Role of judiciary on Article 142 of the constitution- A; Pragmatic appraisal
This paper is concerned with the provision of Article 142 for the Constitution. Here attempt has been made to explore the expensive knowledge through the latest decision of the deliberately Supreme Court in the case of Devendra Singh Nagola vs Minakshi Nagia (2012) SC. The Constitution of this article made in "varying judicial responses to dissolution of marriage by mutual consent under the Hindu Marriage Act under article 142 S.C. can make order to do complete justice.
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Sharon: furtive packet dropping in wireless ad-hoc networks using christina theory
SHARON based Furtive packet dropping is a suite of four afflictions misrouting the distance, clone node, and colluding collision that can be easily established against multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks. Furtive packet falling interrupts the packet from reaching the target through despiteful behavior at an intermediate node. Nevertheless, the entire vindictive node gives the impression to its neighbors that it performs the morganatic forwarding action. Furthermore a legitimate node comes under intuition. We introduce a protocol called FAWAN that can observe and isolate furtive packet dropping affliction efficiently. FAWAN presents two techniques that can be overlaid on baseline local monitoring: having the neighbors maintain additional information about the routing path, and adding some FAWAN provides an innovative mechanism to better a commute local monitoring by considerably increasing the number of nodes in a neighborhood that can do monitoring.
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Simulation Study on Reliability Estimates of a Repairable System with Lethal and Non-Lethal Common Cause Shock Failures
In order to solve the reliability assessment of repairable systems, this article, based on two-component system, provides the maximum likelihood estimation. The system can be restored through proper repairing even from Common Cause Shock (CCS) failure. We derived M L estimates of availability for series and parallel systems. The approach used is empirical one with Monte Carlo simulation.
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Socio-economic status of kaani scheduled tribes in Kaniyaumati District, Tamilnadu State, India
Lifestyle of Kaani tribes encompasses a variety of aspects. The scope of the present study was to find out the socioeconomic status of the community living within the forest and those who have moved out to the surrounding villages and towns. Kaani women are involved in selling of herbs and plants that are available near forest boundaries. Organic compost is used for the agriculture. The forest serves as valuable sources for the economic activity. Collection of minor forest produce is a daily routine for them. Although agriculture was seen to be the most major employment, very few adult women were occupied in agriculture for their source of income. The present study was confined to adults’ age range 25 – 45 as it would reflect the influence of their food culture and environmental factors. Special attention is required to know their current situation to focus on development of the tribal areas and tribal peoples.
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Soret Effect on Unsteady MHD flow past an Impulsively Started Inclined Oscillating Plate with Variable Temperature and Mass Diffusion
Soret effect on unsteady MHD flow past an impulsively started inclined oscillating plate with variable temperature and mass diffusion is studied here. The fluid taken is electrically conducting. The Governing equations involved in the present analysis are solved by the Laplace-transform technique. The velocity and concentration profile is discussed with the help of graphs drawn for different parameters like thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof Number, Prandtl number, soret parameter, phase angle, the magnetic field parameter and Schmidt number.
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Strengthening marriage through Marital Psycho-Spiritual Intervention
This article presents the Marital Psycho-Spiritual Intervention (MP-SI), which provides the married couples and helping professionals with knowledge and skills for strengthening marriage relationships. MP-SI is an intervention that specifically developed to help Muslim married couples build a close relationship with Allah SWT, with themselves, and with their respective couples. This intervention is a structured format. In each session, the participants are exposed to the knowledge of Islamic marriage. The content of this intervention takes into account the content of the Holy Quran on man’s creation, which consisted of four important elements, nafs (soul), aql (intellect), qalb (heart), and ruh (spirit). The participants are exposed to effective communication skills, worked as teams to resolve problems, managed conflicts without decreasing closeness, preserved, and enhanced attachment through communication elements, conflict resolutions, forgiveness, sakinah (tranquility), mawaddah (love with passion), and rahmah (mercy). This intervention may be applied in counseling and coaching interventions, as well as relationship education, couples’ workshops and retreats.
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Structural and tectonic interpretations from landsat 5 thematic imagery: case study of okposi brinelake and environs, lower benue trough, Nigeria
The structural and tectonic analysis of Okposi and environs, Lower Benue Trough using Landsat-TM data was carried out with the aim of carrying out a detailed structural interpretation of the study area by identifying the lineaments associated with the study area and inferring their effect on the economic potentials of the study area. In addition, this study was aimed at determining whether the Okposi Brine Lake in the study area is structurally controlled. Several GIS softwares which include the ILWIS 3.1 Academic were used to analyze the data. Simple digital image processing techniques were applied on the data to enhance edges of linear features, followed by computer aided visual interpretation. Results revealed that high lineament frequencies/density were obtained in areas where basement rocks outcrop or are closer to the surface whereas low lineament frequencies are characteristics of areas with deeply buried basement rocks. Similarly, the absence of visible lineaments in parts of the area may not be indicative of complete absence of geological structures. Trend analysis of the lineaments computed by plotting the strikes and lengths of all the lineaments revealed on the image on a rose diagram revealed structural trends in the E-W, N-S, NW-SE and NE-SW directions with the NW-SE and NE-SW directions as the dominant trends. The NE-SW linear structures observed from the study are believed to be the continental extension of the known pre-Cretaceous trans-Oceanic Fracture Zones viz. Charcot and Chain Fracture Zones. The numerous lineaments in the study area make the region viable for mineral prospecting. Finally, the presence of a lineament zone around Okposi area may be responsible for the formation of the Okposi Brine Lake. It is believed that this linear feature must have cut through the basinal brine of the Asu River group of the Benue Trough.
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Structural, optical and magnetic properties of ZnS, MZS & CZS thin films prepared by Sol-Gel Spin Coating method
The spin coating method was used for the preparation of ZnS, Mn doped ZnS (MZS) and Cobalt doped ZnS (CZS) thin films and their structural and optical properties were studied. The ZnS thin films were grown on well cleaned glass substrates by spin coating method from aqueous solution of Zinc Sulphide and Thiourea with two different dopants Mn and Co. The properties of ZnS, MZS and CZS thin films and their growth mechanisms were studied using x-ray diffraction, UV-Visible spectroscopy, photoluminescence and VSM studies. Effect of dopants on structural, optical and magnetic properties was reported. Keywords: ZnS, Spin Coating, Dopants, Structural, Optical and magnetic properties.
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Student Identification Using Biometric
Bio-metric identification systems are widely used for unique identification of humans mainly is verification and identification .It is used as a form of identity access management and access control. Fingerprint identification is one of the best biometric technique. The biometric fingerprints identification are secure to use and mainly unique for every person and do not change in one’s lifetime. This paper is to identify each and every student of the department as well as the college.
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Studies on Cadmium Sulfide/Porous Silicon (CdS/PS) Nanocomposite Structure
In this work Cadmium Sulphide/Porous Silicon (CdS/PS) nanocomposite structure was successfully synthesized by depositing CdS film over PS substrate at room temperature. CdS was incorporated into the pores of PS and thereby making a protecting layer. The XRD, SEM, FTIR and PL analysis were carried out to characterize the CdS/PS structure. XRD result suggests the formation of CdS hexagonal structure on PS surface. The diffraction peaks pertaining to PS along with those corresponding to CdS were observed. The surface morphology of the prepared CdS/PS layer was studied by SEM analysis. The information about the vibration and rotation of molecular groups and the bonding of inorganic molecules on silicon surfaces are confirmed by transmission FTIR spectra. The PL measurements on CdS/PS structure show emission peaks at around 620 & 660 nm with 2.0 & 1.9 eV band gap respectively. These results show the incorporation of CdS into the pores of PS and capable of utilizing for device applications. Keywords: CdS/PS, XRD, SEM, FTIR, PL
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