Influence of social media on acquisition of secretarial skills
This study centered on influence of social media on acquisition of secretarial skill drawing our empirical analysis from. Ignatius Ajuru University of Education. The population of the study was given as 378 and. simple random sampling technique was used to randomly select 100 representatives. The survey design was adopted with questionnaire as the major instrument for data, collection. In course of the study, it was found, among others that there is no significant difference in means response that social media influence acquisition of speed and. accuracy in typing among the students. That there is no significant difference in the means response of the students that social media have influence on productivity output in typing. Consequently, the study recommended among others that students strive gaining from the position aspect of social media than its side effect. That secretaries be trained and re-trained, to use of modern technology.
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Intradural disc herniation: A case report and literature review
Intradural disc herniation (IDH) is a rarely reported cause of radicular pain. Preoperative imaging can be useful for diagnosis, but differentiation of intra-dural tumors from large disc hernias is difficult and intraoperative findings are required for definitive diagnosis. We present here a case of IDH, which was depicted by high-resolution MRI. It is very representative of the difficulty to make the diagnosis and illustrates the added value of high-resolution MRI when an atypical disc herniation is suspected.
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1033. Land capability classification of soils in a lithosequence within forest and savannah zone of Nigeria
Babalola,T.S., Fasina, A.S., Kadiri, W.O.J., Mohammed, S.A., Ogunleye, K.S and Ibitoye-Ayeni, N.K |
Abstract |
Category : Agricultural Sciences | Sub Category : Agriculture |
Land capability classification of soils in a lithosequence within forest and savannah zone of Nigeria
It is important to evaluate the capacity of soils to support arable crop production for proper land use planning and sustainable management. The soils developed on schists in southern guinea savannah zone (Kabba) and older granites in dry upland rainforest zone (Ado-Ekiti) were mapped and classified with Land Capability Classification. Profile pits were dug and described in sixteen pedons delineated at both locations. Soils samples were collected from the pedons for the analysis of some soil physico-chemical properties. Data on climate and physiographic features were also collected. The capability groupings of the soils are as follows: KA-IIIS3,4; KB, KF, KH, AB and AF- IIIS4; KC, KD, KE, KG and AA- IIIS4, while AC, AD, AE and AG were VS4, VS3,4, IVS4 and VW2S4.The capabilities of the 16 pedons were limited by low nutrient capacity, shallow depth and wetness due to high water table. Appropriate fertility management scheme and land use were suggested for both sites.
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Library and Information Services Provided by the Library of Patna College, Patna and the Library of Science College, Patna: A Comparative Study
The basic function of the academic library is to assist and support the study and teaching that goes on in the academic institution. The developing countries need to provide various services in the college libraries in order to sustain the development. The major aim of comparative research is to identify similarities and differences between social entities. Comparative research seeks to compare and contrast nations, cultures, societies, and institutions. The data was collected from Patna College, Patna and Science College, Patna. Both the libraries have shortage of professional manpower, physical space & amenities. Even though Patna College, Patna has its own library building, space is not sufficient for the users. There is no provision of separate library building in Science College, Patna. Both the libraries should provide ergonomic reading area for their users. The budget of both the libraries is not adequate. From the above survey it also found that, with the limited resources available, both the libraries are providing traditional service to the good extent, but lacking in use of information and communication technologies, only circulation and catalogue are automated. There are no e-resources like e-books, e-journals, online databases available to the users of these libraries.
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Life skills teachers teaching approach of the learning process in class
Approaches and methods of teaching and learning ( P & P ) are constantly changing . Recent developments show that the learning -oriented students are prime dvelopmention with a major radikal. Duties of an instructor or teacher is to facilitate students' learning . To fulfill this task , the instructor or teacher should not only be able to provide an excellent learning environment and harmonious , but they also create effective teaching . This means that teachers should create a learning environment that can stimulate student interest and always think about the welfare and needs. In the learning sessions, teachers are often faced with students who differ in their abilities. This requires the expertise of teachers to identify teaching and learning strategies. This means that the teacher can determine the approach, choosing methods and set specific techniques appropriate to the development and abilities of students. The chosen strategy, as well as potential influenced students to learn actively, it should also be able to help to analyze the concept or idea and be able to impress students and can produce a meaningful learning. Teachers teaching is the most important agent in determining the level of student achievement. This study focused on the type and method of teaching and its impact on student achievement in the subject Living Skills of the Form Two students of SMK Sri Gading. Questionnaires were used as instruments in this study. In this study, Spearman correlation test is used to measure the association between teaching approach with student achievement. Results of this study show that teachers of Form Two Life Skills teaching approach problem solving in the process of teaching and learning. The results also showed that they are also engaged in an inductive approach to teaching. The mean value is at a high valuation. However, in terms of comparison of the two approaches, a small difference in making sense of the process of teaching and learning Two Living Skills teacher at SMK Sri Gading, Batu Pahat, Johor, the two approaches used in classroom teaching.
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List of articles published in the month of November 2022
Table of contents for the month of November 2022
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Livestock sector in sindh: potential, problems and policy recommendation
The zone wise Sindh land resources analysis finds sufficient evidence that Sindh Southern Province of Pakistan is naturally divided in different zones and every zone offers excellent product potential of its own. The central cropping zone has been found suitable for crop cultivation and horticultural farms. The coastal and hilly areas are suitable for forest tourism and fishing. The arid zone boasts of great potential for live stock breeding and hunting grounds with range land forest. The policy makers neglected the absolute advantages of each and every zone during policy formulation since long. This paper tries to finds potential of livestock’s in Sindh, main problems in its development and feasible policy recommendations for further development of the sector and concludes that low level of feeding, traditional method of breeding, inadequate health facilities institutional mismanagements and low extent of markets and infrastructure are major obstacles in its development. The study also concludes that livestock sub sector naturally offer great potential particularly in arid zone and need policy maker’s immediate attention.
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Maintenance model in Textile industry for Performance Improvement
As maintenance play key roles for smooth production especially in the textile industry. Nowadays the effective maintenance model is not an option but it is the necessity of industries. It aims to reduce unplanned stoppage, breakdowns accidents and losses obstructing equipment effectiveness. Therefore by implementing TPM the industries can increase their equipment effectiveness and productivity. This present research work is aimed at implementation of Total productive maintenance in Indian textile industries. In the yarn section the TPM model is first introduced and staff members are trained according to the eight pillars of TPM. The need for driving down costs, integrating every activities and available resources of a company, empowering the employee to make decision, eliminating waste generated by failure across the value adding process, shortening of production lead time and delivery of quality assured services and products have been given due attention.
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Marketing strategy and brand awareness of quartz wrist watches -with special reference to titan industries limited, Bangalore
In the fast growing Quartz watch segment there are many competitors in the market environment for TITAN who captured the market with their innovative and energetic strategies. Nowadays, the quartz watch market has been emerged with global competitors and others with introduction of their style and fashion watches in India. In view of the background, this research tries to examine the present marketing strategy of TITAN and to suggest an improved system for widening the market base and also to increase the sales volume. The purpose of the study also includes to the awareness level of TITAN quartz watch from the public. The sampling method adopted is non – probability convenience sampling. To analyse the data and interpret the results, various statistical tools like simple percentage analysis, Chi – square Test and ANOVA – one way are applied.
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Metastatic gastric linitis plastica from breast cancer: A case report
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. In Morocco, it is a real public health issue. It is responsible for lymphatic, bone, pulmonary, hepatic and cerebral metastases; gastrointestinal metastases remain however rare (0.3%) . Gastric linitis plastica is the most frequent form of gastrointestinal metastasis. The diagnosis of gastric linitis plastic is based mainly on endoscopy and histology.Immunohistochemistry plays a fundamental role in differentiating primary from secondary gastric cancer.Therapeutic modalities usually include palliative chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. A 27 years old female patient, admitted to the hospital because of developing progressive distension of the abdomen associated with abdominal pain, asthenia, anorexia and weight loss, she denied having haematemesis or jaundice. On examination, the patient appeared pale, cachectic with significant loss of body fat and muscle but she was haemodynamically stable and afebrile. His abdomen was soft, but tender. No masses or organomegaly were palpated. On percussion, a shifting dullness was observed, which suggested ascites. Normal bowel sounds were present. at chest examination a right breast mass was noted.Initial investigations showed a hypoalbuminemia (14g/l), a low hemoglobin (9 g/dl), CT scan showed diffuse thickening of the gastric wall and a large peritoneal effusion , indurated right-sided breast mass (estimated at 2 cm) was noted on breast radiological investigations. This examination was followed by upper endoscopy, which showed thickened, erythematous and rigid gastric mucosa extending from the gastric fundus to the distal body with poor distensibility. Pathologic evaluation of breast mass biopsy revealed infiltrating ductal carcinoma that tests positive for the human epithelial growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) on immunohistochemical studies. Gastric biopsies showed an adenocarcinoma with the presence of signet ring cell type . Immunohistochemistry excluded gastrointestinal origin. There was a strong immunoreactivity for estrogen and progesterone receptors, cytokeratin (CK7) and HER2. Histological exam concluded for metastatic breast cancer with gastric linitis plastica. After Multidisciplinary team meeting, it was decided to combine chemotherapy with hormone therapy. The patient died before the treatment was started.
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