WiMAX Performance Analysis of MAC layer Error Correction Schemes
IEEE 802.16 family of standards (also known as WiMAX) is a broadband wireless access technology that is designed to offer high-speed connectivity. Broadband access to Internet is currently dominated by wired technologies like DSL and cable. WiMAX technology provides wireless alternative to broadband access and need to support various Internet traffics and applications. In this paper focus is to simulate and transfer of different traffics with different error correction techniques implemented in MAC layer and provides the comparative analysis of the throughput and end-to-end delay characteristics. Channel error rate is varied to observe the performance differences. Simulation results show that the error control techniques at MAC layer provides substantial improvements in end-to-end throughput and delay characteristics at lower error rates. Hybrid ARQ mechanism outperformed all other error control schemes even at significantly high error rates.
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A comparative analysis of hausa and dakkarci (c’lela) sentence structure
Hausa and Dakkarci (C’lela) languages are two different languages with closer phonological, morphological, syntactical, as well as semantic structures. Many factors have contributed to the current similarities in the languages, existing in the same area. Nevertheless, they share different features. In view of this, the paper is intended to look at the comparative analysis of Hausa and Dakkarci(C’lela) languages in their sentence construction.
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A Critical Evaluation of the Morality and Logic of the Doctrine of Affirmative Action
Affirmative action which is also known as reverse discrimination is a doctrine which originated in The United States of America, with the sole aim of redressing the past misdeeds of a certain group of people within the society against some others. It focuses on the ill treatment of the whites on the blacks and that of men on women. This movement has gone round the world, Nigeria inclusive. It has made the women in Nigeria for instance to demand thirty five percent of both elective and appointive offices, just to make up the past imbalance in the polity of the country where the men are found to be dominating the system. Our motivation here is the fact that affirmative action if allowed as demanded will instead of correcting any past injustice, do the society more harm than good by perpetuating injustice. The people who will be at the receiving end of this injustice are more or less not guilty of the offence of their fore fathers. This paper focuses on the fact that Affirmative action is not logical nor a moral principle. It suggests that it is not to be made a doctrine in the society, rather it advocates a level playing ground for all players in the field. Finally, it recommends that affirmative action be jettisoned in it’s entirety, because it commits the fallacy of hasty generalization, that some men took advantage of some women in the past in not a sufficient reason for all the men to suffer today in the hands of all the women, so do the blacks and the whites. Allowing affirmative action will amount to throwing away the child with the dirty water.
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A cross-sectional study on the prevalence of diabetic foot ulcer and associated factors among diabetic clinic attendees at public hospitals of Wolaita and Goffa zones, south Ethiopia, 2021
Diabetic foot ulcer is one of the chronic complications of diabetes which has more than 25% lifetime risk and it is the leading cause of non-traumatic lower limb amputation. This study aimed to explore the prevalence and associated factors among diabetic follow-up clinic attendees. A total of 261 study subjects were involved with a 100 % response rate. The mean age of the respondents was 51.13 + 12.581 years. The majority 176(67.4%) of the study subjects were males and most 159 61%) of the respondents were urban residents and the prevalence of diabetic foot ulcer was found to be 22.6%. Statistical analysis of the finding indicates poor foot care AOR 3.93295%CI (1.113,16.468, peripheral neuropathy AOR 6.223 95%CI (1.309,29.59), duration of diabetes ?10 years AOR 5.463 95%CI (2.603,28.013), HbA1c level ?7.0mg/dl AOR 68.404 95 CI (13.523,346.015), and overweight AOR 17.389 95%CI (2.979,101.505) had a statistically significant association with a diabetic foot ulcer. This study indicates a high prevalence rate of diabetic foot-ulcer and recommended to focus on the implementation of patient education in regard to prevention methods and in-service training for health care workers as part of capacity building.
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A normative model for sustainable cultural and heritage tourism in regional development of southern Jalisco
This study aims to propose a normative model to determine the potential of cultural tourism in the municipalities that comprise the region 6 of the State of Jalisco, territorially delimited in the South of Jalisco. Firstly, it is conducted an anlaysis to determine the demand for cultural tourism to determine the cultural tourist profile under the assumptions that tourists especially motivated by culture, tend to travel longer distances than most tourists. It discusses the motivations and satisfactions of cultural tourists to establish the potential market in accordance with the characteristics of the target market in the Southern region of Jalisco. Any operation of cultural tourism companies should make the strategic diagnosis, so that explains the use of SWOT analysis as a tool for strategic planning of cultural tourism enterprises. Finally, we propose the development strategies of cultural tourism in this region of Southern Jalisco.
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A Novel and Modern Comprehensive Theory to Create an Anthropocentric Architecture Based on Laws of Chaos (Part I): Adaptability and Flexibility
Architecture begins with the definition of the project and a wish. In the first step we aim to create an embryo for the generation of the work. Like any chaotic system, architecture must gather vital information from the environment in which it intends to grow through negative feedback in order to survive, and with adaptability and flexibility, start to grow like a small bud while remaining flexible. So, in order to prepare the conditions of creation, we need to properly know the context. In addition, architecture is the child of its ground and is responsible elevate the soul of the location and promote it. Flexibility against the environment can guarantee the uniqueness of the design because the environmental conditions are never the same, therefore the work based on it would be non-repetitive. A designer who attempts to create independent form with no regard to the climate, topography and cultural context cannot benefit from this advantage. Studying and analyzing the setting information of the project is the most important stage of designing which, in a perfect design process, equals the time of the execution of the work.
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A study of consumer preference on hair colouring in Tiruchirappalli Taluk
Hair colour is on a high, accounting for major part of the sale of hair care products and spurring new launches. Hair colour today doesn’t necessarily cover strands of gray. A shade of bright burgundy or golden chocolate could well be a fashion statement and colouring hair is definitely a range among urban youth and account for 20 percent growth. The Indian cosmetics market is one segment where the traditional hair treatments sell as much as newer category hairstyling and hair care products. Traditional herbal powders and hair oils for hair conditioning share the same shell with high-end products. The traditional hair care and hair styling methods are changing, which means that buyers are now ready to accept newer product categories. Hence an attempt has been made to study the hair colouring user, their brand preference, whether male or female users more, source of awareness, base of hair colour.
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A Study of Improving the Energy Efficiency in Distributed Network systems Using Computer Peripherals
The Large- Scale Computing and network systems consume more amount of power and computer components like Mother Board, Processor, RAM, Hard Disk, VGA (Video Graphics Adapter), AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port), Network ports, data centers and supercomputers. Most of the places like schools, colleges, and IT Industries people work with computer. Day by day the energy consumed by these computer peripherals all over the world is high. Trying to reduce these high energy consumption a study and survey techniques have been analyzed. This survey techniques and solutions will improve the energy efficiency in computing devices and network resources. This method discusses to evaluate the maximum power consumed by the resources and explains the techniques that operate at distributing systems, trying to allocate resource for scheduling, network management. This study aims about the art of energy efficiency in computing resources and network components.
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A Study on Impact of Career Development and Knowledge Management in Selected IT Industries
HRD should help the organization articulate the purpose of the knowledge management and career development. Investing in a knowledge management initiative without a clear sense of purpose is like investing in an expensive camera that has far more capabilities than you need to take good pictures of family and friends. The research study is descriptive in nature and is concerned with describing the characteristics of respondents of Knowledge Management and Career Development. In this study, two stages of random sampling technique were used. Stratified random sampling technique and Simple random sampling technique was used to select the employees of selected companies. This study mainly focuses on impact of career development towards knowledge management in IT industries.
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A survey on congestion control techniques in AD-HOC network
Identifying the occurrence of congestion in a Mobile Ad-hoc Network is a major task. The existing TCP congestion control techniques do not handle the unique properties of shared wireless multi-hop link. Frequent changes in the ad-hoc network topology poses great deal of problems for congestion control. There are several approaches proposed for detecting and overcoming the congestion in the mobile ad-hoc network. In this paper we try to bring out some of the congestion control techniques and its salient features.
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