Some peculiarities of alkylation reactions of phenol with C4-fraction dimerization products of pyrolysis process
Alkylation reactions of phenol with dimerization products of devinylated C4-fraction obtained by the pyrolysis of low-octane gasoil were studied in the presence of KU-23 catalyst. Alkylation reaction was carried out on the continuous unit. As a result of alkylation reaction, it was studied the influence of temperature, time, initial components mol ratios and catalyst amount on the yield and selectivity. From the results of the researches it’s evident that alkylation of phenol pyrolysis process with dimerization products of C4-fraction in the presence of KU-23 catalyst are carried out under the following conditions: tempe¬rature 120°C, mole ratio of phenol to the fraction - 1:2, reaction time - 5 hours and catalyst amount - 10%. In this case the yield of the target product on phenol was 80.4%, and selectivity on the target pro¬duct was 95.7%.
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Spectrum Sensing using Time-Frequency Analysis
To exploit limited spectrum efficiently CR technology allows unlicensed users to access licensed spectrum bands. Since licensed users have priorities to use the bands, the unlicensed users need to continuously monitor the licensed user’s activities to avoid interference and collisions. To obtain reliable results of the licensed user’s activities is the main task for spectrum sensing. Based on the sensing results the unlicensed users should adapt their transmit powers and access strategies to protect the licensed communications. This paper presents a new spectrum sensing method based on Time-Frequency Analysis. Several realistic signals are taken under different noisy conditions for analysis using Frequency Slice Wavelet Transform (FSWT) to verify its superiority in spectrum sensing.
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Strategies against poverty: Tunisian Case Study
Reducing poverty has become a priority objective of any policy based on the planning of economic and social development, we will present various strategies adopted by Tunisia to fight against poverty. In analyzing the economic and social situation in Tunisia and to test the relationship between poverty and economic growth in Tunisia, that is to say, to have it was if growth benefits the poor or not.
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Structure and vibrational spectroscopic studies of 1-Naphthol: Density functional theory calculations
The molecular vibrations of 1-Naphthol were investigated in polycrystalline sample, at room temperature, by FT- IR and FT-Raman spectroscopy. In parallel, ab initio and various density functional (DFT) methods were used to determine the geometrical, energetic and vibrational characteristics of 1-Naphthol. On the basis of B3LYP/6-31G* and B3LYP/6-311+G** methods and basis set combinations, a normal mode analysis was performed to assign the various fundamental frequencies according to the total energy distribution (TED). The vibrational spectra were interpreted, with the aid of normal coordinate analysis based on a scaled quantum mechanical force field. The Infrared and Raman spectra were also predicted from the calculated intensities. Comparison of simulated spectra with the experimental spectra provides important information about the ability of the computational method to describe the vibrational modes. Simulation of Infrared and Raman spectra, utilizing the results of these calculations led to excellent overall agreement with observed spectral patterns.The investigation is performed using quantum chemical calculations conducted by means of the Gaussian 98W and Guassview set of programs. Further, density functional theory (DFT) combined with quantum chemical calculations to determine the first-order hyperpolarizability.
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Stud of effect of selected program swimming on improving performance employees in Mobarakeh steel complex
The aim of this study is to investigate Study of effect of selected program swimming on improving performance employees in Mobarakeh steel complex. Among 62000 intermediate category employees, 30 persons were randomly selected and divided into two groups, experimental group and control. in the first stage of study , one questionnaire was made with 30 questions that measured factors of improving practical performance and relations , creativity and enforcing practical contribution and self confidence and distributed between these experimental and control group and then they were completed , after that experimental group participated regularly in practical programs of swimming for 8 weeks with sessions and every session 1 hour and 15 min and after finishing practical period , they were examined by a test data were analyzed and following results obtained. The result shows that level of improving practical performance in experimental group in last test has meaningful effect than control group. (p<0.01). It is shown that selected practices of swimming have meaningful effect on practical performance and relations, creativity and enforcing practical contribution and self confidence. (p<0.01). This study shows generally meaningful effect on performance Mobarakeh steel employees and it is necessary that spread programs are presented for all productive industries employees and finally cause to increase products both qualitatively and quantitatively.
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Study about EGR System
Concern of environmental pollution and energy crisis all over the world have caused the research attention on reduction of diesel engine exhaust emissions and saving of energy simultaneously. An experimental study has been carried out for combined effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system and varying inlet air pressure on performance and emission of diesel engine. As we know that the diesel engine are known for their high NOx formation and Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) is being used widely to reduce and control the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission from diesel engines.
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Study on Modulus of Elasticity with Incremental Replacement of Natural Sand with Manufactured Sand
The present investigation makes an attempt to study the modulus of elasticity of concrete , concrete in which M-sand is used as a partial and full replacement for natural sand. E is an important parameter reflecting the ability of concrete to deform elastically.M20 and M25 grade of concrete was investigated by replacing natural sand by M-sand at replacement levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, sand 100%. The results revealed that there is an increase in the value modulus of elasticity of concrete as the percentage of m sand increases also it is observed that the stress-strain behavior exhibits non-linear variation
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Study on strength properties of concrete made with agrowaste Rice Husk Ash (RHA)
Biomass is currently considered as an emerging technology to develop ecological sources of energy. Several studies have shown that and it is feasible to use biomass in concrete production. This paper presents results about the characterisation of the biomass rice husk ash (RHA) derived from combustion of an agricultural solid residue rice husk. The implementation of biomass in concrete will indirectly advance the renewable energy production and the economic development by decreasing CO2 emission from cement industry and saving energy as well. The results also indicate that up to 20% of RHA incorporation could be advantageously blended with cement without adversely affecting the strength properties of concrete.
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Studying Copper Electropolishing Inhibition in Presence of Some Organic Alcohols
Electro polishing is defined as anodic corrosion. The issue of the effects of corrosion on structural integrity of metal surfaces has been a question of concern for some time. The uses of chemical corrosion inhibitors are common in production and processing operations. Nevertheless, the challenge is to develop a new class of corrosion inhibitors to protect the materials, due to the economic importance of copper there are several researches deals with acceleration and inhibition of this process. In this paper the electropolishing process inhibited with different ratio by the addition of some organic alcohols (methanol, ethanol,propanol, and isopropanol) by addition with concentration (2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 %) .The results reveal that these organic alcohols have a strongest inhibitive effect ranging from8. 7 – 53.8 % and the thermodynamic parameters were present.
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Studying the relationship between emotional intelligence and conflict management strategies in staff managers of Tehran Sepah bank
By appearing information age and the promotion of interpersonal relationships and the manifest of strategic organizational, the emotional intelligence hypothesis have had a remarkable growth and became one of the popular organizational major. Emotional intelligence is a comprehensive expression including extensive collection of skills and personal specifications which is above certain scope of previous knowledge like technical or professional skills. The influence of emotional intelligence on conflict management strategies of Sepah bank managers has been assessed in current paper. The results of applying Spearman test show there are positive and meaningful correlations between emotional intelligence with conflict management strategies and its dimensions apart from avoidance strategy in which the relation was negative. Also the results of applying Friedman test illustrate that among dimensions of conflict management strategies, “avoidance strategy”, “solution-based strategy” and “control strategy” were chosen as the most important ones. By using Chi Square test the relationship between managers’ demographic characteristics and conflict management strategies was surveyed in which there was positive and meaningful correlation between their age, gender and educational level with conflict management strategies. Finally Binomial test shows that all variables apart from solution-based strategy were placed in favorable levels.
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