An Analytical study of production cost and profitability of paddy – A case of Bhandara District of Maharashtra (India)
This study analyses the production cost and profitability of paddy cultivation in Bhandara district, Maharashtra, India. It categorizes farmers into two groups based on their farm size. The research aims to identify factors affecting production cost and profitability variations between the two groups. The study intends to examine the performance of paddy in Bhandara districts during the period 2023 to 2024. The secondary data on pertaining to area, production and productivity were collected from the various Government published sources i.e. Statistical Abstract of Maharashtra State, District Socio-economic Review, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Maharashtra. The results of the study indicate, at overall period, the growth rate of area was positively significant at 1 per cent level of significance in Bhandara district. This study can inform policymakers and agricultural extension services on strategies to improve paddy production efficiency and profitability for small and large farmers in Bhandara district.
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An assessment of the prospects of property tax administration in Nigeria: a case study of Bauchi state board of internal revenue
Property tax is generally a tax imposed by municipalities upon owners of real property within their jurisdiction based on the value of such property. This form of tax is reported to be one of the most stable sources of revenue to governments however most state and local governments in Nigeria are yet to tap revenue from this form of tax. Revenue generated from this tax is used to provide basic amenities to the people. The paper examined the prospects of property tax administration in Bauchi state and the factors militating against its implementation. The data for the study was collected from the Bauchi State Board of Internal Revenue and the Bauchi State Ministry of Lands and Housing using the interview method. The study revealed that some of the property taxes were administered in Bauchi state such as stamp duty. The main problems identified that militate against the successful implementation of the taxes are lack of political will and inadequate records on properties. The study concluded that property taxation is not being fully enforced in Bauchi state and very few of the taxes are charged. It was recommended that more professionals (Estate surveyors and Valuers) should be employed in Bauchi State Board of Internal Revenue and the Ministry of Lands and Housing, and laws/edicts supporting the enforcement of the tax be introduced.
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An Econometric Study on Education and Economic Growth in Bangladesh
Education is a multidimensional process, one side it enhances the economic growth and another side, it reduces the poverty by increasing the productivity. This study examines the extent to which education affects economic growth in Bangladesh and show the impact of education on economic growth. In this study we utilize secondary time series data on GDP growth rate, adult literacy rate, gross enrolment in primary education, gross enrolment in secondary, gross enrolment in tertiary and government educational expenditure for the span of 2001-2015 in case of Bangladesh. The result of the t-test, F-test, the coefficient of correlation and coefficient of determination shows that education is positively and significantly related to the economic growth. For identifying the model specification, this study use multicollinearity test, Park test, Breusch-Godfrey (BG) test for heteroscedasticity, Durbin-Watson and Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey (BPG) test for autocorrelation. This tests suggest that our data is free from Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation but there is multicollinearity problem in this data, for removing this multicollinearity we use dropping variable method.
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An Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Sustainable Concrete using Ceramic Waste as Partial Replacement of Cement
The transformation from a conventional consumption based society to a sustainable society is urgently required due to the pollution of the natural environment, the exhaustion of the natural resources and the decreasing capacity of the final waste disposal facilities. One of the ways to solve this problem is to use ceramic waste (CW) concrete as partial replacement with cement in structural concrete. Also to develop a sustainable concrete using new supplementary cementitious material (SCM) like ceramic waste powder which is produced from ceramic tiles at the manufacturing process and dismantled tiles, broken pieces of tiles and it was partially replaced with Ordinary Portland cement (OPC).Concrete mixtures were produced, tested and compared in terms of compressive strength to the conventional concrete. These tests were carried out to evaluate the mechanical properties for 7 and 28 days. As a result, the compressive strength achieved up to 30% replacing cement with ceramic waste. This research work is concerned with the experimental investigation on strength of concrete and optimum percentage of the partial replacement by replacing cement via 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% of ceramic waste. Keeping all this view, the aim of the investigation is to study the behavior of concrete while replacing the ceramic waste with different proportions in concrete.
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An overview of ontological paper cutting machine
Overview of existing papers cutting machine and evolution of paper cutting machine has been analyzed and discussed. First, the theoretical and practical operating principles of various types of paper cutting has been analyzed and complete structural analyzes has been made to improvise machine operation. The various types of existing paper cutting machines are manual, semi-automatic, fully automatic hydraulic then, the inherent parts of the paper cutting machines has been illustrated.
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Analysis of Mammographic Lesions decomposition using Gabor filter
This research describes a mammographic lesions using wavelet based active contour model. The sensitivity of the breast cancer detection was analyzed by mammography. Wavelet based decomposition techniques are used and tested for decomposing the noise present in the mammographic lesions. Gabor filtering method is used to reduce the unwanted noise obtained in the mammographic lesions by automated segmentation. The experimental results are tested with the MATLAB and proved reliable and cost effective.
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Anger Metaphors in English and Mongolian
This study aims to investigate the similarities and differences of some anger metaphors in English and Mongolian. The study is done within the cognitive semantics framework along with the principle of CMT (Layoff and Johnson 1980, 1987; Kövecses 1986, 1988, 2000) framework in English and Mongolian. To compare the results of the study in both languages, the author selected the three parameters proposed by Barcelona (2001) and Kövecses (2001) including (1) the existence and nonexistence of language-specific mappings, (2) degrees of linguistic elaboration, (3) degrees of linguistic conventionalization. The source domains chosen for the analysis are rooted in the most fundamental human experiences in the sedentary and nomadic cultures.This current study highlights the importance of culture in understanding the relationship between metaphor, culture and cognition, and it provides comparative generalizations for the four basic emotion concept of anger and gives the fundamental explanations in English and Mongolian. This systematic comparative analysis of emotion metaphors in English and Mongolian contributes importantly to the major claims of the Contemporary Metaphor Theory, which states that metaphors are grounded on both universal embodiment and social-cultural experiences. Even though English and Mongolian belong to very different language families representing totally different sedentary and nomadic cultures, they share some universal conceptual metaphors for particular emotions with each other.
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808. Antibody and cytokine – production during granulomatous response in Schistosoma mansoni - infected mice: role of exposure and treatment with anti-CD28
Laís Cristina de Souza, Naiara Naiana Dejani, Joice Margareth de Almeida Rodolpho, Débora Meira Neris, Sandra Regina Pereira de Oliveira, Ricardo de Oliveira Correia, Felipe Pontes Adachi, Lúcia Helena Faccioli, Vanderlei Rodrigues, Edson Garcia Soares, Claudio Alberto Torres Suazo, Auro Nomizo and Fernanda de Freitas Anibal |
Abstract |
Category : Medical Sciences | Sub Category : Pharmacy |
Antibody and cytokine – production during granulomatous response in Schistosoma mansoni - infected mice: role of exposure and treatment with anti-CD28
Schistosomiasis mansoni is among the neglected diseases that occur in Brazil, being endemic in 76 countries and territories spread across Africa, Asia and the Americas. The granulomatous process in schistosomiasis is dependent on CD4 + and requires recruitment and accumulation of inflammatory cells at the site of eggs deposition. Schistosomal fibrosis is the result of a granulomatous reaction developed in response to antigens released by eggs of Schistosoma mansoni that are retained in the portal veins of smaller caliber. Manipulation of the interaction between B7 antigen molecules presenting cells (APC) and T cell receptors CD28/CTLA4 modulate and, in some circumstances, even block the immunological response in vivo. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: a) to evaluate treatment with monoclonal mice anti-CD28 (PV-1 cell line hybridoma), b) to evaluate the contribution of the synthesis and release of IL-4 and IL-5 when correlated with IgE and IgG1 levels and granuloma and fibrosis formation during schistosomiasis. Our results suggest that treatment with anti-CD28, on day 64 post-infection, favored a decrease in IL-4 and IL-5 production and decreased levels of IgG1 and IgE expression, as well as a reduction in the collagen deposition resulting from fibrosis.
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Approaching towards Architectures for quantum computers
In last few decades computer scientist has started taking interest in the quantum computing in order to resolve some of the problems in the recognizable classical computers. Relevant efforts have been put into the practice for two instructions: the basic assumptions behind the quantum mechanics has a residential affect, on the other hand a series of project has been used to show the series of implementation of all these algorithms. This will move the quantum from area of assumptions’ to the actual level. The relationship between these two areas is generally the feasible algorithms for quantum, which settle down their model of quantum circuit.
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Artificial neural networks ANN versus ARIMA method in predicting the TIPEX (overall index of Tehran Stock Exchange)
One of the main concerns of economists and economic policymakers is predicting future values of economic variables. One of these variables is stock index that, according to the importance of financial markets in economic development and also attractiveness of investing in this market could have many costumers. Therefore, in this study, with the daily data of years 2006 to 2012 the total index of Tehran Stock Exchange (TIPEX) using artificial neural networks (ANN), auto regressive moving average (ARIMA), and models accuracy comparison have been predicted. Results suggest that, there is no significant difference between the accuracy of neural networks models and moving auto regressive average.
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