The Study of Direct Vocabulary Learning Strategy on EFL Iranian’ Reading Comprehension: The Case of Structure Reviewing
The present study was conducted to study the effect of Structure Reviewing strategy as a direct vocabulary learning strategy on reading comprehension skill. To fulfill the purpose of the study, a language proficiency test was administrated to100 male and female university students who studied in a course other than English as their major in Omidiyeh Islamic Azad University. Ultimately, thirty pre-intermediate students were selected and assigned into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught vocabulary through Structure Reviewing as a direct vocabulary learning strategy for developing their vocabulary storage in reading comprehension. After ten sessions of treatment, the two groups were given a post-test of an achievement vocabulary test. Data analysis was conducted through samples t-test statistics. It demonstrated that the experimental group who utilized Structure Reviewing as a direct vocabulary learning strategy outperformed the control group.
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The use of multivariate analysis for characterisation and classification of Ikpa River, Nigeria
Water quality parameters from three sampling stations in Ikpa River, Nigeria were investigated for a period of 12 calendar months from March 2009 to February 2010. ANOVA result showed that all the parameters were significantly different (P<0.05) except transparency and pH. Sampling station and month effect on the parameters showed significance by LSD means separation in all parameters (P<0.05) except air temperature, transparency and pH, thus, some were highly significant while others were significant. pH values in all the stations remained the same indicating uniformity from the upstream to downstream. PC 1 and 2 axes in the combined stations indicated clusters of PO4-P, NO3-N and SO42- which showed that they have high positive correlations with each other, thus, there is inferred eutrophication and subsequent pollution. AT and WT showed high positive correlation in clustering together in all the stations indicated the effect of climate change which is a global environmental menace due to the increased of the earth’s surface. High positive correlation of FCO2 and BOD indicated low dissolved oxygen which endangers the lives of aquatic fauna. The clustering of TDS and transparency together was an indication of high ionic constituents of the water, thus, inferring nitrification. CCA showed effect of environmental factors on phytoplankton species and the main source of pollution to be from organic materials. Seasonal variability showed higher factor loadings during the dry season than during the wet season (P<0.05). Temporal variableness had highest factor loadings occurring in February (P<0.05). The total number of families, genera and species of phytoplankton sampled were 7, 67 and 106 respectively.
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Theorem on n-triangular form of fuzzy context free grammar
Every fuzzy context free language L(G) can be generated by N-triangular form of fuzzy context free grammar is Proved in this paper with illustrated examples.
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Thermal Behavior of the Formation of the Zinc-Ferrite in the Flow Injection Synthesis Reactor
In this research to estimate of the forming energy of Zn-Ferrite were used of the isothermal reaction by using Avrami equation and Avrami Ozawa for Non-Isothermal reaction in use Flow Injection Synthesis reactor, whether as Isothermal or non-isothermal. According the methods above can be obtainedthe formation energy of Zn-Ferrite. In this research have be done four time isothermal experiments at the temperature 60 0C,70 0C and 80 0C respectively. The sampling of experiment data have be done effectively using pH data logger where both pH and temperature were written in SD card memory automaticallyin form Excel format. As a result the formation enthalpy (?H) 4.2 kcal / mol with entropy (S) 12.6 cal / mol deg and 3:14 density gr / cc,respectively
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Thermal Characteristics of V-Trough Solar Simulator (VTSS) using different Profiles of Heat Pipes
V-Trough solar simulator (VTSS) was designed and constructed at Measurements lab of Annamalai University and its performance was analyzed on indoor test facility. Integrating the heat pipe with V-Trough absorber plate can improve the system performance. VTSS system uses three different heat pipes such as circular, semicircular and Elliptical of same length 900 mm and diameter of 18 mm, 22 mm, 24 mm respectively. The experiment had been conducted by changing the heat pipes of the collector (VTSS). The output responses such as heat output, thermal resistance and overall efficiency has been analyzed with respect to each heat pipe experimentally by using commercial Design of Expert version DX 9 software by using Box- Behnken design of Response Surface Method (RSM). Contour diagram shows the factors effecting and thermal behaviour of the heat output, thermal resistance and overall efficiency has been shown. From the mathematical results and RSM optimization it is concluded that experimental setup integrated with circular heat pipe gives higher heat output and overall efficiency with less thermal resistance.
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Traumatic dislocations of the hip
Hip dislocation is a therapeutic emergency, which results from violent trauma often associated with local or general lesions. Objective: In this study, we aimed to assess the treatment outcome of the follow-up of hip dislocation in Bamako, Mali. In our retrospective study, we recruited patients with traumatic hip dislocation from January 2012 to December 2016 and followed them up at the orthopedic and trauma department of the University Hospital (CHU) Gabriel Toure. In total, 81 patients (69 men and 12 women) with traumatic hip dislocation were included in our study with a sex-ratio of 5.7. The average age was 31.83 years old a standard deviation of 13.68 years old and extremes of 9 years old and 70 years old. Trauma was due to Public Road Accidents in 93.82% of the cases. The most frequent traumatic hip dislocation was anatomo-radiologic type I dislocation from steward and Milfrod with 62.96 %. Associated lesions were noticed in 67.90% of cases. In 97.53% of the patients underwent orthopedic treatment. Patients were followed up for at least a year. Complications were characterized by chronic pain in 48.14%. Outcomes were favorable in 51.85% of cases. Traumatic hip dislocation is common in young people in Mali. It is serious and may engage the functional prognosis of the hip, especially in case of associated lesions. The treatment has to be urgent and appropriate for a better outcome.
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Tubular Steel Truss Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms and Stiffness Method
In this paper, an attempt is made to develop an optimization model for design of a steel truss using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and 2D truss analysis using stiffness method program of in the MATLAB. The objective function is to minimize the total weight of the truss, subjected to satisfaction of the constraints of axial stresses in the members of the truss and nodal displacements. The 2D truss analysis program is validated with STADD.Pro V8i. The constraints violation is handled by using an adaptive penalty function. GA tool kit functions and the 2D analysis program are combined and implemented in MATLAB. The proposed model is tested on a 3-bar steel tubular truss. After several runs and out of many optimal solutions obtained, the solution with a total weight of 150.15 Kg is considered as the best and the corresponding results are presented.
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Urbanization and Vector Borne Diseases in Uttarakhand. A Review
Owing to population growth, poor levels of hygiene and increasing urban poverty, the urban environment in many developing countries is rapidly deteriorating. Density packed housing in shanty towns or slums and inadequate drinking water supplies, garbage collection services, surface water drainage systems combine to create favourable habitats for the proliferation of vector and reservoirs of communicable diseases. As a consequence, vector borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, lymphatic filariasis are becoming major public health problems associated with rapid urbanization in many tropical countries. The problems in controlling these diseases and eliminating vectors and pests can be resolved by decision- makers and urban planners by moving away from the concept of “blanket” applications of pesticides towards integrated approaches. Sound environmental management practices are community education and participation from the mainstay of some of the most outstanding successes in this area.
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Violence: A Social Barrier in John Grisham’s A Time to Kill
This paper describes the sexual violence in John Grisham’s novel A Time to Kill. The Sexual Violence in America is because of racial Discrimination, and in India is Rich and Poor. Money makes many thing in Indian constitution.
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Voltage modulation technique for a five-phase VSI supplying five-phase series connected two-motor drive
This paper deals with series connection of stator windings and with decoupled dynamic control, it has been introduced recently. The two-motor drive system is supplied from a single five-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) and the machines are controlled using vector control scheme. In literature this drive configuration utilizes current control in the stationary reference frame so current fed machine models are employed and the current regulated PWM multi-phase inverter replicates the current references. If current control is to be implemented in the rotating reference frame, a PWM method for the five-phase VSI is needed to generate required reference voltages. This paper proposes voltage modulation scheme to generate five-phase inverter output signals using a simple approach, in such a way that independent and decoupled control of two five-phase series-connected machines is achieved with minimum interaction between the two machines. The proposed method offers significant advantages over the existing space vector PWM. The suggested method generates output voltages that contain two fundamentals at operating frequencies required by the two machines with reduced computational burden on digital signal processor (DSP). The concept is verified by simulation and experimental approach.
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