Effect of Competency in Technical Skills Acquired on Labour Market Requirements in TVETs in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
The problem of unemployment among the youth is a huge concern as majority of them face significant difficulties engaging in productive employment, mainly due to a mismatch of the competencies they possess to those required by the labour market. Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is one promising avenue in addressing this problem. Kenya has identified the critical role of TVET in preparing, developing and updating the skills and competences to meet the needs of the changing industrial environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of competency in technical skills acquired on labour market requirements in Technical Vocational Education and Training in Uasin Gishu County. The target population of the study was 850 respondents comprising of 10 principals, 240 instructors and 600 TVET graduates. A sample size of 90 respondents was selected comprising of 6 principals, 24 instructors and 60 TVET graduates of the respondents. Stratified purposive and simple random sampling techniques was employed. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Cronbach’s alpha co-efficient was used to ensure reliability of the research instruments. Data was analyzed using pearson product moment correlation. The study established that there was a significant positive and strong relationship between competency in technical skills acquired and labour market requirements (r= 0.565, p =0.000). The study concluded that TVETs competency level in technical skills acquired had significant influence on labour market requirements in TVETs in Uasin Gishu County. The Government needs to invest in training the youth to specifically meet the relevant industrial standards. In addition, practice of the skills learnt among the learners should be enhanced. This exposes the youth to the market before graduation and greatly elevates their competency levels.
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Effect of Conservatism and Firm Value in Financial Distress
Accounting conservatism in financial reporting is one of the salient features of the recent finan-cial crisis has attracted more attention. Requiring a high degree of conservatism verifiable know-ledge of good news for such benefits, the recognition of bad news, such as loss of productivity. The results show that conservatism has a negative and significant relationship with firm financial distress. The findings of an inverse relationship between firm value and the significant stresses of corporate financial distress. The results of this study, an effective contractual mechanisms to limit the conservative bias of the manager knows the companies financial distress.increase the cor-porate value of the Company's long-term financial distress is reduced.
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Effect of Flood Managemment on Economic Growth of Somalia-Case Study Jowhar District
A flood is a natural event that can have far reaching effects on people and the environment. Put simply, a flood is too much water in the ?wrong‘ place. This study was examined the Effect of Flood Management on economic Growth of Somalia. The specific objective of the project was; first to examine, the effect of flood management for competence, strategies and policies on economic growth. The study took from May 2015 to June 2016. The target population of this study was 120 Farmers in Jowhar district, who have been affected by floods. The populations was chosen as they affected floods since 2013 and involved in Farmers, drivers, channel irrigation managers and local authority. The research instrument was survey questionnaires which were used to collect primary data. Questionnaires were used since the study is concerned with variables that cannot be directly observed. The sample size was significantly large (92) used by Slovings formula in a given time constraints, questionnaires is an ideal tool for collecting data The study use both qualitative and quantitative models to analyze data. Quantitative data was coded and entered into Statistical Package for social Scientist (SPSS Version 20.0) and analyzed using descriptive and explanatory statistics. Qualitative data was also analyzed on content matter of the responses and findings and recommendations presented. The correlation between Flood management competence indicated that a positive relationship existed between them This suggests that flood management competence was an important aspect in improving economic growth. The correlation analysis results in also indicate that Flood management strategies had a significant influence on economic growth The Karl Pearson‘s product moment coefficient of correlation suggests a strong relationship existed between the two variables. There was positive and significant effect of Flood management strategies on economic growth. There was also a positive and significant effect of Flood management on economic growth finally, there was need to determine whether there existed a significant relationship between authoritarian leadership and employee performance in Export Processing Zones in Kenya. The correlation analysis shows that a positive relationship exists therefore, it can be concluded that all the variables were significant to the study problem although the degrees of influence varied.
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Electric vehicle driven by single phase induction motor
This paper presents a model of an electric vehicle based on the utilization of solar energy and electricity. Battery driven inverter is used to feed the single phase induction motor. The speed of the induction motor is controlled through voltage regulator using TRIAC. This model presents a new concept of hand driven electric vehicle with use of solar energy to charge the battery of the inverter.This vehicle being hand driven makes it applicable for physically handicapped people.
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Emotional intelligence: a better predictor of future success
Journalistic accounts of emotional intelligence in books and magazines of the mid-1990s explained the concept to an interested public -but not without introducing some crucial inaccuracies. Moreover, much has been learned about emotional intelligence since those early writings. The systematic study of emotional intelligence is often dated to the early 1990s, when scientific articles suggested that there existed an unrecognized but important human mental ability to reason about emotions and to use emotions to enhance thought.
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Engendering Health Information System in Bangladesh through Locating Health Care Needs of the Victims of Violence
To combat violence against women (VAW) and help VAW victims access proper health care facilities, ensuring a gender-friendly health information system is of special concern. The experiences of VAW victims in accessing and availing proper clinical and psychological services are determined by many factors. Among many, the location or distance of the nearest health care services, availability of doctors, mindset of the husbands, in-laws and relatives, the economic condition of the victim?s family, duration of the treatment based on the severity of the injury are the main factors. Also, the naturalization of domestic violence against women in the grass-roots level is one of the major obstacles in engendering health information system in Bangladesh for which victims are not mostly being able to avail proper health care services. Creating awareness among community people and others involved in health care services and making them gender-aware has no other alternative.
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Entrepreneurship a Panacea for Unemployment, A Myth or Reality?
Unemployment is a global challenge especially to developing nations like Pakistan. In the current era motivating the nation towards entrepreneurship is recommended to be a solution of unemployment. As adequate number of jobs both in government and private sectors are not being generated due to economic crisis in Pakistan, it is perceived that more entrepreneurial projects should mitigate the unemployment. Nevertheless, opting entrepreneurship is one solution, however the question arises is it a universal solution of unemployment for people of all classes in a nation? This conceptual cum empirical study contributes a critical view on the role of entrepreneurship in mitigating unemployment in Pakistan with the help of existing literature, expert’s opinions and logical analysis. The study concluded that although entrepreneurship is a solution for unemployment, but it is not universally applicable for all people in Pakistan. The study recommends that measures must be taken to ensure balance of new vacancies in all walks of life as every person in the nation cannot serve an entrepreneur. Further, a nation for its prosperity and growth depends on quality professionals in all spheres of life. The study therefore concluded not to consider entrepreneurship a panacea. In addition to using entrepreneurship as one tool, it recommends production and utilization of quality professionals in all walks of life with continuous generation of adequate vacancies at a predefined periodic interval to address unemployment effectively.
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Establishment of a typical model of parallel ferroresonance representation
The modeling of a parallel ferroresonant circuit leads to a single-phase model formed of many elements, which of course translates into a large number of state variables, and therefore of high dimension. We show how it is possible to gradually reduce the adopted model dimension while retaining certain characteristic quantities which seemed important for the ferroresonance study; and validate the different approximations made. Different results temporal and frequency obtained numerically on the developed models (simulating parallel ferroresonance real cases), are presented and commented. We confirm that the parallel ferroresonance is sufficiently represented qualitatively by a reduced model of dimension three.
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Estimation of ambient radon gas concentration and its potential health effect at some faulted areas in Accra, Ghana
Alpha track detectors has been used for soil radon gas measurements at some faulted areas in Accra, Ghana aiming to advice the public on indoor radon gas. This was performed on forty two (42) sample pits within a 70 m X 100 m spaced grid at Dome-Kwabenya, District and fifteen (15) sample pits within a 300 m X 200 m spaced grid at Dunkonah, Weija district. Comparison method for determining uranium concentration with track-etch detectors was used for uranium levels at study areas. Soil radon gas which gets to the surfaces was estimated by monitoring radon gas 1 meter above sample pits. In the Districts, soil radon concentrations varied from 10.21 ± 0.46 kBq/m3 to 22.67 ± 0.68 kBq/m3 and 6.46 ± 0.36 kBq/m3 to 27.54 ± 0.75 kBq/m3 respectively. The estimated ambient radon gas concentration also varied from 575.97 to 1256.40 Bq/m3 and from 376.47 to 1470.80 Bq/m3. The ambient levels yielded an estimated annual absorbed dose varying from 10.90 to 23.77 mSv/y and from 7.12 to 28.34 mSv/y. The estimated effective dose was from 26.16 to 57.06 mSv/y and from 17.10 to 68.02 mSv/y.
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Estimation of Energy from the developed Solar Artifact
It has been found that the solar tree produces more energy than a conventional flat rooftop arrangement of solar PV system or modules. The solar energy converts the sunlight energy directly into electrical energy by making use of photo -voltaic or concentrated solar power. The energy demand is increasing with each period, as a result the grid electric supply unit prices are also increasing day by day. For example, with the supply of oil the quantity of oil is decreasing and the prices are increasing. Similarly in case of coal which is abundantly for the production of electricity is available for few more hundred years. So in order to fulfill the increasing demand of energy we must have some alternative sources of nonconventional sources of energy. The energy from the sun is the best alternative among all the renewable sources of energies. It is available free of cost, inexhaustible, non-polluting, eco-friendly and continuously. The main drawback of solar panels is the land requirement for the installation of solar panels. The developed solar artifact requires only 1% of the land compared to the flat rooftop to produce same amount of energy. A single converting cell or more generally known as a photo voltaic cell, but a combination of cells in series or parallel designed to increase the power output is called solar module or solar array. In this article the load capacity or energy requirement of a small house in India is estimated to 1.74kWhr/day [6]. All the calculations are done considering solar radiation data at Durgapur, West Bengal. As per experimentation it is found that tracking system can be easily employed in solar artifact, hence its performance will be better than flat solar PV system. The solar cells are mounted in a phyllotaxy pattern to avoid any obstruction from the others. Keywords: Solar artifact, phyllotaxy pattern, PV system, Solar module, manual tracking.
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