Philosophy and theology: a twin brotherhood
This paper examine the important part philosophy play in theology. Theology depends to a large extent on the philosophy of the people. It looks at the concept of philosophy, the concept of theology and the implication of philosophy in the development of theology. It therefore proposes that philosophy and theology are twin brotherhood – one cannot exist in isolation; each enables the other, taken together it makes a whole word of sense.
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Photoluminescence and UV absorption studies of ZnO/CdO nanocomposite
We discuss the band gap tunability of ZnO by mixing ZnO with CdO. Nanoparticles of ZnO/CdO and ZnO are prepared by decomposition of their respective metal acetates, ammonium carbonate and ethylene diamene tetra accetic acid, by chemical co precipitation method. The heat treatment of the precursor powders at their decomposition temperature and beyond, results in the evolution of heat from the combustion of carbonaceous material. This facilitates the reaction among the constituent metal ions and the desired oxide phase is formed at low temperature. The particle size is determined by X-ray diffraction and the diffractogram is compared with JCPDS data to identify the crystallographic phase. The shift in the‘d’ value and elastic micro strain was calculated .The FTIR studies are used to confirm the formation of metal oxide. The characteristic stretching and bending frequencies of the samples were also analysed. The absorption spectra and luminescence spectra are recorded. To study the effect of calcination on crystal lattice, phase, band gap and luminescence the prepared samplewas heated at 9000C. A colour change from saffron to dark brown is observed without any phase change. We also studied the dependence of excitation wavelength on the fluorescent emission of this Nano composite.
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Polyploids of phytophthora on solanaceae to araceae in Nepal & India
Solanaceae and Araceae are the important hosts of Phytophathora. Phytophthora infestans is a common facultative saprophytes as well as facultative parasites, one of the most common species of Phytophthora is P. infestans , causing the disease called late blight of Potato or Potato blight. Cool- temperature between 22-23Oc and excess of water favours the growth of this fungus, In Nepal as well as in India, P. infestans is found in the plain and the hilly area. Erwin (1983,1996), Trout (1997) Gupta (2000) & Gopalan studied well P.infestans, while Sharma mentioned inter- relationship of Pohyploids of P.infestans with temperature
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Prevalence of Haemonchosis in Sheep Slaughtered at Shambu Municipal Abattoir, Oromia, Ethiopia
A cross-sectional study was carried out from April 2018- May 2018 to determine the prevalence of Haemonchus contortus in sheep slaughtered at Shambu municipal abattoir, south west Ethiopia. Appropriate procedure was applied for postmortem examination and sample collection. A total of 384 sheep abomasums, collected from randomly selected sheep, were examined on postmortem. The overall prevalence of H. contortus was found to be 29.9%. It was noticed that high prevalence was recorded in animals with poor body condition (37.6%), followed by good body condition (23.07%) and the lowest was recorded in animals with medium body condition (22.6%). The occurrence of haemonchosis was more frequently recorded in youngest (less than one year) (28.5%) than in older (above one year) sheep (25.9%) but there was a statistically significant difference (P<0.05) observed with the risk factor (age) in relation to the prevalence of H. contortus. However, there was no statistically significant difference (P>0.05) observed among the risk factor (body condition) in relation to the prevalence of H. contortus.
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Prime number generation using genetic algorithm
In the modern cryptography, the problem of the generation of large primes is considered as an important issue to implement public key crypto-scheme such as RSA and so on. Since a great amount of computational resources is generally required to generate a large prime number, it takes considerable amount of resource especially in embedded systems. In general, the prime number generation is started from the random number generation. If the generated random number is passed a specified probabilistic primality test, the random number is tentatively considered as a prime number and applied to a public key crypto-system. In many primality tests, a number of modular exponentiations are usually required. Hence these algorithms are considerably slow. Here we are introducing a new prime generation technique using GA which can be used to generate large primes in more efficient way.
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PSIM and MATLAB based simulation of PV array for enhance the performance by using MPPT algorithm
In this Paper a new Max. Power point tracking algorithm is used for PV array. The algorithm which is based on the mathematical calculation based MATLAB used to detect the max. Power point. Software (PSIM, MATLAB) dedicated to the simulation of the photovoltaic system can realize the extensive and precise analysis, but they are generally do not allow the modify the algorithm. Software includes the models of the solar panels, battery and investor, solar radiation.
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Q-Absorbance ratio and Chromatographic Method for the Analysis of Aspirin and Salicylic acid
Two simple, specific, precise and accurate methods were developed for the analysis of Aspirin (ASA) in bulk and formulation forms in presence of its degradation product salicylic acid (SA). The first method was based on determining Q-Absorbance ratios at two wavelengths; 251.4 nm (iso–absorptive point, ?1) and 275.6 nm (?max of ASA, ?2) for aspirin and salicylic acid to obtain their absorptivity valueswhich form the basis for their concentrations calculations. Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range 50-450µg/ml and 10-90µg/ml for ASA and SA, respectively with correlation coefficient not less than 0.999. The second method based on development of stability-indicating chromatographic method (HPLC) reliable for the assay of aspirin in presence of salicylic acid. The stability-indicating property of the developed method was achieved on a C18 column (250*4.6mm) and a mixture of methanol and 1% acetic acid (60:40 v/v) as mobile phase at 1ml/min flow rate and detector set at 298nm. The constructed calibration curves were linear in the concentration range 1000-5000µg/ml and 30-270µg/ml for ASA and SA, respectively. The developed methods were optimized and validated in accordance to ICH guidelines. The validated methods were applied for the assay of ASA in five brands low dose formulations as well as to identify and quantify any SA present using standard reference materials.
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Q-homomorphism in q-fuzzy subgroups
In this paper, we study the Q-homomorphism in Q-fuzzy subgroup and prove some results on these.
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Regulatory compliance: The key for global expansion of Indian system of medicine
Today Medical science gives us quick relief but not the guarantee of health. For health guarantee, we need to approach holistic health care. The Indian traditional medicine has rich scientific heritage of healing humans. The system of medicines which are considered to be Indian in origin; or the systems of medicine which are practised abroad and got assimilated in to Indian culture are known as Indian Systems of Medicine. Nowadays, there is a drastic change in the use of medicine from modern medicine to Traditional system of medicine due to their adverse drug events. It is observed that the regulator is focused more on modern medicine than on AYUSH products. While international standards for good manufacturing practices (GMP) have been prescribed by the WHO for herbal medicines, AYUSH regulations was still short of international standards such as the GMP. Although, over the years the Department of AYUSH has taken several initiatives to streamline regulations regarding labelling, packaging, improving quality of formulations through maintenance of GMP requirements, setting up testing facilities, inspections, etc. We need to travel far ahead to ensure the availability of quality-assured drugs for consumption or trial. However, in the absence of proper standards, guidelines and regulatory mechanism, the industry has failed to gain credibility and make a mark in global markets.
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Relationship between Human Resource Management Practices and Employees Performance in Selected Banks within Kano Metropolis, Nigeria
This study was conducted to determine the association between Human Resource Management Practices and employees’ performance in selected banks within Kano metropolitan city. A survey research design was adopted and Random sampling technique was used to collect data for the research. A questionnaire with the total of 28 items was distributed among employees of banks for data collection. To investigate the relationship between the independents variables and dependents variables, Pearson correlation coefficients were used. The result indicated that HRM practices (compensation, Performance Appraisal and training) have positive impact on employees’ performance.
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