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       851. Exploration of the Adoption of Digital Technology in Education Among Indigenous People in Guyana
Volda Elliott
Abstract | Pdf Category : Educational Research    |   Sub Category : Educational Technology
       852. Fabrication, Electrical characterisation and modelling of iron –clay composite resistor
H. S.Bolarinwa, M. U. Onuu and A. I. Egunjobi
Abstract | Pdf Category : Chemical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Chemical Physics Review
       853. Foreign Body at the Root of the Verge at a Young Man of 27 Years
Ousmane Nago Dembele, Youssef Kadouri, Hachem Elsayegh, Ali Iken, Lounis Benslimane And Yassine Nouini
Abstract | Pdf Category : Medical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy
       854. Granulometric and Petrographic studies of Agbani Sandstone outcrops within Ihuokpara and environs, Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria
Austin C. Okonkwo, Tochukwu E. Edeh and Chidiebere H. Nnamani
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Social Studies
       855. Growth Performance and Carcass characteristics of Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Raised on Deep Litter System in South Western Nigeria
O.S Omoleye, W.A Oriade, F.B Adebayo and O.T Adigun
Abstract | Pdf Category : Agricultural Sciences    |   Sub Category : Agriculture
       856. Harold Pinter: Absurdism and farther horizons
Bamshad Hekmatshoar Tabari
Abstract | Pdf Category : Arts and Humanities    |   Sub Category : Literature
       857. High Carbon Monoxide Concentration associated to low lungs Functions: Metrologic study in Sudan 2014 - 2016
Zainab Basheer Ali, Mohamed Salah Elmagzoub and Mohamed AbdelSalam Nurein
Abstract | Pdf Category : Environmental Sciences    |   Sub Category : Pollution
       858. Hydrochemical characteristics of surface waters and their suitability for irrigation in the artisanal mining environment in Ghana
Anthony A. Duah, Anthony Y. Karikari, Bismark A. Akurugu and Humphrey F. Darko
Abstract | Pdf Category : Environmental Sciences    |   Sub Category : Pollution
       859. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Graphene-ZnO Composites for Photodegradarion of Methylene Blue under Sunlight Radiation
Tran Ngoc Dung, Hoang Van Hung and Bui Thu Quynh
Abstract | Pdf Category : Chemical Sciences    |   Sub Category : Chemical Physics Review
       860. Image Hiding using Range Normalization
B. Lakshmi Sirisha, S. Srinivas Kumar and B. Chandra Mohan
Abstract | Pdf Category : Computing and Informatics    |   Sub Category : Digital Processing