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       2251. Psychosocial responses among infertile womens and normal womens
Mohammad Abbasi and Mohammad Hojati
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Psychology
       2252. Reactive Power Control with Fuzzy Controller Based STATCOM
Mahdi Heidari and Shiva Shahraki
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics
       2253. Research on the construction strategies of eco-industrial clusters
Jingfu Guo and Ningyu Xie
Abstract | Pdf Category : Management    |   Sub Category : Production
       2254. Rules over the commitment payment to work Performance
Shahram Karimi Garekani and Hassan Hosseini
Abstract | Pdf Category : Business and Law    |   Sub Category : Law
       2255. School Principals Transformational Leadership and Organizational Health of Secondary School Teachers’ in Malaysia
Anantha Raj A. Arokiasamy and Abdul Ghani Kanesan bin Abdullah
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Leadership Management
       2256. Security risks facing the civil aviation sector in India: need for review of the existing law
Siddharth Mehta
Abstract | Pdf Category : Business and Law    |   Sub Category : Law
       2257. Selection of Sub-Station site for Greater NOIDA India by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Shabbiruddin, Amitava Ray, Karma Sonam Sherpa and Sandeep Chakravorty
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics
       2258. Similarity of a Singular Sturm-Liouville Operator with Indefinite Weight
Qiuxia Yang and Wanyi Wang
Abstract | Pdf Category : Mathematical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Applied Mathematics
       2259. Simulation of Three-Phase Inverter Using Minimum Number of Controlled Switches
D. A. Kulkarni, T. D. Dongale and M. D. Uplane
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics
       2260. Single Feed Circular Polarized Circular Patch Antenna with C – Shaped Slots for Mobile Applications
A.Swetha and P. Nageswara Rao
Abstract | Pdf Category : Engineering    |   Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics