Antibacterial Activity of 4-butanoyl-3-methyl-1-phenylpyrazol-5-one and its Manganese (II), Lanthanum(III), Zirconium(III), Vanadium(V) and Tungsten(VI) Complexes.
The ligand, 4-butanoyl-3-methyl-1-phenylpyrazol-5-one (HBPy) and its complexes with Mn (II), La (III), Zr (III), V (V) and W (VI) were tested for antibacterial activity relative to streptomycin and penicillin antibiotics. The filter paper scraps diffusion method was used. The compounds were screened for their in vitro antibacterial activity against G(+) Staphylococcus aureus, G(+) Hay bacillus and G(-) Eschericha coli. It could be observed from the results that the antibacterial effect of the Mn(BPy)2.2H2O and the VO2(BPy).HBPy complexes were similar to that of penicillin against the two G(+) strains. The other three complexes also had such antibacterial activity, but a little weaker than that of penicillin. The test data also indicated that streptomycin was intermediately effective against G(+) Hay bacillus. The five complexes at a concentration of 2 ?g/disc, showed antibacterial activity against G(+) Hay bacillus comparable to that of streptomycin with a concentration of 10 ?g/disc. The ligand and its complexes showed none or much weaker antibacterial activity compared to penicillin and streptomycin against G(-) Eschericha coli. It is therefore concluded that the metal complexes studied are potent against the Gram-positive bacteria studied; hence the compounds have great potentials in the exploration of new chemotherapy agents.
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Antivirus Software for Android Mobile –A Brief Review
Android has the biggest market share among all Smartphone operating system. The number of devices running with the Android operating system has been on the rise. By the end of 2012, it will account for nearly half of the world's Smartphone market. Along with its growth, the importance of security has also risen. Security is one of the main concerns for Smartphone users today. As the power and features of Smartphone’s increase, so has their vulnerability for attacks by viruses etc. Perhaps android is more secured operating system than any other Smartphone operating system today. Android has very few restrictions for developer, increases the security risk for end users. Antivirus Android apps remain one of the most popular types of applications on Android. Some people either like having that extra security or just want to be extra cautious just in case and there is nothing wrong with that. In this list, we’ll check out the best antivirus Android apps and anti-malware apps on Android! The efficiencies of these applications have not been empirically established. This paper analyzes some of the security tools written for the Android platform to gauge their effectiveness at mitigating spyware and malware.
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Appraising entrepreneurial intensity of public universities
This paper examines the process of how the local universities in Malaysia are and were trying to change their roles in the Malaysian economy in order to respond to this current development as well as the globalization of the knowledge economy. This study intends to explore the dimensions of entrepreneurial university in Malaysia and develop questionnaire to test the entrepreneurial intensity of local universities in Malaysia. In aspiring to achieve the status of a fully developed nation by 2020, tertiary education in Malaysia has been targeted to grow on its own by becoming more entrepreneurial and self-reliant. There is an urgent need for the shift from the traditional model of the universities to the new “entrepreneurial” model. The new entrepreneurial model for public universities in Malaysia is expected to be different from the universities in the advanced economies due to several reasons. The reasons include more rigid bureaucratic control by the government, emphasis on homegrown innovation and lack of commercialization demand and ability. Six main theoretical models of entrepreneurial universities were identified and in each one, there are elements or characteristics associated with the inputs as can be found in Morris’s Input-Output Perspective theoretical framework. This model will be use to measure the entrepreneurial intensity in the context of education institutions as an organization. Dimensions of entrepreneurial university in Malaysia will be explored through expert survey employing Delphi Method. Instruments to measure the entrepreneurial intensity of public universities will then be developed. This will be used to appraise the entrepreneurial intensity of the public universities in Malaysia.
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Assessment of elemental content in the fruit of Graviola plant, Annona Muricata, from some selected communities in Ghana by instrumental neutron activation analysis
The major (K, Mg, Cl, Ca and Na) and minor (Mn, Fe, Cr, Co, Cu and Br) elemental concentrations in different parts of Graviola (Annona Muricata) fruit including the fruit fibres, fruit cover, seed, fruit juice and seed cover were determined using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Their concentrations were found to vary in the various fruit parts. The elements Br, Ca, Cl, K, Mg, Mn and Na were recorded in all the various fruit parts. The highest concentrations recorded were K in the fruit cover (1.43±0.03%), fruit fibre (1.46±0.09%), fruit juice (2.28±0.15%) and seed (0.55±0.06%). In the seed cover however, Ca recorded the highest concentration of 0.25±0.02%. Chromium was below the detection limits of INAA in the fruit cover, fruit fibre and fruit juice. Copper and Fe were below detection limits in the fruit juice and seed cover respectively. The presence of Ca, Mg, Na, K, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Br, Cl and Mn reflects the function of the Graviola fruit as a source of essential nutrient elements. Therefore, the Graviola fruit becomes important in view of the fact that their regular consumption might help the body to attain the required levels of these essential nutrient elements.
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Assessment of social engineering effective criteria in the organization by DEMATEL method
Today, one of the problems of managers is information security in the organizations and ways of struggling with those penetrating into the organization. Social engineering technique is one of the ways of access to organizational information through vulnerable behaviors of human beings. This article tries to determine the most important criteria by assessing effective social engineering criteria in the organization in DEMATEL method. At first, views of the experts have been used in order to select effective criteria and then a structure based on theory of graphs was formulated on the basis of experts’ judges and a mathematical model has been obtained with regard to relations, manner and intensity of effect and their interactions. Finally, determination of criteria importance helps the managers make decisions and do correct management in the organization.
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Autobiographical elements in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird"
This paper aims to analyse the autobiographical elements in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird which brings out the similarities in the life of the novelist Harper Lee and that of the protagonist, Scout. They both tend to share some coincidental situations in their lives wherein they seek answers to the questions which were asked by themselves and by others (public). Even though they were discriminated by their gender, they never listened to the public.
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Back Fire Microstrip pacth Antenna for wireless communication
A method to improve the bandwidth for L and C band of backfire antenna is proposed. The performance of backfire antenna is investigated by performing numerical calculation by using various mathematical formulas to determine necessary dimension of the antenna and simulation by using IE3D software. Here we design proposed geometry for 3GHz. For proposed geometry we got 37.5% bandwidth for VSWR < 1.5 return loss -45 dB and directivity is 8 dBi .
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Biological strategy for heavy metal removal from Industrial wastewater
Industrial wastewater containing substances that may affect human health and are difficult to degrade is a major health concern, where examples include effluents containing heavy metals. The contamination of receiving water bodies by heavy metals constitutes a major environmental concern as these contaminants are extremely toxic, recalcitrant, and exhibit a tendency to bio-accumulate. Although heavy metals could be removed from industrial wastewater by a range of physicochemical treatment technologies such as precipitation, ion exchange, adsorption, electrochemical processes, and membrane processes; however, regulatory standards are not always sufficient. The objective of this paper is to study the amenability of using the bacterial strain of Bacillus Subtilis isolated from the surface of natural Egyptian phosphate as an alternative for the conventional techniques of treatment. It is found that Zn removal increased from 80% to 93%, while Pb removal varied from 95.55% to 99.34 % by the addition of 10-20 ml of bacterial strain (Cell + Product) in a solution having 50 mg/l Zn2+ and 30 mg/l pb2+ ions. The relative removal capacity for metals was in the order Pb< Zn.
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Business Process Reengineering resources and the performance of quoted brewing firms in Nigeria
The study examined the effect of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) resources on the performance of brewing firms in Nigeria. Following the Kassahun’s (2012) BPR perspectives, the study grouped BPR resources into financial, human and technological resources. A sample of 746 employees was randomly selected from a population of 3500 from five brewing firms quoted in the Nigerian stock exchange. The Likert-type instrument of five-point scale used for data collection has a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.85. The percentage frequency was used to examine the baseline information of BPR variables in brewing firms in Nigeria while OLS regression model analysed the effect of BPR on the performance of brewing firms in Nigeria. The study results showed that financial and technological resources were in adequate usage while human resources were moderate. Also, the performance of brewing firms in Nigeria at present is scored high in the five-point rating. The regression result indicated that BPR resources have 94% significant effect on the performance in brewing firms in Nigeria. Specifically, a positive influence was established such that financial resources (63%) has more influence, followed by human resources (20%) and then technological (19%). This implies that the use of resources is a veritable strategy to enhancing firm performance. Firms that follow the present wave of technological innovations will enhance their competiveness and survival rate. The study therefore concluded that BPR is a veritable tool to enhancing employee satisfaction, team work and cooperation, quality of service delivery as well as attainment of organizational strategic goals in brewing firms in Nigeria. The study however, recommended that firms in the brewing industry and other allied manufacturing firms should employ its resources in an adequately proportionate manner.
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Chemical constituents, toxicity and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil from the leaves of tectona grandis
The leaves of Tectona grandis (Verbanaceae) was subjected to hydrodistillation in order to obtain the essential oil from the plant. The pale yellow essential oil gave a percentage yield of 0.184%. Relative percentages of individual component were analyzed by GC/GC-MS. A total of fifty-four (54) constituents were identified representing 86.5% of the total essential oil fraction. Oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated sesquiterpenes, apocarotenoids, phenylpropanoids and non-terpene derivatives were the various classes of compounds identified. The LC50 value from the brine shrimp toxicity assay was 183.29µg/ml. The oil extract was also subjected to antibacterial assay and it showed significant activities against all the clinical test organisms used except Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
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