Annealing effect on structural, optical and electrical properties of bismuth selenide thin films using chemical bath deposition method
Good featured glassy bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3) thin films were prepared from solutions having bismuth nitrate, triethanolamine and sodium selenosulphate at room temperature by chemical bath deposition technique. The crystalline structure, surface morphology, electrical and optical properties of these Bi2Se3 thin films were investigated as a function of annealing process. X-Ray diffraction studies resulted in Bi2Se3 thin films with amorphous structure at room temperature (RT) and growth in film was found by annealing with hexagonal crystal structure. A uniform sphere-like morphology was observed from scanning electron microscopy upon annealing. Optical absorption studies revealed that a direct band gap of 1.11 eV for as-deposited Bi2Se3 films and is drops to 1.02 eV by annealing in air at 2000C for one hour. Moreover the absorption edge shifting toward longer wavelength associated with crystallinity development of annealed film. As-deposited, the thin films show resistivity of approximately 6k?/cm2 decreases upon annealing. From temperature-resistance measurements Bi2Se3 thin films are distinctive semiconductor material upon annealing, with calculated activation energies of 0.18eV and 0.9eV at lower and higher temperature respectively. In photoconduction studies after annealing, the films display organized rise in the photocurrent with applied voltage than in the as-prepared films. This enrichment in conductivity results from crystallinity development along with partial loss of selenium. This may accelerate various promises for the usage of these films by chemical bath deposition method.
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Anti-diarrhoea and phytochemical evaluation of Phoniex dactylifera L. extracts
The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is known to be one of the oldest cultivated trees in the world, claimed to have anti-diarrhoea activity traditionally. Phytochemical components of the plant material are dependable sources for the treatment of health problems. Extract from fruit were screened for bioactivity against Salmonella spp and Shigella spp. The results significantly show activity at various concentrations for the distilled water, methanol and petroleum ether extracts. The crude and chloroform extracts revealed insignificant activities. Phytochemical analysis on the plant extracts reveals the presence of tannins, steroids, flavonoids and alkaloids. However, physiochemical analysis was also carried for the various solvent extract.
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Assessment of Myocardial Viability with Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography about 218 patients
Stress echocardiography (DSE) is an investigative technique that is perfectly integrated into the diagnostic and prognostic assessment of many heart diseases, including coronary disease based on cardiac ultrasound images. Dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) is very useful as a first-line test to detect a contractile reserve to better specify the potential benefit of revascularization This is a retrospective, descriptive and analytical study on patients collected in the laboratory of non-invasive Cardiology explorations hospitalized and/or followed in consultation or referred to the CARDIOLOGY B department IBN SINA university hospital, over a period of 2 years between January 2018 and December 2019. Method: Our service admitted 218 patients for pharmacological stress echocardiography with Dobutamine for viability. Objectives: The objective of our study is to report the activity of our service concerning the assessment of Myocardial Viability with Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography by specifying the clinical, electrical, echocardiographic and angiographic aspects as well as the results of the stress echocardiography. Results: Men and an average age of 64 years dominated the epidemiological profile of our patients; hypertension is the most common risk factor. Coronary arteriography shows: 43% of our patients had bitruncated coronary lesions. All our patients benefited from the same protocol in the assessment of myocardial viability with low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography, 46% of viability positive in our series. None of our patients went through complications. These are probably explained by the low doses of dobutamine.
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Assessment of Nutritional and Anti-microbial Qualities of pawpaw (Carica papaya) Seed Obtained from Zungeru Niger State, Nigeria
The proximate, mineral and antimicrobial activity pawpaw (Carica papaya) was carried out; this sample seed was obtained from discardsof plants and prepared for use by decocting, sun drying and grinding into powder.Using petroleum ether; of boiling range 40-60oC, their fats were extracted, theprotein content, ash content, crude fibre, moisture, carbohydrate as well as themineral contents were determined using standard methods. The fats yield of 26.01±0.00%, crude protein 8.75±0.01%, crude fibre 14.01±020%, carbohydrate content 36.25±0.01% and calories 414.09±0.02kcal/100gwas obtained for the sample.The mineral compositions determination of the sample showed that 13.70±0.12, 5.46±0.003, 26.58±0.02 and9.06±0.30 mg/100g for potassium, calcium, iron and copper respectively. The antimicrobial activity of the methanol extract of C. papaya seed was determined. The MIC value for the methanol extract was between 0.875 and 1.75 mg/ml, while that of MBC was between 1.75 and 2.5 mg/ml.
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Assessment of water quality and identification of pollution sources of Lake Hawassa, Ethiopia
The research aimed to evaluate the current water quality status of Lake Hawassa in order to identify potential pollution sources, and put in place monitoring programs. Eleven potential sampling sites were included in the study. Selected water quality parameters were considered and the results were compared with WHO and FAO standards. And the values of TDS (381.7 to 1286.0 mg/L), SC (733.7 to 2151.3 µS/cm), turbidity (8.20 to 87.3 NTUs), BOD5 (4.02 to 76.2 mg/L) , phosphate (0.348 to 1.90 mg/L), fluoride (11.6 to 17.5 mg/L), chromium(0.173 to 0.665 mg /L), manganese(0.133 to 1.83 mg/L), and copper (1.40 L to 18.2 mg/L) were found above the prescribed limit of WHO guidelines for drinking purposes, while all the analyzed water quality parameters fall within the FAO standard limit for irrigation purposes. These suggested that both point and non-point pollution sources such as human sewage, industrial waste from ceramics, dyes, plastics and food processing industries, urban stormwater, agricultural runoff and land development were impacting the lake. Thus, mitigation measures should be put in place to prevent the Lake from further deterioration
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Behaviour of composite circular steel column infilled with fibre reinforced concrete subjected to monotonic loading
Many in-fill materials are used to improve ductility of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST). Among the various in-fill materials, fibre is gaining attention in the CFST column. Here an attempt is made to study the effects of the diameter, thickness of steel tube, grade of concrete & volume fractions of glass fibre to Concrete on the behaviour of CFST under Axial Compression. In this research, Taguchi’s methodology with DOE (Design of Experiments) is adopted before conducting experiments for selection of combinations. Therefore, 27 experiments have been conducted for M20 grade, 9 experiments for M25 grade & 9 experiment for Hollow Steel Tube. The results indicate that glass fibre reinforced concrete filled steel tube columns appears to have a significant increasing trend in ductility, & have slight increasing trend in load capacity with increase in volume fraction of glass fibre for 0.5% & 1% whereas decreasing beyond 2%. Obtained Experimental results have been verified with three different codes- Euro code 4, American code (AISC 2005, ACI 2008X, AS), and British code (BS-5400-1979). Variation was found to be in the range of 5%-10% for Euro code & 5%-20% for AISC, ACI, AS & BS-5400 may be due to quality of steel & micro defects.
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Being a Consumer in Ethiopia: The Responsibility of the Government and Companies
The failure of free market assumptions, which are preconditions for free operation of markets leading to welfare maximization, create concerns for consumers in relation to access, pricing, safety, quality and choice of goods and services. Consumer protection is therefore essential as a way of dealing effectively with these adverse effects of market failure from the demand side. Competition and consumers’ protection laws are generally accepted tools of consumers’ protection. Many countries have a long experience on competition and consumers’ protection laws. Though it is late Ethiopia has also enacted the Trade Practice Proclamation No.329/2003 in 2003 and the effective law “Trade Competition and Consumer Protection Proclamation No.813/2014 (TCCPP)” on March 21, 2014. This proclamation provides different rules aimed at enhancing competition and consumers’ protection in the country. It also establishes institutional frameworks for its implementation. However, the objectives of the law haven’t been achieved and consumers in Ethiopia are suffering from various abuses. This paper is therefore devoted to scrutinize the conditions of consumers in Ethiopia and the responsibilities of the government and companies towards enhancing the protection of consumers. It has been observed that consumers all over the country have been known to be victims of both producers and sellers in the market place. In most of the products offered for sale in the market are usually of low quality, high price and sometimes even a threat to life. It is argued that to improve consumers’ protection the government should reduce its direct involvement in the market, strength enforcement institutions, strength standardization and prior approval systems, and encourage consumers associations and Self-Regulatory schemes. Companies should also discharge their mandatory obligations and Social responsibilities (CSR); and involve in Self-Regulatory schemes.
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Blood profile of broiler finishers fed diet with graded levels of indomie noodle waste meal in humid tropics
The effect of Indomie Noodle Waste Meal (IWM) based diet of the haematology and serum biochemistry of Broiler Finisher was investigated. One hundred and fifty unsexed Hypecco strain of Broilers were randomly allotted into five Isocaloric and Isonitrogenous dietary groups with graded levels of IWM to replace maize on weight basis in a Completely Randomised Design(CRD).Treatment 1 (T1),T2,T3,T4 and T5 contained IW at 0%,25%,50%,75% and 100% respectively. The experiment lasted for five weeks (5th -10th week). Dietary treatment started at 5th week of age and blood collection started at the onset of the dietary treatment and weekly thereafter. Haematological parameters investigated were Haemoglobin (Hb) concentration, Packed Cell Volume (PCV), White Blood Cells (WBC), Red Blood Cells (RBC) while the erythrocyte indices were calculated. Serum metabolites analysed for were Total Protein (TP), Albumin, Globulin, Uric acid, Calcium, Glucose, Creatinine, Bilirubin and Cholesterol. Hb, PCV and the erythrocyte indices were significantly (p<0.05) lowered by the IWM inclusion but not adversely while serum TP, Albumin, Globulin, Calcium and Cholesterol were significantly (p<0.05) elevated with the level of IWM inclusion.IWM can be used to replace maize in the diet of Broiler finisher chickens the level of which must not exceed 50% to avoid higher serum cholesterol level.
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Comparative Study on Various Clustering Techniques in Multidimensional Data Sets
Abstract: Data mining is emerging technique now a day’s .The main aim of data mining is to find meaningful information from pool of dataset. It is also called knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD). Data mining is technique that extracts the important information from the large amount data base. Clustering is significant key technique in data analysis and data mining application. It is used for combining observed object into groups or cluster such that each group or cluster is homogeneous or compact with respect to characteristics. The clustering is an example of unsupervised learning. A good clustering method will produce high superiority clusters with high intra-class similarity and low inter-class similarity. Clustering algorithms can be categorized into partition-based algorithms, hierarchical-based algorithms, density-based algorithms and grid-based algorithms. The aim of this survey is to provide an analysis of different clustering algorithms in data mining.
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Comparison between Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor and Three Phase Induction Motor for Electric Vehicle Applications
In this Paper the comparison between two traction motors i.e. Permanent magnet synchronous motor and three phase Induction motor has been done to find out the best traction motor suitable for electric vehicle application. First the sizing of vehicle parameters is done to find the rated torque, speed and power suitable to design a three phase induction motor. In Matlab simulation, the Simulink model of Fuel cell Electric vehicle using New York city drive cycle is run with two different motors .The simulation result is obtained with two types of controllers i.e. PID and Fuzzy controller and the simulation results show that Fuzzy controller gives better control characteristics.
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