A study of Attrition in Retail organisations of Bangalore
Over a period of time India has emerged as a global attraction for retail industry. Unfortunately due to rising employee costs and alarming attrition rates, the retail companies are now worried about losing business to upcoming countries like Philippines, China and South Africa. The Indian retail professionals are now days have become known for their job hopping habits. Employee turnover has always been a matter of concern for organizations. A large degree of employee turnover is highly detrimental to both the organization as well as the employees. How to reduce employee’s turnover intention is a very pivotal challenge for today’s HR managers. Pay better incentives and employee’s motivational techniques have been useless and old practices of the human resource management. To analyze employee’s turnover intention and its impact on organizational outcomes 50 questionnaires were distributed to the first and middle line employees in selected organized retail outlets in Bangalore. This is a qualitative research. The study was done through questionnaire. From the econometric analysis, it is found out that turnover intention has influence on attrition factors such as working environment, career growth, working hours, personal/family reasons, and relation with internal co – worker, welfare, working condition, and salary.
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A study on granger causality between spot and futures prices for selected companies in India
The main objective of the study is to examine the directional causality between spot and futures market in Indian scenario. For this purpose, the study has used pair wise Granger Causality test. The study has used daily prices series in both spot market and futures market for the 40 sample individual stocks drawn from six leading sectors namely Automobiles, Banking, Cement, Gas, Oil & Refineries, Information Technology and Pharmaceutical. The period of study is from 1st January 1997 to 31st May 2009. The study finds that with the exception of Tata Motors, all the remaining Automobile companies showed bi-directional causality between spot and futures prices. Seven (out of selected nine) Banks showed bi-directional causality between spot and futures prices. In the Gas, Oil & Refineries sector, BPCL, HPCL, IOC and Reliance Industries showed bi-directional causality between spot and futures prices. Out of the seven IT firms, four companies did not show any causality between spot and futures prices. All the six selected Pharmaceutical companies witnessed bi-directional causality between spot and futures prices.
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A Study to analyse the Impact of Training towards organization growth in Select IT Companies at Chennai
The study is conducted mainly to find out the methods and effectiveness of training practices of select Information Technology companies in Chennai.This is mainly to assess the present status of the employee’s effectiveness in discharging the roles and responsibilities in tune with the objectives of the Information Technology Companies.
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Acceptability and Adequacy in Translation of John Steinbeck’s Novel by Valiallah Ebrahimi
This study examines a novel written by John Steinbeck and correspondingly its translation into Persian by Valiallah Ebrahimi (1990). Gideon Toury’s Acceptability, Adequacy and Cultural Norms (1995) have been applied in this study. The researcher gathered some information about Toury and his theory of “cultural norms”, and also the two types of translation, namely “adequate” and “acceptable” defined by the same scholar. The translated text was analyzed against the original work to determine if it is source-oriented (adequate) or receptor-oriented (acceptable). The impact of the ideology of the translator on adequacy and acceptability in translation has also been considered as the most important case in the study. The findings of the study revealed that Ebrahimi’s translation was acceptable.
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Agricultural and rural management projects as vehicle for poverty alleviation: the Nigerian experience
The issue of poverty and strategies to deal with it has occupied the ‘minds’ of various Governments in Nigeria before and after independence in 1960. Indeed the scourge of poverty has been the bane of the Countries of sub Saharan Africa for decades. Each country has tried to devise strategies and methods of dealing with the problem. Poverty is actually a world wide phenomenon hence; it has always attracted the attention of International Organizations like the United Nations and its subsidiary Organizations like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), and a host of others. The concern over poverty and the need to alleviate it, is predicated on the fact that it is a social phenomenon with multifarious negative consequences on the health of the people, the socio economic dimensions of the country and the totality of the productive capability and capacity of any country.
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An Eco-friendly Approach to Control Storage Fungi
In present study oilseeds were collected from different parts of Marathwada region and screened on different media for the incidence of different fungal species. Thirty fungal species were found to be associated with oilseeds. A study was also conducted to determine the antifungal activity of essential oils and gums of some medicinal plants against storage fungi. Eucalyptus oil and gum of Terminalia arjuna, Acacia Arabica and Butea monosperma inhibited the growth of storage fungi.
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An empirical study on competency mapping of employees in the automotive sector with specific reference to Chennai
In today’s competitive business world understanding and developing Employee Competencies remains the key to Organisational success. Understanding employee competencies requires a focused approach to study the key competencies possessed by the employees and hence the study was carried out. The purpose of the study is to investigate the level of employee competencies and to analyse the most and least possessed competencies among employees of manufacturing units across the automobile corridor in Chennai, TamilNadu, India. A structured questionnaire was framed and circulated among the respondents to collect the primary data used for research. The respondents were selected through convenient random sampling method. Data collected from 227 respondents were tabled in SPSS and was anlaysed using statistical tools like factor analysis, reliability analysis and Correlation. The study intends to provide a pragmatic view on the level of competency among the employees and provides insights to the administrators, policy makers and practitioners in the field of human resource management for implementing the findings in developing the competency of employees for the development of the individual and the organisation.
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An integration approach of intelligent predictive caching and static prefetching for internet web servers
Web caching and Web prefetching are two important techniques used to reduce the noticeable response time perceived by users. By integrating Web caching and Web prefetching, these two techniques can complement each other since the Web caching technique exploits the temporal locality, whereas Web prefetching technique utilizes the spatial locality of Web objects [30]. In this paper, we develop algorithm Pre-IPGDSF# by integrating Web caching and Web prefetching in Web servers. For caching, we use innovative algorithm Intelligent Predictive Greedy Dual Size Frequency#, IPGDSF#, which is an enhanced version of algorithm GDSF# developed by us [13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. For prefetching, we use a static prefetching method. Using three different Web server logs, we use trace driven analysis to evaluate the effects of different replacement policies on the performance of a Web server. We specifically compare policies like GDSF, GDSF#, and IPGDSF# with the proposed integrated policy Pre-IPGDSF#. Using trace-driven simulations and for various standard cost criteria (hit rate and byte hit rate), we show that our proposed integrated policy outperforms all other algorithms under consideration.
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Analysis of a discrete model of prey-predator interactions
This paper investigates a 2-D discrete time predator - prey interaction model. The equilibrium points are obtained and stability of the equilibrium points is analyzed. The phase portraits are obtained for different sets of parameter values. Also a bifurcation diagram is presented. Numerical simulations are performed and they exhibit rich dynamics of the discrete model.
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Analysis of Mineral Contents of Fresh and Dried Tilapia Fish (Oreochromis niloticus) from Mcaiver Market, Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria
The study of mineral contents of fresh and dried tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) from Mcaiver Market, Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria were determined. The tilapia fishes were shared into two parts: one part was used to determine the mineral content of the fresh fish and the other part was oven dried before the analysis of mineral contents of both fishes. The minerals detected were in the order Na>Ca>K>Mg>Zn>Fe. It was observed that dried tilapia fish was more nutritional than the fresh tilapia fish. Dry tilapia fish should be consumed rather than fresh tilapia fish for proper nourishments.
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