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       2011. Study of Producer Organizations as Effective Tool for Agricultural and Rural Development in Tripura,India
Prabir Datta, Utpalendu Debnath and Sujoy Hazari
Abstract | Pdf Category : Agricultural Sciences    |   Sub Category : Agriculture
       2012. Suicidal Death in Slovakia Relation with Solar Interplanetary and Geomagnetic Activity Parameters (1986 To 2010)
P. L. Verma
Abstract | Pdf Category : Physical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Space Science
       2013. Synthesis and characterization of a new noncentrosymmetric organic–inorganic hybrid material (C5N2ClH6)2[CdCl3.57(H2O)0.43].Cl0.43.H2O1.57
R.Kefi, M.El Glaoui, M. Zeller, F.Lefebvre and C.Ben Nasr
Abstract | Pdf Category : Chemical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Chemistry
       2014. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of 5,6-dimethylthieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives
Himanshu D. Patel, Paresh S. Patel and Keshav C. Patel
Abstract | Pdf Category : Chemical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Organic Chemistry
       2015. Synthesis, spectral correlation and antimicrobial activities of some substituted styryl 5-methyl-2-furyl ketones
G. Thirunarayanan, G. Vanangamudi, M. Subramanian, U. Umadevi, S.P.Sakthinathan and R.Sundararajan
Abstract | Pdf Category : Chemical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Organic Chemistry
       2016. Teacher’s performance evaluation system: applications, challenges and research areas
Aranuwa Felix Ola and Sellapan Palaniappan
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Educational Technology
       2017. The constructivist view on Textile, Apparel and Fashion Education
Jayashree Venkatesh and Kauvery Bai
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Social Studies
       2018. The Effect of Role-Play on Promoting Functional Use of L2 in Low-immersion EFL Context of Iranian High school Learners
Mohammad Reza Oroji, Behzad Rahbar and Khadijeh Kamyab
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Social Sciences
       2019. The Effectiveness of Elaeidobius kamerunicus to The Fruit Set of Oil Palm
Mardiana Wahyuni
Abstract | Pdf Category : Agricultural Sciences    |   Sub Category : Agriculture
       2020. The Invisible Curriculum in Youth‘s Empowerment to be Creative, Innovative and Resilient Servant Leaders for Achieving Vision 2030
Dinah Katindi Nyamai
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Social Sciences