List of articles published in the month of September 2021
Table of contents for the month of September 2021
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Maladjusted behaviours: Among the secondary students of midnapore district of West Bengal
Truancy is deliberate absence from school on the part of learners without the knowledge and consent of parents. The aim of this study to establish the factors that contribute to students’ absenteeism and their effects in secondary schools in Midnapore District of West Bengal. The study examines the factor that contributes to truancy among secondary school learners. The investigate the effect of truancy. Truancy, or the habitual act of being absent from school without permission, is a major issue affecting the overall success of the school in which I am employed. Truancy may be identified differently between districts, states, or governments; however, consecutive unexcused absences from school is the most common and acceptable definition. Lying and stealing are common, but inappropriate, behaviours in school aged children. Lying and stealing are more common in boys than girls, and happen most often in children ages 5 to 8 years. Children from the ages of 6 to 12 understand what lying is and the moral wrongness of this behaviour. However, children may continue to lie in order to test adult rules and limits. The child may admit to telling a lie, but usually he or she has many reasons for having done so. Rules are very important at this age, so cheating becomes less important. Hysteria is undoubtedly the first mental disorder attributable to women, accurately described in the second millennium BC, and Util Freud considered an exclusively female disease. The evolution of these diseases seems to be a factor linked with social “westernization”, and examining under what conditions the symptoms first became common in different societies became a priority for recent studies over risk factor. The study explored teacher’s perceptions of maladjustment problems manifested by pupils in West Bengal Secondary schools using the psycho-social lens to view and interpret the phenomena. The study found that teachers who were not adequately trained to deal with maladjusted pupils did not endeavour to implement any interventions to alleviate them. It also revealed that not all maladjusted pupils cause disciplinary problems for teachers as some of the pupils who are unsocial with drawn, unhappy, depressed, fearful and nervous do attract very little attention to themselves. In examining the causes of pupil maladjustments the study found that these can be traced to some unfulfilled or thwarted psy-cho-social needs. Several symptoms that interfere with the ability to work, sleep, study, eat, and enjoy life. An episode can occur only once in a person’s lifetime, but more often, a person has several episodes.
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Mechanical properties of Chrysophyllum albidum: a lesser used species
This study investigates the mechanical properties of Chrysophyllum albidum to determine its potential for utilization in Nigeria. The test samples were obtained from tree at breast height. Results of test on Chrysophyllum albidum showed that the mean impact bending was 1.08m which increased from the corewood to the outerwood and remained constant upward along the tree. The mean MOR was 155.18N/mm2, which ranged from 151.46 to 157.53N/mm2 radially. Also the axial values ranged from 158.77 to 152.58N/mm2. There was an increase in MOR from the corewood to the outerwood and there is a decrease in MOR from the top of the tree (25%) to the base (75%). The mean MOE was 39309.04N/mm2, and ranged from 36303.84 to 40409.65N/mm2 radially and from 40993.7 to 39547.57N/mm2 axially. There was an increase in MOE from corewood to the outerwood. Conversely, there was a decrease from the base to the top of the tree.The mean maximum compression strength parallel to the grain was 45.55N/mm2, the highest value was obtained at the middlewood and decrease from the base (25%, 46.91N/mm2) to the top (75%, 43.95N/mm2) of the wood. In conclusion, a comparison of the strength properties values obtained with economic tree species such as Milicia excelsa, Mansonia altissima, Khaya species e.t.c shows that Chrysophyllum albidum wood has almost the same values with these economic species.
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Mechanical Properties of Self Compacting and Self Curing Concrete
self compacting concrete, also referred as self-consolidate concrete, is able to flow in and consolidate under its own weight and is almost completely while flowing in all type of formwork. It is cohesive enough to fill the spaces of almost any size and shape without any segregation and bleeding. This makes SCC particularly useful wherever placing is difficult, such as in heavily –reinforced concrete members or in complicated work forms. In this study it is proposed to place the constituent material by mineral admixtures and adding chemical admixtures. Also, it is proposed to use self curing compound instead of normal curing concrete. Self compacting and self curing concrete specimens in size of cubes (150mmx150mm x150mm), cylinder (300mm x150mm), and prisms (500mm x 100mmx100mm) were cast and tested. The ANN modeling also derives and compares the results.
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Modeling and forecasting export and import of Indian wood based panel using ARIMA models
The present study is an attempt to find out appropriate ARIMA model by using Box-Jenkins methodology to forecast the export/import of wood based panel in India on time series data for a period of 16 years from 1996-97 to 2011-12. Test criterion like lowest Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), R2 value and lowest of mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) are applied to predict the accuracy of the model. This study found ARIMA (0,1,0) with R2: 0.83 for the export and ARIMA (0,1,1) with R2: 0.87 for the import to forecast of export/import of wood based panel. The estimated export and import of wood based panels in the year 2020 would be increased by 170% and 127% in respect to 2012.
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Object tracking using Parzen window based mean shift
Mean shift tracking is a widely used tool for robust and quick tracking of the object in video, against partial occlusion and clutter. This paper proposes a Parzen window based mean shift tracker for visual object tracking. It combines three RGB color histogram and generates its Kernel Density estimation using Gaussian Kernel. Parzen window density estimation method is used to solve the basic problems of mean shift like, divide by zero problems in the weight computation and its association to tracking interruption. The Parzen window interpolates the histogram of target candidate. The experimental results show that proposed method performs better than traditional mean shift for fast moving objects and objects having background clutter at moderate increase in computational complexity.
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On pair resolving sets in graphs
The concept of pair resolving sets in graphs are defined as a generalization of resolving sets. Some properties of pair resolving sets are discussed.
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Optimizing antimicrobial drug use in surgery: an intervention strategy in a Sudanese hospital to combat the emergence of bacterial resistant
Antimicrobial control programs are widely used to decrease antibiotic utilization, but effects on antimicrobial resistance and outcomes for patients remain controversial. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of rotation of antibiotic classes used as empirical surgical prophylaxis on the emergence of bacterial resistance organisms and antibiotics drug use when compared with non-rotation period. Three core, broad spectrum agents (Cephalosporins, beta-lactam-inhibitors, and fluoroquinolones) were selected for inclusion in the quaternary rotation for 21 months, based on prior 8 months baseline data from GIT and urology surgical wards in Ibn Sina hospital. Intensive surveillance done for patients admitted to the selected settings. 1681 surveillance samples obtained from 2359 eligible inpatients admitted to hospital from Jan 2008 to May 2010. A significant reduction in the percentage of positive growth had been observed with antibiotic rotation for both wards from 65% and 49% in baseline to 59% and 33% in rotation (1) and 25% and 33% in rotation (2) in GIT and urology ward respectively (p? 0.0001). As general there was a divergent effect of the antimicrobial rotation on the prevalence of resistance among G+ve and G-ve bacteria. We concluded that antimicrobial drug use in surgical departments could be optimized after implementation of antimicrobial cycling policy, and associated in reduction in the incidence of infectious mortality and morbidity but stabilize antibiotic resistance, without significant reduction.
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Parametric analysis of regenerative air bottoming combined cycle power plant
Exhaust of simple, reheat and inter-cooling cycle of gas turbine cycle posses a lot of energy. Sometime this energy is so much that it can run another cycle or it can be used to heat the compressed air from the compressor to the combustion charmer that results to increase the overall efficiency of the plant. Air Bottoming Cycle (ABC) was proposed as an alternative for the conventional steam bottoming cycle. In spite of the cost of reducing hardware installations it could achieve a thermal efficiency of 80%. This paper is the parametric analysis of regenerative ABC Combine Cycle. The variables are compression ratio of topping cycle, peak temperature of the combustion chamber and mass flow rate of bottoming cycle. The result shows the gain in net work output as well as efficiency of combined cycle is 14% to 33%.
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Participants’ satisfaction with continuous professional development program primary level
The research study was design to measure the participants’ satisfaction with continuous professional development (CPD) program. Study also aims to explore the affects of demographic factors that can enhance or decrease the satisfaction level of the course participants. For the measurement of participants’ satisfaction quantitative and qualitative methods were used. For quanttative analysis a research tool comprised of 73 items were developed and for qualitative analysis interview method was used. The population of the study includes primary school teachers, head teachers and DTE’s. Cluster training and support center, district teacher educator and primary school teachers asked to response about continuous professional development program through the questionnaire and interview. Total number of sample was 66 PST’s, head teachers and DTE’s. The data collected through the questionnaires was analyzed with the help of statistical package for social sciences. Results reveled that overall teachers with less experience and professional qualification are more satisfied with this training; Moreover female teachers are more satisfied as compared to male participants.
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