The impact and role of learning-compatible with brain and self-confidence in creating productive environments and changes in 25 years old male and female schizophrenics – A global perspective research
Since nerve compatibility - can be - the result of two cases of confrontation with a variety of random actuators or, stimuli and, facing the sources of sensory data and, schizophrenics, when faced with these conditions they are unable to understand and, interpret this conditions true basically; and this creates a vicious circle without learning exterior experiences and low self-esteem for them; that its result is low or, lack of self-confidence; then, learning-compatible with brain as a tool to understand the intrinsic actions of the brain with motivation is very effective and, useful for their understanding and, interpretation modification. The method used in this research is a library analysis; therefore, after collecting information and data from the sources, using the library method, according to the subject and the problem of the present study, after the critique, the information and, data have been analyzed in order to explain the research problem. By using and, application of exact awareness and, knowledge on “enriched” environments besides knowing “why” these environments are enrichment give us “Practical Components” for ((intrinsic motivate brain operations)) in neurological adjustment. For reaching to this point; it is necessary that neurological adjustment occurs in cellular base and, by doing this, (mental processes) will be done and, cognitive interpretations, attitudes and, other related process will have modified and, the result (s) of these cases are modification in behavior.
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The impact of ambient temperature on the Battery of a Sensor node
This paper focuses on the experimentally investigating the impact of ambient temperature on the discharging efficiency of the battery of a sensor node of the wireless sensor network (WSN). Experimental results have shown 5.137% improvement of battery lifetime at 15oC when the sampling interval is 0.2 seconds with data compression, but the improvement is 16.679% when the sensor node is operated at the optimum sampling interval of 0.62 seconds with data compression. However, the maximum improvement in the battery lifetime is recorded when the sensor field temperature is 35o C with optimum sampling interval.
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The involvement of malay youth in the process of election in Malaysia
Democracy in the context of Islam is perceived as the responsibility of an individual to choose leaders among them who are capable to withstand justice and prevent evil (amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar). Every Muslim needs to be aware that the responsibility of voting is compulsory for those who have qualified. In Malaysia, majority of the Islamic scholar (Ulema) has agreed that every Muslim has to be involved in the process of election and it is considered compulsory upon them as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said “When three Muslim men are bound to travel, choose a leader among them” narrated by Abu Daud. In this article, Malay youth is the focus in order to view the involvement in proses of election through the registration as voters, checking the status of voting and participation in the upcoming election. A total of 906 respondents were identified to participate in this research by answering the questionnaire provided. Description method was used to analyse the criteria of the respondent and to identify the involvement of the Malay youth in the election process in Malaysia. The research outcome shows the higher statistic of the respondents to be involved in the upcoming election with 704 respondents (77.6%), compared to respondents who have registered as voters with 550 respondents (60.6%) and the respondents who have checked on the voting status with only 459 respondents (50.6%). Nevertheless, the highest total for the involvement in the next election will not bring any impact and will be meaningless to the overall involvement of youth in the election if there are still many of the Malay youth do not register as voters.
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The perception and belief about HIV/AIDS in Wudil local community, Kano, Nigeria
The study examines the various myths and misconception about HIV/AIDS in Wudil local community kano, Nigeria. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and questionnaire administrations were undertaken to gather data for the study. It was discovered that the people of the area believed that sharing food and cloth, among other things, with an infected person as well as insect bite can lead to HIV/AIDS infections. The people required enlightenment on the mode of transmission of the disease, the need for knowing one’s status and the means of protecting oneself from being infected with the disease. It was suggested, among other things, that constant counseling on HIV/AIDS should be accorded to the members of the community.
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The relation between employees’ involvement and quality improvement
The main aim of this study is analysis Employees’ involvement and quality improvement in Iranian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This research is conducted based on descriptive and surveying method; to collect data, was chosen through questionnaire. For research’s purposes, a distinction was made between small firms (fewer than 50 employees) and medium-sized ones (between 50 and 250 employees), questionnaires was mailed to 600 Iranian SME randomly selected. The questionnaire was pre-tested and validated with the help of a panel of two academics/researchers on quality management issues and two quality managers in SME. Out of the sample, a total of 95 questionnaires were completed and returned. Data gathered through questionnaires were submitted to a set of statistical analyses tools, using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), and punctually, some of Microsoft Excel’s statistics and data bases tools. In accordance with research purposes, univariate analyses were performed on issues strictly descriptive, while bivariate analysis tools were used on issues based on means comparison (Student’s T test and Chi-square test). Findings: showed that in considered society, most SME developed training programs specifically focused on quality improvement, suggesting that, beyond fostering quality improvement awareness, SME supply their employees with tools necessary to develop their skills and(or acquire new insights needed to improve their performance. These evidences may indicate that top management is aware about the importance of training and development focused on quality improvement, for effective employees’ participation in quality continuous improvement initiatives.
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The Role of Business Ethics in the Performance of Small Scale Businesses,A case study of small scale traders in Kisii Town
The study was carried out to establish The role of business ethics in the performance of small scale business, A case of small scale traders in Kisii town, This is because there have been shortcomings as far as service delivery to customers is concerned, The traders mishandle the customers, hike prices at any time, sell fake products to customers in guise that they are original and genuine, package and repackage some products and hood some essential products in anticipation of higher prices which has been a major problem. On the case of employees working in the small businesses there is lateness when reporting to work, leaves work earlier than the schedule time, The aim of this study is to find out the role of ethical issues in the operations of small scale Businesses in Kenya and their effects on customer and service delivery. The findings of the study will provide a more flexible and improved systems of management styles to meet the needs of the customers, promote customer loyalty to some products and specific traders, to create customer friendly environment to conduct business and provide high order services to customers. A cross-sectional survey was used, with the sampling frame comprising 200 small scale and 100 customers. Sets of both pre-tested structured and unstructured questionnaires were used to interview a random sample (300) derived using the formula of Israel (1992) of known target population, N. The data was analyzed with the aid of the SPSS (Version 11.5) computer software and presented in form of descriptive tabular summaries. Generally, ethics contribute positively to the business performance and general employee performance and increased customer loyalty to certain products and traders. Ethics should, therefore, be maintained and strengthened. The findings of this study would be useful as reference material for future research.
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The study of relationship between intellectual capital and its growth rate with earning management (in accepted companies in Tehran Stock Exchange)
Since the intellectual capital provide a new and perfect model to observation of organizations real value, therefore, the tendency to evaluation of intangible assets true value of intellectual capital has increased in companies, shareholders (investors) and other stakeholders. This study investigates the relationship between the intellectual capital and its growth rate with earning management in accepted companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange. The statistical society of study includes all Tehran Stock Exchange firms after put of certain conditions sampling was undertaken. Finally, during the period 2006 to 2013, 121 companies selected.The methodology of research is descriptive. Using a modified Jones discretionary accruals calculated as a measure to detect earnings management and then placed in the regression model defined earnings management, Hypotheses were tested. With the use of regression analysis the research hypotheses have been carried out. Also a number of control variables consist of Size and M/B have been used. The results of this study show that there is a significant relationship between intellectual capital and earnings management but there is a significant relationship between intellectual capital growth and earnings management.
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Toxicity of zinc and the efficacy of antidotes on Labeo rohita, using atomic absorption spectroscopy
Zinc is an essential heavy metal for human diet and it plays a significant role in metabolic process. The accumulation of zinc in different organs of Labeo rohita clearly shows that the accumulation directly proportional to the exposure period. In this work an attempt has been made to study the acute toxicity of heavy metal zinc and the effect of antidotes D-Penicillamine and Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid (EDTA) on the selected organs of the fresh water fingerlings of Labeo rohita using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. The concentration patterns in the organs of the fingerlings shows that liver is the major site to metal binding and muscle tissue accumulate least metal concentrations. It has also been observed using absorption spectroscopy that the administration of chelating agent D-Penicillamine reduces the zinc concentration in all tissues more effectively than the administration of the chelating agent EDTA.
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Translation Shifts and Narratology: A Case Study of ‘Journey to Heading 270 Degrees’
Bringing the concepts of narratology and optional shifts together, the present research elaborated on Iran-Iraq War’s translated narration through a case study of a novel on this war. We analyzed the English translation of the Persian novel, Journey to Heading 270 Degrees, to examine how Iran-Iraq War narratives were translated and if and how the different narration of the translator affected the narratological aspect of the source narrative. To this end, Pekkanen (2010)’s model was applied to explore into the formal dissimilarities between the source text and the target text at the micro-textual level through a linguistic comparative analysis aimed at identifying optional shifts. Optional shifts were then categorized and the most frequent optional shifts, which made a pattern in the translated text, were identified. As the final step, the narratological aspect(s) were studied in the light of the optional shifts. Our analysis revealed that the optional shift of expansion-additions which were the most frequent shift type with 203 instances, contraction-deletions with 112 instances, and optional shifts of miscellaneous cases with 36 instances affected the degree of the specification as a narratological aspect in this study.
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Uncommon Case of Patient with Gallbladder Herniation
Gallbladder herniation is a complication of patient with antecedent of abdominal surgery. We report an old patient with history of appendectomy several years ago, consulting for abdominal swelling. Patient performed a CT scan. Patient diagnosed as gallbladder hernia. Patient was treated surgically and discharged in good clinical condition. Gallbladder hernia is a very rare condition that can occur at any age and can be treated surgically.
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