, specialized, complex operation, governed by comprehensive rules and regulations as per national and international authorities, is a vital industry carrying 90% of world trade. Although modern technology and modern navigation equipments contributed more efficient marine transportation than before but injury and fatality statics indicate that shipping remains a high risk industry. This study outlines the classification, types and commonly prevalent errors in shipping operations. Study concludes that qualification, training and development of crew members as one of the key concerns in the effort to achieve higher safety standards aboard ship.
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Image Denoising Based on PSNR and MSE Values Calculation Using Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding by Various Shrinkage Methods under Three Noise Condition
Wavelet transforms enable us to represent signals with a high degree of scarcity. Wavelet thresholding is a signal estimation technique that exploits the capabilities of wavelet transform for signal denoising. The aim of this paper is to study various thresholding techniques such as Sure Shrink, Visu-Shrink and Bayes Shrink and determine the best one for image denoising. This paper presents an overview of various threshold methods for image denoising. Wavelet transform based denoising techniques are of greater interest because of their performance over Fourier and other spatial domain techniques. Selection of optimal threshold is crucial since threshold value governs the performance of denoising algorithms. Hence it is required to tune the threshold parameter for better PSNR values. In this paper, we present various wavelet based shrinkage methods for optimal threshold selection for noise removal.
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Impact of communication on trust-commitment: Two stage model
This study aims to clarify the implication of customer relationship management. Researches show contradictory findings of their studies from existing reality in relationship model domain. That is why researchers also suggested adding some more variables in trust-commitment model. This study is an effort to fill that gap by affixing some variables in different stages in trust-commitment model. Data analyzed by testing its validity through CFA. Proposed model analyzed using structural equation modeling technique on two different stages. The result has no contradiction between the findings and existing fact of customers. Satisfaction and communication influences the trust-commitment model and findings are realistic. That if customers properly communicated about the service in time, than satisfaction increases and relationship model gets strength. Moreover, positive result enhances the chances of more usage of the same service, which is expansion. First, this study unfolds a complete holistic trust-commitment model. Secondly, proposed and proved holistic model is simple and implementable in banking industry for the expansion of business. Thirdly, items of all variable validated in this region through latest technique confirmatory factor analysis.
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Impact of Dissemination and Adoption of Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) Strategies against Cotton Pests – A Case Study in India
The IRM strategy was devised for pest management in Bt and non-Bt cotton was implemented and evaluated in cotton growing villages of Warangal district in a Telangana state of India during the year 2015-16. The application of insecticides was moderate in IRM villages i.e, Kannaipally & Kanchanpally and the insecticide consumption was high in non IRM village i.e. Gabbeta. The whole crop season was divided into “4” window periods. The chemicals like Monocrotophos was given to the plants by stem application method in IRM villages. Stem application is employed as only less amount of insecticide is utilized, it doesn’t have any effect on the non target and other useful insects, and also there will be no spilling of the insecticide here and there. The number of insects per 3 leaves per plant reduced to a great extent in IRM villages. This eventually leads to more productivity and less cost of production in IRM villages than that of the non-IRM village. The Aphid, Jassid, Thrips and Whitefly population ranged 13.35, 0.82, 10.04 and 0.31/ 3 leaves in IRM villages while, it was 17.24, 1.04, 10.32 and 0.32/ 3 leaves in non –IRM village. The mean cost of sprayings was higher in non-IRM villages (Rs.3968) as compared to IRM villages (Rs.2301). Cotton yield was higher in IRM adopted villages (17.7 q/ha) as compared to non-IRM village (17.1 q/ha) and net profit per/ha was more in IRM villages (Rs.18, 910) than non-IRM villages (Rs.8,860). Farmers, by adopting IRM strategies realized higher net returns by saving in plant protection cost due to less number of insecticidal sprays and increased seed cotton yield.
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Impact of trading in the commodity futures market on inflation
Trading volumes in commodity exchanges have spurted in recent years. This has raised concerns among many that while there is a virtual stagnation in Indian agriculture with low investment flowing in this sector, there is a lot of enthusiasm in the derivatives markets. It is argued that futures market benefit neither producers nor ultimate consumers but only help speculators gain at the expense of these two groups. This rise in inflation was generally attributed to price rise in agricultural commodities; one of the causes for this was in turn attributed to greater price volatility following the opening up of futures trading in a large number of such commodities. The present paper analyses the impact of Commodity Trading on Inflation. The paper is based on Abhijit Sen Committee report and RBI report on Commodity Prices and Inflation.
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Increased epinephrine concentration during stress in relation to diabetes in mice
Stress is a part and parcel of modern day life. Everyone remain in stress for either short period or long period depending on their life style. It is well known fact that during stress epinephrine concentration in body rises several times. Now a days every one remain in stress for either short or long period due to changed life style and secrete increase amount of epinephrine in body according to duration of stress. Experimental group receives epinephrine@100 ng/kg b.w and 200 ng/kg b.w on day 1 and 14th of experiments and sacrificed after 4th week. Serum were collected for biochemical assay and tissues for histological study. Glucose level were incresed after increase in epinephrine concentration in mice. Lipid peroxidation level were also increases in stressed group of mice. Hepatic cells and central vein were observed in degenerated condition. Beta cells degeneration were more in comparision to alpha cells in epinephrine administered group of mice. Thus it is concluded from entire study that increased stress causes increased level of glucose while lipid peroxidation level were also increased. Hepatic cells and beta cells of pancreas were degenerated which finally leads to diabetes in mice.
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Individual characteristics and effectiveness of human resources
The present study examines the relationship between individual characteristics and effectiveness of human resources staff of the University of Kermanshah focuses light. This descriptive study based on survey and is branching out. Inventory data is collected. In order to measure the individual characteristics of human resources At standard questionnaire "Bass, and Aldryj Valnzy" and part of the questionnaire has been developed based on the model used is Talkut Parsons The reliability of individual features 0.85 and the reliability of the 0.87 was obtained Both the questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha over 0.7 are thus the reliability of both questionnaires were required. Statistical volume of about 470 employees Glider (non-faculty members) are Based on the sample was selected as the Morgan Dujy 270 finally 291 questionnaires were collected. For the normal data obtained from the Kolmogorof test - Nuf smear was normal and the test results confirmed the data. Spearman correlation test research hypotheses, were approved And normal test results confirmed the data Hypothesis test of solidarity with my Speer, were approved and they proved positive and significant effect This means that the individual characteristics of human resources is stronger The study population will increase the effectiveness of staff.
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Influence of Floods on Community Livelihood Sustainability and Development in Nyando River Basin, Nyando Sub-County, Kenya
The Nyando River Basin experiences floods nearly every year, which is a key factor contributing to high poverty levels in Nyando District. Prior to this study, none had ever assessed the effect of floods on community livelihood sustainability in the Basin. This study investigated the influence of Floods on Community Livelihood Sustainability and Development in Nyando River Basin, Nyando Sub-county, Kenya on: Household food security and shelter status. A cross-sectional design was applied to source data from 561 household heads and 22 officials of humanitarian agencies operating in the Nyando River Basin. Probability and non-probability sampling procedures were applied to select participants, while the analysis yielded descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation with Chi-square statistic and one-way analysis of variance. The study area was divided into two zones - high-risk (within 2 kilometres) and low-risk (more than 2 kilometres).The results show that the floods increased the fishing potential but reduced the potential of crop farming and livestock production. The damage was most severe for maize crop (63.2%), beans (61.9%), poultry (62.6%) and goats (36.5%). The two zones were significantly different in terms of access to food (?2 = 23.151, df = 3 and a p-value = 0.022); the duration for which pupils stayed out of school due to floods (?2 = 22.861; df = 3 and p-value = 0.000. However, there was no significant difference regarding shelter type. In this regard, the analysis obtained a computed ?2 value of 2.166, with 3 degrees of freedom and a p-value of 0.155, which was not significant. This suggests that the high-risk and low-risk zones were not significantly different in terms of the type of shelter prior to the floods. However, after the floods the proportion dwelling in temporary structures increased from 10.6% to 38.5% in the high-risk zone and from 3.0% to 11.6% in the low-risk zone. Besides, the proportion accessing drinking water from open sources increased significantly during the floods. The study concludes that: appropriate risk reduction interventions are likely to safeguard community livelihoods, while increased investments in education is likely to reduce community vulnerability to floods, in the long-term. The study recommends the need to: develop crop calendars to guide farming activities; construct food stores in higher grounds to support grain banking; establish a housing kitty for vulnerable groups. The study further recommends the need to strengthen the constituency bursary kitty for children affected by floods; sustain health education to improve knowledge about the safety of drinking water and the need to equip households with knowledge and skills of modern fishing technology for household food security.
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