Interest of MRI in the diagnosis of glomus tumors with review of the literature
Glomus tumors are rare benign tumors, they represent 1 to 4.5% of hand tumors developing from Masson's glomus, a neuromyo-vascular structure of the body that participates in thermal regulation. Delay in diagnosis is frequent, because this tumor can’t give an elementary lesion, and only manifest itself by a throbbing paroxysmal pain, which misleads the practitioners, thus referring the patients in psychiatry The definitive diagnosis is based on the pathological examination. The aim of our retrospective study was to assess the value of MRI in the diagnostic management of digital glomus tumors.
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Internet usage and its relationship to happiness – as an indicator to well-being
Well-being includes many aspects such as happiness, energy, leisure, peace with oneself, contentment and sensitivity to the environment. It is a sense of balance between different aspects of life - from physical to emotional to spiritual and the much researched psychological well-being. The domain of the psychological well-being lies in the everyday experiences of people. To say the Internet is an important component of human life is a statement that is not exaggerated. Typically the human race would come to a standstill or become non-existent without the usage of internet, be it in mobile /computer to surf and check Facebook, Whatsapp, and other social media. A report by UK’s chartered institute of IT (BCS) found that 35,000 people who use the internet reported that it made them feel happier and better about their lives (BCS, 2010). Happiness is a gregarious feeling and is usually multiplied with better communication channels and robust interaction among people leading to an integrated well-being in individuals. Technology in the form of Internet helps in a large amount of communication and interaction, which can happen in a minuscule time. The purview of the present research is to analyse the relationship between Internet Addiction and Happiness in relation to Well-being. The sample consists of 150 Internet users both male and female. Internet Addiction Test (IAT; 1998) by Dr. Kimberly Young and The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ; 2002) by Peter Hills, Michael Argyle were used to measure Internet addiction and Happiness respectively. The results thus obtained were subjected to statistical analysis.
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Introduction of Laplace Transforms and their Relationship to Differential Equations
In this manuscript we will show what are the Laplace transforms. What is their relationship to differential equations? Where we will explain some general examples of this relationship through a brief explanation of some applications. This will be clarified through the articles of the manuscript as below.
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Investigation of Moscovium Nanoparticles as Anti–Cancer Nano Drugs for Human Cancer Cells, Tissues and Tumors Treatment
In the current study, thermoplasmonic characteristics of Moscovium nanoparticles with spherical, core–shell and rod shapes are investigated. In order to investigate these characteristics, interaction of synchrotron radiation emission as a function of the beam energy and Moscovium nanoparticles were simulated using 3D finite element method. Firstly, absorption and extinction cross sections were calculated. Then, increases in temperature due to synchrotron radiation emission as a function of the beam energy absorption were calculated in Moscovium nanoparticles by solving heat equation. The obtained results show that Moscovium nanorods are more appropriate option for using in optothermal human cancer cells, tissues and tumors treatment method.
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Investigations on thermal conductivity of wood dust and glass fibre filled epoxy hybrid composites
Experimental and numerical investigation of the thermal conductivity in particulate filler filled (wood dust) epoxy composites have been studied in the present work. The thermal conductivity of particulate filled polymer composite is calculated experimentally using guarded heat flow meter method in accordance with ASTM-E 1530 standard. This study shows that the incorporation of wood dust results in reduction of conductivity of epoxy resin and there by improves its thermal insulation capability. Further the thermal conductivity of particle filled composites has been calculated numerically using the microstructure images by identifying each pixel with a finite difference equation and accompanying appropriate image processing. It has been observed that numerical results, experimental values and all other models are close to each other at low particulate content. On comparison, it has been found that the errors associated with the numerical values with respect to experimental ones lie in the range of 3.4 to 14.8%, the same results from Rules-of- mixture and Maxwell’s correlations lie in the ranges of 3.4 to 29.2% and 4.2 to 46.7% respectively. The incorporation of glass fibre in wood dust filled epoxy resin reduces the thermal conductivity further. With addition of 6.5vol%, 11.3vol%, 26.8vol% and35.9vol%of wood dust and 9.6vol% glass fibre the thermal conductivity of epoxy resin dropped by about 43.6%, 47.5%, 60.3% and 62.8% respectively.
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Job satisfaction related with organizational commitment: a study on bank employees at Northern region, Malaysia
The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the extent to which job satisfaction correlate with organizational commitment focusing on bank employees specifically and private sector generally. The study also tries to identify the strongest variables of job satisfaction that contribute towards organization commitment. A sample of 200 respondents was randomly chosen in this survey which 150 respondents gave the feedback. Correlation and regression analysis are being used to determine the relationship between job satisfaction variables (company policy, salary, working condition, interpersonal relation and advancement) and organizational commitment. The result from hypotheses testing has shown that all independent variables have positive relationship with organizational commitment. Furthermore, the result on regression also shows that advancement has the strongest relationship with organizational commitment compare to other variables. As a conclusion, we do believe that the results could be used by organizations to increase their employees’ commitment and lead to further research in the future.
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Knowledge management applications and status in Indian education system: a survey
Knowledge Management is now becoming popular in Education field due to need to disclose the intellectual power available in institution for sharing experiences. It has great potential and should have equal and even greater significance for education sector. Knowledge builds on knowledge and past events helps in generating new knowledge. The main source of generation of knowledge is human efforts which are developed through conducting good educational activities, research activities and generating innovative concepts in the area of interest. All knowledge generating organizations like industries, R and D centers, and higher education academics from colleges to universities are in search of new concepts in their subject of interest and also contribute to knowledge through various means. They are considered as “Knowledge Houses” where knowledge flows from teachers to students and new knowledge is created. Though developed countries has already started knowledge management practices in educational and research institutes still many developing countries yet to start practicing this. In this paper the author discussed the present status of knowledge management in education sector in India, Initiatives taken by various government bodies, importance of knowledge management in education sector especially traditional colleges and universities, strategies used to capture students, teachers and processes knowledge and suggested knowledge management process for higher educational institute in India.
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Laplace Transform (Definition of Differential Influencer Method) and Application
After we covered the subject of Laplace transformations through two previous manuscripts. In this manuscript, we will discuss the definition of (Differential Influencer Method), which is a type of method for solving differential equations. As we explained through the example of the difference between (normal method) and (Laplace transform method) as mathematically supported solution methods.
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Linking organizational structure and organizational effectiveness: Mediating role of knowledge management (Case: Mashhad's Science and Technology Park)
Practices of knowledge management are context-specific and they can influence organizational effectiveness. This study examines the possible mediating role of knowledge management in the relationship between organizational Structure and organizational effectiveness. A survey was conducted of 131 organizations. The results suggest that knowledge management fully mediates the impact of organizational Structure on organizational effectiveness. The findings carry theoretical implications for knowledge management literature as they extend the scope of research on knowledge management from examining a set of independent management practices to examining a system-wide mechanism that connects internal resources and competitive advantage.
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Liquefaction potential and liquefaction hazard analysis of Srinagar city, Kashmir Valley
Not all soils are susceptible to liquefaction, there are many works that have aimed to classify the soils based on their susceptibility to liquefaction, and among them the notable ones are : Youd’s criteria of liquefaction, Boulanger and Idriss’ criteria for liquefaction and there are Chinese criteria that are widely used. Because liquefaction has frequently been observed to occur at the same location when site conditions are unchanged (Youd, 1984), evidence of the historical occurrence of liquefaction, either observed or in the form of paleoliquefaction, can be taken as evidence of liquefaction susceptibility. Geologic conditions can also indicate susceptibility to liquefaction; soils deposited in fluvial deposits, and colluvial and aeolian deposits when saturated, are likely to be susceptible to liquefaction. Liquefaction is also observed in alluvial-fan, alluvial-plain, beach, terrace, playa and estuarine deposits, but not as consistently as in those listed previously. Younger soil deposits are generally more susceptible to liquefaction than older deposits. The physical composition of a soil deposit will play a strong role in determining its liquefaction susceptibility (Kramer, 1996). Uniformly graded clean sands composed of rounded particles are inherently most susceptible to liquefaction. Well-graded soils and soils with angular particles are less susceptible. The presence of fines, particularly plastic fines (PI>10) tends to decrease liquefaction susceptibility. The liquefaction potential of a soil deposit can be studied via the mechanical properties of the deposit too. It is done by defining two parameters which govern the behaviour of the deposit during dynamic earthquake loading. The first being the CRR called the cyclic resistance ratio and CSR called the cyclic stress ratio, the CRR tells the total stress ratio required to cause the liquefaction, and the CSR is the stress ratio that is acting on the soil during earthquake loading. Quite obvious is the fact that if the ratio CRR/CSR is less than unity it will mean that the soil can take less stress than what is acting on it and will liquefy. The present study aims at studying the susceptibility of the site to liquefaction and then arrive at the most important site parameter that determines the susceptibility of a soil deposit to liquefaction. The site under study is located in a severe earthquake prone region of the world, "THE KASHMIR VALLEY, INDIA J&K".
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