Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme
The present study assessed the effect of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention and management of postnatal breast problems among antenatal mothers who were attending antenatal OPDs of selected hospitals of kerala,India to evaluate effect of structured teaching programme and to find association between the knowledge and selected demographic variables. The findings of study concluded that structured teaching programme improved knowledge regarding postnatal breast problems among antenatal mothers.
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Effects of Mobile Tower Radiations on human health: A case study from Bangalore
Abstract The present study was carried out with an aim to emphasis on the effects of radio-frequency electromagnetic radiations from cell towers on human beings. Questionnaire based survey was conducted by means of interviews and general discussions with a population size of 181 inhabitants residing in five different localities (viz., Gangondahalli, Nagarabhavi, Moodalpalya, Chandra layout, Guddadahalli) of Bangalore south taluk. The participants themselves filled the self-administered questionnaire by entering their response data on the health effects faced due to establishment of mobile towers. Exposure assessment was based on the distances from base stations (less than 10 m, 10-50 m, 50-100 m, 100-200 m, 200-300 m, > 300 m) and their location in relation to the antennas (facing, beside, behind, beneath in the case of antennas placed on rooftops). Based on results congregated, it was evident that headache, irritability, nausea, appetite loss, discomfort, sleep disturbance, depression, memory loss difficulty in concentration and dizziness, etc., are more frequently observed symptoms of ill-health in the exposed groups. It is concluded that the cell phones and cell phone tower radiation are a strong risk factor for all the adverse health effects.
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Effects of thermal radiation and chemical reaction on MHD convective flow of a polar fluid past a moving vertical plate with viscous dissipation
The objective of the present investigation is to analyze the radiation and mass transfer effects on an unsteady two-dimensional laminar convective boundary layer flow of a viscous, incompressible, chemically reacting and dissipative fluid along a semi-infinite vertical plate with suction. The equations of continuity, linear momentum, energy and diffusion, which govern the flow field are solved by using a regular perturbation method. The behavior of the velocity, temperature, concentration has been discussed numerically and graphically for variations in the governing parameters.
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Enahancement of Dissolution Properties of Glibenclamide by using Liquisolid Compact Technique
Glibenclamide, a sulfonylurea derivative is widely used as hypoglycaemic agent. Glibenclamide is a highly permeable class II drug. Hence, rate of oral absorption is often controlled by the dissolution rate in the gastrointestinal (GI)tract. Therefore, the Liquisolid compact of Glibenclamide has been prepared for the enhancement of dissolution of Glibenclamide. Neusilin US2 was selected as carrier material and Aerosil 200 was selected as coating material. A Central composite factorial design was applied to optimize the drug release profile systematically. The amounts of drug (%) in PEG 400 (X1) and Excipient ratio, R (X2) were selected as independent variables. Angle of repose (Y1), Hardness (Y2) and CPR at 10 min (Y3) were seleced as dependent variables. All the batches of Liquisolid compacts showed significance improvement in dissolution of Glibenclamide. Various dissolution parameters like DP10min, %DE10min and MDT of optimized batch and direct conventional tablet were compared. DSC and XRD analysis of pure Glibenclamide, physical mixture and final formulation indicated that the drug was solubilized in non-volatile vehicle and solubilization of Glibenclamide was the main cause of enhancement of solubility of Glibenclamide. Storage of the prepared formulations at 45°C for one month showed no any chemical incompatibility. It was concluded that, Liquisolid compact technique can be a simple and effective to enhance the dissolution of poorly water soluble drug.
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Enhancing to detect face automatically from input videos using multiple algorithms
This research work proposes a novel technique for Automatic face recognition (AFR) system using cascaded structures and clustering network. Human beings at a very early age are capable of recognizing the varying facial features, due to the Human Visual System (HVS). But it’s difficult to depict the human visual system using computer vision system. The basic idea used in this proposed work is to use divide and conquer method, where we design a particular approach for each processing stage and then embedding the entire strategy for AFR system. In this proposed work, two important factors namely cost efficiency and applied technology for varying characteristics of input image are considered respectively, irrespective of the traditional factors such as accuracy, retrieving rate etc. For facial detection, a heterogeneous cascaded detector based on various features is designed to increase the processing capability and detecting efficiency respectively. For facial feature extraction, sparse graph, component based direct fitting and component based texture fitting methods are used to extract the various features at different orientations.
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Essays on the psychology of religion
Psychology of Religion or the psychology of religion Branches of scientific research is The study deals with religion. In this paper, known to psychologists Nylsyn according to theory, Experts are also in the psychology of religion, Are mentioned. They are: William James, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, Gordon Allport, Erik Erickson and Abraham Maslow, The three categories of theories related to religious attitudes, we Under the titles of the functional theory, and the dimensions are a = growth. The functional theory The effects of psychological functions of religion in life and social - It has been noted To formulate theories Brook, Pargamnt, Patrick, Ellison, Valryt and Larry is pointing. Dimensional theories Attitude to different dimensions and Religious orientation discussed And in this case and Rkayl Bythalahmy theories, Ganzyvrt, Nyjzak blind, won Hvgl and Glak Are examined. In theory the stage - growth The growth process, thinking and attitude to religion is In this category, theories of Piaget, Goldman, Harman, Alkynd, Fuller Vasr we examined. Finally, conclusions are the positive effects of religion in life And according to different dimensions And development of religious thought, including aspects of joint Most theoretical approaches to the religious attitude. Researchers in the field of psychology of religion Scales for different people to religion In the religious orientation And reaching the stages of religious thought, Conclusion This article is from the other.
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Ethical and Legal Issues on Child Sexual Abuse in Kenya
Sexual violence is a global problem and also a public health concern (Beidel and Turner, 2007; Gutman, Herman-Giddens and McKinney, 1993), it takes different forms, this includes rape, sexual abuse, harassment or any form of sexual exploitation, child tricking and pornography (United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2012). Kenya is faced with a problem of girls’ abuse because of cultural beliefs that supports the act of sexual intercourse with girls as a cure for HIV, this, however leads to unwanted pregnancy, serious mental health, gynaecological complications, high risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Children experience sexual abuse in their homes, schools, institution, workplace and within their community. Sexual violence towards children is an illegal violation of children's human right. Cases of child sexual abuse have continued to increase for many year which brings a serious focus on establishing the true scope of the problems and a genuine concern for policymakers, and professionals (Finkelhor 1986; Hall and Lloyd, 1993). Considering the legal rights a child has, it is important that any form of abuse should have serious penalties, although, there are laws towards child protection in Kenya, they are not effective. At the same time, ethical principles have supported every human being on how they are being treated in the society which now draws the attention of the government in Kenya and international organisation to support and protect children that were abused. Therefore, this report will major on the sexual abuse experienced by young girls, although young boys are also faced with sexual abuse, but on rare cases. It is written to address the prevalence which results from the cultural beliefs in Kenya; the ethical and legal issues relating to this child sexual abuse will be examined, protocol and recommendation to avoid future occurrence will also be discussed.
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Evaluating the comparative effectiveness of staff in-service trainings on improving the service quality (before and after the in-service trainings)
The present study has been conducted with the aim of examining the effectiveness of staff in-service trainings on improving the service quality in Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul Branch. The statistical sample of this study has comprised 66 unit personnel who have been selected by simple random sampling. The method of study is applied based on the aim and survey based on the descriptive method. Data collection tools of questionnaire have been based on the closed answer with the Likert range. After data collection the distance estimation method of success ratio (p) has been used for employees in order to analyze data and the nonparametric chi-square for the managers. The statistical model of difference between two correlated ratios has been used in order to evaluate the effect of performance before and after the training course. The results indicated that the personnel have considered the In-service training positive and effective on improving and promoting the service quality at university.
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Evaluation of cation exchange HPLC method of Bio-Rad and its correlation to Beckman Coulter Immuno Turbidimetric assay
To evaluate the performance of ion exchange HPLC method using Bio-Rad D10 analyser and compare with Immunoturbidimentric method (IT) of Beckman Coulter (BC)for the measurement of HbA1c in human blood. 100 patients blood samples referred for HbA1c test by the diabetic clinic, both Males and Females with a wide range of age groups were used for this study. Blood samples for HbA1c was collected as per standard protocols. Measurement of HbA1c was carried out using both methods. Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) protocols for the evaluation of a new method was followed in this study. The intra and inter assay precision obtained were 1.0 % and 1.41 % and the intra and inter accuracy were 1.5 % & 1.3 % for HPLC method and the figures for IT method was 1.5 % and 2.0 % for Intra & Inter assay precision and 1.5 % & 0.8 % for intra and inter accuracy. All statistical parameters obtained in this study are well within those recommended by International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) & World Health Organization (WHO). The linearity obtained for both the methods are similar (4.2 to 16 %). HPLC method using Bio-Rad D10 analyser is comparable to the method based on IT of Beckman Coulter in terms of precision and accuracy. Hence the laboratory confidently switched over to this method for measuring HbA1c.
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Experimental and theoretical approach of L - methionine sulfone( LMS) as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in HCL solution
The corrosion inhibition and adsorption processes of L - METHIONINE SULFONE (LMS) on mild steel in 2 HCl was studied by means of chemical (weight loss), electrochemical and quantum chemical techniques. The inhibition efficiency increases with decreasing temperature and increasing concentration of inhibitor. It has been determined that the adsorption of LMS on mild steel obeys the Temkin adsorption isotherm at all studied temperatures with negative values of ?Goads, suggesting a stable and a spontaneous inhibition process. In potentiodynamic polarization, the curves shifted towards lower current density in the presence of LMS with well-defined Tafel regions suggesting that the inhibitor retard the corrosion process without changing the mechanism of the corrosion process; and exhibit cathodic and anodic polarization (mixed type inhibitors) because the change in Ecorr is less than 85 vM/SCE with respect to the blank. Corrosion current density was calculated by extrapolation of the linear parts of these curves to the corresponding corrosion potential; and corrosion potential (Ecorr), corrosion current densities (icorr), anodic Tafel slope (?a), cathodic Tafel slope (?b) were determined with maximum value of inhibition efficiency for 5 x 10-4 M concentration of the inhibitor at 303 K is 75.1%. From Nyquist plots of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, value of polarization resistance (Rp) increased with increasing inhibitor concentration whereas double layer capacitance (Cdl) decreased indicating a decrease in local dielectric constant or an increase in thickness of electric double layer suggesting that the inhibitors function by forming a protective layer at the metal surface. Inhibition efficiency value (? %) is 55.9%. Quantum chemical calculations were performed using Density Functional Theory (DFT) with the help of complete geometry optimization for theoretical calculations of EHOMO, ELUMO, and energy gap (?E). Inhibition efficiency increases with increasing EHOMO indicating that the molecule has tendency to donate electrons to the appropriate acceptor molecule with low energy empty molecular orbital; whereas low value of ELUMO suggests that the molecule easily accepts electrons from donor molecules.
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