Ultimate Axial load on Concrete filled stainless steel tubular (CFSST) short columns under Monotonic loading-a critical review
The State of the art of concrete filled steel tubular columns is presented in this paper. Experimental data has been collected and compiled in a comprehensive format listing parameters involved in the study. Areas of further research are presented and results of ongoing experimental and numerical investigations are also shown.
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Variety and abundance of benthic macro-invertebrate biodiversity of littoral zone of Mansarovar Talab of Jeerapura, Dhar (M.P.).
Macro benthic invertebrates are an important and integral part of any aquatic ecosystem as they form the basis of the tropic level and any negative effects caused by pollution in the community structure can in turn affect tropic relationships. These can include those that feed on them directly or indirectly such as fish and bird populations, respectively. In addition, aquatic invertebrates have the ability to clean rivers as they utilize the organic and detritus matter. According to Carlisle etal., 2007 macro-invertebrate populations in streams and rivers can assist in the assessment of the overall health of the stream. During the present Survey of at Mansarovar talab 32 species of Macro invertebrates were recorded which belong to represented 11(eleven) species of oligochaeta, 2(two) species of Hirudinea (Leeches), 8 (eight) species of Gastropoda, 3 (three) species of pelecypoda (Bivalvia), 4 (four) species of insect 2 (two) species of ostracoda and 2 (two) species of Branchiopoda. The Present study was carried out at Mansarovar Talab of Jeerapura, Dhar (M.P.) during a Jun 2014-July 2015.
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Viewer’s Perception about Code of Ethics and its Application in Political Talk Shows: A Survey Conducted at Sargodha City
The present study is about Viewers Perceptions about Code of Ethics and its Applications in Political Talk Shows (A Survey Conducted at Sargodha City). Political talk shows Capital Talk (Geo News) Kal Tak (Express News) On the Front (Dunya News) Sawal Yeh Hai (ARY News) and News Beat (SAMAA TV) are selected for this study. Total two hundred respondents have been selected for data collection with the help of questionnaire from Sargodha city. Social responsibility theory (SRT) is use to check the application code of ethics of media in the society. The Social Responsibility Theory (SRT) claims that the media has a duty to public and this theoretical approach is a result of shifting media ethics. Present research is identified to find the impact of analysis and discussion by experts through politics talk shows and opportunity of media ethics. This is becoming a more and more essential issue in modern society. Do the anchorpersons of TV political talk shows have focus on social responsibility and respect for media ethics in order to satisfy the public? Empirical findings show that Geo News program Capital Talk is more frequently watched by viewers as compared to other political talk show. It is also finding that Geo News program Capital Talk provides more political awareness as compared to other political talk shows. Findings show that Javed Chudary in his political talk show (Kal Tak) followed code of ethics as compared to other anchorperson TV channels.
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Watermark, Hardware Parameters and License Key: An Integrated Approach of Software Protection
Software protection is an area of active research in which the software industry is encountering a number of threats. Software piracy is one such threat, which proves detrimental in protecting the intellectual property rights. There have been a variety of techniques developed to address the issue like software watermarking, code obfuscation, and tamper-proofing. In the current research we address the issue of software piracy through a prevention technique known as software watermarking which aims at providing copyright protection and authorized access of commercial software. In this paper fragile software watermark is used to embed personal information into the software. Then this personal information is merged with the hardware parameters of the client machine extracted during the process of installation and License key provided by the vendor. This combined string (Watermark + Hardware parameters + key) is send to the server for registration. This process is implemented and tested on different machines and the accuracy of the proposed model is found to be 99%. The proposed model will be beneficial in combating software piracy and securing the software from redistribution.
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Wireless Sensor Network for Machine Health Monitoring
Wireless Sensor Network has a growing demand worldwide. This network plays a vital role in creating reliable and scalable system making human life easier and faster. WSN is a sensitive network which is effective and efficient. In this paper we have implemented WSN for keeping regular updates on a health of a machine and its control. For wireless communication purpose Zigbee protocol is deployed. Required algorithms have been developed allowing evaluation of additional parameters using data from measurements held.
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A Class of New Computational Methods for the Solutions of Parabolic Equations
In this work, a class of new computational methods for solution of variable coefficients partial differential equation was developed at step numbers j = 2; resulting into a Trapezoidal rule spectral based computational scheme as reported in Lambert (1973). The accuracy, consistency, stability and convergence properties of these methods were determined. The methods were implemented on some sampled problems that involve both constant and, variable coefficients parabolic partial differential equations; and evaluated by comparing them with some existing difference methods. The results obtained are found to be more rapidly converging as the step lengths h and k approaches zeros. This work provides better alternative numerical solutions to a class of dynamical problems having time dependent boundary conditions. Higher ordered parabolic partial differential equations with defined theoretical solutions to given boundary conditions can be solved directly using this method.
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A Comparative Study of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) and Core Needle Biopsy in Palpable Breast Lesions
Breast is a host to many diseases which present as lumps in the breast. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology’ (FNAC) and ‘Core Needle Biopsy’ (CNB) are commonly used to obtain pathologic diagnosis. Total 104 patients presenting with palpable breast lumps were subjected to FNAC then Core needle biopsy in a single sitting. Finally the results of FNAC and Core Needle biopsy were compared in the light of excision biopsy results. Sensitivities of FNAC and Core Needle biopsy were 83.33 % and 95.83 % and specificities were 96.55 % and 100 % respectively showing that Core Needle biopsy was more accurate than FNAC.
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A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Career Locus of Control Scale with Secondary School Students in Kenya
This article presents the confirmatory factor analysis of the 20 item career locus of control scale with a sample of 370 secondary school students. The instrument consists of 4 subscales measuring Internality, Luck, Helplessness, and Powerful Others. The overall internal reliability of the locus of control scale was satisfactory. The current study tested six models and verified four of the six models. External locus of control scores correlated significantly with measures ofcareer decision self-efficacy, career indecision and vocational identity. Internal locus of control scores correlated significantly with career decision making self efficacy. Significant gender differences were noted in most of the subscales of career locus of control with males scoring significantly higher on the subscales measuring externality and females scoring significantly higher on the subscales measuring internality. Age was not related to any of the sub scales. The current study provides the validity data for the career locus of control scale using a Kenyan sample. Based on the results, other researchers may use the instrument to measure the career locus of control of Africans.
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A critical analysis of the concept of law in H.L.A. hart
Man as a social and political being tends to live and interact with his fellow beings in the society. He organizes his existence which is life, liberty and happiness as common good in the society. In this paper, Hart’s Concept of Law tries to argue for an accurate and concise legal positivism which brings the source of legal authority into acceptance by a system of rules which is grounded in a fundamental recognition that determines what is to be included among the legal rules. This seeks to offer an explanation to the concept of law differently from the popular utilitarian command which sufficiently describes criminal law, but is limited in describing legal system generally. It expresses the act of obligation which takes itself as a guide for behavior and holds the fact that law is to be followed than to be motivated by threat of punishment. To achieve this, Hart works out a form of legal positivism that reveals legal and moral connection at some points. In view of this, using the expository, descriptive, analytic and evaluative methods, the study established that, Hart’s exposition on law is beyond mere sanctioning, which involves imposing obligatory rules that characterizes a political society built on democratic principles.
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A neural network based modeling of energy inputs for predicting economic indices in seed and grain corn production
In this study, various Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) were developed to determine the economics indices for seed and grain corn production in Ardabil province, Iran. For this purpose, the data was collected by a face-to-face interview method from 144 corn farms during 2011 and analyzed. The results indicated that total energy input for seed and grain corn productions was about 45162.77 and 35198.11, respectively. The developed ANN was a multilayer perceptron (MLP) with six neurons in the input layer (human labor, machinery, diesel fuel, chemical fertilizer, chemicals, seed), one, two and three hidden layer(s) of various numbers of neurons and four neuron (BCR, P, TR, NR) in the output layer. The results of ANNs analyze showed that the best MLP network models for predicting economic indices in seed and grain corn production had (6-6-10-4) and (6-4-8-4) topologies, respectively. For these topologies, MSE, MAE and R2 calculated. The ANN approach appears to be a suitable method for modeling output energy, fuel consumption, CO2 emission, yield, and energy consumption.
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