1571. Human Health Problems in Bibiani Related to Concentrations of Trace Elements in Water | ||
G., Kusi and D., Aikins | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Environmental Sciences | Sub Category : Earth Science |
Human Health Problems in Bibiani Related to Concentrations of Trace Elements in Water
The Bibiani government hospital over the years has recorded high cases of hypertension, anaemia and muscoskeletal pain. Analysis of data acquired from the Bibiani government hospital showed that, cases of hypertension increased in the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. Similar trend was observed for the other diseases. Using the World Health Organisation standard age categorisation to know the age distribution of the reported cases, of the total number of cases reported for the respective diseases, the adult age group recorded higher percentages. The infant age group, recorded an abnormal percentage for anaemia cases. However, the high percentages recorded for the adult and infant age category needs to be investigated. The groundwater quality parameters were compared with the World Health Organisation WHO and Burae of Indian Standard (BIS). Essential trace elements namely Iron, Zinc, Copper and Magnesium were found to be deficient in the drinking water of the inhabitants of Bibiani. The deficiency of the above-mentioned trace elements can be assessed as a possible source to health problems in Bibiani.
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1572. Human health risk assessment of organochlorines exposure through dietary intake of fishes from Lake Bosomtwi and Weija Lake in Ghana. | ||
Samuel Afful, Johannes. A. M. Awudza, Shiloh. Dedeh Osae, Sylvester Twumasi, Andrews Obeng Affum and Samuel Agbeve | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Chemical Sciences | Sub Category : Applied Chemistry |
Human health risk assessment of organochlorines exposure through dietary intake of fishes from Lake Bosomtwi and Weija Lake in Ghana.
Human health risk assessment on intake of fish contaminated with organochlorine contaminants has been investigated in seven fish species from Lake Bosomtwi and Weija Lake in Ghana. The species studied were Tilapia busumana, Hemiscrimis faciatus, Sarotherodon galileu from Lake Bosomtwi and Tilapia zilli, Tilapia nile, Tilapia galilaea and Clarius gariepinus from Weija Lake. Risk assessment was carried out by estimating daily exposure as well as carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic implications on consumption of the studied fishes. Estimated daily exposures to OCs on dietary intake of fish were in the range of 0.002 µg/kg to 0.176 µg/kg and 0.001 µg/kg to 0.0892 µg/kg for children and adults respectively. Consumption of Clarias gariepinus indicated the highest health risk to organochlorine exposure. Children were exposed to more OCs than adults on consumption of the same quantity of contaminated fish. Estimated daily exposures however, fell below USEPA reference doses. Cancer hazard analysis showed that more than one in a million of the consuming population could get cancer on eating Clarias gariepinus due to hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) contamination. However, consumption of the investigated fish from Lake Bosomtwi presents no risk of cancer. Organochlorines were extracted from samples by sonicating on an ultrasonic bath with hexane/acetone solvent system and organochlorine contaminants were determined using capillary gas chromatograph equipped with electron capture detector.
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1573. Hybrid Multilevel Inverter Configuration for Even and Odd Output Levels | ||
Hina B. Chandwani and Meeta K.Matnani | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Engineering | Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics |
Hybrid Multilevel Inverter Configuration for Even and Odd Output Levels
This paper presents comparative study and simulation results for different Hybrid Multilevel Inverter configurations. This paper covers hybrid multilevel inverters such as cascaded multilevel inverter with high voltage low-frequency pulse width-modulation (PWM) and low voltage high frequency pulse width-modulation (PWM) and series connected half-bridge modules hybrid multilevel inverters. Here the operating principle of each topology is discussed with a review of the relevant modulation method focusing mainly on total harmonic distortion (THD). Such multilevel inverters achieve higher power quality with a given switch count when compared to traditional multilevel inverters. The purpose of the circuits presented here is to minimize the reverse voltage stress that affects the power switches and decrease the harmonic distortion of the voltage applied to the load.
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1574. Hydrogen peroxide imposed deviation in glutathione Production with respect to tissue protein weight of goat liver, in vitro | ||
Patil.Sahebagouda.S and Patil.Subhasachendra.S | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Chemical Sciences | Sub Category : Applied Chemistry |
Hydrogen peroxide imposed deviation in glutathione Production with respect to tissue protein weight of goat liver, in vitro
Hydrogen peroxide induce the oxidative stress on the cells. The free oxygen radicle denature the protein by oxidizing the thiole group of protein having cysteine or methionine amino acid that donate proton to free oxygen species thus creating un even di sulphide bonds in protein. Besides H2O2 reduces protein synthesis in various ways with increasing concentration of infusion as well as time. Glutathione which is a natural anti oxidant in cell tries to reduce the oxidative stress in the cell. Glutathione is a tri peptide of glutamate, cysteine and glycine produced by cells. Glutathione prevent oxidation which protect cell and its components from free radicles, reactive oxygen species and peroxides. The ratio of oxidised and reduced glutathione within a cell is indicator of state of oxidative stress on the cell. Thiole group of glutathione donates proton to reduce the oxidative stress on the cell. In an in vitro experiment, liver cell of goat were cultured in M199 media and production of glutathione per milligram of protein with respect to different concentration of hydrogen peroxide as well as different time, glutathione production and protein synthesis was measured by standard method. The production of glutathione per milligram of protein increases with increase in concentration of H2O2 and time.
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1575. Image Encryption using Four-Dimensional Hyper Chaotic Lorenz System | ||
A. Kumar, M. Kar, M. K. Mandal and D. Nandi | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Engineering | Sub Category : Electrical and Electronics |
Image Encryption using Four-Dimensional Hyper Chaotic Lorenz System
The paper proposed the application of a new four-dimensional hyper chaotic map based on the Lorenz chaotic system to realize chaotic encryption for improved security. Hyper chaotic systems are more complex and difficult to predict. An image encryption algorithm is designed by utilizing the basic operations like permutation, confusion and diffusion. The combination of the user defined 256 bits secret key and the plain image are used as initial conditions for the 4D hyper-chaotic system to generate the key matrix. Several test images are used for inspecting the validity of the proposed work. The security analyses and computer simulations on the basis of key space analysis, statistical analysis, histogram analysis, information entropy analysis, correlation analysis and differential analysis is done. The NPCR and UACI values of encrypted images are also calculated. The result shows that a single bit change in the pixel value of the input plain images will cause a significant changed in the ciphered images. Total key space for the proposed method is 2256, which is good enough to protect the encrypted image against brute-force attack.
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1576. Imaging of the cerebral hydatid cyst in children: About 3 cases and literature review | ||
N. Aichouni, H. Mirali, S. Nasri, M. Kane, N. Oulali, F. Moufid, I. Kamaoui and I. Skiker | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Medical Sciences | Sub Category : Physiology and Anatomy |
Imaging of the cerebral hydatid cyst in children: About 3 cases and literature review
Hydatid disease is a parasitic infestation that is a public health problem in many countries of traditional livestock breeding where it is endemic. Frequently encountered localizations are of hepatic and pulmonary sites, whereas cerebral localization is rare. CT is the test of choice for the diagnosis and postoperative follow-up of cerebral hydatid cyst. MRI is useful for atypical or complicated forms and allows for adequate surgical planning. We report three observations, two of which have an atypical appearance in imaging.
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1577. Impact of Purchasing and Supply Management Practices on Firm Performance Study of garment retailing in Pakistan | ||
Muhammad Nadeem Aslam, Shams-ur-Rehman and Muhammad Aftab Arshad | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Management | Sub Category : Production |
Impact of Purchasing and Supply Management Practices on Firm Performance Study of garment retailing in Pakistan
Purchasing and supply management practices play very important role for the performance of the firm, both are recognized as key success factor for an organization. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship of purchasing and supply management practices with firm performance. In this research data is collected from 440 respondents with the help of questionnaire. The modeling includes regression technique to analyze impact of purchasing and supply management practices on firm performance. On the basis of results of the study it was found that the strategic purchasing and supply management practices have significant impact on firm performance. Study was carefully conducted. But there were some limitations. Research was conducted by covering small population of retail garment sector as in Rawalpindi and Islamabad Pakistan; it would be good if it is completed by covering more cities.
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1578. Influence of Awareness and Technological Issues on the Sustenance of Institutional Repositories in Three State Universities in Nigeria | ||
Bamidele Olawale | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Library Science |
Influence of Awareness and Technological Issues on the Sustenance of Institutional Repositories in Three State Universities in Nigeria
The focus of this research work was to investigate the influence of awareness and technological issues on the sustenance of institutional repositories (IRs) in three state universities in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population was made up of librarians and lecturers from Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko, and Osun State University Osogbo. Data were collected using questionnaire designed to elicit response from respondents and analysed using descriptive statistics method of frequency counts and percentages. However, out of three hundred (300) copies of questionnaire administered to the respondents two hundred and forty three (243) were returned which represents 81% response rate for the study. Findings revealed that there is generally low level of awareness of the existence of institutional repositories among the respondents which could possibly inhibit its sustenance in the long run. In addition, technological challenges such as poor ICTs facilities and telecommunication infrastructure among other issues are factors militating against the sustenance of institutional repositories in Nigeria. However, the study concluded that university management and library stakeholders should mount awareness programmes and advocacy emphasising the benefits of IRs. It was recommended that for universities in Nigeria to keep pace with their counterparts across the globe, there is need to improve on the resources allocation to libraries by the university management to fast track IRs implementation and sustenance among other recommendations.
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1579. Influence of Awareness of Kenya Women Finance trust (KWFT) services on socio-economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs in Kenya | ||
Okumu Kennedy Ochieng and Eliud O. Oyoo | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Arts and Humanities | Sub Category : Social Studies |
Influence of Awareness of Kenya Women Finance trust (KWFT) services on socio-economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs in Kenya
There has been a lot of mushrooming of SMEs, particularly in the rural parts of Kenya. The Small scale and medium enterprises (SMEs) contribute immensely to the women’s socio-economic empowerment and hence the growth of most of the world economies. To drive this affirmative action agenda, KWFT funds the SMEs inclined to women groups. However, the economic impact of this on women is still very low. Most women are still poorer than their men counterparts. It was therefore necessary to investigate the influence of awareness of KWFT services on socio-economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs in Kenya. The study objective was to examine the influence of the level of awareness of women on KWFT services on socio-economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs in Kenya. The outcome of the study would be significant since it would be a means to empower women entrepreneurs by enhancing awareness on Services rendered by KWFT. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 60 women entrepreneurs while interview schedule was used to obtain information from five KWFT staff. Simple random sampling was used to select the 60 women respondents and purposive sampling was used to select the five KWFT respondents. The result from the pilot study was used to validate the instruments and to enhance the appropriate reliability coefficient. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of quantitative data was done using correlation and multiple regressions. The findings were then presented in tables. The collected qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis into the themes (patterns) that emerged from the study. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was computed at p?0.05 level of significance to show the relationship between the variables. Results indicated that majority of the women entrepreneurs (97 percent) were members of registered self- help groups. The study findings revealed a high positive correlation (r =.96) between level of awareness of women entrepreneurs about KWFT services (r = .243) on socio-economic empowerment of women. All the two variables added statistically significant to the prediction, p < .05. The research study concluded that, women who were aware of the services of KWFT were more likely to utilize them for socio-economic empowerment.
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1580. Investigational study on discovery of face in versatile circumstances through Genetic and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm | ||
S. Venkatesan, R. Vijayakanth and S. Ramesh | ||
Abstract | Pdf | Category : Computing and Informatics | Sub Category : Computer Engineering |
Investigational study on discovery of face in versatile circumstances through Genetic and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
In this paper a novel face identification technique, ACOG algorithm has been proposed which is a hybrid of ACO (Ant Colony Optimization) algorithm and GA (Genetic algorithm). The ACO processes and extracts the features of the input image over which several pre-processing steps are done to enhance the chances of feature extraction. The extracted features are given as input to GA which detects the face features and compares the features with the existing face database.
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