Strategic Influence of Mentoring on the Succession and Sustainability of Family business.
The study examines the challenges behind the succession and sustainability of family businesses. Mentoring was identified as the means to tackle this menace. The study was conducted in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. Eight family businesses were selected through purposive sampling method. The inclusion criteria were operational family businesses in their second or more generation. Data were collected using fifteen semi structured, in depth, face to face interviews with participants. Sampling continue until saturation of the data was reached. Content analysis approach was applied to analyse the data. Family business successors acknowledged mentoring shaped their emergence as the successor of their family businesses.
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Strengthening economic potency by women entrepreneurs: A case study of Belagavi
In the global economy of the 21st century, international trade will be a key source of economic growth and development. Recent surveys conducted in several countries by the National Foundation of Women Business Owners (NFWBO) indicate that women-owned firms involved in the global marketplace have greater revenues, are more optimistic about their business prospects and are more focused on business expansion than women-owned firms that are domestically oriented. Obviously, expanding into international trade can pay off for women-owned firms. However, it is not clear that smaller enterprises are benefiting from these potential as much as larger firms. In connection with the above here an attempt has made to study the role of women entrepreneurs in economic development.
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Study On: Rheological Characteristics of Exopolysaccharide Obtained From Rhizobium Mayense
ABSTRACT:- Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are high molecular weight polymers with long chain composed of sugar residues and secreted by microorganisms into the surrounding environment. Bacterial EPS has a complex mixture of macro molecular poly electrolytes including carbohydrates, proteins and sometimes nucleic acids. Stem and root nodulating isolate of Aeschynomene indica plant was identified by 16S rRNA sequencing as Rhizobium mayense. Efficiency of Rhizobium mayense for EPS production was studied using Yeast Extract Agar as a basal medium with different carbon and nitrogen sources and the incubation was done at 30?C for 48 hours. Surface topology of EPS was found smooth by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Alcohol precipitated EPS was further purified using Sephadex G200 and Sephadex G100 gels. The rheological properties of purified EPS were studied by Ostwald’s Viscometry and BrookField’s viscometetry. Key words: 16S rRNA sequencing, Exopolysaccharide, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Gel Permeation Chromatography, Ostwald’s Viscometry, BrookField’s viscometetry.
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Study the Concentrations of Radon indoor at Different Times of the Day and Seasons of the Year in Al-Najaf City/Iraq
In this work, concentrations of radon indoor were measured at 10 locations in Al-Kufa and Al- Najaf cities, using RAD-7 radon monitoring system of Durridge company USA. Some factors affecting on the radon factor have been studied such as times of day (morning, afternoon and evening) and seasons of year (winter, spring, summer and autumn). This study show that the radon concentration indoor increases at mornings, evenings, decreases at afternoon, also increases in winter and autumn, decreases in spring and summer.
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Survey of Flooding Attack Mobile ADHOC Network
Mobile ad hoc networks will appear in environments where the nodes of the networks are absent and have little or no physical protection against tampering. The wireless nodes of MANET are thus susceptible to compromise and are particularly vulnerable to denial of service (DoS) attacks launched by malicious nodes or intruders. Flooding attack is one such type of DoS attack, in which a compromised node floods the entire network by sending a large number of fake RREQs to nonexistent nodes in the network, thus resulting in network congestion. In this paper, the security of MANET AODV routing protocol is investigated by identifying the impact of flooding attack on it. A simulation study of the effects of flooding attack on the performance of the AODV routing protocol is presented using random waypoint mobility model . The simulation environment is implemented by using the NS-2 network simulator. It is observed that due to the presence of such malicious nodes, average percentage of packet loss in the network, average routing overhead and average bandwidth requirement? all increases, thus degrading the performance of MANET significantly.
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Sustainable moderation of sand harvesting effects and conservation on land cover flora and fauna along riparian land
Sand is an important mineral for the construction industry in the Kenyan society at large. However, protecting the environment in areas where this practice of sand mining takes place has become an environmental concern, given that the demand for sand increases with the growth of industry and construction. Sand mining though sustains the economy of the locals, can lead to considerable environmental damage which varies from pit formation to soil erosion. There is therefore need to put in place measures that can promote the economy of the locals and at the same time conserving the rich and diversified flora and fauna. The objectives of the study were: to identify effects of sand harvesting on land cover, flora and fauna; and to establish sustainable measures of land cover, flora and fauna along riparian land in Kisumu County.It was an experimental research design carried out usingmixed method approaches. A sample size study population of 384 was involved, which comprised of NGO staffs, County Council staffs, local area authority staffs, sand harvesters and the local community. The local communities were randomly sampled while purposive sampling was used to select respondents from the sand harvesters, area chiefs, NGOs and the County Council staffs. Data were collected by means ofself-administered questionnaires, guided interview schedules and observation check list by the researcher. The results indicated that there was negative impact of sand harvesting on land cover, flora and fauna on the riparian land along rivers. It also established the sustainable measures of land cover, flora and fauna in the study area.The research indicated that indeed the harvesting of sand is affecting the land cover, flora and faunaalong riparian land negatively. The vegetation, the wildlife and the land cover are destroyed as the top soil is harvested as sand. Further, the land for agriculture is turned into waste land due to sand harvesting by formation of pits. This has resulted in the loss of the natural beauty of the environment. Because there are also economic gains in sand harvesting, sustainable measures of land cover, flora and fauna along riparian land are recommended. These should include; regulating the harvesting periods or controlled harvesting, re-shaping of the land where sand has been harvested, advocating for continuousawareness and positive education programmes on conservation measures of land cover, flora and fauna and enacting necessary legislative laws aimed at conserving land cover, flora and fauna.
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Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Schiff Bases Derived from 5-Chlorosalicylaldehyde with Substituted Aniline
Schiff bases (E)-4-chloro-2-((phenylimino)methyl)phenol, (E)-4-chloro-2-(((2-methoxyphenyl)imino)methyl)phenol, (E)-4-chloro-2-(((4-chlorophenyl)imino)methyl)phenol, (E)-4-chloro-2-(((5-chloro-2-methylphenyl)imino)methyl)phenol were synthesized from 5-chlorosalicylaldehyde and substituted aniline. The synthesized compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV, 1H, and 13C NMR. The antibacterial studies revealed that the compounds exhibit broad spectrum antibacterial activity against Escheriochia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhimurium. The antibacterial activities was affected by the substituent on the aniline part.
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Synthesis of Cinnemaldine-aniline and Kinetic study
The second order reaction rate constant for the reaction of Cinnemaldehyde with aniline have been reported in ethanol in the temperature range 303 to 318 k .The rate of reaction is first order with respect to Cinnemaldehyde and first order with respect to aniline. Increase in temperature increases the rate of reaction. The thermodynamic parameters are used to explain the nature of reaction .Suitable reaction mechanism has been suggested for the formation of the Schiff base.
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Technology acceptence in public organization: failure to launch
This paper aims to look at the issue of motivation, attitudes and behaviour as well as organization culture role in technology acceptance within the public sector organizations. Studies of technology acceptance and resistance have hinted at the importance of organization culture and the cognitive and physiological states of employees to the performance of organizations. It is argued that the public organizations today face the dilemma of managing technology acceptance. Resistance to technology was an essential factor to be considered in any changes process, since a proper management of resistance is the key for change success or failure. This provide a review and discussion on the relationship between the obstacles exist towards technology acceptance that has been neglected by the management The proposed idea would practically improve the implementation of technology acceptance in public sector organizations and reveal the obstacles exist in implementing organizational change through technology acceptance.
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The Award Wapsi controversy: Rise of Intolerance during 2015 Bihar elections
Media is considered to be the fourth estate of democracy; they play an integral part in shaping public opinion. India is the land of festivals and elections and we say this because every year more than one of the 29 states are on election mode. But the last 18 months has witnessed heightened interest among Indians in every election and this can be attributed to the massive victory of Narendra Modi led NDA in May 2014. This trend did not stop here as BJP won every state election after that in the months that followed. After commanding an indispensable win, the NDA government faced a strong hurdle from the united opposition. The watershed moment for the political parties was the 2015 Bihar elections. The opposition created an anti-NDA alliance to overcome the NDA. Experts say that the anti- NDA alliance used the media effectively as a communication tool to inject the messages of intolerance in the society and dent the chances of the NDA. Newspaper coverage can create a positive or negative impact on the political image. Media focused on political and social issues that created an atmosphere of intolerance debate nationwide, intellectual class raised the issue and confronted the government by returning their awards famously known as “Award Wapsi”. This research intends to find out how the entire Award Wapsi controversy had an impact on the Bihar state elections. The research further tries to probe if concepts like Agenda Setting and Manufacturing Consent by and through the media helped in this endeavor. Keywords: Intolerance, Election, Award Wapsi, Narendra Modi, Agenda Setting, Manufacturing Consent
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