Resistance to Learning among Cochlear Implanted Children: The Merits of Speech Therapy
It has been widely reported that cochlear implantation has had a dramatic effect on language competence among young profoundly deaf children. Thanks to this revolutionary device, language competence, speech intelligibility and conversational fluency among this category of children are now attainable by many of those who previously depended on sign language to communicate. However, due to the considerable variability and large individual differences in the performance outcomes of many other children, it has become commonly believed that motivating cochlear-implanted children who have learning spectrum disorders is a basic but hard challenge. It is a fundamental challenge because these children experience hearing and perceive speech for the first time after the rehabilitation of their hearing skills. Such skills are undeniably necessary for community living and coping. It is a hard challenge because children with cochlear implants by and large are vulnerable to diverse factors internal and external which impact their learning unless positive and successful experiences are planned. The following questionnaire-based paper is an attempt to address one of the challenges associated with motivating cochlear implanted children, namely, resistance to learning. It also aims to explore different behaviors that manifest this phenomenon, explain its possible reasons and highlight its major implications.
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Review of Enterprise Informatization Capability and Competitive Advantages
Enterprise informatization is a procedure in which IT is applied into the field of enterprise production, technology, and management, to improve the cost-effectiveness of exploration of informational resources and obtain financial profits. Enterprise informatization consists of three main aspects, the automation and flexibility of production, the integrative management and the systemic organization. The capacity of enterprise informatization is a resources-based capability, which has technical, manageable and organizational properties; it is divided into the three categories, which include information technology capability, information organizing capability and information innovation capability. Enterprise informatization capability can improve business performances, in this study we do the research on informatization capability how to increase enterprise’s competitive advantages in synergy, integration of customer relationship management, e-supply chain management, as well as global opportunities.
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Role of financial resources in the implementation of safety standards in secondary schools in Trans-Nzoia County
Education is bound to be affected if safety and security concerns of students are not addressed fully. The objective of the study was to determine the role of financial resources in implementation of school safety measures in public boarding secondary schools in Trans- Nzoia County, Kenya. The study used descriptive survey research design. The study targeted 754 teachers from 40 public boarding secondary schools in Trans-Nzoia County. stratification and simple random sampling were used to select boarding secondary schools. The total sample was 143 teachers. Questionnaires were used as data collection instruments. Data was analysed using descriptive statistical techniques that were frequencies and percentages. Data was presented in tables. The study found out the ministry of education had no provisions for allocation of funds to take care of safety needs and requirements in the institutions. It ascertained that the secondary schools have vote heads allocated for the purpose of catering for the safety needs and requirements though in many instances the schools diverted the funds to other needs that they felt were more pressing owing to situation of shortfalls in financing and budgetary deficits. The government through the Ministry of Education should ensure that Standard Safety Guidelines are availed to all schools and the schools be allocated sufficient funds to be able to implement the guidelines. Funds should always be availed at the required times to allow for the provision of infrastructure for safety requirements and the allowing of purchase of tools and implements for safety needs.
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Rural-Urban Migration and deteriorating Standard of Living In selected cities South-South Nigeria
The movement of people from one society to another society is called migration, this may be contemporary or permanent basis. This study assessed the consequences of rural-urban migration on the source region of Ughievwen clan in Ughelli South Local Government Area. secondary sources data were collected from journal publications and other published materials from textbooks and official gazette. The findings of the study show that females migrate more than the males in Ughievwen and migration is high within the age cohorts of 15-25 years and 26-35 years. Moreso, migration decreases with age, and this may be due to the higher psychological cost for migration associated with older people. Most of the persons in the community had acquired just their basic education. Thus, most of them are willing to migrate to major cities to obtain higher education. It has been widely observed that the propensity to migrate increases with education. Furthermore, the study revealed that migration is affected by socioeconomic, demographic and cultural factors. It was recommended that functional social amenities such as electricity, pipe borne water should be provided in the rural areas as a way forward against rural-urban movement
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School Environment Impact on CWSN Enrolment, Attendance and Learning Achievement
The school environment is one of the most important factor, in promoting learning at every stage of school life. If the environment is conducive, learning accelerates with time and age, that is true for CWSN too. School environment for ‘Children with special need’ consist of infrastructural design of the school, physical resources available at school, the academic resource available at classrooms and school, the behaviour of peers, seniors, school staff and teachers. It has been found that infrastructural facility like pathways, boundary wall, classrooms, toilets, drinking water improves CWSN enrolment as well as attendance. Analysis of data also demonstrates that beautification of school, cleanliness, behaviour of peers/teachers/support staff improves students engagement in school and learning. Teaching-learning aid of every kind support CWSN in engaging themselves in learning.
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Sensorineural hearing loss revealing a pineal germinoma with multiples meningiomas
Cerebral germinoma represents i0.1 to i3.4% of intracranial tumors with a clear male predominance, it is developed more particularly in the pineal region. iIt most commonly affects adolescents and young adults. This type of tumor responds highly to radio-chemo-therapy and is potentially curable after surgery.
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Separation Cordial Labeling for some Star and Bistar Related Graphs
A separation cordial labeling of graph is a bijection f from to such that each edge uv is assigned the label 1 if ) is an odd number and label 0 if is an even number. Then the number of edges labeled 0 and the number of edges labeled 1 differ by at most 1. A graph has a separation cordial labeling, then it is called separation cordial graph. Here, the bistar the splitting graphs of and , the shadow graph of and square graph of are discussed and found to be separation cordial.
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Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation in Acoustic Medium using Staggered Grid Finite Difference Method
Seismic wave propagation through acoustic medium allows us to understand response through a fluid saturated medium. This interaction has been described by the acoustic wave equation. In this work, the acoustic wave equation was written in coupled form and was discretized using the staggered grid finite difference (SGFD) method, which provides improved accuracy and efficiency of the numerical modeling and are naturally centered at the same point in space and time. To truncate artificial reflections from our computational boundary, we have applied the perfectly matched layer (PML) absorbing boundary condition. Our results show seismic wave propagating through a homogeneous medium and the effect of PML was clearly observed.
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Social and cultural factors of revolutionary participation in the construction of mosques and Husayniyya (religious site) (Case Study: Kermanshah city)
Participation is a phenomenon that has long been associated with the evolution of human life, but in the 1950s and 1960s, when imported programs from the West to developing was failed because of lack of people participation, regarding to this phenomenon and emphasis on its role as an agent of development was increased and after that, the foundation of development strategies, community participation approach was formed as a basic human need. Regarding to the importance of the topic in this research by using field method, techniques and survey questionnaire sought answers to this question” Social and cultural factors involved in the construction of mosques and religious site, what are people? Given the importance of social and cultural factors involved in the construction of mosques and popular religious site in this study to analyze the relationship between variables such as socio-economic status of family, religion, social trust, sex, age, and education as independent variables and relationships it was a turnout as the dependent variable. The results indicate that among all the independent variables with the dependent variable, there was a direct and significant relationship.
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Soft computing technique based intelligent call admission control decision mechanism
The decision Mechanism is the concluding phase of any decision making process. This paper discusses on the different methodologies available for implementing the decision mechanisms. The paper preambles with a brief description on set of conventional MCDM techniques like Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Simple Additive weighting Method (SAW) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), Grey Rational Analysis (GRA), along with benefits and limitations of each technique. The different intelligent/soft computing techniques that are widely used in decision making processes like fuzzy logic, neural networks are discussed and finally confines the discussion is confined to the different neural network (NN) based decision support systems. The paper proposes an architecture for fuzzy neural network based call admission control decision mechanism for heterogeneous wireless networks environment.
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