Performance analysis of solar assisted drying system
Solar energy is an economical alternative for today’s energy demand in comparison with other energies. Solar air heater is used for heating the air which in turn is used for drying the agricultural products. The objective of this paper is to design, develop and perform a detailed experiment and analyze the solar assisted drying system (SADS) for drying tealeaves. Green tealeaves plucked directly from the plantations are soaked in warm water for few minutes. Water is drained out; wet leaves are dried using the SADS consists of drying chamber maintained at a temperature of 55°C and pressure of 3Kg/cm2 through solar collectors. The initial weight of the green tea leaves is of 100 gms, which is reduced to 38gms in an hour.
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Performance Analysis of Stochastic Gradient Descent - based Algorithms for Time Series Sequence Modeling
In many modern computer applications such as Market Analysis, Critical Care, Speech Recognition, Physical Plant Monitoring, Sleep Stage Classification, Biological Population Tracking, data is captured over the course of time, constituting a Time-Series. Time-Series data often contain temporal information dependencies that cause two otherwise identical points of time to belong to different classes or predict different behavior. This inherent characteristic increases the difficulty of processing such data. Deep Machine Learning (DML) techniques possess the inherent ability for analyzing and making predictions about such data. By its nature, DML requires extensive provision of resources key amongst which is the model computation time. Several optimization algorithms have been invented in the recent past and compare differently in terms of their resource needs. The most popular class of optimization algorithms is based on the classical stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm due to its ability to converge within reasonable time bounds. This paper is part of a larger project investigating optimization procedures for deep learning tasks based on the SGD. Specifically, we report on the comparative performance capabilities of the most popular SGD based algorithms for task of Time Series prediction namely. From our analysis of the six of these algorithms, we noted that ADAMAX is most appropriate for online learning while RMSPROP is the least affected by over-fitting for long training cycles.
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Pharma in Tamil Nadu: A Glance
Pharmacy is the health profession that links the health science with chemical science and it is charged with ensuring the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs. Tamil Nadu is one of the well-developed States in terms of industrial development. Tamil Nadu is the fifth-largest pharmaceutical producing State in the country and accounts for 10% of the national production of pharmaceutical products in the country and nearly 487 pharma and biotech companies are housed in the State. It provides innovative, quality and affordable health care solution to masses. In this short review author provides some of the glimpses of the pharmacy profession in Tamil Nadu.
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Phase constitution of kaolin-based refractory concrete castables containing spinel or mullite (preformed and insitu) additives
The present maniscrupt aimed to improve the castable refractory castable concretes. Thus, kaolin-based refractory castables investigated were carefully prepared. They are composed of 90 wt. % well-graded (coarse, medium, and fine) kaolin aggregate, 10 wt. % binding matrix and adequate amount of distilled water. The binder mixture was calcium aluminate cement (CAC) containing 80 % Alumina and magnesium-aluminate spinel (MA- spinel) or mullite either preformed or insitu. The castable batches were cast into cubes (25 x 25 x 25 mm), cured for 7 days under water, and followed by drying at 110ºC for 24 hrs. The samples were then subjected to firing at 1550°C for a soaking time of 1 hr. The phase composition of the prepared castable samples were investigated by using X-Ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). Results of these investigations confirm each other.
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Phytochemical Screening and Anti-Bacterial Activity of Methanolic Leave Extract of Phyllanthus muellerianus
In this research, phytochemical screening and antibacterial properties of Phyllanthus muellerianus were investigated to confirm the potency of the plant on the basis of ethno medicinal significance. The percentage yield of crude methanolic leave extract of Phyllanthus muellerianus was 12.58% while the phytochemical screening of crude methanolic leave extract of Phyllanthus muellerianus revealed the presence of anthraquinone, carbohydrates, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, saponin and lipids. The result of the antibacterial activities showed that the crude methanolic leave extract of the plant exhibits high potency against all the tested organisms. These properties above may be the reason Phyllanthus muellerianus plant has been reported to be useful in the treatment of several ailments.
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Price dissemination project
It is envisaged in the XI th Five year Plan of Government of India that the Spot and Future Prices of Commodities should be made available to the farming communities across the country to enable them to take rational and informed decision about cropping pattern and Marketing strategies to increase their Farm Income.
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Principals’ Mentorship programmes in secondary schools in Nandi County
The purpose of the study was to determine the Principals’ mentorship programmes in secondary schools in Nandi County. The study used social learning theory by Albert Bandura. Descriptive survey design was adopted. The study sample consisted of 118 public and private schools’ principals, 108 teacher and 1534 student leaders. Each school provided 13 student leaders. Questionnaires for principals, interview guide for teachers and student leaders were used as instruments of data collection. Data was analysed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse data then, tabulate and present data. The results generated were reported in tables and charts. The study established that Mentorship builds confidence, established that on academic excellence, it reduces theft of student’s items, reduced prevalence of strikes and prevalence of failing to do duties. On the ethical living it reduced strikes but not much with theft and attendant to duties. The study finds mentorship the key and the most useful in terms of upholding discipline in the schools. Students mentorship programmes in schools in the county be mandatory. Study established that it enhances respect for diversity amongst students and teachers, improves academic excellence, improves career choices, ethical considerations, self-awareness, improves on leadership traits, learning on etiquette, assertiveness and diversity. The principals should make a regular practice and introduce mentorship programmes since if this was in the study it’s an indicator the discipline turn round will be within reach.
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Problems associated with female genital mutilation and educational performance. A case study of Ethiope east local government area, delta state, Nigeria
Majority of the females in Ethiope East has undergone Female circumcision either while as teenage or at the point of getting married orduring conception. Female circumcision is a practice that needs to be discouraged. This would only be possible through public enlightenment campaigns and sensetisation programs to mother and school students alike. The study focused mainly on the causes of Female Circumcision in the area and the consequences of the practice to the victim and the society at large. The rate of this practice was equally looked at and recommendations were also advanced towards discouraging of this practice. In order to achieve this task, a field survey was carried out with various methods. The use of questionnaires, oral interview, direct observation, and archival methods were used in gathering the data. For convenient purpose, six communities were selected in Ethiope East. The communities are Orhoakpor, Kokori Inland, Okpara Inland, Ovu, Eku and Abraka Inland. The data gathered from the field were presented in tables. The Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient was used for the testing and validity of the data to determine the degree of relationship between the data.
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pulmonary sequestration : an unusual finding
Pulmonary sequestration is a rare congenital malformation that receives its blood supply from a systemic artery. We report a case of pulmonary sequestration initially diagnosed as a hydatid cyst of the lung, surgical findings revealed an abscessed collection related to a pulmonary sequestration of the left lower lobe. Pulmonary sequestration remains a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.
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Rare case of a giant superficial leiomyosarcoma of the thigh: diagnostic difficulties and management.
A Primary cutaneous leiomyosarcoma located in the left thigh is reported in a 83-year-old patient. The clinical examination found a voluminous ulcero-budding infected tumor, measuring 15 cm long axis. The result of the histological examination and the immuno-histochemical profile revealed the diagnosis of a leiomyosarcoma. The patient underwent extensive excision with cutaneous margins of three to five cm and carried the Gracilis muscle deep down. After one year of control we did not notice local recurrence. The prognosis remains poor. We recommend long-term follow-up of patients to prevent recurrence. The purpose of this work is to show the difficulties to make the diagnosis and describe our management of this rare case.
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