The Role of Transit Oriented Development in the Urban Area Development wth Railway-Based Transportation
The aim of this study is to optimize or exploit the use of land in around the city of Jakarta (Jabodetabek) area with eight principles of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) namely walkable, cycle, connect, transit or public transport, shift & transit, mixed use development, and compact. This research is a literature study with more in-depth interviews, and a triangulation process. In-depth interviews are carried out with some resource persons from the transportation regulator. The result shows the very high need for TOD area around the new and existing transit stations which are served by a regular and efficient transit system.
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Total Dominating Color Transversal number of Some familiar Graphs
A Total Dominating Color Transversal Set of a Graph G is a Total Dominating Set which is also Transversal of Some ? - Partition of vertices of G. Here ? is the Chromatic number of the graph G. Total Dominating Color Transversal number of a graph is the cardinality of a Total Dominating Color Transversal Set which has minimum cardinality among all such sets that the graph admits. In this paper we find this number for Generalized Wheel Graph, Petersen Graph, Herschel Graph, Grotszch graph and Helm Graph.
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Vermitechnology: a promising tool for sustainable agriculture in 21st century
Newly developed vermicomposting model is eco-friendly, has low cost, minimum space requirement, protection from predators, minimum water requirement, self roof, easy management. This model tries to keeps constant temperature and humidity. Due to these favorable conditions earthworms feed voraciously, shows fast growth, increases rate of reproduction and vermicompost formation within short period (45-days), which is qualitative and quantitative. Vermicompost increases soil fertility, water holding capacity, healthy growth in plants and regulates the soil pH neutral. Newly developed vermiwash model medium cost, space requirement 2’X2’, mobile model. The vermiwash from this model is qualitative and quantitative. Analyzed contains total 48- components. Includes 10- Micronutrients, 5- Hormones, 5- Enzymes, 7-microbes and 21- other Physico-chemical components. Vermiwash acts plant tonic, good organic foliar spray increases vegetative and reproductive growth in plants. On flowering plants: flower size, number increases, better color and also acts as post harvesting tonic. Vermiwash in nursery for vegetative growth in cutting, grafting and layering.
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Victimology in sexual harassment: Case of clothing of students in university areas of the city of kindu
It's normal. Human beings are social and interact with others. In addition, clothes have a lot of impact on the person who wears them and they can reveal a lot of things through the way they dress. But we may think less often of the good Lord, of the fact that our soul does not go without our soul. We also sometimes forget that our little comforts or our personal desires should not come before charity towards others or even the respect we owe ourselves, as creatures of God. Unfortunately, today's society emphasizes the false, ugly and indecent more than the true, the beautiful and the good, and this is what makes it difficult for many women to dress in a fashionable way. Really feminine and modest. Because the youth of tomorrow needs a model, a model to follow and imitate for the future and good functioning of our society.
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Wide Range Frequency Synthesizer using Variable Length Ring Oscillator
In this paper, we have presented a wide range phase locked loop (PLL) based frequency synthesizer using a voltage tuning variable length ring oscillator (RO). The frequency of the used ring oscillator can be changed dynamically from one frequency to another frequency by changing the length of the oscillator electronically. An analog frequency tuning mechanism is also introduced here to make it suitable for applications in PLL based systems. The proposed PLL based frequency synthesizer can successfully synthesize different harmonics (Nf_r ) of the reference signal (f_r ) within the lock range of the oscillator. The experimental results from a prototype hardware electronic circuit are presented here to support the validity of the proposed architecture of the RO and the frequency synthesizer.
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Women Entrepreneurship in India in Globalized Economy
Indian women have to go a long way to achieve equal rights and position because traditions are deep rooted in Indian society where the sociological set up has been a male dominated one. Despite all the social hurdles, Indian women stand tall from the rest of the crowd ands are applauded for their achievements in their respective field. The transformation of social fabric of the Indian society, in terms of increased educational status of women and varied aspirations for better living, necessitated a change in the life style of Indian women. She has competed with man and successfully stood up with him in every walk of life and business is no exception for this. These women leaders are assertive, persuasive and willing to take risks, they managed to survive and succeed in this cut throat competition with their hard work, diligence and perseverance. Increasing numbers of women are becoming leaders of their own businesses, and many are struggling to achieve success. The present paper endeavors to study the concept of women entrepreneurs –reasons women become entrepreneurs –Reasons for slow progress of women entrepreneurs in India-suggestions for the growth of women entrepreneurs-schemes for promotion &development of women entrepreneurship in India.
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A Case Study on Facilitation Styles and Outcomes During Collaborative Writing Among Malaysian Tertiary-Level Students
The objective of this study is to observe facilitation styles during the process of collaborative writing among students in a private university-college in Malaysia. Participants in this study comprised fourteen Year Two Bachelor of Social Science students. They formed two case study groups in performing their writing tasks. Data was obtained from various instruments such as video recordings, interviews, diary entries and observations. The findings showed two totally different approaches used in leading collaborators. Both approaches, in hand, successfully promoted teamwork. In addition, significant outcomes from collaboration were observed. It can be concluded that positive output from collaboration is very much dependent on the high commitment level of collaborators.
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A comparative study on the frequency of the usage of cataphora and anaphora in English and Persian narratives
Writing through an organized model and using the most frequent structural patterns as the proficient writers in different sorts of writings has always been worthy of attention. It can be said that narratives are nearly the most common and prevalent sort of writing in Iran. From the primary school, students are being asked to jot down their experiences of a specific occasion or holiday (e.g. Norouz holiday, summer holiday); however, little attention has been paid to the way students have to organize their writings and the kind of referencing has been taken for granted. The connectedness and cohesion of any text in all languages is granted, not mention the fact that coherence is the prerequisite to that. Using cohesive devices, which referencing is one of them, helps the writer to keep the cohesion. Looking for the differences in the commonality of the existence of cataphora and anaphora, we are going to come up with the most prevalent type of referencing, in order to help students to write in the most common way. Cataphora is usually defined as the referential relation in which the element referred to is anticipated by the referring element, usually a pronoun, and anaphora is a linguistic relation between two textual entities which is defined when a textual entity (the anaphor) refers to another entity of the text which usually occurs before (the antecedent). Two English and Persian contemporary short stories have been waded through to discover the most common pattern in terms of using anaphora and cataphora referencing in English writing. Ten English narrative essays and ten Persian narrative essays have been analyzed too for the same purpose. In the end, the results tend to show that anaphoric referencing comparing to cataphoric one is more prevalent in Persian narratives comparing to English ones. Of course, if we consider the frequency of anaphoric and cataphoric referencing, anaphora is more common in both languages; however, it is more common in Persian, as we see rare samples of cataphoric referencing in Persian, while there are more samples of cataphoric referencing in English narratives.
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A generalization of Shannon inequality based on Aczel and Daroczy entropy and its application in coding theory
In the present paper, we have generalized Shannon inequality for Aczel and Daroczy entropy and give its application in coding theory. We define mean codeword length and their bounds have been defined and a coding theorem on a lower and upper bounds of a generalized mean codeword length in terms of Aczel and Daroczy entropy has been proved.
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A Recurrence Relation to Construct 1- Factors of Complete Graphs
Prior researches found several methods to construct 1- factorization using Steiner triple systems [1], the staircase method of Bileski [2], and etc. But not given any method of constructing 1- factors in complete graphs. In our previous work, we briefly explained this construction and published in an Abstract form in the iPURSE 2017. Generalization of that work is given in this paper. For complete graphs whose number of vertices is a multiple of 2, we implement our finding using Java program
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