The Role of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Retention in the Kenyan Insurance Industry
This research proposal is to investigate the role of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Retention in the Kenyan Insurance Industry. Customers? retention is a valuable asset for an Insurance industry and therefore must be achieved optimally for efficient and effective achievement of stated objectives and for smooth continuation of business. Most of the customer satisfaction attributes to the role of customer expectation, customers loyalty, customers trust and customer commitment in the customer retention in the Kenyan Insurance Industry.Problem overview will be given in chapter one as it tries to address the role of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Retention in the Insurance Industry. This research will basically address some of the issues of Customer Satisfaction that may influence Customer Retention in the Kenyan Insurance Industry. The researcher will also address the statement of the problem which gives the basis of the study, objectives, research questions and the scope of the study. The researcher will attempt to look at the relationships between various variables identified, critical review and the research gaps of conceptual framework in chapter two. Research methodology in chapter three will give an overview which attempts to achieve the objectives of the study, which will involve data collection methods used, research design, target population, data analysis and presentation. A descriptive study will be adopted and research carried out using survey method. The study will focus on a target population of 120 which will comprise of the Insurance customers. A convenient sample of 120 customers is considered for this study taking into account of all locations of Insurance Companies Branches in Mombasa County. The data analysis will employ use of SPSS version 20. The Researcher will then present the data findings collected from the population target using tables and charts.
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Trade liberalization and carbon dioxide diffusion
In this modern world, considering to the environmental problems is very important. The relationship between this topic and positive effects of free trade on the economic development and growth of the countries caused the importance of the topic is observed in international discussions more than ever. In this study, trade liberalization along with the factors affecting environment are considered in two groups of selected countries which are the member of Organization for Economic Development & Cooperation and developing countries such as Iran within 1995-2007 via dynamic panel data and static panel data. The relationships between the variables have been assessed by estimation to fixed and random effects method emphasizing on generalized moment method (GMM). The results indicated that the economic growth, population growth as well as value added of industrial sector resulted into the pollution intensification for both groups of selected countries. Degree of trade openness and trade of manufacturing products in the countries member of Organization for Economic Development & cooperation lead to pollution abatement and for developing countries leads to pollution expansion.
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Translation and contrastive analysis of English and Persian proper nouns
A Proper nouns also called proper names are names and denote unique entities. A proper noun is the special word that refers to a person, place or object such as John, London, Aspirin or Sony. A proper noun is the opposite of a common noun. A proper noun is capitalize in English and most other languages that use the Latin alphabet; this is an easy way to recognize them. Regarding the translation of proper nouns, it can not be stated that proper nouns are untranslatable. Some proper nouns should be translated, but some others should not or they should be transferred and still several others should be explained in parentheses or footnote. For example, fictitious proper names often have connotations, either literal meaning or implicature, so they should be translated. If the culture and nationality are as important as the connotation and context of names or they are more important, they should not be translated or they should be explained in the parentheses or footnote.Therefore, proper nouns belong to the realm of sociolinguistics and pragmatics, and if the proper nouns of English and Persian compared and contrasted, it can be said that they are studied under the domain of Contrastive Analysis which is a subdisipline of linguistics that brings two or more language system or subsystem together.
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Treatment of phosphate and phosphogypsum samples and prospectives for phosphogypsum valorization stored in Senegalese chemical industries.
In this study, the aim is the treatment of phosphogypsum and phosphate sample collected in the senegalese chemical industries and actions of management for the valorization of the phosphogypsum. The treatment of phosphogypsum and phosphate show that naturally impurities are present in the samples and this chemical analysis of the treated of the phosphogypsum established improvement of the quality of it. The values observed of MgO, SO3, P2O5, in the phosphogypsum were 24.811%, 57.054% and 1.763% respectively and 35.166%, 0.741%, 53.225% in the sample phosphate if the device is calibrated with standards type mining. The toxic elements found in our study were Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, and Arsenic if we calibrated by standards of mining type, thier activity is low than limit detection of the device for the gypsum, while in sample phosphate, we find a very low quantity of Arsenic and Cadmium equal to 08,860 ppm and 48,380 ppm respectively, when we calibrated with soil type standards, the concentrations of Mercury, Lead and Cadmium are not detectable, while for Arsenic the value was 09,550 ppm for Phosphogypsum and 03,040 ppm for Phosphate. The major phases Alite (C3S), Belite (C2S), Aluminatetricalcic (C3A), and Tetra-calcium aluminoferrite (C4AF), and control ratios Lime Saturation Factor (LSF), Aluminium/Iron ratio (AR), and Silica ratio (SR) were measured. These experimental results shown that the C3S, C2S, C3A, C4AF, LSF, AR and SR contents fulfilled the requirement of the Jordan Standards and European Standards. The acidity of samples, was an unfavourable parameter for geotechnical and mechanical properties due to the impurities, The data show that the evolution of densities as a function of compaction energies was not analogous to that of sand, mainly because of the fragility of phosphogypsum crystals as the compaction energy increases, the crystals break and the fragments fill the inter-granular voids.
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Triceps sparing versus olecranon osteotomy for open reduction internal fixation : Analysis of 71 cases of fracture distal humerus
The purpose of the study was to compare triceps sparing approach with olecranon osteotomy regarding the effects on functional outcomes of fracture of distal humerus managed with open reduction internal fixation(orif) , by reviewing 71 cases of fracture distal humerus surgically managed with either of approaches during December 2012 to September 2016. The medical reports and radiographs of 42 males and 29 females patients with a mean age of 38.12±15.06 and 34.87±14.11 for olecranon osteotomy and triceps sparing approach respectively and a mean follow up time of 10.2months (range 3-18 months) were retrospectively and prospectively reviewed . flexion , extension, range of motion , mayo elbow performance score (MEPS) , disability of shoulder arm and hand score (DASH SCORE), duration of surgery and blood loss were used to assess the functional outcome of fracture distal end humerus treated with ORIF through the triceps sparing approach or olecranon osteotomy . according to AO foundation (AO) Classification there were 2 cases of type A , 2 cases of type B , 22 cases of type C1 , 26 cases of type C2 and 19 cases of type C3 fractures . although there was no overall statically significant difference in the average flexion , extension , ROM , MEPS AND DASH SCORE between the triceps sparing group (n=47) and olecranon osteotomy group (n=24). Out o 24 patients off group OO ,9(37.5%) , 9(37.5%) , 6(25%) and out of 47 patients 24(51%), 16(34%) , 7(15%) obtained excellent , good , fair MEP score respectively. No patient fallen under poor category of MEP score . On the basis of MEPS, DASH , flexion , extension and ROM results were better in type A, B , C1 AND C2 by using triceps sparing approach and the results were better in typeC3 fracture by using of olecranon osteotomy approach.
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Types of conflict and conflict resolution strategies among the university students
Students can experience conflict in educational institutions. This study aimed at exploring various types of conflict and conflict resolution strategies among the university students. For this exploration two research instruments (TOCQ and CRI) were used. The population of the study was all the university level students of Islamabad. Sample of 75 students was selected randomly (25 were males and 50 were females) from the target population, who’s ages ranged from 20-50 years, family income levels ranged from Rs.25,000-Rs.100,000 per month. After data collection it was analyzed with statistical package of social sciences (SPSS), various statistical analyses were performed to achieve the research objective such as mean, standard deviation, correlation. The results of the study revealed that male students experience more inter-individual and intra-individual conflicts than the female students. On the other hand female students experience more Goal-conflict than their male counterparts. Male preferred conflict resolution style is confrontation whereas female use compromising and withdrawing as a strategy of conflict resolution. Older students experience more conflict than the younger ones. Moreover stressed, work overload, personality differences, attitudinal differences and frustration were underlying causes of student conflict at university level.
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Underwater Wireless Optical Communication System Modulate 532nm along 7m by DD/IM
In this paper experimentally investigated error-free underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) system over 7m path in laboratory tap water with up to 46.808dB and BER less than 2.487×10-6. The laser diode source of wavelength 532 nm with 50mW has modulated by intensity modulation/direct detection (IM/DD) technique, BER and S/N have inspected in an underwater optical wireless communication channel with five different water channels types. These are tap water, different concentration of Maalox (Mg(OH)2 and Al(OH)3) in order to obtain high turbid water and salt with Maalox. The analysis of BER has achieved for pulse width modulation (PWM) to transmit a text from optical transmitter to receiver. Results shows that salt and Maalox content decreases the received power, S/N and increase in BER. Also, that 532nm wavelength is the suitable choice for a clear water channel.
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Universe discrete and Reality Granular
Is reality continuous or discrete ? As for the matter and the energy , both are composed of concrete elements : photons , electrons , molecules…Therefore it is pertinent to ask whether spacetime is made of any type of discrete , elementary ingredients . A preliminary approach to this issue is presented . It consists of numerical and geometric equivalences. The introduction of few parameters will help us to analyze some physical and cosmological subjects.
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Urban tree biomass estimation in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) campus
Biomass is a renewable energy source refers to living and recently dead biological materials that can reduce green house effect and clean surroundings. To estimate tree biomass individually from imagery, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between attributes of stand structure obtained by field measurement and remote sensing image.This study was carried out to estimate tree biomass in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) campus. Five plots were established (40 m x 40 m) and all trees with diameters at breast high (dbh) more than 30 cm , tree height and canopy size were measured. Each trees biomass were calculated by non-destructive method. Results show that tree volume is ranged from 1.75 m3 to 24.73 m3, wood density is ranged from 0.99 t/m3 to 14.10 t/m3. The overall wood densities for five plots (30 trees) are 23.35 t/m3. Meanwhile the biomass estimated is 7,644 t/ha. Study demonstrate strong correlations (p < 0.05) between field measurement and IKONOS tree canopy estimates (r2 = 0.95). The results obtained from the analysis are encouraging especially canopy measurement where it can be incorporated to the existing mensuration models. Estimating tree biomass through satellite images are recommended because remote sensing through image processing has potential to estimate biomass in large area.
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Urea and electrolytes disorders in the blood of Zaria people, Nigeria
Disorder of urea and electrolytes is a potential health hazard. However, the determination of these parameters in human blood was neglected by laboratories in many hospitals. Here, standard methods and procedures adopted by World Health Organization (WHO) were used to determine percentage disorders from the amount of urea and electrolytes obtained in human blood of patients attending department of chemical pathology, Ahmadu Bello University teaching hospital, Shika, Zaria. Out of one hundred and thirty (130) blood samples, 48(36.92%) were significantly positive. It was found that disorders increased with age, with percentage disorders of 30.76% among those aged 35-54 years. The disorder has no any gender difference but it varies significantly among patients with kidney and heart problems (29.92%). The determination for amount of urea and electrolytes in human blood using the standard methods adopted by WHO is therefore necessary for early diagnosis.
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