The checking of Hazard models Comparison with the traditional view of bankruptcy prediction in the Tehran Stock Exchange with using ROC curves and table
The present study examines the risk model comparison, the conventional wisdom predicting bankruptcy, the Tehran Stock Exchange, with the curve and the ROC, is paid. In this study, the performance model risk, in the face of conventional wisdom predicting bankruptcy, with a comprehensive exam, and using a full database of companies listed on the main Tehran Stock Exchange between 2011 to 2014, with curve and the ROC, we tested. In this study, risk models are of two types. 1. The risk model based on accounting information, and (2) risk model based on market information. And traditional bankruptcy prediction models, as well as two types, 1. Z concession model, only the use of accounting information, and (2) provided that the claim based model, in equity, as an option to decide on assets looks. The population of this research, companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The population of this study, which is now number 342, 95 of them are bankrupt and the sample number, company number is 246, 67 of them are bankrupt. In this study, the software brings new 3, Excel and SPSS (spss) is used. The individual results of each test curve ROC (receiver operating characteristics), and the ROC suggests that the ability to predict bankruptcy risk models better than the traditional approach.
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The holonic approach for flexible production: a theoretical framework
This paper discusses the body of knowledge about Holonic Approach to theoretically demonstrate how Holonic Production System (HPS) can be a convincing choice to overcome the problems of traditional production systems’ architectures. Today, enterprises are trying to find ways to manage the growing environmental complexity that is well described by Complex Systems Theory (CST). After the focus on the main problem regarding environmental complexity, the Holonic system and the Holonic Production System will be analyzed. The paper will focus the potential of HPS to adapt and react to changes in the business environment whilst being able to maintain systemic synergies and coordination through the holonic structure where functional production units are simultaneously autonomous and cooperative.
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The impact of mergers on efficiency of banks in Pakistan
By applying the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA), the study explored the cost and profit efficiency impact of mergers in banking sector of Pakistan during 1998-2006. The intermediation approach is used for definition and determination of input and output variables. It is assumed that cost function followed translog functional form and alternative profit functional form is supposed to be followed by profit function. Following the four years event study approach, both the cost and profit efficiencies are calculated and compared for pre-merger and post-merger period. The study found that in pre-merger period on the average, banks were 93.83% cost efficient, whereas, this figure rose to 94.15% for post merger period. It reflected 0.32% improvement in cost efficiency. The result was significant at 10% level of significance. In case of profit efficiency, the post merger gain was -5%, however, the result was insignificant. The study concluded that there was improvement in cost efficiency due to bank mergers in Pakistan during 1998-2006 however, no such statistically significant evidence was found for profit efficiency.
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The Influence of Management Practices on Healthcare Staff Performance
In contemporary settings, management practices imply strategic approaches to improve employee performance and quality. The paucity of studies on healthcare management practices in developing countries led to the undertaking of this study. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to explore the management practices that influence health workers performance and quality of care within the Dakar-Senegal region and to gain an insight into the central research question of the study. The theory of performance provided the foundation to underpin this study. The overarching research question served to elicit detailed participant responses and aided in uncovering how healthcare workers understand the existing management practices in the organization and the influence it has on workforce performance as it relates to the quality of care in Senegal, west Africa. This study included a sample of clinicians in various healthcare organizations. The protocol developed in this study included one-on-one interviews and focus groups. The repeated words or phrases, using a process of constant comparison of the data was used to analyze the data and derive common and emergent themes, representing the knowledge outcome from the study. The important themes that emerged from the data were productivity, and organizational commitment, based on leadership, transparency and leadership, reflecting the imperatives that must be maintained for effectiveness and institutional effectiveness in delivering quality of patient care. These themes elucidated and clarified how management practices influence healthcare worker performance and quality.
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The inheritance position of the frozen embryo in legal system of Iran
In this century with medical advancements and possibility to treat infertilty by medical methods many question in different scopes ? for example law ? have been submitted which should be answered by scientists to prepare the suitable ground for making necessary rules in this matter .One of these subjects which is submitted in law is the inheritance position of the frozen embryo and the inheritability of the children whose fertilization has taken place after the death of owner of the sperm/ovum and whether ,specific share of inheritance should be saved for them or not? And if the answer to this question is positive how long is its period of time?in this article ,these questions will be answered by relying on law , religious jurisprudence and also the idea of lawyers and religious theorizer. So according to that basis the following conclusions arise: 1- The genealogic relation is just between the children and the owner of sperm and ovum even if there was no marriage relationship between them and clearly inheritance is a result of genealogy. 2- The child whose fertilization has taken place after death of parents also inherits from owner of sperm or ovum’. Because in this situation genealogy (mediocre relationship) does potentially exist. 3- The embroy that is composed and fertilized out of the uterus can be supported by civil law. whether it is growing up or it has been frozen, because the frozen embryo is a pottential human being, in addition the generality of Iran civil law include this group, too.As well,as Freezing embryo, after death or separation from of the parents, causes some problems,the legislators should find a solution to prevent these challenges but it is not a good reason to deprive these children of their right of inheritance.
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The mediating effect of (procedural and distributive) justice on the relationship of perceived organizational support on outcomes (job satisfaction, organization commitment and turnover)
The main purpose of the study was to investigate that the effect of distributive and procedural justice as mediator in connection with perceived organizational support will increase or decrease job satisfaction, employee commitment and turnover in employees. The main significance of the study was to investigate the mediating relationship of justice perceptions (distributive and procedural) with perceived organizational support and outcomes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention). A total of 361 employees of telecom, banking and academics sectors were taken. Results suggest that distributive and procedural justice will not act as mediation between the relationship of perceived organizational support and turnover intentions.
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The Place of Women in Community Development ; A Review of Ikeduru Women
The paper analysed the role of women as individuals and organization in the development of rural communities in Ikeduru, a total of 450 questionnaires were administered and 350 was returned while the simple percentages was employed in the analysis of the data, the study revealed that the women of Ikeduru have over the years been involved with development strides aimed at developing Ikeduru and on these premise the paper recommend a wholistic support to the women as groups to motivate the generally for a greater height of developmental achievement.
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The role of higher education's women in development of social – economic
This concept implies to links communications among members of one network as valuable source and causes to realize purposes of members creating norms and reciprocal trust Higher education has an origin and is introduced as successful and acceptable lever Higher education is sociological suitable bed for exploiting of physical and human capital and one way for achieving to success. Managers and persons who can make Higher education in organization, they even the way of business and organizational success. On the other hand, higher education denotes personal life and makes life easier and more pleasurable.
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The Role of Spirituality in Solving the Contemporary Crises of Human Beings: Using Moulavi’s Approach in Mathnavi
A modern man is different from his ancestors in different perspectives. Though the developments have created new problems and crises ahead of him, development in technology and science has brought up welfare , and has changed the life fundamentally. This study was aimed at investigating the base of spiritual crises and problems in a qualitative manner. Some of the problems ahead of us as human beings are: identity crisis, knowledge crisis, moral and psychological crisis. In this regard, Rumi (Moulana) is one of those people who have referred to all of human beings in all the times. Using the language of flute, he has warned the unawares and has guided them toward the road of bliss. In reaching the aims of the study, the crises were first defined. Later, the solution was offered from Rumi’s view point.
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The ‘Little Foxes’ that Upset Students’ Learning of Professionalism
In this article the researcher seeks to provoke discussions on the unseen curriculum and its role on students’ learning of professionalism. The article draws educators’ attention to the formation of professional values through the concealed curriculum via examination of issues like how the veiled curriculum functions within education as a countervailing force to educations’ push for professionalism. The article defines expert values as standards for specialized practice, which are based on the agreement of expert groups of people. Professional values like competence, honesty, confidentiality and appropriate language among other virtues, provide a framework for appraising the ideas and viewpoints that influence success at work place. The researcher responds to key concerns about pervasive calls emanating from unprofessional and academic onlookers alike to strengthen the teaching of professional values within the formal curriculum. She employed exploratory mixed methods design. She distributed 498 closed-ended questionnaires to randomly selected respondents at different times and interviewed ten key informants. The results revealed that it is possible to teach information about professional values, ethical reasoning, or improve understanding of professional language and ethical concepts, but course material or the formal curriculum is very limited in decisively influencing students’ personality or ensuring moral conduct. The results also revealed that students learning of professional values takes place not within the formal curriculum but in a more subtle, less officially recognized curriculum. The researcher maintains that any attempt to develop a comprehensive professionalism curriculum must acknowledge the broader cultural milieu (the humanistic climate) within which that curriculum functions. The researcher concludes by proposing thorough exploration of the humanistic climate (the hidden curriculum) in which professionalism is caught rather than taught, which if made positive is likely to allow expertise principles to blossom among young workers
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