Mechatronics of automobile: motor’s electronic control unit performance and the insufficient of injection system
Extensive studies were investigated Mechatronics of Automobile since the synergistic combination of classical electro-mechanic of automobile , computer science and automatic engineering were integrated to together at the beginning of the conceptual stage for the design of new models of automobile. More automobiles involve more pollution after fuel consumption. Although motors’ performance had been proving through its electronic computerized control unit, also called calculator, the limitation and the insufficient functional problem of motor’s injection system remain unsolved. To overcome this problem at different angle in contrast with early studies and conclusions, this paper focuses on motor’s electronic computerized control unit, such as Motronic injection system performance to highlight limitation and insufficient of motor’s injection system by using requirement and constraint analysis of electronic system on the sensors, calculators and injectors before the consequences of the failures of Mechatronics key elements in the motor’s injection system. The results show that electro-chemistry constraints, hardware and software requirements .This paper support the hypothesis that hybrid engine is more perfect for reducing fuel consumption and avoiding harmful gas emission than an internal combustion engine or an electric motor one alone .
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Multiple intelligences and university students’ language performances
People concerned with educational matters do not consider theories as ends in themselves but as means to achieve ends (Ellis, 1990). This paper is the outcome of a study conducted according to Gardner (1983, 1993, 2005)’s Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory. The objective, however, is to coordinate classroom activities with language students’ intelligences in order to assist students cope with the limitations associated with the learning context and for them to have better achievements. To do this, a validated modified version of Silver and Strong (1998)’s MI Indicator has been employed and 119 university students have been subjected to MI analysis. The results gained as the outcome of factor analysis, descriptive statitics, T-test and correlation furnished a pool of information to draw on in order to employ effective learning activities.
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Nanocomposite: An Overview
Nanocomposite which is a multiphase solid material such as particle layers or fibers containing at least one phase in nanoscale, have been extensively accepted as a new arena as well as an unique delivery system in pharmaceutical research. Several application of above mentioned system like polymeric nanocomposite, nano-fibers composite and iron oxide nanoparticle composite with their respective delivery system and characterization are discussed in this review article. Moreover, nanocomposite is now introduced in cancer therapy in order to provide better therapy with minimal toxicity.
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Nasopharyngeal tuberculosis : A case report
Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It’s a major health problem in developing countries such as in north Africa. the incidence of tuberculosis in developing country is increasing, but also in the developed ones due to immunodeficiency. Most clinician do not consider tuberculosis when they are faced a symptomatology that refers to a lesion in the nasopharyngeal area., so often lead to misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. Biopsy and histopathological examination should be done in every case to avoid misdiagnosis. Nasopharyngeal tuberculosis has an excellent prognosis and it has complete resolution if treated properly.
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Nigeria and the Elimination of Apartheid in South Africa: An Assessment of Regional Diplomatic Initiatives
Between 1960 and 1991, few issues attracted Nigeria’s diplomatic attention than the obnoxious apartheid policy in South Africa. Apartheid was a policy consolidated by the white minority supremacist government in South Africa in 1948, which emphasized separate development among the races in the country. As Africa’s most populous nation, Nigeria considered her own independence as incomplete as long as the dehumanizing policy which treated Africans like sub-human beings was in vogue; hence, she was enthusiastically committed to its elimination. Nigeria devised workable diplomatic methods and strategies such as sanctions, boycott, threats, financial assistance and collaboration with the international community toward the actualization of the goal. Eventually, in 1990, Nelson Mandela, the symbol of African resistance and other political prisoners were released from prison and the apartheid machinery was reformed. In 1994, Mandela was inaugurated as the first black President, after winning a landslide victory in the first multi-coloured election in the country. However, in recent times, South Africa has been contending for the leadership of the African continent against Nigeria, instead of complimenting Nigeria’s leadership role on the continent, while some misguided South Africans have engaged in alleged xenophobic attacks against African nationals in South Africa, including Nigerians. The paper suggests that the two countries should cooperate rather than compete with each other and that South Africa should support Nigeria’s aspiration for a permanent seat at the United Nations as a reward for Nigeria’s support for her in the dark days of apartheid. This paper adopts a historical analytical method.
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On pathos adjacency line graph of a binary tree
In this communications, the concept of Pathos Adjacency Line graph PAL(T) of a binary tree T is introduced. We decompose PAL(T) of T in to an edge disjoint complete bipartite subgraphs and then give the reconstruction of T. We also present a characterization of those graphs whose pathos adjacency line graphs are planar, outerplanar, maximal outerplanar, minimally non-outerplanar and non-Eulerian.
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Oxidation of Thiols to Disulfides (Polyphosphoric Acid method)
During the synthesis of bis - benzothiazols via condensation of 2-aminothiophenol and oxalic, malonic acids an interesting product was obtained during the workup of the reaction products, which upon characterization by spectroscopic methods was found to be bis-(2-aminophenyl) disulfide (NH2PhSSPhNH2).
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Perception of various stakeholders on the re-entry policy of teenage mothers to school in Bungoma County. Kenya
The relationship between the girl’s education and economic development has received a worldwide attention for quite sometimes. A number of global organization have been formed to address the issue of girl’s education. However, the issue of teenage mothers remains a thorny issue in most developing countries. This category of learners undergo a number of challenges to access and continue with education. Reentry policy of teenage mothers to school mooted in Beijing conference of 1995 is one intervening policy to help address the needs for the teenage mothers. The Kenyan government adopted the policy in 2001. Despite the policy being in place, very few teenage mothers have been returning to school. The objectives of this study to determine the perception of various stakeholders on the re-entry policy of teenage mothers to school in Bungoma County. The critical theory as modified by Habernes was used as the theoretical framework. The convergent parallel mixed method research design was used. The research population comprised of teenage mothers, student girls, head teachers, principals, Guiding and Counselling teachers, Sub County Quality Assurance and Standards Officers. The data collection instruments were Questionnaires and Interview schedules. Questionnaires were administered to the Teenage mothers, school girls, Guidance and counselling teachers, while the interview schedule was administered to Sub County Quality Assurance and Standards Officers and head teachers. Pilot study was carried out in Trans Nzoia County. Reliability of the research instruments was tested using Spearman Rank Order correlation coefficient. A value of 0.79 was obtained and was considered high enough for the instruments to be judged to be reliable. Validity was determined by expert judgment in the School of Education in the University of Eldoret. Quantitative data were coded and presented using tables and analyzed through frequency distribution and percentages. Qualitative data were organized and broken into themes synthesized to search for patterns and meaning. This study was significant for it shed light on the level of awareness among various stakeholders of the re-entry policy of teenage mothers to school, the perception of the various stakeholders on the re-entry policy, identified aspects of culture that affected the implementation of the re-entry policy and the implementation strategies that are in place to implement the policy. The various stakeholders have a negative perception and attitude towards the teenage mother. Its recommended that there should be a national debate on teenage motherhood to increase awareness of the policy and address the issue of perception and the change in attitude towards the teenage mothers.
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Physicochemical Quality of Water Produced at Kwanyaku Water Treatment Plant in the Agona District of the Central Region of Ghana
It is very essential and important to test water before it is used for drinking, domestic, agricultural or industrial purpose. Water must be tested for different physico-chemical parameters. Selection of parameters for testing of water quality solely depends on the purpose for which the water is to be used and the extent of its quality and purity needed. Some physical tests should be performed for testing of its physical appearance such as temperature, color, odour, pH, turbidity and conductivity while chemical tests should be performed for its alkalinity, hardness and residual chlorine. The study was conducted to assess the physicochemical quality of water produced at the Kwanyako Water Treatment Plant in the Central Region of Ghana. Triplicate water samples were collected in sterile 500ml polypropylene bottles, from Raw, Settled, Filtered and Final water and examined for the physico-chemical parameters mentioned above, using the World Health Organzation (WHO) approved methods of analysis. The study was carried out for a period of 6 months (September, 2013 to February 2014). The values recorded for all the physico-chemical parameters were within the WHO acceptable limit except for the color and turbidity of the Raw water. This implied that, the water produced at the Treatment plant is efficiently treated with regards to the physicochemical parameters.
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Prevalence and antibiogram of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in a tertiary care hospital in Central Nepal.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the major causes of nosocomial infections worldwide and is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality of the patients. It is usually resistant to many antibiotics and therefore diseases caused by MRSA are more difficult and expensive to treat than methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA). The aim of this present study was to determine the prevalence of MRSA infections and their antimicrobial susceptibility pattern in our hospital located in Central Nepal. Clinical specimens received from October 2016 to March 2017 in Bacteriology Laboratory of Microbiology, College of Medical Sciences-Teaching Hospital. The specimens were processed and identified by standard laboratory procedures. The antibiotic susceptibility testing of all included staphylococcal strains was performed by modified Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method. During this study period, a total of 173 isolates of S. aureus were studied and 75 (43.35%) were found to be Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). In our study maximum percentage of S. aureus (49.13%) and MRSA isolation (49.33%) were from pus and wound swab. The majority of the samples were obtained from surgery (53.19%) and ICU (19.15%). In the study penicillin, oxacillin resistance was observed to be 100%, 43.35% respectively against the organism. About 50–55% of MRSA were resistant to erythromycin, gentamicin and ciprofloxacillin while less than 30% were resistant to levofloxacillin. However, this present study also indicates the emergence of Vancomycin Resistant S. aureus (VRSA)-9.25%. To reduce the prevalence of MRSA and its spread to community as well, the regular surveillance of hospital-associated infections, isolation of patients who carry MRSA, monitoring of antimicrobial susceptibility pattern and formulation of a definite antibiotic policy may be helpful.
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