Applying Financial Inclusion Requirements in Iraq
This study dealt with the theoretical framework basics of financial inclusion, then analyzing the most important indicators of financial inclusion in Iraq, which showed the reality of financial inclusion in order to determine the basic requirements for financial coverage. The study has reached a number of conclusions, the most important ones: The weakness of the levels of financial coverage in Iraq due to weak access and utilization of financial and banking services; the percentage of those who own a financial or bank account for the adult population )11%); the ratio of the number of borrowing accounts (4.2%), while the global average of those who have a financial and bank account is (70%). Also the weakness of the bank density index, where every )35000( people have one bank branch in Iraq, while globally a thousand people have one branch bank, these proved the weak situation of financial inclusion level.
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Appraise the consequence of internal marketing strategy for competitive advantage (case study: motor pump industries)
Internal Marketing (IM) by definition distinguished between an organization and its environment and focuses only on intra organizational affaires. However, globalization and a knowledge-driven environment have produced a global networked economy with blurred boundaries between global companies and their requirements. This research assumed its paramount important in being a maiden attempt to unearth the nuances, antecedents, factors and consequences of ‘Internal Marketing strategy for competitive advantage’. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector is the growth engine of Indian economy. Present research in order to investigate factors internal marketing behaviors internal customers (Employees) in private motor pump industries, domestic marketing as the reason for confidence-building, job satisfaction and loyalty of employees examine and test. The research questionnaire of literature and research questionnaire derived from the standard. This study reveals that the pump manufacturing units of the city has adopted a systematic global marketing strategy and follows uninterrupted logistic and supply chain system. This study also highlights certain marketing issues which are related to pump manufacturing units. The research indicates: Internal marketing and the trust managers, job satisfaction and loyalty internal customers’ positive relationship and meaningful.
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Arsenic in drinking water from Kaduna state, Nigeria
One hundred and twenty samples of drinking water sourced from wells and boreholes from eight local governments that constituted Kaduna south senatorial district of Kaduna state, Nigeria were randomly collected and subjected to Arsenic elucidation using standard laboratory methods. The wells have the following mean results 0.33, 0.35, 0.36, 0.37, 0.28, 0.33, 0.34 and 0.35 mg/L while the result obtained from the boreholes were as follows 0.11, 0.11, 0.17, 0.13, 0.13, 0.16, 0.12 and 0.20 mg/L both from Jeba, Jemaa, Kachia, Kagarko, Kauru, Kaura, Sanga and Zangon Kataf local governments respectively. Both results were found to be above the Maximum Contamination Level of 0.01 mg/L set by World Health Organization (WHO) and agreed by Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) therefore, the two sources were found to be contaminated with abnormal concentration of arsenic and consumers are vulnerable to severe health hazards. The high arsenic concentrations was attributed to both natural and anthropogenic processes such, as erosion, present of rocks in the area, undersurface weathering, toxic chemicals, improper waste and sewage disposal, wastes from industries, agricultural activities and vehicular emissions.
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Arthroscopic BANKART in the treatment of anterior shoulder instability: a review of 5 cases
The arthroscopic BANKART technique is part of the panel of surgical treatment of anterior shoulder instability, allowing reinsertion of the anterior-inferior labrum as well as the capsule at the level of the anterior glenoid rim. Its indication is based on a set of criteria gathered in the ISIS score, which must be less than or equal to 3 for an optimal result and a lower recurrence rate. Our initial experience has shown the success of this technique with a zero recurrence rate after an average follow-up of 26 months. The perspective remains to enlarge the series with a long follow-up for a better management.
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Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution and Contaminants of River Palar
The present study was conducted to quantitatively measure the levels of Cr, Pb, Cd, As, Ni and Hg in soil, fodder and meat samples. The study area chosen for the present study is sewage polluted River Palar flowing sites. Two sites were chosen for this work, Site 1 (Palar, Ambur) and Site 2 (Palar, Vaniyambadi). Fresh samples were collected from the study area. Heavy metals like Cr, Cd, Pb, As, Ni and Hg were analysed using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). In the present study Pb, Cr, Cd, Ni and Hg concentration in Site 1 was high when compare with Site 2, except As which shows high concentration in Site 2. This result indicates Site 1 in heavily polluted than Site 2. Results of meat sample shows that Pb, Cd, Cr and Hg values are higher than the permissible limit, especially Ni. In the same way the results of soil sample shows Cd, Pb, Cr, Hg and Ni levels were higher than the allowed limits. Pb concentration was very higher than other metals. In fodder sample the levels of Cd, As and Hg are higher than the permissible limit.
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Association between Liver enzymes and HbA1c to lipid profile in Non-hospitalised T2DM patients
Many previous studies have linked both DM, especially T2DM as well as altered liver function to CVD.Uncontrolled DM is said to affect cardiac function. This study was undertaken on non-hospitalised T2DM patients (both males and females) to find out if liver enzymes and HbA1c are associated to cardiac function by linking their associations to individual lipid profile tests.In all patients comprising of a total of 50, significant associations of both negative and positive were observed between each liver enzyme and HbA1c analyte studied to individual lipid profile tests at a p value ranging from <0.05 to < 0.001 justifying that both liver and DM are associated to cardiac function. While ?-GT and HbA1c showed associations to TC, TGs and VLDL-c in the case of males, females showed associations to all analytes compared to all lipid profile parameters at p ranging from <0.08 to <0.01.The outcome the results in this study strongly recommends that to assess cardiac functions in T2DM patients, along with lipid profile, the clinicians should occasionally recommend HbA1c as well as liver enzymes as additional package tests. More studies are needed in this filed to arrive at a consensus package tests related to both DM and liver function to do occasionally in all T2DM patients attending Cardiology clinics.
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Beneficiation of Libyan Kaolin Ore for Different Industrial Applications
Kaolin is a clay material consisting of substantially pure kaolinite. Kaolin is used in many industrial applications such as ceramic, paint and paper industries. This paper aims to study, for the first time, the beneficiation of Libya kaolin ore. Attrition scrubbing and classification were used to separate the free silica. Wet high intensity magnetic separation was applied to remove colored contaminants. The kaolinite mineral content increased from 63.5 % to 85 %. The whiteness and brightness of kaolin concentrates were efficiently improved. A final kaolin products containing 0.79 – 0.85% Fe2O3 and 0.66 – 0.68% TiO2 were obtained with whiteness about 85%.
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Biblical Leadership: Reflections on the pedestal of Paul
The article presents the concept of leadership based on Apostle Paul. Some reflections are made and analyzed. Concepts from the Old ant the New Testaments were considered and narrowed to St Paul. The bottomline is that we should look up to Jesus as the ultimate authority and be subservient to the pedestal of Paul in choosing leaders for the work in the Church of God today. to avoid confusion, divisions and its attendant consequences in the church.
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Binding energy of methane with metal dication complex ion [Mn(Benzene)2]2+in the gas phase
A theoretical and experimental study on [Mn(Benzene)2]2+ has been undertaken in the gas phase. The ions were prepared using a combination of the pick-up technique and high energy electron impact, and then held in a cold ion trap where they were excited with tuneable UV radiation and further activated with methane. The following [Mn(Benzene)2 CH4]2+, [Mn(Benzene)2(CH4)2]+, [Mn(Benzene)2(CH4)2H2O)]+ and [Mn(Benzene)2CO2(CH3)2]+ were successfully identified after the experimental analysis. Two optimised geometries of [Mn(Benzene)2]2+ were observed, namely the C2V eclipse and C2 staggered . The DFT calculated binding energy of methane to manganese benzene dication complex ion [Mn(Benzene)2]2+ at BP86/6- 311++G(d, p) is 15.30 kJ/mol comparing with the calculated 20.55 kJ/mol recorded on the potential energy curve (PEC). The difference of about 5.25 kJ/mol results from the fact that the calculated charge on the manganese metal centre at the optimised geometry of [Mn(Benzene)2 CH4]2+ was 1.30 while a charge of Mn=2.0 was assumed in the PEC calculation.
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Celestial body – earth
This article is based on the theory of vortex gravitation and physical anomaly of the Earth - slowing its rotation. Defined orbital acceleration, increase in weight, the approach to the Sun, the age of our planet and the origin of planetary material.
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