Heat & mass transfer characteristics of natural convective flow in ducts – An application to solar water heating system
The present work deals with experimental studies on heat transfer and flow characteristic for buoyancy induced flow through inclined tubes. The parameters varied during the experimentation are; tube inclination and heat supply. It was found that mass flow rate and heat transfer coefficient increases with increase in heat flux supplied. The flow rate decreases for increase in tube inclination.
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Human action recognition to understand hand signals for traffic surveillance
Gesture Recognition plays a vital role in computer vision. The purpose of this survey is to provide a detailed overview and categories of current issues and trends. The recognition of human hand gesture movement can be performed at various levels of abstraction. Many applications and algorithms were discussed here with the explanation of system recognition framework. General overview of an action and its various applications were discussed in this paper. Most of the recognition system uses the data sets like KTH, Weizmann. Some other data sets were used by the action recognition system. In this paper, various approaches for image representation, feature extraction, activity detection and action recognition were also discussed.
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Impact of pre-marital counseling to young girls (A case study of agape baptist church asaba delta state)
The topic of this project is titled the impact of pre-marital counseling to young marriageable girls. Agape Baptist Church was used as a case study. the objectives of the research work is to know if pre-marital counseling has positive effects on marriage. A primary data were used for this research work and a chi-square was used for carrying out the research, test, the research work was done in 2018. The outcome of the research shows that, premarital counseling to marriage girls has positive effect. Therefore marriageable girls or couples should always be counseled before marriage so as to avoid the menace or problem caused by broken homes and divorce.
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Impediment for implementation of ethanol blending programme in India
In the last twelve months, petrol prices have been hiked 19 times, making the life of common man miserable. It seems certain that, this crisis will sooner or later put a spoke in a riding Indian’s Life Wheel. The use of Ethanol blended fuel in automobiles is the only ‘spark of hope’ for minimizing vehicular emissions as well as to reduce the exponentially increasing oil import bills.
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Influence of Adequacy of Facilities on Acquisition of Skills among Trainees in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of training facilities on Acquisition of Skills by trainees in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Uasin Gishu County. The objective of the study was to establish the influence of adequacy of facilities on Acquisition of Skills. The study was guided by theory of human capital which was postulated by Becker (2009). The study adopted a descriptive survey. The target population of the study was 850 respondents comprising of 10 principals, 240 instructors and 600 trainees. A sample size of 90 respondents was selected comprising of 6 principals, 24 instructors and 60 trainees as the respondents. Stratified purposive and simple random sampling techniques was employed. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Cronbach’s alpha co-efficient was used to ensure reliability of the research instruments. Data was analyzed using pearson product moment correlation. The study established that there was a significant positive and strong relationship between adequacy of training facilities and acquisition of skills (r= 0.611, p =0.000). The study concluded that TVETs have inadequate training facilities such as workshops, up to date tools and equipment, classes and instructional materials. The inadequate training facilities could be contributing to low Acquisition of Skills by trainees in TVETs in Uasin Gishu County. It was recommended that there was need for ministry of education to develop a policy on training facilities in Technical and Vocational Education and Training, in order to procure adequate, relevant and up-to- date tools and equipment to ensure their trainees acquire high quality vocational skills.
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Influence of Group Discussion Technique on Senior Secondary School Students’ Academic Performance in Selected Subjects in Vocational and Technical Education in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria
The study examines the Influence of Group Discussion Technique on Students’ Academic Performance in Economics in Senior Secondary Schools in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State. To achieve the purpose of the study, one null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The survey research design was adopted for the study. A sample size of two hundred (200) respondents was randomly selected for the study. The “Examining the Influence of Group Discussion Questionnaire” (EIGDQ)”, and “Achievement Test in Economics” (ATE) werethe instruments used to collect data for the study. The statistical tool used to analyze the data was Independent t-test statistical analysis. The findings of the study affirmed that group discussion significantly influences students’ academic performance in Economics in Calabar Municipality. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that: teachers should be trained and retrained on the effective use of group discussion in the teaching of Economics,Curriculum planners should incorporate group discussion technique into economics curriculumof senior secondary school to enable teachers utilize them in teaching Economics, Economics teachers should be given easy access to capacity building programme through workshop, conference, seminar, symposia and exhibition on group discussion technique to enable them learn how to effectively apply this technique when teaching Economics, space and the needed instructional aids should be provided to enable teachers and students to adopt this instructional delivery technique.
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Intestinal Cystic pneumatosis (ICP) , a rare cause of acute abdomen: case report and litterature review
Intestinal cystic pneumatosis is a rare, benign and often an asymptomatic disease. It is considered to be one of the main causes of non-surgical pneumoperitoneum. We report the case of a 53 year-old woman with diffuse pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis revealed by a pseudo-occlusive syndrome and whose diagnosis was suggested by imaging. The evolution under medical treatment was simple and without having to resort to surgery.
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Investigations on nuclear counting system using data acceptance tests
This investigation uses Multi Channel Analyser (MCA) coupled with Gamma Ray Spectroscope (GRS) to investigate some common counting statistics used for radiation measurements of a 137Cs gamma source. Few statistical tests involving 25 and 100 trials for data acceptance were applied to study the stability of counting system. The statistical analysis evaluated count data on on four primary criteria; the Ratio Test, Chauvenet’s Criterion, the Chi-square test, and a control chart. The control chart also reflected almost accurate statistical data except for a minor error during few points of the 25 trial test. Fano factor was also evaluated for both trials to ascertain the measure of reliability and signal to noise ratio of the equipment. The results demonstrated that the counting system was fairly accurate, with a few exceptions. The Ratio Test, Chauvenet’s Criterion, and the Chi-square test each, was passed successfully. After evaluating the statistical data, Poisson distribution was created to better analyze the data.
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Iterative Software Process Based Collaboration Model for Software Stakeholders
Software engineering is well known for its significance on software development complexities minimization. Due to software engineering significance researches were carried out to improve software engineering practices. However, there are some identified problems that lead to software development complexities like the lack of understandable collaboration or communication between software stakeholders during software development. And to this identified problem a research was carried out to solve this problem by proposing a collaboration model for software stakeholders’ collaboration during software development. However, the model proposed was restricted to a waterfall software process model. This study used segment of the framework used for developing the waterfall software process based collaboration model to develop an iterative software process based collaboration model for software stakeholders during software development. And this study proposed model will help minimize the problem of lack of understandable collaboration between software stakeholders during software development
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Leaf spot on hybird varaties of asteraceae causes 12% loss in productivity in Nepal & India
Dwarf varieties of Helianthus annuus, Tagetes erecta, T.Patula and other plants belonging to Asteraceae are cultivated as ornamental garden plants in Nepal and India. Leaf spots and blight, downy mildew, mycoflora of floral parts, collar rot, Necrosis, charcoal rot and other of Asteraceae already reported. Leaf spots caused by the pathogen Albugo spp. bring 12% loss in productively. Akoijam & chandel (2010), Bhatia et.al (2005), Biga(1955), chander (2003), Dube (1985), chavhan et.al (2008), kumar & Dewivedi (1981), Kulkarni et.al (2007), Lakhmod et.al (2007&2007), Mayee & Datur (1986), Pandey & Tewari (2017), Singh et.al (1999), Kulkarni et.al(2007), Singh et.al (1999), Singh (1980) , Sinha (2011), Suryawanshi et.al (2015) & Thirumalachar et.al (1949) have well studied Asteraceae and possible pathogens in their own ways.
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