IoT Based Farmland Powered Using Solar Energy
In the present scenario, availability of power and water are insufficient to satisfy the farmer’s requirements. Traditionally implemented Techniques of irrigation are proving to be less futile as these are not good at multitasking different concerns which are combinations of availability of water, source of energy and timely soil profile analysis. With the merger of automation and the methods of irrigation used earlier. The scope to mitigate issues concerning water and power crisis, is huge. In this paper Internet of Things based solar powered smart irrigation system with monitoring and control features, is designed and implemented. The sensor enabled proposed model of smart irrigation system along with its Android application and ESP8266 as its main controllers. The farmland parameters can be monitored anywhere around the world with the help of IoT technology. The whole concept of this paper is implemented and then only the results are presented.
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Kinetics, molecular dynamics and adsorption behaviour of pyridine on mild steel in 0.1 M HCl solution
The inhibition of the corrosion of mild steel in 0.1 M HCl solution by Pyridine from 303 K to 333 K at concentrations of 5 x 10-4 M, 1 x 10-4 M, 5 x 10-5, 2 x 10-5 M and 1 x 10-5 M was studied using gravimetric technique. The maximum inhibition efficiency 70 % at 5 x 10-4 M for 333 K was observed. The compound acted as corrosion inhibitors in 0.1 M HCl solution through adsorption on the mild steel surface. The maximum heat of adsorption (Q) was 1.0297 KJ/mol whereas the average kinetic energy (Ea) was 20.0 KJ/mol. The weight loss data treated kinetically gave a first order type of mechanism. The results elucidated the effects of inhibitor concentration, temperature, d? – P? interaction between the metal surface, the heteroatom of the inhibitor, and the electron charge densities on the heteroatoms of the Pyridine molecule. The adsorption of the inhibitor on the metal surface obeyed Temkin adsorption isotherm. Quantum chemical calculations using Hartree-fock density functional theory by Hamiltonian method was employed with PM3 (NDDO) basic set of minimal valence basis as STO3G Program.
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Knowledge, attitudes and practices on HIV/AIDS of pupils in the terminal degree of secondary schools in the city of Kindu
Every year on December 1 the whole world celebrates World HIV/AIDS Day. This date reminds us that this disease still remains and is the basis of many cases of death. Based on this provision, the new Framework Law No. 14/004 of February 11, 2014 on national education on the organization and functioning of education in its article 9 in point 11 insists on the fight against endemic and epidemic diseases including HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
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Leafspot of Ocimum Species in North Bihar, India & Eastern Zone Of Nepal
25 Plants of Ocimum sanctum & O.americanum were collected from the pots containing Rosa Sinensis, Aloe vera, Lathyrus odoratus & the xerophytic opuntia plants respectively on Date 4/11/2020 of which 8 plants of Ocimum sp. kept in the pots & 17 plants of studied morphologically having Symptoms - leaf spots (while on yellow or brown or black), leaf notch, Curling of leaves on either nodal region as apex of stem, dwarfism in leaves, dwarfism in the size of the host plants of Ocimum sanctum & o.americanum. The anatomical study confirmed the pathogen on Date 19-11-2020 at 1-2.15 P.M. in the laboratory of Dept. of Botany, M.M.A.M. campus, Beratnagar, T. U, Nepal & disease causing pathogen is Alternania sp. as described by Hughes (1953), Tubaki (1958), subramanium (1962-1965).
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Leveraging Social Media Marketing Strategies Advantageously to Enhance Small Businesses Sustainability
Leveraging social media advantageously in marketing is one of the important innovative strategies that has made it easier for business managers to enhance consumers engagement and exploit purchase intentions. The lack of social media marketing (SMM) strategies to engage consumers has generally impeded small business manager effectiveness (SBMs) to compete and increase sales. SBMs and owners who fail to reach, engage consumers, increase sales, and remain competitive in the market are at a higher risk of failure. Rooted in the theory of diffusion of innovation (DOI), the purpose of this qualitative exploratory multiple case study was to explore the strategies that SBMs use to develop and effectively implement SMM strategies to improve consumers' engagement. The specific study population comprised six business managers of six successful small businesses in Maryland who effectively used social media marketing strategies to engage consumers for at least 5 years. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews and a review of the companies’ documents. A thematic assessment grounded in DOI helped in identifying the major theme of content design and engineering. SBMs might benefit from this study's findings by increasing their knowledge of the SMM strategies that are most beneficial in developing consumers' desired SMM content, selecting the very appropriate social media platforms, and developing highly effective customer reach and engagement strategies. The implications for positive social change could include the potential for business leaders to increase business success, which bodes well for increased social and community welfare and prosperity.
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Linear model of Cadmium content of Commercial Motor Parks in some cities in South-eastern Nigeria
Linear model of cadmium content of soil samples in five commercial motor parks in some cities in South-eastern Nigeria were studied using analysis of variance and least significant difference test. The results showed that the mean values of three out of the five samples investigated and modeled were statistically significant at 95% probability level. Three of these five samples when compared with the cadmium permissible limits of 0.01 mg/kg were statistically significant at 95% probability level using the calculated least significant difference of 0.112 mg/kg. From the results of the analyses of the study, the Cadmium content in these choice locations were greater than the permissible limit of 0.01 mg/kg for Cadmium level in the environment.
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Liposome: a Powerful Approach for Vesicular Drug Delivery System
The first closed bilayer phospholipid system called Liposomes, was described in 1964 and soon was proposed as drug delivery system. Liposome was found by Alec Bangham of Babraham Institute in Cambridge, England in 1965. In 1965s, it was well recognized that microscopic lipid vesicles, known as liposomes, could be utilized to encapsulate drugs and dyes for the purpose of systemic administration and drug targeting.Liposomes have been widely investigated since 1970 as drug carriers for improving the delivery of therapeutic agents to specific sites in the body. In 1990; drugs with liposome and Amphotericin B were approved by Ireland. In 1995 America F.D.A approved liposor doxodubicin. The liposome a microscopic spherical particle formed by a lipid bilayer enclosing an aqueous compartment.An artificial microscopic vesicle consisting of an aqueous core enclosed in one or more phospholipid layers, used to convey vaccines, drugs, enzymes, or other substances to target cells or organs. This review discusses the mechanism of liposome formation, structural components of liposome, classification, preparation method, pharmacokinetics,targeting, advantages, disadvantages, limitation, factors affecting the formation, characterization, potential applications of liposomes in drug delivery with examples of formulations approved for clinical use and products in clinical trials.
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List of articles published in the month of August 2021
Table of contents for the month of August 2021
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Long run Relationship between Pakistan KSE (Karachi Stock Exchange) and China SSE (Shanghai stock exchange) Markets
This study examines integration among Karachi Stock Exchange of Pakistan and Shanghai Stock Exchange of China. Monthly data ranging from January 2001 to December 2010 is included and tested in this paper. This relationship is tested by using descriptive statistics and correlation matrix. Data stationary is ensured by Unit Root Test. Evidence from Granger Causality and Impulse Response Test. The Results shows that SSE and KSE has no long term relationship or impact on each other focusing on the data of KSE (Karachi Stock Exchange) and SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange).
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Low Back Pain Issue among Bangladeshi Office Workers: A Cross-sectional Study
Low back pain (LBP) is a prominent cause of disability and restricts the quality of life and work performance of an individual. The present study was conducted to find out the prevalence and related factors of low back pain among office workers in Dhaka City. A cross-sectional study was carried out by a self-constructed questionnaire. 150 office workers comprising 112 male and 38 female took part in this study. The maximum age range was 30 to 39 years old (38.7%) where more than half of the respondents had less than 10 years of job experience. Results indicated that the prevalence of LBP was 60%. Most of the participants complained mild and moderated pain with intermittent nature, more than half (60.3%) of the respondents having LBP who did the frequent forward bending. Greater percentages (59.1%, 57.0%) of individuals who did not use lumber support and body distant from the computer greater than 50 cm were reported LBP. However, there was a significant relation between LBP with Job experience (p<0.05) and daily sitting time in a working place (p<0.05). Therefore, LBP was moderately high in Bangladeshi office workers and some factors were influencing for LBP. It is needed for all office workers to learn about the related factors that help to prevent and control the occurrence of pain.
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