Industrial disaster: should it be considered as a corporate crime against humanity?-an analysis with special reference to Bhopal gas tragedy
The corporate sector is built for making profit any how and this tendency leads them for breach in regulation and norms. Bhopal gas tragedy (BGT) is burning example of it which was widely regarded as the World’s worst ever industrial disaster in human history. It was a corporate crime of historic proportions. Actually Globalisation has opened the door for every nation and almost every nation depends upon another for one or another reason. Technology transfer is one of the examples of dependency. Any fault in technology either or along with human error become cause of such disaster in which human and humanity both suffer generations to generations. Strange are ways of law. Ironically, Indian law system is not capable of handling corporate criminals where masses are to be compensated for loss of life, health and property. At least verdict of CJM Court (Bhopal) on Bhopal Tragedy, attesting this statement. So we need international approach. This paper is a humble attempt to match the essential elements of Crimes against Humanity with facts of Bhopal Gas Tragedy where recklessness, continous gross negligence could be apparently seen. If it is matched then it should be considered as corporate crimes against humanity.
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Infammatory myofbroblastic tumor of the bladder: A rare case report
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is an uncommon condition that is rarely encountered in the urinary tract. It is considered as an intermediate neoplasm according to the WHO classification. It can occur in different organs: lung, pancreas, mesentery and uterus. The localization in the bladder is unusual. We report a case of IMT of the urinary bladder in a 32 years old male who presented with hematuria, treated by partial cystectomy and diagnosed by histopathological analysis of the operative piece.
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Infidelity and Betrayal in Marriage (Case study: factors for women betray their husbands)
Marriage is a social tradition that has been used since the beginning of human life is the unity Religious and non-religious sacred among all nations and in all ages have In this treaty couples are committed to each other to be loyalty but unfortunately, due to the seen several affairs with married women, boys, and men are married, the relationship adverse effects for the individual as well as community and family are traitors. First, there's the traitor would betray their honor then his wife and family. Even reflects societies lack of action no effect causes are multiple and often betrayed by financial difficulties, intellectual, gender, and the environment shown each of these efforts is that the roots of betrayal and ways to surmount these problems will be presented.
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Influence of Floods on Education and Sanitation Sustainability in Nyando River Basin, Nyando Sub-County, Kenya
Education is basic and a basic requirement for every child, as it empowers the society to be self-sustaining and innovative. Water and sanitation determines the health potential of a given community. Environmental safety consciousness is paramount for any healthy community. This study investigated the influence of Floods on the Community Educational attainment and water, sanitation and health services. A cross-sectional design was applied to source data from 561 household heads and 22 officials of humanitarian agencies operating in the Basin. Descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation with Chi-square statistic and one-way analysis of variance were used to analyse data collected. The study area was divided into two zones - high-risk (within 2 kilometres) and low-risk (more than 2 kilometres).The results show that the floods on educational attainment (?2 = 46.458; df = 6 and p-value = 0.000). Besides, the proportion accessing drinking water from open sources increased significantly during the floods. The study concludes that: appropriate risk reduction interventions are likely to safeguard community livelihoods, while increased investments in education is likely to reduce community vulnerability to floods, in the long-term, the study recommends the need to: establish schools in higher grounds safe from floods, strengthen the constituency bursary kitty for children affected by floods; sustain health education to improve knowledge about the safety of drinking water and the need to equip households with the knowledge and skills of modern fishing technology for household food security.
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Influence of Treating the mulberry leaves with aqueous maceratives of seed powder of Syzigium cumini (L) on the activities of digestive enzyme in the fifth instar larvae of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) (Race: PM x CSR2)
Three different concentrations (5.0 ppm; 10.0 ppm; 20.0 ppm & 50.0 ppm) of the aqueous solution of seed powder of Syzigium cumini (L) were used to treat the leaves of mulberry & fed to the fifth instar larvae of polyvoltine, crossbreed silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) (Race : PM x CSR2 ) for first three days; second day & third day; third day (only). The larvae fed with untreated & water treated leaves were also maintained. Bioassays of proteins (S.P. & T.P.) & enzymes (protease & amylase) were carried out on fifth day through the use of mid gut homogenate. Treating the mulberry leaves with herbal preparations (S. cumini ) & feeding them to fifth instar larvae was found reflected into significant improvement in the levels of proteins (S.P. & T.P.) & velocities of biochemical reactions catalyzed by protease & amylase. The pattern of increase in soluble proteins & total proteins in the mid gut tissue were 32.147 to 90.074 percent & 5.657 to 39.052 percent respectively. The activities of mid gut protease & amylase were increased by 21.444 to 83.706 percent and 14.54 to 52.257 percent respectively. The nutrient contents of seed powder of Syzigium cumini (L) serve to improve the digestibility & exert the influence of efficient metabolism in the fifth instar larvae of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L).The herbal formulation like Syzigium seed powder may gear overall biochemical constituency of silkworm larvae, through the significant improvement in the velocity of mid gut enzyme catalyzed biochemical reactions.
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Job Satisfaction and Professional Commitment
The main aim of this study is analysis of job satisfaction and professional commitment between staffs in Kermanshah. This study is according to descriptive analysis and reaching branch and information gathering tools is question air and for assessing job satisfaction we use briefed and worth 18 question airs and for analysis of professional commitment and organizational commitment receive 83% static and 87% from job satisfaction question air , because crownbakh in both question air is more than 0/7 so both question air necessary static. Sample population volume 150subjects from privet banks in Kermanshah and according to sampling random way some of them had been chosen a stoical population and finally we collected 18 questions airs. For determining normality of data we use kolomogrove – sminoroph test and results of tests confirm normality of data so meaningful relationship between them had approved.
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Language learners’ memory and language learning strategies: can cooperative language learning instruction make a difference?
This study investigated the effectiveness of cooperative language learning (CLL) on using language learning strategies in interaction with self-efficacy among female students. The participants included 34 third junior high school female students in Tabriz that were selected through cluster random sampling. 17 students were in experimental group and 17 students were in control group. In the pre-test stage, all of the subjects in both groups answered to the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). Then, the experimental group was treated by cooperative English learning, and control group received traditional English learning during one academic semester. After the treatment, the subjects in both groups were post-tested by the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). Data were analyzed by ANCOVA and the results showed a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of memory for the experimental group. The findings also revealed no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of cognitive, compensation, meta-cognitive and affective and social strategies. The paper discusses implications of employing CLL to foster language learning.
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Left Ventricular Aneurysm Associated To Double Ventricular Septal Defect In Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Serious And Fearsome Entity
Ventricular septal defects following myocardial infarction are a relatively infrequent complication occurring transmural myocardial infarction. The simultaneous presence of ventricular septal defects and left ventricular aneurysm in the same patient is extremely rare and usually occurs within the first week after myocardial infarction. Surgery remains the only viable treatment option. A 63-year-old man with multiple risk factors for coronary artery disease diagnosed with acute extensive anterior wall myocardial infarction, presented to our emergency room with heart failure symptoms, cardiac auscultation revealed a band-shaped systolic murmur in the left parasternal area, radiating to the whole precordium.Electrocardiography revealed sinus rhythm with persistent ST-segment elevation in leads V1–V4 with Q waves in the anterior precordial leads, and chest X-ray revealed bilateral pulmonary congestion. A Transthoracic 2D echocardiography was performed at our facility which demonstrated dilated left ventricle with severely reduced systolic function. Important regional wall motion abnormalities were present with an aneurysm of the medium and apical segments of anterior and septal wall complicated by two muscular ventricular septal defects. Colour Doppler revealed a shunt between the left and right ventricle through the aneurysmatic segment. Coronary angiogram showed a significant disease of the left anterior descending and right coronary artery. The patient underwent surgery for the simultaneous repair of the ventricular septal defect, apical aneurysm and a coronary artery bypass. Post-infarction left ventricular aneurysm associated with a double ventricular septal defect is a very unusual mechanic complication, especially five weeks after the inaugural episode with no evidence of recurrent heart attack. We present such a case that was successfully treated surgically. Rapid diagnosis and urgent surgical management significantly improves the patient's prognosis.
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Leucoplasic aspect of a tonsillar large B-cell lymphoma: About a case
Lymphoma is a malignant proliferation of lymphatic system cells. Large B-cell lymphoma is one type of the large list of lymphomas. It could occur in the lymphatic system or other body organs outside it. The clinical expression of this kind of tumors can be really variable. Usely there are general signs such as fever, heavy sweating at night and losing of weight. In addition to symptoms related to the local development of the tumor. In this article, we are about to present a case of tonsillar lymphoma which clinical expression could be confused with any benign tonsillar lesion.
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List of articles published in the month of February 2021
Table of contents for the month of February 2021
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