Effect of silica fume and fly ash on fresh and hardened state of self compacting concrete
This study presents an experimental investigation on self-compacting concrete with two mineral admixtures such as silica fume and fly ash. With low water-binder ratio, we had achieved higher grade of self-compacting concrete. The water-binder ratio was maintained to 0.36 for all the SCC mixes. This research includes the following studies: (i) Develop a suitable design mix for SCC that would satisfies all the acceptance criteria of EFNARC (ii) A study has been made for the rheology properties of SCC.The main requirements of fresh properties of SCC are filling ability, passing ability, and high segregation resistance, which can be investigated by slump flow, T50 slump flow, J ring, V-funnel, L box test. (iii) concrete samples were casted and tested for its compressive strength and Young’s modulus. The results show that SCC with 10% of SF gives higher values of compressive strength than those with 15% of FA.
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1822. Effect on pH value of rain water and soil pH in river state Nigeria
Osang,J. E., Uquetan,U. I., Oko,P. E., Egor,A. O., Ekwok,S. E., and Ekpo, C. M |
Abstract |
Category : Environmental Sciences | Sub Category : Environment and Forestry |
Effect on pH value of rain water and soil pH in river state Nigeria
This study focuses on some environmental effect of gas flaring on both soil pH and pH value of rain water in River State, Nigeria. Samples at different proximities from the gas flare locations were recorded. Measurements and experimentations were carried out. Parameters studied at each location included Rain-water pH and soil pH measurement. Result shows a trend as all the parameters considered showed a clear difference away from the flare point in all the stations such as the pH changing from Extreme acid (3.6 - 4.5) to Moderately alkaline (7.9 - 8.5) away from the flare points. The values of all parameters under investigation were above acceptable limit. These show clearly that the inhabitants of these communities are highly polluted. This research recommends that gas flaring should be stopped and that the flared gas should be channeled to meeting the ever increasing demand for energy in the Nigerian sector economy and Nigeria should embrace environmental laws and policies in order to adapt to the changing environment.
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Effectiveness of Appraisal System on employee’s performance
This study focuses on, how much an appraisal system is effective in an organization and what would be its impact on employees’ performance. This paper focuses on different aspects of an appraisal system. Today organizati1ons are using different methods or combination of those methods. Rewards and incentives are also given on the basis of employees’ performance. Now the study examines what the effect of appraisal system on employees’ performance is. Whether it increases their performance, decreases their motivation or it has neutral effect. This paper concludes that in some organizations most of the employees feel that appraisal system in their organizations/universities is satisfactory. Many employees also want to have a right to appeal against the appraisal system. Most of the employees agreed that this system is not just wastage of time and money. Employees in particular universities want to be appraised by committee rather than boss. Many employees also agreed that if the appraisal system in their organization seems to be excellent one, they will feel motivated. They also agreed that their organizations are applying non discriminatory practices regarding males and females. This paper concludes that employees in particular universities are satisfied with the appraisal system and its practices and no gender discrimination is being adopted. To make appraisal system more effective, Using only one type of appraisal system, objective criteria, ethical aspects, fairness, following the one’s own cultural practices, privacy in appraisal process and level of trust between the employee and supervisor and behavior oriented criteria are further suggested.
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Effectiveness of laughter yoga therapy on percieved stress among institutionalized elderly clients
Aging is a natural and continuous irreversible changing process. In this generalized progressive impairment of function occurs which result in loss of adaptive response to stress. Elders aged 85 and older are more vulnerable to stress and depression than other age groups. Laughter yoga is indeed the best medicine to be prescribed for the seniors to keep them in good cheer. Pre Experimental study design was used for this study. By using convenience sampling method 50 elderly clients for an old age home in Panipat was selected for the study. The data was collected by using Perceived Stress Scale (Sheldon Cohen, 1983). Data analysis was done by means of descriptive and inferential statistics. During Pre – Test Majority of the Samples 36 (72.00%) were having low level stress. Samples with Medium Stress were 14 (28.00%) None of the sample was with high stress. In Post – Test Samples with Low stress was 43 (86.00%). Samples with Medium Stress were 6 (12.00%). Only one sample was relatively free of stress. None of the sample has High Stress. Laughter yoga therapy was effective in relieving stress,‘t’ test value was 2.962 and the “P” Value was 0.0047. None of the demographic variables was associated with stress. Laughter Yoga therapy helps in reducing stress in elderly clients and generate positive attitude and doing this together in a group also helps to boost self – esteem and overcome feelings of insecurity.
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Efficacies of cost management practices towards achieving business objectives a perspective among select MSME’S in Coimbatore District
Cost management should be regarded as a process requiring the integration of separate discipline and involvement of the internal and external experts. Effective cost management requires the implementation of methodologies and steps that are repeatable and can be integrated with organization goals. For MSMEs to compete effectively in the global market, the cost of a product should be reduced by increasing productivity, by reducing manufacturing costs at the shop floor. The need is to see the cost management practices employed and the efficacies of such practices, which will enhance the opportunity to improve the decision-making process of the MSMEs. This paper studies the significant differences among efficacies of existing cost management practices used by the enterprises and establishes a functional relationship among cost management practices, efficacy, and action to achieve business objectives. In the process, Statistical tools like ANOVA, Regression Analysis, Inter-correlation matric, Path – Coefficient Analysis were used.
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Employer branding: a strategic dimension for employee retention
Employer branding is a long term strategy to manage perception and awareness of employees, potential employees and related stakeholders in regards of a particular organization. Employee brand is an organizational image which is in the mind of the current employees as a ‘great place to work’. Now the Employer Brand is a brand management in HR perspective to attain, attract, engage and retain employees of the firm. Employer brand is a strategy which helps to retain the employees and try to minimize the employee attrition in the organization.
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Enterprise perspectives on corporate social responsibility
Corporate Social responsibility is not a new idea, the importance and needs for this ethical and social obligation is tremendously rising with its full swing. There are a number of its implications which are paying more to the institutions as well as to the communities. There is a debate that it is the core duty of firms and industrial institutions to pay their respective return to the common public and the society as a whole where they are operating. The objective of the study is threefold: i) to determine the root causes and basic needs of corporate social responsibilities; ii) to determine the effects on social and other civilizations beard without its existences, and iii) to examines the inputs and efforts which are being offered in the past. The equilibrium of demand and supply of different determinants of corporate social responsibility is discussed. Investment & expansion of Tangible/Intangible Assets, Factory Plant, Equipment, Building, Process of Manufacturing, Inventories and wastages, are also included. The main research questions is whether the contribution of industrial development having showed some positive impacts on the society? The results are not in the favour of the social society, and we have to see why firms are enhancing their activities, and who is obtaining undue benefit from these unethical business activities. This study elaborates the serious social aspects, where all participants are showing their agreement and willingness. At the end, some conclusions are provided for further development providing a spark of ideas for further studies and investigations.
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Estimation of Motion Blur Parameters and Restoration Techniques
One of the most common problems in digital image restoration is motion blur caused by an image captured from a moving platform especially at low light condition having long exposure time of camera. Removing of blur is always challenging for image processing field because one has to estimate the motion blur which can spatially differ over image. Motion blur is simply an undesired effect. Restoration of blur image is very important in many of the cases like identification of number plates of moving vehicle and identification moving human beings. In restoration of motion blur the knowledge of the point spread function (PSF) is key factor. This paper presents the algorithm to estimate PSF parameters like motion blur angle and the motion blur length. Once PSF parameters are estimated then restoration of the blurred image can be achieved. Furthermore paper discusses the comparative study of different restoration techniques. The experimental result shows estimated blur angle and blur length are very close to theoretical value and the blur images with natural and artificial noise are successfully restored. The wavelet based fused image shows the best results.
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Evaluation of the EFL Textbook “Four Corners” from the Perspectives of Students
The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an intermediate textbook titled “Four Corners” from the perspective of students. The evaluation of the textbook was conducted on the basis of ten criteria, the selection and organization of content in the textbook, level of the learners, the physical appearance, the content, the exercises and activities, the vocabulary and grammar, the clarity of instructions, the supporting sources, the development of learner autonomy, and the consideration of learning style differences . This study was conducted at four language institutes in Tonekabon, Mazandaran Province, Iran. Both quantitative and qualitative data were obtained through a questionnaire administered to 180 students and interviews with them. Frequencies and percentages were calculated for each item to describe the overall picture of how the students rated the textbook in terms of ten criteria. Also chi square for each criterion was calculated. Data collected through interviews were transcribed, content analyzed and grouped according to 10 criteria used in this study for the evaluation of the particular textbook. The results revealed that students felt positive about the most of the characteristics of the textbook. They found the textbook effective in terms of coverage of four language skills. However, it was found that the reading passages needed to be simplified in terms of both vocabulary load and structures. Majority of the students mentioned that the level of the textbook was not appropriate for their level. It also indicated that the materials failed to consider learning style preferences of the learner. On the other hand, one of the strengths of the textbook was the artwork’s being up-to date and helpful for the students to understand the lesson. Besides, it was mentioned that the activities and exercises in the textbook appeal to their interest. Furthermore, all the students indicated that the textbook could provide them with the opportunities to be aware of their weaknesses and strengths.
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Examination of how soil moisture content in Greenhouse is regulated in Wareng Sub-County Uasin Gishu County. Kenya
Greenhouse farming in Kenya is becoming a lucrative investment as well as a means of improving food production in marginal environments. The Greenhouse is intended to regulate external conditions including soil moisture content suitable to different types of crops. Many farmers use timers to control irrigation, but timers do not account to day to day changes in plant use. The aim of this study was to examine how soil moisture content in Greenhouse is currently regulated The study was guided by Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Theory that uses Nested “IF THEN RULES”. Preliminary data was collected through Observation and Interview schedules. The population of the study comprises five greenhouse farmers and four field officers. Experimental Research Methodology was applied. The system was modeled using graphical notation in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and developed using Experimental Prototyping. The Soil Moisture Sensor, Arduino Board, Water Pump are interfaced to develop the Intelligent System for Determination and Regulation of Soil Moisture Content. The study observed that following ways of managing the soil moisture content: Opening taps to run for 16 minutes in the morning and the evening. Checking the adequacy of soil moisture content by touching and squeezing the soil around the drip irrigation area. When the soil is squeeze and remain together then the moisture is adequate otherwise not adequate. Some Greenhouse farmers control the flow of water through the pipes by switching on and off the regulatory tap twice a day depending on the type of crop, soil and the stage of crop while Others were using a crude method which simply observing the wetness of the soil.
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