131. Teaching Module through Cases for developing Students’ Analytical Thinking: An Action Research | ||
Karma Yezer | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Educational Technology |
Teaching Module through Cases for developing Students’ Analytical Thinking: An Action Research
The action research was conducted to determine the effect of case-based teaching-learning on students’ analytical thinking experimented with the final year Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) students, Gedu College of Business Studies, Royal University of Bhutan. The study was conducted between July and December, the Autumn Semester of 2020. There were 38 students in total who studied HRM307 Industrial Relations as their fifth major module for Human Resource Management group. Based on the survey conducted towards the end of the completion of module where 33 students participated, their opinion that the ‘case-based teaching-learning have improved’ analytical thinking stands at the mean value of 3.4 (out of 5). This indicates that the case-based teaching-learning intervention effect their analytical skills. The comparative study on the scores of assignment was also conducted. Although the mean score of the first assignment and the second assignment does not show significant difference, the average score of the first assignment and the third assignment has a statistically significant difference. This was confirmed through the paired sample t-test. Thus, it can be concluded that when the case intervention was prolonged over a period of time, it positively impacted students’ enhancement of analytical thinking.
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132. Teaching vocabulary in L2 situation | ||
Umar Ahmed and Abubakar Umar Jangebe | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Educational Technology |
Teaching vocabulary in L2 situation
The paper looks at some issues in vocabulary teaching in L2 situation. Such issues include learner’s vocabulary size for both productive and receptive use of L2, basic vocabulary skills, techniques and procedures for vocabulary teaching.
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133. Team Spirit Formula (12u+U2v= Vr1) | ||
Francis Sequeira | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Leadership Management |
Team Spirit Formula (12u+U2v= Vr1)
Team spirit begins with vibrant leadership, individual good inter-relationships, resulting in a cordial, cooperative relationship binding the team members together with inspiration, understanding and vision, of ‘smart’ (specific, motivating, ambitious, realistic and time-bound) goals. The team spirit prevails in the mind of each and every one solely because of the exuberant, far-sighted leadership and equally excited team members, who are all wholly bent upon achieving the goals within deadlines.
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134. The Comparison of Mobile Agent Platforms Grasshopper and James Framework | ||
Ayan Rajput and Sandeep Rana | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Computer Engineering |
The Comparison of Mobile Agent Platforms Grasshopper and James Framework
Mobile Agent is an alternate strategy to compose a dignified distributed system. Mobile agent is a program that can transform one host to another host at time in places of their choices (Jump and Go). The comparison between the Mobile Agent platforms Grasshopper and JAMES Framework as a suitable architecture for distributed system. A comparison is made and a categorization is made based on the performance of the James and Grasshopper mobile agents, with an emphasis on the James and Grasshopper framework as a viable architecture for distributed systems for multi-agent organizations. The purpose of this research is to compare and contrast mobile agent platforms.
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135. The Education and Social Services Situation in Kurdistan of Iran | ||
Bassami Mohammad Reza, Bassami Reza and Moradi Farideh | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
The Education and Social Services Situation in Kurdistan of Iran
Kurdistan area as a of Iran country has an important role in the economy , security and production . Author studies the education and social services situation in this area that includes provinces that they mostly speak Kurdish language. The development pundits believe that expert manpower has a main role in the country development .Population is a symbol of country development. According to these ideas ,the author is searched the role and structure of population in the country and Kurdistan. And using the library research , author studied the migration , marital and engagement situation based on population. And comparing to the world and country and there were significant results. According to these results : based on 2011 census the population was 75149696 people in Iran that in that time the population of Kurdistan was 7077047 people. The population growth in the country was 1.29 and in Kurdistan it was .81 ( less than one percent ). The rural population growth was -.63 in the country and in Kurdistan it was - 1.39 while the urban population growth was 2.14 in the country and in Kurdistan it was 2.05 percent .In this year the population density in the country was 46 people and in Kurdistan it was 60 people . About population structure , the country and Kurdistan situation were nearly the same. And the age group 14 years old in the country was 23.4 percent and in Kurdistan it was 23.5 percent .The age group 15 to 64 years old was 70.9 percent in the country and in Kurdistan it was 71.55 percent and the age group 65 and more was 5.7 percent in the country and it was 5.4 percent in Kurdistan . The most important part of this study is about marriage and migration in 2011 that the marriage rate was 9 percent in the country and it was 9.9 percent in Kurdistan . Also , divorce percent was 1.4 in the country and in Kurdistan it was 1.3 percent . It means that in Kurdistan area the marriage percent is high and it has the least percent for divorce.In the part of migration , Kurdistan has 8.41 percent migration . The most reasons for migration are to find a better job. According to the results in Kurdistan area we have problem about population growth . According to Kurdistan potentials for producing protein , dairy and agricultural – garden productions we can provide a good condition to population growth in the rural area of Kurdistan by suitable investment. Also, we can decrease migration in the area .And the family living pattern that effect on family relationship can be studied by social researchers to decrease divorce and family disconnection.
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136. The effect of grazing exclusion on some ecological factors of three important plants in the central steppe of Iran (case study: nodoushan rangelands) | ||
Anahita Rashtian | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Life Sciences | Sub Category : Biosciences |
The effect of grazing exclusion on some ecological factors of three important plants in the central steppe of Iran (case study: nodoushan rangelands)
It is necessary to study the effect of different levels of utilization and Long-term exclusion grazing on the ecological structure in rangelands to better manage in the future. Therefore in this study, production, canopy cover, density, frequency and vitality of Artemisia sieberi, Stipa barbata and Eurotia ceratoides were considered (as important species in Irani Torani area) in grazing and grazing exclusion of Noudoshan rangelands in Yazd Province. Samples were 10 transfers and 40 1m2 quadrates randomly; and also 30 plants of each species were selected randomly and plant height, maximum and minimum diameter, canopy cover, vitality and weight of current year production by cut and weighted were measured. For determining distribution pattern, index of Dispersion (variance /mean ratio), Morisot’s index of Dispersion and Standardized were used. There is no significant difference between factors of production, diameter, height and canopy cover of Ar.si in grazing and exclosure grazing area but vitality was different significantly. St ba has significant difference between production, canopy cover, density and vitality (P<0.05) in the two grazing conditions, and canopy cover, density, production and vitality of Eu ce were increased in the grazing rangelands, but there was no significant difference (0.05< P). Grazing on Ar.si and Eu ce partly increased vitality and productivity; but St ba has high palatability in this rangeland, that is due to heavy grazing on it; therefore St ba’s power of life is reduced in the grazing area. Distribution pattern of Artemisia seiberi trends from random to uniform in long time grazing exclusion; but this trends from random to clump in the grazing. The distribution pattern of Eurotia ceratoides is clump based on the index of Dispersion and Morisita’s index and it is uniform based on Moristia’s Standardized Index and that doesn’t change in the exclosure grazing area. Distribution pattern of Stipa barbata is uniform. Artemisia Seiberi is increaser and Stipa barbata is decreaser. Importance value of Eurotia ceratoides has no significant difference between grazing and grazing exclosure areas; therefore this is resistant grazing and it can be used to improve steppe rangelands.
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137. The influence of Monitoring and Evaluation of Stakeholder Participation on Implementation of Infrastructure Projects in Public Secondary School in Kakamega County, Kenya | ||
George King Nabibya, Herbert Dimo and Joshua Ketter | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Educational Research | Sub Category : Social Sciences |
The influence of Monitoring and Evaluation of Stakeholder Participation on Implementation of Infrastructure Projects in Public Secondary School in Kakamega County, Kenya
The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of monitoring and evaluation of stakeholder participation on implementation of infrastructure projects in public secondary school in Kakamega County, Kenya. The target population was principals, Board of Management chairpersons, Parents Association chairpersons and Sub County Education officers. Stratified sampling and purposive sampling technique were used to select respondents. A sample size of 316 respondents was selected comprising of 101 principals, 101 Board of Management chairpersons, 101 Parents Association chairpersons and 13 Sub County Education officers. Primary data was collected from the respondents using questionnaires and interview schedule. Qualitative data was analyzed qualitatively using content analysis based on meanings and implications emanating from respondent’s information. Data from questionnaires was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Descriptive statistics consisted of frequencies, percentages, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics consisted linear and multiple regression analysis. Based on the multiple regression model, the coefficient of determination (R squared) of .392, showing that 39.2% of the variation in monitoring and evaluation was explained by implementation of infrastructure projects. The study concludes that monitoring and evaluation of stakeholder participation, monitoring and evaluation of financial resource, monitoring and evaluation of human capacity, monitoring and evaluation of time allocation and monitoring and evaluation of public accountability had a significant influence on implementation of infrastructure projects in public secondary school in Kakamega County. The study recommended that schools should ensure that all the stakeholders are involved in the M&E of school projects. The study also recommends that there should be clear allocation of finances for M&E, staff hiring, staff training, equipment, environment setting, project supervision and the budgeting of financial resources by stakeholders.
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138. The prevalence of oral manifestations in children with hematologic malignancys | ||
Sara Pourshahidi, Rashin Giti, Mehran Karimi, Hooman Ebrahimi | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Medical Sciences | Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy |
The prevalence of oral manifestations in children with hematologic malignancys
Leukemia is a common malignancy in young children. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) accounts for %75 of all leukemia which has higher incidence in boys than to girls except during the first year of life. This study is the survey of oral manifestations in children who are suffering from leukemia and lymphoma in Amir Blood and Oncology Hospital ,Shiraz ,Iran. Method &Material: In this 18 months durated study, the oral manifestations of 200 patients was analyzed including gingival bleeding &hyperplasia, pale mucosa hairy tongue, oral candidiasis, toothache and oral ulcers. The data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis using Chi-square test. Significance for all the statistical test was predetermined at a P value of 0.05 or less.
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139. The relationship between pronunciation anxiety and multiple intelligences | ||
Bahareh Esbati | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
The relationship between pronunciation anxiety and multiple intelligences
In foreign language learning a negative correlation has been reported between language anxiety and both oral performance (Liu, 2006; Wilson, 2006; Woodrow 2006) and self-perceived levels of speaking ability (Kitano, 2001; MacIntyre, Noels, & Clement, 1997; Piechurska-Kuciel, 2008). In this study, we investigated the relationship between pronunciation anxiety and multiple intelligences. Participants are 40 students who are at Intermediate level. This study was conducted in Khorasan foreign languages institute in Kashmar. Participants were given researcher-made questionnaire on pronunciation anxietyand the Gardner multiple intelligence questionnaire. Then the students were asked to answer the questions. This research uses information from students to explore the relationship between pronunciation anxiety and multiple intelligences. The data from the questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS. The findings showed a significant correlation between pronunciation anxiety and inventory academic success; the other intelligences showed no significant correlation with it.
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140. The role and goal of management - Adaptation of companies to changes in the global economy | ||
Ing. Ivan Litvaj | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Management | Sub Category : Organizational Behaviour |
The role and goal of management - Adaptation of companies to changes in the global economy
Management is a science that focuses on the management of companies and organizations as well as various institutions. That is its main focus. Peter Drucker defined management as "the process of coordinating the activities of a group of employees [is] carried out by an individual or a group of people to achieve certain results that cannot be achieved by individual practice." material, information). In our contribution, we want to focus on current management and its important role in helping companies adapt to the changing market environment.
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