Influence of big five personality on emotional intelligence and job satisfaction
The main purpose of the study is to find out the influence of the Big Five Personality traits namely, Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Openness on Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction. For this purpose a sample size of 536 Executives who are working at a public sector power generating organization functioning in Tamil Nadu state is selected. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the samples. Big Five Personality inventory developed by John and Srivastava (1999); and Emotional Intelligence developed by Abdullah et al. (2013) were used for data collection. The study has found that there are significant relationship between the Big Five Personality Traits, Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction. Suitable managerial implications are given in this study.
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Influence of reliability dimension on service performance for USM library
Academic libraries which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education have owned their roles and contributions either to the surrounding community or to the academicians (Zaiton, Goon & Wan Hajrah, 1998: 426). Realizing the utmost importance of the academic library to each research university, it is essential to inspect the service quality implementation in the respective academic library. Therefore, this study, in particular, examines the user acceptance of the service quality implementation in research universities’ libraries, taking Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) as the sample. One of the objectives of this study is to measure the quality service performance in academic libraries using the reliability dimension. The reliability dimension measures the ability to deliver service as it relates to dependability and accuracy. It includes information on whether the library is reliable in providing services as promised, whether it is reliable in performing services right the first time, whether it is reliable in providing accurate services, whether it is dependable in handling user’s service problems, whether it is maintains free-error record, whether OPAC is reliable in providing accurate information and also whether the library is reliable in keeping users informed about when services will be performed. The results of correlation showed that there is a significant relationship between all independent variables. Finally, this study found that the reliability dimension meets the standard of the high quality scores given by the users at the academic library in USM.
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Influence of Trainers’ knowledge and skills on the implementation of competence-based curriculum in Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges in Uasin Gishu County
Competence-based education and training is a functional approach to education as it emphasizes that learners need to gain necessary knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes or values to work successful in their own profession or occupation. It is regarded as a holistic approach to education. This study sought to establish the influence of Trainers’ knowledge and skills on the implementation of competence-based curriculum in Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges in Uasin Gishu County. The study was guided by curriculum implementation theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey. The target population of the study was 850 respondents comprising of 10 principals, 240 instructors and 600 trainees. A sample size of 90 respondents was selected comprising of 6 principals, 24 instructors and 60 trainees as the respondents. Stratified purposive and simple random sampling techniques was employed. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Cronbach’s alpha co-efficient was used to ensure reliability of the research instruments. Data was analyzed using pearson product moment correlation. The study established that there was a significant positive and strong relationship between trainers’ knowledge and skills and implementation of competence-based curriculum (r= 0.629, p =0.000). The trainers’ knowledge and skills influenced the implementation of competence-based curriculum in Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges in Uasin Gishu County. The study recommended that the ministry of education and Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development should organise for more in-service training for teachers to equip them with subject content knowledge, ICT skills and positively change their perceptions about the competency-based curriculum.
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Innovation and Challenges in Indian Banking
Indian banking system touches the lives of millions and has to be inspired by larger social purpose and has sub-verse national priorities. Technology has been playing a crucial role in the tremendous improvement of banking services and operations. The specific objectives of this research are to study the bank marketing mix strategies, current challenges and to identify and analyse service innovation initiatives in selected banks. The study is a conceptual one based on survey of literature. Two models of innovation 4P’s of Innovation model by Bessant and Tidd (2007) and Six Dimensional Service Innovation Model by Pim den Hertog et al., (2010) were used in the study. It is observed that banks in India are moving towards sustainability through social banking and innovative service operations and offerings. It is found that both types of banks have embraced service innovation as a part of their future banking strategy and are moving continuously towards customer-centric and service-centric banks. Indian banking industry has moved way ahead both in terms of offering value added services and delivering quality service. The most pertinent challenge is the very presence of large number of un-remunerative branches, low productivity, overstaff and the archaic methods of operations. All these factors have affected the productivity and profitability of the bank concerned.
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Introduction of the Transtheoretical Model and Organizational Development Theory in Weight Management: A Narrative Review
The transtheoretical model of behavior change is an integrative theory of treatment that analyses a person's readiness to adopt a new, healthier habit and offers solutions, or change processes, to help them do so. Stages of change, processes of change, and levels of change, self-efficacy, and decisional balance are among the constructs in the model. The transtheoretical model is also known by the acronym "TTM" and the term "stages of change," however the latter word is a synecdoche because the stages of change are only one component of the model, which also includes processes, levels of change, and so on.
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Inverted Takotsubo (about a case with literature review)
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is characterized by transient systolic dysfunction of LV apical midventricular segments in the absence of obstructive coronary artery disease. Inverted Takotsubo is a very rare variant in which a patient’s transthoracic echocardiogram that we report revealed the characteristic basal and midventricular segmental kinetic disorders. The non-association with coronary artery disease can be differentiated with the use of echography by evaluating the temporal changes of akinetic areas and coronarography by showing the normality of the coronary arteries
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Investigative and Impact analysis of tourism in the state of Madhya Pradesh
The intend of this study is to be acquainted with existing trends unambiguous to the Madhya Pradesh tourism sector and recommend prospective means of enhancement .This study focuses on an inter-county assessment of tourism flows within Madhya Pradesh .As a consequence an investigation was undertaken covering factors together with the number of tourism spot. There is a immense possibility for tourism in Madhya Pradesh. Hence, there is a necessity for the added development of suitable promotion and information sharing strategies anticipated at both middle and lower earnings customers. The intention was to examine restricted economic development initiated partnership and keep going services for promising tourism entrepreneurs in the Madhya Pradesh with the purpose to set up the impact of the tourism sector in contributing to the achievements of limited financial progress objectives.
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Investment Behaviour of Investors towards Commodity Market
The study was undertaken to know the investment behaviour of investors towards commodity market. Commodity markets have become alternative investment class world over. Commodity markets are an ideal investment for today’s modern financial scenario. The study evidences that the investors are risk averse on past performance. Their experience and knowledge in investment activity helps them to analyze the price variations at regular intervals in commodity market and make rational decision making. The impacts of various demographic factors on investment behaviour of investors towards commodity market have also been studied. For measuring various phenomena and analysing the collected data effectively and efficiency for ANOVA and t-test has been used to analyze the various demographic values. A Sample of 119 respondents is taken for this study.
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Journal-bearing fault detection based on vibration analysis using feature selection and classification techniques
Vibration technique in a machine condition monitoring provides useful reliable information, bringing significant cost benefits to industry. By comparing the signals of a machine running in normal and faulty conditions, detection of faults like journal-bearing defects is possible. This paper presents an appropriate procedure for the fault detection of main engine journal-bearing based on vibration analysis. The frequency-domain vibration signals of an internal combustion engine (IC engine) with normal and defective main journal-bearings were obtained. The signal processing technique plays one of the important roles for recognizing the journal-bearing fault in the proposed system. In the present research, the data mining method based on feature extraction and selection is proposed. The database is established by the feature vectors of frequency domain signals which are used as input pattern in the training and identification process. The SVM and KNN is proposed to identify and classify the journal-bearing fault conditions in the condition monitoring system. The experimental results verified that the proposed diagnostic procedure has more possibilities and abilities in the fault diagnosis of the main journal-bearing of IC engine.
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Language Poetry: Theory and Practice
This article aims to review the basic and typical features of Language Poetry and analyse them in a number of the best representative of this particular mode of versification. Language Poetry appeared in the second half of the 20th century and soon found many followers and practitioners who celebrated and commended its emphasis on formal and visual qualities of poetry and regarded linguistic and lexical elements as significant instruments in conveying certain feelings, ideas, or thoughts. The central questions of the present article are: what are the standard characteristics of Language Poetry and what functions do they play in a typical Language poem. To answer the question, first a brief historical and conceptual digest of the term is given and then the various formal and thematic implications of the employed Language Poetry aspects are explored in some of the well-known Language poems including “Poem” and “My/My/My” by Bernstein, “A Substance in a Cushion” by Stein, “Chronic Meanings” by Perelman, “the nose of kim darby's double” and “NON” by Ron Silliman, “A Song of Degrees” by Zukofsky, and “Fleecing” by James Sherry. The present research argues that all of these poems are clearly theme-based as much as they are clearly form-based. In other words, Language Poetry is not simply and merely about the semantic load or potentials or the visual effect of the selected/arranged words, which may seem nonsensical, since meaning and content – or even the didactic message – is almost always a very important aspect of Language Poetry. Key Words: Language Poetry, Traditional Poetry, Form, Content, and Poetic Function
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