Microbial biotechnology review in laboratory safety, media formulation, microbial isolation and methods for identification of microorganisms
There is growing interest in research and development to develop novel tools to study, detect, and characterize microbes and their communities in various areas. However, knowledge about their validity in practical is still scarce. This review describes the advantages of safety security in the laboratory and microbial screening and molecular methods used for identifications. In addition, the review addresses the importance of isolating the microorganisms from different agro ecology and the possibilities and future prospects for exploiting the described methods in different biotechnology areas.
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Mogharnas decorations and knots geometry analysis in Islamic architecture-Case Study: Islamic era mosques
Geometric patterns of Islamic architecture in the world, is one of the most controversial issues. So that in this article has been many discussions on this topic in the mystical concepts and Quranic Islam in Iranian mosque decorations and geometry. This article reviews and seeks different ways and appropriate words to prove that claim to have Islamic geometric concepts different meanings latent deals. This study is based on a library research method then used field-based surveys, it has been chosen to study a number of mosques, Then with library research and collect data to gather multiple photos and finally analyzed using analytical -discriptive method. The study is based on the assumption that decorations of this eras used the concepts and mystical meanings. There are also two types of Chinese knot ornaments and Mogharnas that specifically investigated in which Mogharnas in different periods of art used different doctrine that has been led to deform in it.
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Molecular and Genomic Approaches to the Study of Soil Biodiversity: A Review
The use of molecular and genomic techniques namely: nucleic acid, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE); terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have revolutionized ways of assaying biodiversity. This paper reviews their contributions to knowledge of soil microbial diversity.
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MRI in left ventricular aneurysms: Experience of a Moroccan cardiac MRI center
Left ventricular (LV) aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm are most often secondary to myocardial infarction. They predispose to heart failure, rhythm disorders and thrombus formation. Their diagnosis can be difficult, requiring a high performance imaging. The purpose of our study is to demonstrate the important role of cardiac MRI in the study of the left ventricular aneurysms. We performed a retrospective study, which collected 68 patients referred for cardiac MRI, between 2007 and 2021, and for whom the final diagnosis of left ventricular aneurysms or pseudoaneurysms was retained. We evaluated the incidence of this pathology, the underlying heart disease, the myocardial morphology, perfusion and viability, as well as those of aneurysms with search for thrombus. The mean age was 64.4 years, with a male predominance. Cardiac MRI was performed mostly to search for myocardial viability (61.8 %). The underlying heart disease was exclusively ischemic heart disease. In 58.8% of the cases, the diagnosis was that of a true aneurysm without thrombus and in 38.2% of cases with thrombus. LV pseudoaneurysm was present in only 2 patients. These aneurysms were mainly located apically (84.8%). Perfusion defect perfusion was noted in the necrotic coronary territories, with the presence of viability in 11.8% of cases. The mean of the LV end-diastolic diameter was at 66.3+/- 8.2 mm (i.e. 39 mm/m2) and the mean volumes were at 264.1± 101.5 ml (155.3 ml/m2). The mean LV ejection fraction was at 29.8 ±10%. Thus, cardiac MRI is the "gold standard" in post-infarction studies for an exhaustive study, not only for the diagnosis of LV aneurysms, but also on the complete myocardial study.
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Necessity of commodity markets in Indian economy
Globalization has brought about a new perspective and fresh challenges and vast opportunities in its train. Indian agriculture is undergoing a fundamental change wherein the technology and inputs are moving out of the hands of farmers to external suppliers. It is agriculture is confronted by a number of challenges as domestic prices of several commodities have gone up and are much higher than international price. This has made imports attractive adversely affecting exports. The price distortion due to long supply chain in farm produce marketing and the resultant low share of farmers in the final price is an important issue in the development of agriculture. Therefore, there is a need to integrate agriculture sector with commercial and industrial sector on the same business principle. The importance of commodity market, in this respect, needs no emphasis.
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New class of estimators of population mean using known median of the study variable
In the present manuscript, a new class of estimators of population mean has been proposed. This estimator makes use of the information on the population median of the study variable. The expressions for the bias and the mean squared error of the proposed class of estimators have been derived up to the first order of approximation. The optimum value of the characterizing scalar which minimizes the mean squared error of the proposed class has been obtained. The minimum mean squared error for this optimum value of the characterizing scalar is also obtained. The proposed estimator has been compared with the competing estimators of population mean which make use of auxiliary information. A numerical study is also carried out to judge the performances of the proposed and the competing estimators.
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Non-traumatic rupture of the spleen in a case
We report the case of a 49-year-old patient admitted to our emergency department at the Kintambo Reference General Hospital for spontaneous rupture of the spleen. At the admission of the patient, we found a pallor of the conjunctiva, the abdomen was distended, slightly contracted with splenomegaly on palpation. The biological assessment was normal. Abdominal ultrasound showed splenomegaly of homogeneous echostructure and peritoneal effusion in the form of a dense hypoechoic plaque. Abdominal CT revealed heterogeneous splenomegaly complicated by spontaneous rupture of the spleen with capsular hematoma and peritoneal effusion of average abundance. Splenectomywasrecommended in our patient.
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Performance Analysis of Speech Enabled IVR Using Narrowband Codec
The ultimate goal of the deployment of any voice-centric application is to provide a natural way of human-machine interaction in end-to-end communication and majority of the voice-centric applications in today’s world are promising the same. In this scenario, it is essential to investigate the performance of Speech-Enabled IVR (SEIVR) under the effect of different narrowband codecs. In this paper, the performance of SEIVR has been analyzed by utilizing an ASR engine and speech codecs. SPHNIX-3 has been used as the ASR engine which is CMU’s ASR toolkit for speech recognition and executable files of various narrowband codec are generated with the help of source code and it is taken from standard organizations such as ITU-T, ETSI and ISO/IEC. The results of this paper are completely based on the speech data from TIMIT speech database. The major work done in this paper is to prove that the recognition accuracy of SEIVR increases when there is an increase in Gaussian mixture from Context-Independent (CI) to Context-Dependent (CD) under the influence of various narrow band codecs.
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Photo initiated Synthesis, Characterization, and Structural Analysis of photoadduct of Potassium hexacyanoferrate with Phenanthroline ligand
This paper involves the synthesis of photoadduct of Potassium hexacyanoferrate and phenanthroline via photochemical route .The photoadduct has been synthesized by photoirradiation followed by substitution with phenanthroline ligand. The photoaquation, substitution and successful synthesis has been proved by recording pH, colour change, UV visible spectra before and after irradiation. The as synthesized photoadduct has been subjected to various spectroscopic and surface characterization techniques like elemental analysis, UV-visible spectra, XRD, and SEM. XRD of photoadduct shows crystalline structure. Moreover parameters like crystallite size (L), interplanar distance (d), micro strain (?), dislocation density (?) and distortion parameters (g) were evaluated from XRD data using Schrerrer and other equations for the photoadduct.
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Physicochemical and microbial properties of Dredged Oyibo River in Ehime Mbano, Imo State, Nigeria
This study investigated the impact of dredging on the physicochemical, and microbial properties of Oyibo River in Ehime Mbano, Imo State, Nigeria. This study was carried out during the raining season (August) and dry season (January). Samples of water were collected using standard methods (collection from downstream to upstream). pH, temperature, flow rate, depth, width, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), Dissolved Oxygen (DO) were analyzed in–situ using digital pH meter, thermometer, current meter, calibrated meter stick, measuring tape, Conductivity/ TDS meter and Dissolved Oxygen meter respectively. Other parameters (microbial, and some physicochemical parameters) were carried out ex-situ using existing standard methods. The river in the raining season had an average depth range of 1.60±0.00-2.00±0.00m; width range of 6.20±0.00-15.00±0.00m, pH, 5.60±0.00-7.15±0.05; temperature, 27.20±0.00 - 29.30±0.000C and flow rate range of 0.00±0.00 - 0.40±0.00 m/s. In the dry season the depth ranged from 0.08 - 0.50m; width, 6.20 - 11.40; pH, 2.8±0.00 - 5.50±0.00; temperature, 25.80±0.00 - 27.90±0.00?C; and flow rate 6.20 - 11.40m. The water samples during the rainy season were found to be turbid (17.00±.0.00-48.44±0.00 NTU) while Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, total hardness and total alkalinity were within the Federal Ministry of Environment permissible limits. Statistically, there was no significant difference between the results in the raining season and dry season (p?0.05). Microbial values exceeded their permissible limits with Bacillus spp, Staphylococci spp, Enterococcus spp, Psendomonas spp, Micrococcus spp, Salmonella spp and Enterobacter spp present in the water samples across the river points. Asperigillus fumigatus, Asperigillus niger, Penicillum spp, Drechslera spp, Candida spp, Penicillum spp, Asperigillus niger, Asperigillus fumigatus and Paecilomyces spp were among the fungi isolates from water and sediments samples. During the dry season, COD, BOD, DO, Total Hardness & Total chloride were observed to be within the permissible limits. No growth was observed for the Total Fecal Coliform Count while Total Bacteria count, Total Coliform count and Total Fungi Count were observed to be above permissible limits. Organisms observed in the surface water include, Streptococcus spp, Klebsiella spp, Yersinia spp, Vibrio spp, Bacillus spp, Yersinia spp, Pseudomonas spp, Vibrio spp and Citrobacter spp. Values of the sediment parameters were higher in the dry season. Asperigillus niger, Candida spp, Asperigillus fumigatus, Penicillum spp, Asperigillus fumigatus and Paecilomyces spp were the fungi that were observed in the surface water while Candida spp, Penicillum spp, Dreschela spp, Penicillum spp and Asperigillus fumigatus were observed in the sediment samples during the dry season. Some of the parameters are not within the federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv.) acceptable limits, hence, the River in this study is not portable for drinking
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