Effect of Latex Seed Dressing with Organic Amendments on the Management of Soil Nematodes
Seed dressing with latex of Calotropis procera with oil seed cakes of neem/margosa (Azadirachta indica), castor (Ricinum communis), mustard (Brassica compestris), rocket salad/duan (Eruca sativa) were found to be highly effective in reducing the multiplication of nematodes and eventually increased growth and bulk density of woody stem of pigeonpea. The multiplication rate of nematodes was less in presence latex seed dressing. Damage caused by the nematodes was further reduced when seed dressing was along with oil-cakes.
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Effect of Money Transfer System on the Economic Growth of Somalia: Case Study, Central Bank of Somalia, Supervision Department
The general objective of this study was to investigate the effect of money transfer systems on economic growth of Somalia. The study was guided by the following objectives, to establish the effect of electronic Money Policy on economic growth in Somalia, to determine the effect of Money transfer Agents on economic growth in Somalia, to examine the effect of electronic Money transfer security on economic growth in Somalia, to establish the level of financial support in form of capital, that is attributed to funds received from abroad and to establish the extent of distribution of received funds from transfers to other parts of Somalia other than Mogadishu. A significant number of Somalis fled the country during the civil war that lasted for more than two decades since 1992. These Somalis in diaspora send significant amount of money which is used to support their families that they left behind. These transfers contribute a lot to an economy of low production, making it one of the backbones of the Somalia?s economic growth pillars. hawala is a system of money transfer that excludes the bank system and is useful for the economy. To better understand the effect of money transfers such as hawalas, the Keynesian monetary policy concerning liquidity preference and practical policy and the Dow Theory have been used. The study follows a conceptual framework to help the research accomplish the objectives and concentrates on investigating the electronic money transfer, business boosting and income distribution as affected by hawala which variables are responsible for the economic growth. The study was use research design to present the findings conducted. Data was collected by a questionnaire where both structured and unstructured questions are used. Data was analyzed by use of Microsoft Excel & SPSS tool for comprehensive analysis because of its compatibility in describing statistical data. Findings was further be presented by use of bar charts, pie charts, graphs, tables and text all these issues showed the impact of money transfer in economic growth in Somali because the is back bone of Somali economic 80% of Somali people depend their lives in electronic money transfer, the result the hawala is very integral for Somali people. The researcher recommends that the government should develop hawala Remittance Act and the Anti-money laundering law, that will create more favorable conducive environment to smooth the operations of the hawala Systems, and implement it.
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Effect of Tradesmen Demographic Information on labour output of Plastering and Rendering operations in the Nigerian Construction Industry
The overall performance of construction firm is affected by productivity of its employees. This study employed work study approach to empirically establish the relationships between tradesmen demographic information and labour output on plastering and rendering operations. The data gathered were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. It was found that tradesmen age, their mode of employment, educational qualification, years of experience, quality of surfaces, shape of structure, and period of the day; have influence on the level of productivity of masons. It was concluded that the demographic characteristics of construction operatives/tradesmen affect labour output for plastering and rendering operations.
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Effects of national culture on development of entrepreneurial intentions
National culture plays a pivotal role in shaping the behavior of individuals in all spheres of life. This behavior also guides individuals towards opting between doing job or starting a personal business. Little work has been done so far to examine the effects of national culture on entrepreneurial intentions of citizens in the same country. This study fills this gap by examining the effects of Hofstede (1984) national culture’s dimensions on entrepreneurial intentions of individual’s for the case of Pakistan. The culture dimensions included; power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, collectivism, long/short term orientation. The data has been collected from employees working in various organizations of Pakistan. Structural equation modeling technique has been adopted to analyze the data and to interpret the results. The study found that cultural dimensions including; higher power distance, collectivism, masculinity and short term orientation are having negative effects on organizational performance for the case of Pakistan. The study has discussed the important implications of national culture’s dimensions to improve the organizational performance.
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Effects of Substrate Variation on Methane and Carbon-Dioxide Production in a Biogas Plant
The study has attempted to observe three models of biogas system using twenty liter plastic containers as digesters with Cow Dung (CD) and Poultry Droppings (PYD) organic wastes. The cow dung and poultry dropping were mixed separately with water in a ratio of 1:1 (v/v) and the slurry was properly stirred. Thereafter Treatments A, B, C, D and E were prepared using previously made slurry with the following specific proportions as (100% CD + 0% PYD), (75% CD + 25% PYD), (50% CD + 50% PYD), (25% CD + 75% PYD) and (0% CD + 100% CD). Three replicates were carried out for each sample. The plant consists of the fermentation chamber, the inlet and outlet pipe, the gas pipe and the stirrer. The samples were tested for methane and carbon dioxide productions along with pH and Temperature for 31days. Treatment D which is a mixture of (25% cow dung and 75% poultry droppings) produced more methane than the rest of the treatments. 96.08%. The cumulative methane yields of treatments D, A, C, E and B were 96.08%, 83.16%, 72.3%, 46.9% and 36.04% respectively. The order of both methane and carbon dioxide productions production was 25% CD + 75% PYD > 100% CD + 0% PYD > 50% CD + 50% PYD > 0% CD + 100% PYD > 75% CD + 25% PYD.The study revealed further that the mixture of Cow Dung and Poultry Droppings as waste was great potentials for generation of biogas and its use should be encourage due to its early retention time and high volume of biogas yields than other organic waste. Also in this study, it was found that temperature variation, pH and some of the factors that affected the volume yield of biogas production.The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the variation of methane and carbon-dioxide production from Cow Dung and Poultry Droppings both individually and combined as substrates and also to find out the suitable substrates composition for biogas production.
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Empirical Investigation of Macro Economic Factors with GDP “A case of Pakistan”
Gross demotic product known as GDP are affected by multi factors. Some factors affect it positive and some hold a negative relation with GDP. Each variable has its own importance and our study will discuss the effect of inflation and interest rate on GDP. Some theorists have found that these variables are inversely proportional to growth of an economy while other researchers have found a direct association among them. In Pakistan these studies are very critical, because economic growth in Pakistan has not been up to the mark for last few years. A continuous increase in the Interest rates and inflation has been observed. Godwin (2007) defines real gross domestic product (GDP) increases when economic growth increases. Gyimah-Brempong (1989) found that the military expenses adversely affect the growth of economy. Sub-Saharan African countries using a simultaneous-equations model for the military expenditure effect the economic growth. Khilji and Mahmood (1997) proposed that the GDP growth has negative relation with defence expenses.
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Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics
Interest in entrepreneurship has heightened in recent years, especially in business schools. Much of this interest is driven by student demand for courses in entrepreneurship, either because of genuine interest in the subject, or because students see entrepreneurship education as a useful hedge given uncertain corporate careers This paper reports a study of the importance of religious faith to entrepreneurs and the relationship of that faith to their ethical judgments. The importance of religious faith to entrepreneurs was similar to the importance of religious faith to other business respondents. Literature offers numerous definitions of ethics.Crane and Matten (2004, p.8) define business ethics as ‘‘the study of business situations, activities, and ecisions where issues of right and wrong are dressed’’. Based on Jones‘s definition of ethical decisions (Jones, 1991, cited in Chau and Siu, 2000) ,Entrepreneurs who identified religious interests as being of high importance, and also entrepreneurs who were highly orthodox in their faith, expressed more sensitive ethical judgments on at least five of sixteen ethical issues than did entrepreneurs who indicated that religious interests were of low or no importance.
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Essay of poultry manures hygienisation and amendment value improving in South Benin
Poultry manures are widely used in market gardening in South Benin. Several studies have shown that the use of raw poultry manures in market gardening has an impact on both the microbiological and chemical quality of the vegetables produced. Therefore, the hygienisation of these manures, through various composting processes, is necessary. The main objective of this research is to study the efficiency of aerobic composting and the anaerobic digestion of poultry manures in terms of reduction of pathogenic microbial load. To do this, poultry manure collected on a target farm in southern Benin was treated according to the two composting processes. Samples of the raw manure and humus obtained after composting were collected and analyzed in the laboratory for the count of the pathogenic flora. The quantum of Escherichia coli decreased by more than 90 % at the end of both processes, but aerobic composting was more effective than anaerobic digestion. On the other hand, there was a proliferation of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus and Clostridium perfringens whose quanta increased considerably at the end of the two processes, which can be justified by several factors whose redox potential of these two particular bacteria, conditions of the composting process and the hygiene of post-composting operations.
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Evaluation of appropriate rangeland indicators in rangeland health of Fars province, Iran
Rangeland ecosystems are dynamic and will change in the occurrence turbulences and will degrade if cross the threshold of rangeland health. We can judge on the effects of management activities by determination of rangeland health features. In this study using 17 ecological indicators, including rill, water flow pattern, Pedestal, bare ground, gully, wind-scoured, litter movement, soil surface resistance to erosion, soil surface loss or degradation, plant community composition and distribution relative to infiltration and runoff and, compaction layer, structural and functional groups, plant mortality, litter amount, annual production, invasive plants and reproductive capability of perennial plants for determination of three characteristics of rangeland ecosystems (soil and habitat stability, hydrological functions and health of living organisms). The main objective of this study is applying this concept in the area of Cheshme Anjir. Indicators were studied in three ecosystems characteristic expressed in five evaluation class and deviation degree of rangeland health features with reference area. The results showed that the key habitat in term of sustainability of soil and habitat in slight to moderate, hydrologic function slight to moderate, organisms’ health slight to moderate while critical habitat in term of soil sustainability and habitat in relatively extreme, hydrologic function in extreme and organism health located in extreme class.
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Evaluation of Baobab Multi-nutrient Block Concentrate as a Dietary Supplement for Enhancing Milk Production and Quality in Red Sokoto Goats
Baobab Multi-nutrient Block Concentrate (BMBC) as dietary supplement for enhancing milk production and quality in Red Sokoto goats (RSG) was evaluated. The formulation consists of Baobab pulp and seed 25%, wheat offal 25% palm kernel cake (PKC) 20%, Urea 5 %; salt 5%; molasses 10% and cement 10%, respectively, Sixteen (16) lactating RSG previously crossed with South Africa Boer bucks were randomly selected, balanced for weight and grouped into 2 comprising of Eight (8) animals each. Group A were allowed access to BMBC (- BMBC), while Group B were allowed access to BMBC (+BMBC). Panicum maximum was fed on zero grazing at 4% of individual animals’ body weight. Daily milk yield and samples were taken to analyze for Total solids, Crude protein, Fat and Ash and selected minerals (Ca, K, Mg, Na and P). The results were significantly affected (P<0.05). Milk yield for RSG +BMBC ranged from 398.75 – 428.50g/day with mean average of 412.69g/day ahead of RSG – BMBC with value range of 312.75 – 335g/day; with mean average of 324.12g/day. Milk composition (%) values for RSG +BMBC were 18.50, 6.05, 5.75, 0.98 and 5.72, RSG – BMBC 12.05, 3.58, 3.30, 0.82 and 4.35 for total solids, protein, fat, ash and lactose, respectively. Mineral values(mg/g) recorded for Ca, K, Mg, Na and P in RSG+BMBC were 250.00, 342.50, 88.45, 92.86 and 96.95, compared to RSG – BMBC with 231.00, 330.00, 75.53, 84.13 and 91.10, respectively. This results showed that BMBC enhanced the yield and composition and mineral values of lactating RSG.
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