The effect of language planning on lexical borrowing
Everything in this universe is perpetually in a state of change. In fact, we live in fluctuating world, nothing stays still. Language like everything else joins in this general flux. These changes may occur in all aspects of a language: in pronunciation, in syntax and in lexicon. Of these three areas lexical changes are the most noticeable and may be observed almost daily. An important type of lexical change in any language is lexical borrowing. This research intended to investigate whether these new substitute words have been accepted by educated people or not. The research also intended to see whether there is any difference among students of Persian, English and Arabic literature in their familiarity with and use of these new words or not. In so doing, three groups of educated students at the university of Isfahan participated in the study. Each group consisted of 30 male students, studying English, Persian, and Arabic literature. A list of 163 substituted words for the borrowed foreign words presented to them. They were asked to mark the word which they use more frequently in spoken and written form of language to see which form, the borrowed form or the substituted form, is used more frequently and also by which group. The results show that the borrowed words are used more frequently than substituted words by all of the three groups. It is suggested that the language planners include the substitute words in high school books to get more fruitful results and we hope it finds its place among our people very soon!
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The effect of organization culture and job climate on employee retention in Pakistan
This study investigated the employee retention dependency on predictor variables like training program, incentive programme, co-worker social support, working hours and union representation. For this purpose data have collected from individuals in four banks and government employee who are living in government colonies in Pakistan. Total population was approximately 550 and sample size 226 has been used for collecting data. The regression test is used to check dependency of employee retention on predictor variables. the result of the study indicate that employee retention depend more on incentive program, union representation, co worker social support, and less on working hours and supervisory program. However incentive program is more significant predictor variable for employee retention than other variable.
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The Implications of Thuggery as a Form of Political Violence in Bauch, Nigeria
Security challenges have remained a worried concern, as the activities of political thuggery in a form of violence becoming rampant in most societies of Nigeria. The utilization of thuggery in the process of attaining and preservation of political power has become a fashion to most of the politicians. This study tends to examine the implications of political thuggery in Bauchi, Nigeria. Hence, the qualitative method was used to collect data. The study reveals, through the use of thuggery, insurgency, small arms proliferation, violence and incompetent leaders emerge in the society. Eradication of poverty and education programs should be given due attention by the government.
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The influence of ionic strength on apparent and thermodynamic parameters (KA, PKAS’) for HF and phosphate buffer capacities
The apparent and thermodynamic parameters (pKa, pKb, Ka, Kb) are among the most common used physical parameters and their determinations are of interest to a broad range of research. It is apparent that hypersaline hydrochemical environment in concentrated salt lake brines has a profound modifying influence on parameters such as Ka, pKa's and buffer capacities. This study presents chemical parameters (Ka, pKa and buffer capacities) at typical high ionic strength salt lake brines, which were evaluated at 25 oC and have revealed both pKa1 and pKa2 to decrease as ionic strength of the solution increases. The apparent dissociation constant Ka for HF is increasing as the ionic strength increases and thermodynamic Ka = 7.46 x 10-4 found is in good agreement with the values reported in the literature. The phosphate buffer capacity in the target Rift Valley Salt Lake systems is observed to exceed that of pure water by a factor of 36 to 1000.
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The Relation between Cash Holdings and Trade Credit, Consideration of Financial Deepening
Access to financial markets and how the market's way of financing is, is one of the most important factors that Specifies how Access Company to cash and level of it. Countries where the financial sector depth is less, It does not allocate resources efficiently between the needs and Sometimes in these countries are faced with the problem of unavailability of appropriate financial instruments thus in which case they shall not gather enough resources. This study examines the relationship between trade credit payable and receivable with cash holding In view of the financial depth. The population of the study includes all Tehran Stock Exchange member firms after certain conditions are imposed. sampling was undertaken and Finally, during the period 2006 to 2013,127 companies were selected.The methodology of research is descripitive. Evaluate the research hypotheses through regression analysis with the use of synthetic data has been carried out. Also we use a number of control variables. These variables consist of Size, Liquid, Leverage, Debt, M/B, Cash flow. The results show no relationship between trade credit payable and receivable with cash holding in view of the financial depth. Also test the hypotheses in a single regression model did not change the results.
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The Relationship between Time Management and Managers and Staff Burnout in the Department of Youth and Sports in Alborz Province
To examine the relationship between time management with staff and manager burnout in the Department of Youth and Sports in Alborz province. For this purpose using descriptive – correlation method 171 people from the staff and managers in the Departments of Youth and Sports in Alborz province were investigated and questionnaires were distributed among them, from among whom 150 people perfectly completed and returned the questionnaires. To gather data, standardized questionnaire of Makan time management and Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) were used. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used, which consisted of Pearson correlation test, simple regression, Multivariate regression and independent t-test. The findings from the results showed that the three dimensions of job burnout among the staff in the Department of Youth And Sports in Alborz province were low and their job burnout could be ranked as low. It was also found that only two subscales of operational planning and prioritization of objectives and activities had a significant negative relationship with job burnout. The regression analysis also showed that time management subscales explain 37% of the burnout changes. Inverse significant relationship only exists between the feeling of lack of personal efficiency with time management while no significant relationship was observed between emotional atrophy and de-characterization with time management and that managers suffered less job burnout compared with other staff.
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The Study of Emergence and Expansion of Jihadist Groups in Egypt from 1948 to 1979
Jihadism is a type of Islamists movements that in addition to belief in following the principles of Islam, has especial emphasis on Jihad (sacred war) as one of the basis of Islam. The origin of this movement in general, is Egypt, andin particular, Muslim Brotherhood organization (Ikhvan ul-Muslemin). In second half of twentieth century due to factors like torture and prison, identity crisis, 1967 defeat from Israel and intense class differences and closed political space, groups with extremist attitudes and equipped with ideas of extremist theorists like Sayyed Qotb, have been separated from the Muslim Brotherhood and by accepting members from youth, students and others, they have created organizations that their main purpose is armed struggle with government and overthrowing it in order to establish an Islamic government. These organizations that their most popular ones are Al-Takfir Va Al-Hejreh, Army Technical Academy and Al-Jihad, soon began armed struggles with Egypt government.
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Thermal radiation effects on MHD free convection flow of a Micropolar fluid past a stretching surface embedded in a non-Darcian porous medium
A comprehensive study of thermal radiation on a steady two-dimensional laminar flow of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting micropolar fluid past a stretching surface embedded in a non-Darcian porous medium is analyzed numerically. The governing equations of momentum, angular momentum, and energy equations are solved numerically using Runge- Kutta fourth order method with shooting technique. The effects of various parameters on the velocity, microrotation, and temperature field as well as skin friction coefficient, and Nusselt number are shown graphically and in tabulated. It is observed that the micropolar fluid helps in the reduction of drag forces and also acts as a cooling agent.
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Together Application-Health Diary app for caregivers of Alzheimer's patients Together Application-Health Diary app for caregivers of Alzheimer's patients
Alzheimer’s patients are experiencing a continuous increase around the world, highlighting the challenge of ensuring consistent quality of care for all patients. This project is studying the daily care needs of Alzheimer’s patients and medical care providers. It aims to address this challenge by creating a mobile application to follow up on the daily health developments of Alzheimer’s patients and record them through care providers. The care aims of this project is to highlight the development of a mobile app, which based on scientific and medical sources, aims to help Alzheimer’s disease care providers to render their services in a modern, easy, and effective way. This app is also designed to help save time, money, and effort. As a result, this project has several specific objectives it seeks to achieve including the design, facilitation of use, quality improvement, and support services for care providers and doctors.
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Towards a more stable banking in India
Banks in advanced economies continue to be weighed down by slow credit growth, funding risks, reliance on government and central bank support, contagion impact fromthe concerns about sovereign debt sustainability, etc. In contrast, the Indian financial system which is largely dominated by the banking sector remains well capitalized. Asset quality remained robust though some concerns emanated from the fact that slippages exceeded the rate of growth of advances, and resulted in increased requirements for provisions. The present paper aims to analyse the stability of Indian banking sector as compared to world scenario in terms of Capital to risk weighted assets ratio, Overall Asset Quality and Interest rate sensitivity. The paper based on RBI Financial Stability Report 2010 also analysis the stability of Indian banking in terms of bank Stability Index.
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