Conventional technology adoption and its impact on physicochemical properties and proximate composition of cocoa fudge
Fudge is a traditional type of confectionary which is usually very sweet and extremely rich, prepared using sugar, butter, milk and flavor. In the present study, the investigator developed cocoa fudge adopting conventional technology and processing techniques involved roasting, grinding and heating. The developed cocoa fudge samples were analyzed for their physicochemical properties and proximate composition and were compared to those of commercially available fudge samples. The results revealed that there was significant difference in the proximate composition between the developed cocoa fudge samples and the standard fudge samples at p?0.05. No significant difference was observed in most of the determined physicochemical properties of the developed sample. Hence the study ascertain that the sensory qualities may be similar as there was no change in the physicochemical characteristic and would be acceptable by everyone. For wider supply and optimum utilization of cocoa, this conventional technology technique can be adopted.Further it may bring great income to the cultivars and in turn add the economy of our country.
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Corrosion studies on Stainless Steel-304 in brackish environment
Corrosion on SS-304 in brackish environment. Any compound capable of donating free chlorine ions (Cl -) to an aqueous (water-based) solution has the potential for causing failure in stainless steels. The chlorine ion is extremely electronegative, therefore very reactive with certain compounds and elements. This reactivity is part of its usefulness in certain situations, but becomes a double-edged sword where stainless steel is concerned. Experimental corrosion studies on commercial SS - 304 have been carried out. The experiments were carried in brackish environment with a concentration variation, pH variation and contact time variation. The experiments were carried out by weight loss method, gasometry study and open circuit polarization studies. The post corrosion sample’s micro structures were analyzed with the aid of EDS (Energy dispersive spectroscopy) equipped SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) EDS (Energy dispersive spectroscopy) instrument to detect the morphology of corrosion by-products. For further verification x-ray diffraction method was also used to detect any possible emerging corrosion by products on the sample’s surface. Experimental results confirmed that SS-304immersed in brackish environment with a variation of concentration , experience very little corrosion. EDS study and x-ray diffraction results indicate that the possible ensuing corrosion by products are Iron oxides, chrome oxides, iron chloride and nickel hydride oxide
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COVID-19 Comprehensive Review of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Cases Among Men and Women
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown an impact on sexually transmitted infections. The research aims to understand an overview of CDC's STI surveillance data for 2020 that can provide a general understanding and a comprehensive review of patternsofChlamydia and Gonorrhea infections among men and women.The study conducted an in-depth qualitative research analysis of the CDC's STI surveillance data for 2020. The studyanalyzes particular research questions.What is the difference between reported cases of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea among men and women? How does sexual orientation affect reported cases of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea? What demographics are associated with Chlamydia and Gonorrhea cases? The research analyzes the number of cases of Chlamydi and Gonorrheain fections among men and women, includingsexualorientation, age, ethnicity, and reported cases in healthcare centers.The results of the CDC's STI surveillance data of 2020 have determined that men have a higher number of cases in both infections, and MSM have a higher number of cases in the sexual orientation category. The result differed based on ethnicity, in which females had a significant increase in chlamydia cases compared to men while men had an increased number of gonorrhea cases. African American men and women have shown the greatest number of cases. Non-Hispanic/Pacific Islanders men have a higher number of chlamydia cases compared to women. Overall, the transmission of gonorrhea is higher in men, while chlamydia is seen most in women.Sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia may present with unseen consequences. Gender, age, and ethnicity play a vital role in our society in improving health conditions. Limitations may occur within the study. The results may show biases based on the lack of data submission due to restrictions. The inconsistency of recording data could occur based on social distancing guidelines, quarantining, and lack of resources available during the pandemic and guidelines that significantly affect the public. Public health officials utilize the data to determine high prevalence areas to improve policies and guidelines that significantly affect the public.
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Cutaneous manifestations revealing cardiac myxoma: A case report and literature review
The clinical manifestations of cardiac myxoma are often non-specific and may delay diagnosis. We report the case of a 53-year-old man who has been presenting for the past four years a recurrent skin rash on his back associated with muscle pain. He was admitted to the emergency room for sudden right-sided hemiparesis and aphasia due to a subacute ischemic stroke at the frontal- parietal and temporal lobes.Echocardiogram revealed a mass in the left atrium suggestive of myxoma. After surgery, the patient remained free of cutaneous symptoms. Atypical manifestations of cardiac myxoma should be considered in order to not delay adequate management.
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Data Analysis of Air pollution and meteorological effects in Al-Hashimeya Town, Zarqa- Jordan
Air pollutants, including SO2, H2S , NOX and TSP, were measured in Al-Hashimeya town in Zarqa Governorate, where there are three main sources contributing in different degrees to the pollution of air. These are Jordan Petroleum Refinery, Al-Hussein Thermal Power Station, and Al-samra Waste Water Treatment Plant. Data relating to pollution in Al-Hashimeya have been collected from all sources that had measured the level of pollution in this areaduring the period from 2005 to 2009 are presented. The effects of local meteorological conditions were studied by statistical analysis.
The concentration variations in air pollutants are closely related to those in local meteorological conditions. Both temperature and relative humidity have significant negative correlations, whereas wind speed has a significant positive correlation with these pollutants.
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Decolorization and Degradation Studies on Dye Contaminated Effluent from Textile Industry using Aspergillus sp
Availability, pollution and treatment of water are of major concern of present time. Many micro-organisms are capable for wastewater treatment. In the present study, feasibility of decolorization of dye contaminated effluents collected from different textile industries was examined using Aspergillus tamarii and Aspergillus flavus in batch and continuous reactor. Aspergillus flavus was found to be more efficient than Aspergillus tamarii to decolorize the effluents. Maximum decolorization of 85.3% was observed at optimized pH with 50% diluted effluent sample (ES1) using Aspergillus flavus (pH 4.5) as compared to 82.2% obtained using Aspergillus tamarii (pH 5). Chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction has been observed to be 75% after decolorization of ES1 using Aspergillus flavus. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses strongly supported biosorption as well as biodegradation of dye during decolorization.
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Delineation of Iron and Manganese Status in Soils of Central Research Station Akola
A study of delineation of Iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn) status in soils of Central Research station, Akola was conducted during the year 2006 and 2007. Detailed maps of micronutrient also prepared. Delineation of study area was completed with help of global positioning system and for predicting available cationic micronutrient status extraction with chelating agent such as di ethylene triamine penta acetic acid (DTPA) is used. The soils of Central Research Station were found 20 per cent deficient in iron and 7 per cent deficient in manganese. While the available micronutrient status of Central Research Station soils was found as iron 0.12 to 16.32 and manganese 0.32 to 16.78.
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Design and Performance Evaluation of 3 Types of Semi-Adaptive 190-200 KHz Digital Band Pass Filters for SAR Signal Compensation
Technologies have advanced rapidly in the field of digital signal processing due to advances made in high speed, low cost digital integrated chips. These technologies have further stimulated ever increasing use of signal representation in digital form for purposes of transmission, measurement, control and storage. Design of digital filters especially adaptive or semi adaptive is the necessity of the hour for SAR applications. The aim of this research work is to design and performance evaluation of 380-400 KHz Bartlett, Blackman and Chebyshev digital semi adaptive filters. For this work XILINX and MATLAB softwares were used for the design. As pert of practical research work these designs were translated using FPGA hardware SPARTAN-3E kit. These were optimized, analyzed, compared and evaluated keeping the sampling frequency at 5 MHz for 64 order. Both these filters designed using software and hardware were tested by passing a sinusoidal test signal of 381 KHz along with noise and the filtered output signals are presented.
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Design, implementation and testing of an indirect solar potato dryer
This paper reports the design, implementation and testing of an indirect solar potato dryer. Indirect solar drying is the new technique of product drying. It is very efficient method than the direct type of solar drying. In this method the atmospheric air is heated in flat plate collector. This hot air then flow in the drying cabinet or drying chamber where potatoes slides are stored. Therefore moisture from the potatoes slides may lost by convection and diffusion. This method of drying is used to avoid direct exposing to the solar radiation. This method mainly reduces the disadvantages of direct solar drying. The experimental set up used for testing the performance of an indirect solar food dryer and determining the influence of various drying methods on the drying behavior of fresh potatoes slides. Evaluation of the dryer was centered on the moisture content reduction and temperature variations. 2 kg of fresh potatoes slides was used for evaluation. Temperatures of the drying chamber (drying cabinet), solar collector and ambient air were taken daily using digital sensors on an hourly basis from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Moisture content was taken at the beginning and at the end of each drying day. The test results gave temperature above 65 oC in the flat plate collector (solar collector), 50 oC in the drying cabinet, and the moisture content of 2 kg of fresh potatoes slides reduced to about 66.1 % in five days of drying.
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Diatomaceous earth-induced alterations in the reproductive attributes in the housefly Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae)
Using concentrations of 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8mg diatomaceous earth (DE) 100 mL-1 larval food medium, a mean LC50 value of 0.6636mg was determined for the 3rd-instar larvae of the housefly Musca domestica. Time-course mortalities of the larvae at the determined LC50 level were assessed at 24h, 48h and 72h post-treatments. Finally, DE-induced changes in such vital reproductive attributes as egg-laying, egg-hatch, larval duration, number of dead larvae, pupal duration, number of dead pupae, number of adults emerged and female ratios from parental through F2 generations were recorded. Results indicated that DE could be used as an efficient larvicide against M. domestica and it was capable of inducing deleterious effects on all the reproductive parameters at the determined LC50. These findings have potential implications because the present DE concentration might be utilized for the control of this important vector species under household as well as field conditions.
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