Effect of Activity-Based Learning Strategies on Students’ Academic Performance in Physics, in Yenagoa Metropolis of Bayelsa State
This study investigated the effect of activity-based learning strategies on secondary school Physics students’ performance in Yenagoa metropolis, Bayelsa State. Quasi-experimental pretest-posttest research design was adopted for the work. The study sample consists of 150 senior secondary school Physics (SS2) students drawn from a population of 926 Physics students using purposive sampling technique. Two schools were assigned to the experimental group, while one class was used as the control group. A 20-item multiple choice achievement test on Heat Energy titled PATHE was used to gather data for the study. The reliability of the instrument PATHE was obtained using Kudder-Richardson formula 21 ( KR21 ) and a value of 0.82 was obtained. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided this work. Research questions were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, while the hypotheses were tested using ANCOVA at 0.05 level of significance. Major findings of this study showed that students taught using the activity-based learning strategies (cooperative, and practical work) performed significantly better than their counterparts taught using the demonstration method. Practical work method was more effective than cooperative method while cooperative method proves to be more effective than the demonstration method. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that The use of activity based learning strategies in the teaching and learning of Physics should be made compulsory for all Physics teachers, especially at the secondary school level and that Government at all levels should show commitment and support in promoting innovative teaching in Physics and other science subjects at the secondary school level by providing an enabling environment and the required facilities in secondary schools so as to make students’ centered learning activities a reality
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Effect of blend level on composite flour made from wheat and orange- fleshed sweetpotato and bread quality
Simple Lattice Design (SLD) was used to study the effect of level of inclusion of Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato (OFSP) on some physical parameters of bread made from composite flour while the whole wheat flour bread (sample A) served as control. The proximate composition of the various flour blends used for the preparation of the breads were determined using standard methods. The bread loaves were evaluated for their physico-chemical analyses, nutritional composition and sensory attributes. The physico-chemical analyses results obtained showed an increase in the range of 0.72 g/cm3 for BD, 0.97 g/g for WAC, 465.67 cP for trough, 1329.33 cP, 863.67 cP and decrease of 416.67 cP in setback values respectively. The chemical analyses results obtained showed an increase in the range of 32.72% for moisture, 15.63% for protein, 0.30% for crude fibre, 1.25% for ash, 72.73 g/100g for starch 0.95 mg/100g for Beta carotene, respectively. There was also a decrease in Crumb Hydration Capacity (CHC) and bread volume by 47.51 and 38.03%, respectively, with inclusion of the OFSP flour. It was concluded that a substitution of 79.75g of wheat flour and 20.25 g of flour gave the optimal mixture for the productions of enriched the bread
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Effect of Competitive Strategies on Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Kenya (A survey of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Mombasa County)
Although Savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCO) are formed to promote thrift among members by affording them an opportunity to accumulate savings and deposits to provide credit at fair and reasonable rate of interest, they operate in an competitive environment characterized by banks, micro finance institutions, insurance companies, capital market and pension fund that offer similar or near equal financial services to the same clientele in Kenya. In today's highly dynamic and competitive business environment, firms are exposed to strict challenges with meeting the ever-increasing market and customer needs and expectations, coping with sophisticated requirements, and facing technological obsolescence. In order to achieve sustainable competitive advantage level that not only matches those of their business rivals? but that exceed the financial industry performance averages, financial institutions have to seek understanding of relative degree on the relationship between competitive strategies and sustainable competitive advantage. Competitive strategies adopted determine the consumer satisfaction that propels the SACCO to attain sustainable competitive advantage. The aim of the study was to establish the effects of competitive strategies on sustainable competitive advantage of SACCOS in Kenya. Specifically, the study was to examine the effect of focus strategy and identify the effect of innovation strategy on sustainable competitive advantage of SACCOs in Kenya with specific interest in Mombasa County. The literature reviewed in the study was the theory of Resource-Based View of the firm (RBV), Market-Based View (MBV) and the Game Theory. A descriptive survey research design was adopted with a survey involving 168 SACCOs according to the Kenya Union of Savings & Credit Co-operatives ltd.
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Effect of Heat Treatment on Wear Behavior of High Silicon Steels
In the present work the effect of heat treatment on wear behavior of AISI310, AISI253ma and AISI410 Silicon steels are investigated. The chosen materials were heat treated at 8500C and kept at this temperature for a soaking period of 60 minutes, cooled by quenching in air until the room temperature is attained. As-cast materials were also taken for tests for comparison. The wear tests were carried out on above three materials with three parameters viz., velocity, load & time by keeping two of the parameters as constant and varying the other one in each test.
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Effect of Penstock Diameter of a Simple Pico Hydro System on Shaft Power
The effect of penstock diameter on shaft power was studied as part of an ongoing development of a simplified pico-hydropower system with water recycling. The speeds of the turbine and alternator shafts and volume of water displaced were measured for each penstock diameter and nozzle area ratio. The shaft power, flow rate and efficiency of the turbine were computed. The mean efficiencies were 0.776 and 0.510 for penstocks diameters 0.0762 and 0.0381 m respectively. Hence, larger penstock diameters with small nozzle area ratios favor optimal system operation. The results show that the system can potentially impact Nigeria’s energy mix positively
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Effect of substituent and solvent on the electronic spectra of some substituted N-Pheny maaleimide
The effects of substituents and solvents have been studied through the absorption spectra of nearly twelve meta,para and ortho-substituted N-Pheny maaleimide in the range of 200-400 nm. The effects of substituents on the absorption spectra of compounds under investigation are interpreted by correlation of absorption frequencies with simple and extended Hammett equations. With the help of Kamlet equation the effect of solvent polarity and hydrogen bonding on the absorption spectra are interpreted and the results are discussed.
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1137. Effect of varying sizes, colours and time of cured c. nitida nuts on phytochemical content and enzyme activities using botanicals as a preservative material
Ugioro, O., Ayegboyin, K. O., Idrisu, M., Adeosun, S.A., Nduka, B.A., Baba Nista, M., Okunade, A.F and Oyeledun, K.O. |
Abstract |
Category : Life Sciences | Sub Category : Applied Botany |
Effect of varying sizes, colours and time of cured c. nitida nuts on phytochemical content and enzyme activities using botanicals as a preservative material
Cola is a tropical tree crop that belongs to the family Sterculiaceae. Phostocin is a preservative chemical used by farmers to store Cola nitida nuts which is considered unsafe to human health when consumed. Fresh C. nitida nuts of different weights (1-10g, 11-20g and above 21g) and colours (pink, red and white) were obtained from Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan Oyo State. The Nuts were cured for 12weeks with botanicals. These Nuts were oven dried at 700C for 2 days, ground into powder for phytochemical and enzymatic analysis. Data were subjected to Analysis of variance. The leaf of T. grandis had highest values in alkaloid (4.76 g/100g), flavonoid (0.41 g/100g) and theobromine (0.004g/100g) while M. paradisiaca recorded the lowest values for phytochemical analyzed. Cola nitida nuts recorded the highest values in tannin (3.49g/100g), saponin (3.45g/100g), flavonoid (2.46g/100g), anthraquinone (5.19g/100g), caffeine (4.29g/100g) and polyphenol (1.65g/100g) when preserved with T. grandis and the least was obtained for phostocin in red C. nitida nut above 21g. Also, red C. nitida nut above 21g preserved with T. grandis recorded the highest values in catalase (0.154 mg/NaBO3.4H2O/min/g protein), cellulase (0.125 mg/glucose/min/g protein), total amylase (0.141 mg/glucose/min/g protein) and proteinase (0.121 mg/tyrosine/min/g protein) and lowest values obtained in phostocin. Decreased in enzymes activities and phytochemical content were observed in different colours as the number of weeks increases. In conclusion, the use of botanicals as a preservative material to cure kola nuts is better and safe for consumption than phostocin which the farmers are currently using.
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Energy Efficient Packet Transmission-Chain Based Routing Algorithm using Artificial Bee Colony Approach with Multiple Mobile Sinks in WSN
The wide range of transmission medium is covered by the wireless sensor network. Due to its increasing popularity many research are done to increase its energy level for effective transmission. The earliest approach in transferring packets with prior processing is more efficient which used the concept of Ant Colony Optimisation approach to obtain the chain. This existing Power Energy Gathering with Ant colony approach (PEG-ACO) is efficient in minimising transmission distance but there is no mechanism to find out interrupts in transmission, packet loss due to node failure. This paper proposes routing algorithm artificial bee colony approach which optimises the energy level in nodes. The chain is obtained by clustering the nodes with multiple mobile sinks using Artificial Bee Colony (PEG-ABC) concept in order to avoid node failure and packet lost. The load among the nodes is balanced for effective transmission of packets with less energy consumption.
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Enhancing solubility and dissolution of piroxicam by spray drying using Pluronic F127
Piroxicam, an anti-inflammatory drug, exhibits poor water solubility, dissolution and flow properties. Thus, the aim of the present study was to improve the solubility and dissolution rate of Piroxicam by preparing microspheres by spray drying technique. Piroxicam microspheres containing different ratio of F127 were produced by spray drying using dichloromethane as solvent to enhance solubility and dissolution rate. The prepared formulations containing different ratio of drug and polymer were evaluated for in vitro dissolution and solubility. The prepared formulations were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimeter, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Dissolution profile of the spray dried microspheres was compared with its physical mixture and pure sample. Spray dried microspheres exhibited decreased crystallinity and the solubility and dissolution of the microspheres containing different ratio of drug and pluronic F127 were significant improved compared with its physical mixture and pure sample of piroxicam. Dissolution of microspheres containing 1:3 w/w (SD 3) showed higher % release i.e. 94 % in 60 min compare to other formulation. Consequently, Hence, From the above result it can be conclude that spray dried microspheres of Piroxicam is a useful technique to improve the solubility and dissolution of poorly water soluble drug like Piroxicam.
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Entropy generation analysis of nanofluid flow in Coiled tube heat exchanger under laminar flow
In this paper analytically investigated the effects of water–Al2O3 nanofluid on the entropy generation through a coiled tube heat exchanger under uniform wall temperature condition in laminar regime. Nanofluid thermo-physical properties are obtained from literature or calculated from suitable correlations. It is found that adding nanoparticles improves the thermal performance of water-Al2O3 flow and with increasing volume constriction of nanoparticle, total entropy generation at fixed Reynolds number, decreases. By increasing , entropy generation decreases, also with increasing , total entropy generation increases.
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