Exploration of the Adoption of Digital Technology Among Indigenous People in Guyana
In technology adoption in the educational field and school system, teacher training is imperative to increase success. In Guyana, indigenous Amerindian preservice teachers were found to lag in successful adoption. The study findings indicated that this demographic may need to prioritize acquiring the skills and overcome the technological barriers to better prepare learners beyond the classroom. Although internet access facilitates adoption, indigenous Amerindians in Guyana develop technology literacy skills and access educational resources, indigenous pre-service teachers have a low rate of technology adoption in the classroom. The purpose of this qualitative study is to discover the perceptions of indigenous Amerindian preservice teachers about the adoption of digital technology in the classroom. Rogers’s diffusion of innovation theory and David and Venkatesh technology of acceptance model constituted the underlying theoretical grounding, which served to understand indigenous Amerindian preservice teachers’ perceptions about the use of digital technology, perceived barriers, and the coping and adopting mechanism throughout their pedagogical practices. Ten indigenous Amerindian preservice teachers participated in this qualitative study. Semistructured, interviews were the primary data collection tool. Open coding was used to generate themes and analyze emergent coding. The findings showed that the rate of adoption of digital technology could accelerate if (a) training is strategic, (b) reduction of institutional barriers, and (c) professional practices are aligned for educational growth. This study may contribute knowledge to the advancement specific to the field of digital technology and pedagogical practices. The findings may have positive implications for the community at large in that professional development centers can improve skills that provide flexible learning for IAPT to integrate digital technology beyond the classroom. and serve as a catalyst to promote growth by capacity building.
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Exploration of the Dynamics of Healthcare Performance Management in Sub-Saharan Africa
In a professional human resource context, management practices refer to the employment acquisition and retention policies and strategies, implemented by organizations to improve organizational effectiveness and thereby improve institutional performance and quality. The limited studies on healthcare management practices in developing countries led to undertaking this study. The aim of this qualitative descriptive study was to explore management practices that influence the employee output in terms of health worker performance, specific to the quality-of-care within the Dakar-Senegal region. The theory of performance was served as a theoretical lens. Two research questions principally guided this study: 1) how do healthcare workers describe management practices that affect healthcare worker performance in Senegal? 2) how do healthcare workers describe management practices that affect the quality-of-care in Senegal? The focus of this study was on clinicians in various healthcare organizations in the region. The research for this study included one-on-one interviews and a focus group. The frequency of repeated words or phrases from the primary qualitative data were used to categorize data into themes. The major themes that emerged from the data analysis were (a) willingness to communicate within the organization and work as a team in the workplace, (b) expanding the knowledge and training skills for positive organizational operations (c) restoring an effective organizational structure in promoting learning/growth, increase efficiency, quality, flexibility, and performance, (d)productivity, and organizational commitment are based on the leadership, (e) transparency and leadership must be maintained for effectiveness, and (f) lack of trust tends in reducing workers' capacity and creating discomfort. These themes clarified how management practices may influence healthcare worker performance and quality.
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Factors affecting money demand with the presence of the variables of foreign assets of the central bank and government debts and investigating its stability in Iran
Awareness of the correct form of the money-demand function of a country is necessary to adopt monetary policies in each country's economy. Also, recognition of the stability of money demand plays a key role in economic decision making. This study has addressed the factors affecting money-demand in Iran during 1978-2016 using ARDL method and investigated its stability using CUSUM method. Most studies conducted in our country have used the variables of interest rate, national production, exchange rate and inflation rate as factors affecting money demand. The present study has used the variables of foreign assets of the central bank and government debts in addition to four variables mentioned in order to create a distinction with other similar studies, according to the results of the study carried out by Jindal (2016) and Opuka (2017). According to the results of the ARDL method, the variables of the government debts, national production, inflation, foreign reserves of the central bank and the exchange rate (which is based on the Opoku’s scientific theory (2017) and known as the wealth effect ) have a positive and significant effect on the money demand in Iran, and the interest rate has a negative and significant effect on money demand in Iran. According to the results of the CUSUM method, the money demand function in Iran is stable.
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Factors which Predict Pedagogical Success: The case of Arabic Language Teachers
Arabic teaching, though prevailing in the educational system of Iran, remains extremely underexplored. This paucity of literature becomes more acute if one is aware of the enormity of literature that exists on English language teaching. To contribute to the scant literature on the quality of Arabic teaching this study set out to examine the efficiency of Arabic language teachers, knowing that teachers are the most crucial agent in the success or otherwise of educational innovations. Accordingly, an efficiency scale was developed by the researcher and administered to a group of Arabic language teachers, selected out of convenience. Besides, we collected data on teachers' gender, years of experience, first language, and educational qualifications. Findings suggest the latter three factors do play a role in determining the extent of teachers' efficiency. More specifically, it was revealed that Arabic teachers who are native speakers of Arabic are more efficient than their non-native counterparts. Moreover, there was a positive direct correlation between teachers' years of experience and their efficiency; more experienced teachers proved more efficient. Finally, results of ANOVA showed that teachers with different levels of experience attained significantly different scores on the efficiency scale, meaning that the higher the level of education, the more efficient teachers become. Conversely, male and female teachers were no different on the efficiency scale. The implications that such findings carry for Arabic language pedagogy are further discussed.
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Foreign Employment Saving Bond for Sustainable Economic Development: A Case of Nepal
Nepal is in continuous pressure for graduation from LDC by 2022. Despite planned development efforts, capital expenditure has been consistently below 30 percent of the GDP threshold, resulting into slow structural transformation, low private investment and growth. Lack of project readiness due to governance factor has been considered as major constraint of economic development. The main objective of the study is to analyze the possibilities of introducing the foreign employment bond as an instrument for financing the fiscal deficits and sustainable economic development. The increasing trend of remittance income and its already visible micro and macro impact has raised the possibilities to channelize remittances as an important instrument for national development.
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Glycogen synthase kinase – 3 and cancer - an overview
Defective apoptosis (programmed cell death) represents a major causative factor in the development and progression of cancer. Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 (GSK-3) has the perplexing capacity to either increase or decrease the apoptotic threshold. These apparently paradoxical effects now are known to be due to GSK-3 which oppositely regulating the two major apoptotic signaling pathways. GSK-3 promotes cell death caused by the mitochondrial intrinsic apoptotic pathway, but inhibits the death receptor-mediated extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway. Consequently, inhibitors of GSK-3 provide protection from intrinsic apoptosis signaling but potentiate extrinsic apoptosis signaling. So, ability of GSK-3 to oppositely influence two types of apoptotic signaling have thrown a light on important regulatory mechanisms in apoptosis and henceforth designing the rational use of GSK-3 inhibitors for therapeutic interventions in cancer.
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Grammar Learning Strategies Preference: EILS VS EDLS
This article investigates learning strategies among English Language students to what extent they apply the Explicit-Deductive/-Inductive Grammar Learning Strategies in their language learning. The students as the language learners need to acquire precisely the English grammar skills to help them fulfil their course requirements. To achieve the objective of the study, the adopted questionnaire from Language Learner Strategies developed by Oxford and Lee (2011) has been distributed to 95 samples. The findings show that there is relatively strong statistical evidence supporting all the alternative hypotheses by showing that there is a moderately significant relationship between Explicit-Inductive Learning Strategies (EILS) and Explicit-Deductive Learning Strategies (EDLS).
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Groundwater quality assessment: A case study of Sanayapalem area, Andhra Pradesh, India
The main aim of this study has been to assess the variability of groundwater parameters to develop water quality of Sanayapalem area. The ground water is a major source for irrigation in many arid and semi arid regions of India. A total of 30 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for major cations and anions. The parameters like sodium absorption ratio (SAR), percent sodium, potential salinity, residual sodium carbonate, non carbonate hardness, Kelly’s ratio, permeability index, indices of base exchange and Gibbs ratio were also calculated. Major ionic relationships indicate that weathering reactions have significant role in the hydrochemical processes of the groundwater system. Hydrogeochemical processes controlling the water chemistry are rock- water interaction. Various determinants such as Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR), Percent Sodium (Na %), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), and Kelley’s Ratio revealed that most of the samples are suitable for irrigation.
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Hemangioma with littoral cell of the spleen:About a case
Splenic hemangioma is a benign vascular lesion of the spleen that develops at the expense of red pulp structures. It is most often discovered accidentally, radiologically. It often raises a differential diagnosis problem with splenic hamartoma or splenoma, which is defined as a nodular formation consisting of the same elements of normal splenic parenchyma but arranged in a haphazard way.We report the case of a 50-year-old woman hospitalized for pain of the left hypochondrium.
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High air CO concentration associated with altered RBCs Hemoglobin, and PCV: Metrologicstudy Sudan 2013 -2014
Carbon monoxide is a significant air pollutant worldwide. Its poisoning causes hazards to health and damages in body. This study was conducted in Alkamleen area where a lot of red brick factories are located along the Blue Nile river bank in the east of the area. The study aimed to investigate the hematological parameter about Hb, RBC sand PCV at a high CO concentration area.the study area was divided by two lines parallel to the river bank, 500 meters distance from each other into three zones A, B and C from north to south. Also it was divided from east to west by five imaginary lines to give six squires in each zone. The reading for CO concentration was determined for each square. Blood samples were collected from the habitants in the study area. Hb was determined by the Drab kin’s method, Read by photoelectric colorimeter, RBCs was used improved Neubauer (chamber), to calculate the TRBC, PCV was determined by Micro-Haematocrit centrifuge. CO in air was found to be significantly higher levels of CO concentration in air were detected throughout the year in all zones. Mean+/-SD of RBCs among the study group in winter were 5.6±0.8, Mean+/-SD of RBCs among the study group in summer were 5.2±0.8. Hb, RBCs, PCV were significantly higher for study group in winter as compared to control group.air CO was significantly exceeds the WHO recommended standards. Higher reading in winter and summer of Hb, RBCs and PCV were associated to high CO concentration which emitted from red brick kilns in Alkamleen area.
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