A Novel VLSI design and implementation of ultra low power digital FIR Filter based on a new signed shift/add multiplier with multiplexer (2 To 1) by pass transistor logic
In this paper, a new ultra low power digital linear phase ?nite Impulse Response (FIR) filter based on parallel architecture of Multiplication and Accumulation (MAC) with a new logic approach by Pass-Transistor Logic(PTL) is presented, PTL as an alternative logic that can enhance the design performance since PTL can transformation signals using either the source or drain and the gate. This multiplier is include three blocks booth encoder, new signed shifter and addition block. Booth encoder and shifter block are completely based on multiplexers (2-to-1). We tried to use low power design methods both in gate level and transistor level to reach minimum hardware and power consumption other resons for reduce power consumption are use D-Flip-Flop’s aim at glitch and charge sharing free structures, low power energy recovery full adder cells has been used in adders, also for increase speed, two parallel MAC are utilized. Simulation has been carried out by HSPICE in 0.18µm bulk technology at 1.8v supply voltage. Power consumption is 55uw at 100Mhz.
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A study on work life balance as a function of demographic variables at an IT company in Bangalore
In the world of intense economic challenges, striking a healthy balance of work and life outside the work offers potential for tremendous growth – Personal and Professional. The article is aimed at examining the WLB of software professionals that are impacted by the demographic variables like gender, age, marital status, managerial or on managerial level and salary level among employees of the company from IT sector .The empirical study also tries to understand weaker areas amongst the six components of WLB index that needs improvement. Review of literature followed by survey research using Work life balance scale by Udai Pareek. Based on the sample of 144 IT employees, it was found that gender has no impact on work life balance index. Marital status of an employee indicated to have impact on worklife balance, with unmarried employees having better WLB index. Age and managerial levels were found to have impact on WLB index. Salary level was found to have no impact on work life balance on the employees. The coping strategies provided in the study , tailor made for the specific situation can be adapted by many more IT companies operating in Bangalore. The findings of the study have major implications for formulating and implementing newer HR strategies and policies.
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Ab initio Hartee-Fock and density functional theory studies on, 4-Acetyl-N-(4-methoxybenzylidene)aniline
The optimized molecular structure, vibrational frequencies, corresponding vibrational assignments and thermodynamic properties of 4-Acetyl-N-(4-methoxybenzylidene)aniline [4A-N-(4MB)A] have been investigated by using ab initio HF/6-311++G(d,p) and DFT/B3LYP method at 6-311G(d,p) and 6-311++G(d,p) basis sets. The energy and oscillator strength calculated by TD-DFT are in line with experimental findings. The 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts calculations of the 4A-N-(4MB)A molecule were carried out by using HF/6-311++G(d,p) and B3LYP functional with 6-311G(d,p)/6-311++G(d,p) basis set. HOMO and LUMO orbitals have been visualized. The stability of the molecule arising from hyperconjugative interaction and charge delocalization has been analyzed using natural NBO analysis. The minimum energy conformational analysis was carried out with the help of PES scan. Besides, MEP was calculated and Mulliken charges, IR and Raman intensities have also been reported.
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Acute phase of hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia epilepsy syndrome: magnetic resonance imaging findings and review of literature
HHE syndrome is characterized by the occurrence of prolonged clonic seizures with unilateral predominance occurring during fever in infancy, who subsequently develop a transient or definitive hemiplegia. Later partial epilepsy is often observed. We report a case of a four-year and nine-month-old boy with hemiconvulsion–hemiplegia–epilepsy (HHE) syndrome documented by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in its acute phase. In particular, T2 and DWI abnormalities appear to be well correlated with parenchymal damage that results from sustained ictal activity.
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Adequacy of financial statement and information for investors decision on the Nigerian stock exchange
This study focuses on the efficiency of financial indicators to influence the decisions of investors. It investigates the effect of information content of financial statements on shareholders’ investment decisions. The study is vital as it portrays the extent to which shareholders of firms listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchanged (NSE) are influenced by the contents of published accounts in their investment decisions. The annual financial reports provided by the accounting system, is considered the main source for information for decision-makers especially the investors. Therefore, the validity and accuracy of the decisions depend on the understanding, reliability and proper analysis of financial statements. In order to determine the relationship between information contents of financial statements and shareholders’ investment decisions, some of the key contents of financial statement were used to derive the proxy variables used in the study, namely profitability, dividend per share, earnings per share, leverage, and liquidity; while shareholders’ investment decisions is represented by change in number of shares. Data for the study were obtained from the published annual financial report of the selected firms. Regression model was employed to establish the relationship between the variables. The findings generally indicate that though shareholders in the Nigerian capital market do not rely much on financial statements as a major determining factor for their investment decisions, still the financial analysis factors constitute the main tool in attracting investment. It was observed that other factors or variables outside firms’ annual reports such as regularity and amount of dividend payment and what is in-vogue or everybody is doing (herding) affect market price of shares and are vital to shareholders’ investment decisions. The study recommends proper awareness creation by the appropriate agencies to enhance shareholders’ understanding of the relevance of published accounts to enable them to know the financial states of the companies (banks) of their interest before making investment decisions. Besides, shareholders should seek the advice of financial analysts so as to be properly guided in their investment decisions.
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AIESEC strategic approach applicable to innovative SMEs of Guadalajara metropolitan area
The next paper shows the successful case of an strategic management model based in competences, used by the organization AIESEC to be implemented in small and medium enterprises located in Guadalajara’s metropolitan zone, all this, with the main purpose of improving in those areas where the firm has the opportunity to grow and become more competitive.
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Analysis of Medical Student and Graduates Anxiety and Physical Activity Patterns While Preparing for USMLE
Our study proposes a quantitative investigation to identify trends of anxiety and physical activity among medical students or graduates while studying for the United State Examination Licensure Examination Steps at Pass Program in Champaign, Illinois. The research emphasizes students' physical activity and anxiety contributing to study performance, such as retention and concentration with USMLE question bank improvement. The quantitative research study aims to evaluate medical students and graduates by providing participants with questionnaires. The study is divided into two phases. The first phase provides a clinical questionnaire to participants, and the second phase interviews to evaluated responses and eliminate any barriers in the research. Students or graduates engaged in physical activity are more likely to retain and have efficient concentration while studying for the USMLE examination. Physical activity controlled participants' anxiety; however, physical activity did not significantly change the daily USMLE test banks. Medical students and graduates are less physically active and have developed generalized high levels of anxiety. The study estimated that 73.3% of students claimed that they suffer from anxiety, contributing to test banks' low performance. The research has shown that medical students and graduates are not regularly physically active. Females are less physically active than males. The concentration results presented that 59.7% of participants stated daily physical activity improved concentration by providing efficiency on USMLE question banks. 59.5% of participants mentioned that physical activity significantly helped students and graduates control their anxiety levels. 51.1% of participants stated they did not witness any significant changes (increase or decrease) in daily question bank performance with regular physical activity. 46.9% of students stated that physical activity improved retention of study material with daily physical exercise activity. The research has significantly shown medical students' and graduates' study hectic schedules hinder participants' physical activity. The stress of USMLE has caused students and graduates to experience a high level of anxiety. Students or graduates engaged in physical activity are more likely to retain and have efficient concentration while studying for the USMLE examination. Physical activity controlled participants' anxiety; however, physical activity did not significantly change the daily USMLE test banks.
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Analysis of the challenges faced in regulation of soil moisture content in Greenhouse in Wareng Sub County Uasin Gishu County
Greenhouse farming in Kenya is becoming a lucrative investment as well as a means of improving food production in marginal environments. The Greenhouse is intended to regulate external conditions including soil moisture content suitable to different types of crops. Many farmers use timers to control irrigation, but timers do not account to day to day changes in plant use. The aim of this study was to analyze the challenges faced in regulation of soil moisture content in greenhouses; The study was guided by Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Theory that uses Nested “IF THEN RULES”. Preliminary data was collected through Observation and Interview schedules. The population of the study comprises five greenhouse farmers and four field officers. Experimental Research Methodology was applied. The study found out that most small scale farmers had a lot of difficulties in determining and controlling soil moisture content. Apart from having a person on site at the right time to control the turning on and off of the water taps, they also mention the following as being the prevalent challenges: Lack of appropriate equipment to measure, monitor and regulate the soil moisture content, inability to determine the correct or the optimum moisture level for a particular crop, inability to determine water holding capacity of a specific type of soil in the greenhouse for a particular crop, inability to measure the nutrient concentration at a given soil moisture content and its uptake by the crop, Source of power to the Greenhouse and Lack of enough funds to buy the equipment.
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Analyzing download time performance of university websites in India
The download time of website depends on various web components such as multimedia size, document size, program size and so on. The main objective of this paper is to Analyze Download time of University Websites in India and evaluating the quality of Website Download time Performance based on Download time Performance metric. The Download time of websites is measured in various grades viz., A, B, C, D, E, F etc., A 10 point metric for Download time performance is investigated based on Download time performance grades.
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Anti-inflammatory and Anti-peroxidative effect of Hamelia patens leaf extract on carrageenan induced rat paw edema
The present study investigates the anti-inflammatory activity of Hamelia patens leaf extracts using carrageenan induced paw edema in albino rats. This anti-inflammatory medicinal value of the Hamelia patens leaf has been mentioned in ancient literature. Dried leaves of Hamelia patens were crushed and the extract was prepared with ethanol using shaker. Indomethacin and Hamelia patens are compared in terms of their anti-inflammatory properties. Test groups were given standard Indomethacin (10mg/kg) and Hamelia patens leaf extract in 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg; after 1% Carrageenan (0.1 ml) injection. Hamelia patens leaf extract showed higher reduction in paw edema and potent anti-inflammatory activity in comparison with indomethacin. It also showed decrease in lipid peroxidation due to its anti-oxidative nature, leaving a large prospect for future anticancer research.
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