Factors affecting implementation of performance contracting in Parastatals: A case study of Kenya Plant Health inspectorate service
The objective of this study is to investigate whether employees’ morale will be a factor affecting implementation of performance contracts, to investigate whether accountability will be factor affecting implementation of performance contracts, to find out whether bureaucracy will be a factor affecting implementation of performance contracts, to investigate whether setting objective mechanism will be a factor affecting productivity by use of performance contract and to make recommendations on policy evaluating and implementation of performance contract on public service staff on areas that need improvement to enable and enhance implementation of performance contract that will beneficial to both the government and employees of parastatals as implementation is concerned.
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Feto-maternal outcomes in patients with jaundice in pregnancy-Experience of a tertiary care center
Pregnancy-a physiological state is often complicated by various pathologies and jaundice is one those, which carries a grave prognosis for both mother and fetus. Course of the disease is rapid and in a short period can affect the mother and the fetus (in utero) . So early diagnosis and prompt and active multidisciplinary management is required in these cases. This was a retrospective observational study carried out at a tertiary care hospital of north India during a period of 1 year in which all pregnant females presenting with jaundice in the 3rd trimester of the age group of 18-35 years were included. A predesigned Performa was made in which data was entered retrospectively. Maternal outcomes and complications were recorded which included hepatic encephalopathy, DIC, APH, PPH and death whereas fetal outcomes in the form of prematurity, LBW, IUGR, APGAR scores, need for NICU admission were considered.Out of the total 22,500 deliveries, 150 (0.66%) were admitted with jaundice. Viral hepatitis remained the most common cause of jaundice followed by ecclapsia/ pre-ecclapsia. IHCP was the third most common cause of jaundice.Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of jaundice in pregnancy is the key to improvement of both maternal and fetal outcomes.
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Financial Development And Business Cycles Volatility: Empirical Evidence From Newly Industrialized Countries
The paper examines firstly a theoretical framework of the relationship between financial development and economic cycles’ volatility; and secondly it analyses empirically this relationship in ten newly industrialized countries by estimating a dynamic panel over the period 1988-2013. It tries to check the specific effect of some crucial macroeconomic financial variables on the stability of economic cycles as a decisive component of economic growth. The empirical results suggest that there is not enough evidence concerning the long-run relationship between financial development and its contribution in smoothing economic cycles or even avoiding economic downturns episodes. By contrast, according to the co-integration and unit root tests results in the in-sample countries, a long-run relationship can exists for a few selected countries. Furthermore, it can be assumed that because of the cross-sectional dependence, the hypothesis of no co-integration between financial development and economic cycles’ volatility is rejected for the whole panel, although it must be accepted for some countries.
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Flood and Irrigation Map Using Geographic Information System (GIS) (A Case Study of Ido Catchment Area)
Water resources issues and problems in the world's developing countries, or lesser developed countries present special management challenges. Irrigation is one of the most important inputs for an efficient and sustainable Industrial, and agricultural production. Irrigation management in the most projects so far has been essentially water supply based. The dynamics of general water demands are not explicitly considered. Consequently, irrigation systems do not supply the right quantities of water at the right time. The assessment of management strategies requires the analysis of the current irrigation and drainage system and prediction of the potential changes to various parameters. Several layers of map information such as: The Topographical map shows the physiographical features of the catchment area .The Digital Elevation Measurement (DEM) shows the elevations of the catchment area ranging between 86m-276m respectively indicating areas of low and high elevations within the catchment cardinals , Flow Direction, Flood-Plain, Study Area, and land-use map. The Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) shows region of high and low elevations in coloration , and The Irrigation suitability Zone maps shows that areas of low elevations are more suitable for irrigation system work, and similarly prone to flooding which are of notable height range between 86-100m, 100-120m, 120-140m, 140-160m, and 160-180m, and areas that are advised for industrialization of notable high elevations ranges from 180-200m, 200-220m, 220-240m, 240-260m, 260-276m. Some of the areas that are most suitable for mounting irrigation system in Ido Catchment area due to their ability to conserve water are Ogbontosa, bale, beko,jakaetc and these areas mentioned are as well prone to flood disasters. It is therefore recommended that: The identified surface irrigation potential of the river catchment in the study area can assist in policy decisions during a development of irrigation project and Communities should be strongly discouraged from settling within the flood plains.
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Formulation and evaluation of poly herbal shampoos for its antimicrobial and anti-lice activity
Shampoos are products which remove surface grease and dirt from the hair shaft and scalp. The cleansing or detergent action of a shampoo along with anti microbial and anti-lice activity is beneficial for the consumers. Now a days herbal shampoo shows better activity, safer and popular when compared to the synthetic shampoos. We made an attempt to formulate a poly herbal shampoo by using neem leaf, thulasi leaf, mehandi leaf and gooseberry fruit along with synthetic compounds. The prepared formulations were evaluated for its physicochemical properties, anti-microbial and anti-lice activity; which was compared with the marketed products. The herbal shampoos showed better effects than marketed synthetic shampoo and also with lesser side effects.
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Frequency of Failures of a System and Confidence-interval
This paper presents Maximum likelihood (M L) estimation approach to derive reliability measures of a two component identical system in the presence of Common Cause Shock failures (CCS) as well as human errors. The M L estimates of system reliability measures like frequency of failures were derived for both series and parallel systems. We also developed the confidence interval in the present study. The approach used is empirical one with Monte Carlo simulation.
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Gender, Violence and Education; Nigeria in Periscope
This article examines gender violence and education in Nigeria. Gender based violence is a Universal problem that occurs in every culture. The study is an empirical study of domestic violence in higher institutions in Nigeria. It is a descriptive survey using qualitative and quantitative methods to obtain data from respondents on the magnitude of domestic violence in Nigeria. Seven hundred and sixty nine respondents were selected using random sampling technique. Data collection was done using questionnaire and interview methods. The findings revealed that the violence is a common experience and it affects students’ educational experiences. There is a correlation between the experience of violence and interruptions in higher education.
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Governance Factors Affecting Social Economic Development in Mogadishu
Somalia has undergone a prolonged period of conflict and insecurity over the last 30 years, with intense fighting, population displacement, food insecurity, lack of centralized governance structures. The political situation in Somalia has been uncertain since civil war began and the state collapsed. The lack of an effective central government has been one of the causes of worsening infrastructure, decline in basic health and social services, violation of human rights and one of the worst socioeconomic situations in the country. Two decades of conflict combined with natural disasters have rendered 40 percent of the population in critical need of help for International Aid with lack of government coordination and national development policy have hindered development of Somalia. After civil war began Somalia has failed to restore peace and stability as well as establishing effective governance system to develop social infrastructure. The general objective of the study was to examine the governance factors affecting social economic development in Mogadishu by measuring political stability, leadership and ethics. The study was used descriptive statistics research design both in qualitative and quantitative. The target populations of this study were the staff of Ministry of Trade of the Federal Government of Somalia and selected 100 people as a sample size using Slovene?s formula. Data was collected through questionnaire and finally processed and analyzed using computer SPSS. Study the displayed findings that political stability, Leadership style and ethics and their relationships with Social Economic Development. The results of the analyzed provided “poor” as the existence of these variables as most respondents responded that represented low quality. The study recommended two issues; leadership and ethical Behavior. These are meant to address policy makers those willing to make a positive change in attainment Social Economic Development.
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Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from the leaf extract of Quisqualis indica L. For enhanced antibacterial activity
Green synthesis of nanoparticles using plant source has been given much important. In the present study, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized using the aqueous extract of Quisqualis indica. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by UV-visible spectroscope, FT-IR and TEM analysis. The particle size of the synthesized AgNPs was 40 nm as confirmed by TEM. The qualitative assessment of reducing potential of the leaf extract of Quisqualis indica indicated the presence of reducing agents. Synthesized AgNPs exhibited significant antimicrobial activity against human bacterial pathogens like Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, and pseudomonas aeruginosa.
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Growth and characterization of an organic nonlinear optical crystal: Benzilic Acid
Benzilic Acid is an organic material with interesting nonlinear optical properties, in particular Second Harmonic Generation (SHG).It was synthesized and single crystals were grown by slow evaporation method. Unit cell parameters were evaluated by single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction techniques. The formation of the material was confirmed qualitatively by FT-IR analysis and its optical transmittance was studied. The Thermal and mechanical properties were analised. The SHG efficiency was also measured.
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