Folding electrical cycle
As an engineer we need to solve the problems facing the present society. One among them is pollution it is very serious problem. One of the major cause for the pollution releasing of methane gas to the environment from the vehicle. To reduce this folding electrical cycle is a small effort which helps to reduce the pollution and provide more comforts to the rider. In this cycle we are arranging lithium battery to reduce the mechanical work done by the rider & folding experiences the rider more reliable,comfortable & portable to the rider
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FPGA implementation of optimized the 64-bit RC5 encryption algorithm
This paper presents, a FPGA based the 64-bit RC5 encryption algorithm. One of complex operation in RC5 encryption is rotate thus we implementation this operation on FPGA using barrel shifter. We implement total of mathematic equations based optimized logic circuits until dynamic power consumption reduced, also for increase in speed and maximum operation frequency we using pipelining technique in proposed method. The results from the place and route report indicate that logic utilization by this architecture is 17% with a maximum clock frequency of 175.69 MHz.
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Health care practices among Agrarian Lambani community
Pluralism in health care practices needs the pragmatism to have strong roots in the cultural practices. Any community which has to have continuous confrontation with nature develops methods which are not disturbing the balance which is naturally established and existing. Further these communities opt for the methods which are easy to follow and easy to practice. Migrating communities have more opportunities to face different kinds of environment and certainly develop more methods to face the disturbances in health conditions. Lambani community is one such community with history of migrating life style. Lambani community is characterizd by the socio-cultural practices which are connected to nature, especially to forest and products of forests. Being a community with long history of nomadic life styles, is having greater chances to accommodate various health practices found in other communities while dealing with them during their migratory course of community development. Further, unique language and life style of this community prevented whatever information gathered in community to remain within the community for long time. Thus this community got more chances to collect knowledge them sharing health care practices which involve utilization of forest products are more easier to follow and practice few of these practices existed even today the community to maintain health under certain conditions. Information about their health care practices passes from generation to generation. However, certain resource persons who adopt the life style to serve community with their health care knowledge are also present in this community. These persons though some time collect nominal reward for having rendered their service as knowledge resource of the community. A study of these practices and those of knowledge resource persons have been made in Davanagere District of Karnataka state, India. Role of knowledge of health care practices and resource persons in community has been discussed. Pressure of modernization on these practices and reaction of the community have been observed and recorded for the discussion.
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High speed DCT design using Vedic mathematics
This paper proposes a novel method of designing discrete cosine transform using Vedic mathematics. Multipliers are fundamental and area intensive component in the architecture of any DSP system. In many circumstances, there are situations where the complexity and delay of the whole circuit increases because of inefficient multipliers. So it is necessary to reduce such complexity of Multipliers for efficient DSP architecture. The design of Vedic Multiplier is aimed to create such. The design is based on the Sutras of ancient Indian Vedic mathematics which was rediscovered from Vedas between 1911 and 1918 .The whole of Vedic mathematics is based on 16 sutras and manifests unified structure of mathematics. The DCT algorithm is based on ‘Urdhva-Tiryak’ sutra .It is expected that the Vedic architecture reduces the space and time hence the complexity of the multiplier when implemented in digital domain. The algorithm is implemented using verilog HDL and is tested and verified. It is found to reduce the space and increases the speed by when compared to conventional dct using array multiplier. The multiplier can be substituted for conventional multipliers in various applications. The exploration of Vedic algorithms in Digital Signal Processing may prove to be extremely advantageous. Hence it can be applied for discrete cosine transform application.
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Human rights in a democratic setting: The Nigerian experience
Taking a critical analysis of human rights observation over the years, one is faced with the reality that a society where the human person enjoys human rights and full dignity has remain an ever-enduring dream and almost a mirage. The objective of this study therefore is to assess the relationship between human rights observation and true democracy. Data were collected through the administration of structured questionnaires to 150 respondents. However, only 75 respondents returned their questionnaires. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentage analytical methodology. Findings revealed that democracy in Nigeria is an aberration of the ideals of democracy and leaves little to be desired with plethora abuses of human rights. The study therefore recommends that focus should be on how to ensure that the tenets, norms and principles of democracy are fully observed by those elected into offices, and that government should do its best to see that factors that hinder speedy dispensation of justice are mitigated. The study also recommended that the press that is assigned the responsibility of upholding the fundamental objectives of the state, must adequately monitor leadership behavior and style and make their public debates with a view to selecting incorruptible and honest leaders. The study conclude that the act of good governance cannot be discovered in any document rather it is in the willingness of those who governed to provide good leadership. Therefore, Nigerians and people the world over must of necessity direct their attention to fair exercise of power granted by the constitution by those in leadership positions rather than look for perfect constitutions.
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Impact of Native/Nonnative Accents on Iranian EFL Students’ Listening Comprehension
The effect of Foreign Accented Speech (FAS) on listening comprehension has been under investigation for many years. FAS studies examine the effect of different accents on listeners’ intelligibility and perceived comprehensibility. In this study, the effects of Persian, Spanish, and American accents on Iranian students’ listening comprehension were investigated. Two hundred and fifty undergraduate English Translation students took part in a TOEFL test. Students were divided into two proficiency groups. Thirty students were chosen as the high proficiency group and thirty others were selected for the low proficiency group. Then each group was randomly divided into three sub-groups of ten students, and each group was exposed to Persian-accented English, Spanish-accented English, and standard American English. By analyzing the resulting figures with a repeated measure design of ANOVA, it was realized that for both proficiency groups the Persian accent had been the most influential one on the students’ listening comprehension. It was found that American and Spanish accents did not have any significant effect on Iranian students’ listening comprehension, although the American accent was more effective than the Spanish accent.
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1707. Impacts of climate variables on water yield in Ujama Okpauku river, Yala Lga, cross river state, Nigeria.
Uquetan, U. I., Igelle, E.I., Egor, A. O., Inah, E. O, Osang, J. E., and Ekpo, C. M |
Abstract |
Category : Environmental Sciences | Sub Category : Environment and Forestry |
Impacts of climate variables on water yield in Ujama Okpauku river, Yala Lga, cross river state, Nigeria.
An assessment of the impacts of climate variables on water yield in Ujama Okpauku River, Yala LGA, Cross River State, Nigeria was carried out. The interplay of climatic variables particularly rainfall (its intensity, duration, area distribution and frequency of occurrence temperature, human activities (deforestation, irrigation, farming, urbanization), and catchment characteristics (basin size, shape, slope and elevation) determines the quality of water yield in a river. The rotated component matrix and regression coefficient method was used to analyze the climate variables. The model summary explained (R=83.4%), (R2=69.5%) and (Adjusted R2= 55.4%) respectively. The component matrix loads strongly on the following components rainfall 0.86, sunlight 0.88 and temperature 0.76 respectively. Components matrix i have positive regression coefficient on the following factors rainfall 0.002, temperature 0.30, and sunlight 1.68. This suggest that, water level is expected to be higher in every unite increase in the rainfall, temperature and sunlight. Similarly the component matrix loads strongly on the following components, year 0.95, wind speed 0.88 and evaporation 0.61 respectively. Components matrix ii have negative regression coefficient on the following factors year -0.92, wind speed -0.12 and evaporation -0.16 respectively. This implies that water yield is expected to be low in every unite increase in the years, wind speed and evaporation. The wind speed, evaporation and length of years were contributing factors for the low water yield in Ujama Okpauku River, Yala LGA, Cross River State, Nigeria. The study recommends a massive afforestation around Ujama Okpauku River course and restriction of farming activities along and around the river course to reduce evapo-transpiration, erosion, flood rates and boast water yield in the catchment area.
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Implications of Excess Iron in the groundwater of Igbokoda Areas, SW Nigeria
The groundwater of Igbokoda Coastal Area of Nigeria is characterized by high iron concentrations. Excess iron (Fe) at concentrations above 0.3mg/L in water can give an unpleasant metallic taste and its health effects may include warding off fatigue and anemia. This study therefore assessed the implications of excess Fe in Igbokoda coastal groundwater. The research was carried out using the WHO recommended guideline values, the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) and Larson Index (LI). Hydrochemical results revealed that the pH ranged from 6.8 – 9.8, EC from 67 – 2440(µS/cm), TDS from 43.55 – 1586 (mg/L) and TH from 66.36 – 369.22mg/L. In addition, the selected anions (mg/L) including HCO3, SO4 and Cl ranged from 15.25 – 152.50, 0.00 – 5.32 and 72.00 – 2592.00 respectively. Calcium varied from19.21 – 104.32mg/L and Mg from 3.36 – 75.01mg/L. Iron ranged between 0.01 and 13.74(mg/L) with Mn from 0.00 – 1.00(mg/L). The hydrochemical contents are within approved WHO standard values for potable water except for EC, TH, Cl, Fe and Mn concentrations that exceeded the standard values in some locations. About 97% of the groundwater samples for this research have TH>80mg/L and may not be suitable for domestic purposes as it coagulates soap lather. The chloride values were higher than approved WHO standard of 250mg/L in twenty one locations representing 54% of the groundwater samples. The high chloride values were attributed to saltwater intrusion in the area and could accelerate corrosion of stainless steel even at values as low as 50mg/L. In this research, all LI values in all groundwater samples were greater than 0.5 while 78% have negative LSI values indicating corrosive water. Both LI and LSI revealed significantly that the groundwater of Igbokoda coastal area is corrosive. High levels of Fe and Mn in the groundwater of the study area can result in discoloured water, stain plumbing fixtures and inflict unpleasant metallic taste on the water. In addition, it could result into diseases of aging (Alzheimer’s disease, other neurodegenerative diseases, arteriosclerosis, diabetes mellitus). The groundwater in the coastal area of Igbokoda must be treated by aeration or chlorination which should be followed by physical filtration to allay the health risks of excess iron in the groundwater of the study area.
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In vitro antibacterial activity of honey against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
The emergence of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria has made natural products attract more attention in the medical field. Honey is one such natural product and its medicinal importance has been recorded since ancient times. The in-vitro antibacterial effectiveness of different types of honey (raw and processed) was tested against two species of bacteria; Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive) and Escherichia coli (Gram-negative), using the disk diffusion method. Disks impregnated with different concentrations of processed and unprocessed honey were applied to Mueller Hinton agar plates inoculated with the two bacterial species, and the diameters of the zones of inhibitions measured after 24 hours of incubation. Both types of honey showed antibacterial activity against the tested organisms, with the zones of inhibition (ZOI) ranging from 7 mm to 25?mm. S. aureus was more susceptible (maximum zone of inhibition of 25mm) while E. coli was less susceptible (maximum inhibition zone of 17mm). Both raw and processed honey significantly (p < 0.05) inhibited growth of both species of bacteria at a minimum concentration of 40%. The results of this study point to the potential use of honey as an antibacterial agent and therefore a possible alternative therapy against ailments caused by these two bacterial species.
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Indian ethos for ethical accounting self governance - a conceptual analysis
Ethical accounting concept of business ethics relates directly to transparency, accountability & Corporate Responsibility. The major ethical issues occur in accounting and finance are reporting false income, falsifying documents, allowing or taking questionable deductions, illegally evading income taxes, engaging in frauds etc. Indian Ethos is all about what can be termed as “national ethos”. Self-governance is an abstract concept that refers to several scales of organization. Some degree of consensus decision making is usually involved in any self-governance system, if only because individual members of the group may choose to violate the criteria for invoking outside authority, break the code of silence, or otherwise cause the group to lose its autonomy. The need of the hour is the requirement of ethical accounting regulations and in this research paper tried to relate the Indian ethos for self governance.
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